Ok some clearing here.
Rather than in some ideological maps based on nothing but ipothesises we should first of all define:
1) wich of the words, verbs, grammar rules, features of albanian are originally derived from it's original ancestor and wich ones are imported.
2) is albanian a satem, a centum or a centumized satem, or what? (I personally think it is clearly a centumized satem, i am gonna explain later on).
3) basing ourselves on the discoveries made by following the previews points suggest with wich language group does it link?
Without following this methodology of work we are only ********.
My personal views:
Albanian was originally a satem language but got centumized by the influx of latin, circa 40% of albanian vocabulary is latin derived and we got yet to define if only vocabulary or even some grammar + phrase formation features are derived from latin, and it clearly appears that a lot more then just words in albanian come from latin, for example phrase structure.
english: what have you done?
ITA: cosa(what) hai(have you) fatto(done)?
AL: ça(what) ke(have you) bër(done)?
Now, to understand from who modern albanian got to have come we have to understand from who the albanians cone from.
Albanians certenly come from a group of balkanic people that for some kind of rebellion got massacred by the romans, those few who survived the decimation from the romans hided on the mountains of montenegro/kosovo, since now albanian was isolated, so no more latin influence could come into albanian.
This clearly explains the half latinization of albanians instead of a full latinization, as was the case for romanians and dalmatians.
So we have to define now exactly who rebelled and got killed during roman times in the western balkans because of a rebellion in order to understand who are the albanians.
Then if we can define that albanian originally was satem we can proove that linguistically albanian doesn't come from illyrian even if they have a genetic connection with them, this because illyrian was a centum language.
Examples of latin words getting satemized in albanian (or at least you can see an attempt to do so)
gola gushë
cappuccio këpushë
spada shpatë
corto shkurtër
pidocchio plesht
ospizio(casa) shtëpi
rumore zhurmë
vestirsi të vishesh
causa shkak
schiacciare të shtypësh
calpestare të shkelësh
valorizzare të vlersosh
scoppio shpërthim
somma shtes
cammino shkoj/heci
come si
perchè pse
chi kush
colonizzo sundoj
This is what i can tell you with my knowledge as an albanian native speaker.
Now as a conclusion albanians could probably have common ancestors eith romanians, linguistically and genetically( in both you can find significant amounts of J2b + E-V13 haplougroups as a link, and gess what in romanians these 2 haplos are mostly typical of south romania (wallachia) closer to albania, and divided by the rest of europe by the carpatians, making the are of kosovo/macedonia the perfect hotspot for the development of both.)
Albanians come from a group of these albano-romanians who caused some riots in the area (as we historically do under foreign rule
) and got almost wiped out by the romans, so they hided on the mountanous area of montenegro, while romanians, those who stayed calm and chilled stayed where they were and kept on getting latinized by the romans, and during christian times getting influenced by greek christianity who then in 1054 will develop into orthodoxy, explaying why the romanians, even if heavily influenced linguistically/culturally by latin sided with the greeks in religious choices by choosing orthodoxy over catholicism.
This even explains the heavy presence of aromanians in Tetovo, Grabovo so macedonia and their expantion to south albania (closer to macedonia) rather than in north albania, because that's the homeland of both aromanians + romanians and even of albanians before making riots in the area and getting almost wiped out by the romans.
Then the romanian speaking people migrated later to moldova + wallhachia, and very recently to transylvania, so over the carpathians + there they even found some latin speaking settlers from rome, so their latin component strenghtened up even more and so did their national identity.
Why they migrated there then? cuz as albanians and aromanians, romanians too were shepherds so were rather seasonal nomads rather then sedentary farmers or cattle herders.
An intresnting thing to strenghten up my theory is albanian/romanian/aromanian typical costumes and the use of qeleshe who tie them up together.