Më pëlqen kjo pjesë. Jeni si një tufë qëngjash përballë kasapit. E di që e vuani shumë këtë gjë por fajtor në këtë rast është padituria juaj. E provuat të gjithë ju grupi i gjenetistëve të leshit biles edhe në fushën tuaj të preferuar, në gjenetikë dhe ishit të paaftë që t'ju përgjigjeshit edhe pyetjeve më elementare megjithëse jua formuloja në mënyrën më të thjeshtë të mundshme.
What answer do you wait???
I read for long times you debates with scholarios and you kept on asking him for proofs, what proofs more than genetic links????
I2b dinaric clade originated in poland 2000 years ago and today is the main Y-DNA of jugoslavs, guess what it almost complitely lacks among ghegs, but among tosks there are good amount that would suggest a slavic substratum that was then assimilayed by albanians, then you have slavic topnyms, just to name some of the most famous: Divjake, korçë, zagorje, gërmenje, poloska, pogradec, Lushnje, trebeshina, etc...
Now you argued, what happened to those slavs?? They got assimilatee culturally by albanian nobles who ruled over them, like doric greeks were hellenized by a small fraction of hellenic rulers, or this at least is the most plausible theory.
During the time of gjergj kastrioti and the principality of Albania 11 century, the slavo-albanian relationship was very good, we needed just the arrival of those turkish b######s to ruin everything as they always do, who made us muslims?? who made us loose 70% of our lands???
who divided albanians on the bases of where did they live associating them to different nationalities but never letting them to openly say that they are albanians, for how much time did the turkish kill whoever wrote or teached in albanian??
So i ubnderstand your repulsion towards slavs but people got no fault for their politicians, if you still believe in the dreams of democracy, NATO, UN, progress then i am sorry but you are a deluded person.
About the written proofs you expect, whag do you want, all the history of mankind documented?? so what you are basically saying is that if someone doesn't write of slavic settlements in south albania, you'd rather avoid completely an evidence such as DNA and start throwing in writings, do you know what greeks wrote about celts?? they, the greeks, wrote that the celts were homosexuals, and that they widely practiced pederasty, HAHAHAHAAHHAHAAAH, and the greeks used this as an insult to undermine the celt's reputation, it was even common to do by the romans when they lost battles to lie about hiw the enemy behaved in a moral incorrect way in a certain battle, etc.
So how can i base my complete knowledge about a topic on history, so a very subjective thing, depending on who writes it rather than DNA, the links between people that can even be traced back in time in a very precise way.
If you want you can keep dreaming.