Where does the Albanian language come from? [VIDEO]

So the definitive origin of proto-albanian language is outside of the balkans, in anatolia, but its evolution happened into the balkans, so the best candidates even geographically are kosovo and macedonia.
If there were albanians who went northwards to montenegro and hercegovina it happened baceause of the massacre i have read about of wich i wrote up before, this can be explained by the lack of E-V13 subclades in the whole balkans, it had a recent expansio from a small place, kosovo+macedonia.
Otherwise we would be able to find it up to modern day slovenia, but we do not.
So the definitive origin of proto-albanian language is outside of the balkans, in anatolia, but its evolution happened into the balkans, so the best candidates even geographically are kosovo and macedonia.
If there were albanians who went northwards to montenegro and hercegovina it happened baceause of the massacre i have read about of wich i wrote up before, this can be explained by the lack of E-V13 subclades in the whole balkans, it had a recent expansio from a small place, kosovo+macedonia.
Otherwise we would be able to find it up to modern day slovenia, but we do not.

But there were riots or a massacre and when did these things happen? Where did you read it?
Yes, but i gotta correct you about the romanians, we got links with them through the haplogroups E-V13 and J2b but they went eastwards being shepherds so where they resettled they absorbed and got absorbes by the locals, R1a + I2 people, in south romania you find mostly J2b+E-V13, and it is not very distant from macedonia, while in moldova they settled and affected linguistically the locals by romanizing them, but the assimilation was only cultural/linguistical, cuz the locals dominated genetically due to their numbers so they still are majority with their R1a+I2, then you haven't taken into account the later arrival of slavs in the region and their heavy effect on romanians, ang guess what slavs carry?? R1a and I2.
While about transilvanya it's just a later expansion of romanian speaking moldovans under the hungarian rule: the are was unpopulated due to the massacres made by the avars and the khazarian khanate, not to mention bulgars and early magyars who were kinda aggressive in those areas, so hungarians probably needed some settlers to rule those regions and they invites romanian speaking moldovans, not wallhachians cuz of the carpathian barrier wich made impossible any early contact.
Or it is even more probable that early romanians being shpherds like albanians, had even the military skills of albanians and for this were like by the hungarians who needed strong vassals.
This has been seen with the cumans a turkic group of peole who was invite to settle in transylvania in exchange of military service to the hungarians.
Bro i am working on finding it, i am trying to remember where i read it but still haven't figured it out, still i am 100% sure of this thing as a fact, once i find the source you are gonna be the first to read it ;)
Bro i am working on finding it, i am trying to remember where i read it but still haven't figured it out, still i am 100% sure of this thing as a fact, once i find the source you are gonna be the first to read it ;)

This was an answer to my questions or was addressed to others?
Now, what about the link between epirotes and tosks??
+ was tosk/gheg difference even a thing during classical antiquity.
It was referred tou you bro ;)
Practically all this your theory that you have exposed here is based on events that have never happened but are the result of your uncontrollable imagination.
Come bre/more! A donkey paste (you said eat) lastari in the mud.
Magar is used for donkey in Kosovo and the surrounding areas whereas in Albania we say gomar and very few near the border with Kosovo magjar (kind of like madzhiar).
In Kosovo it would be smth like: Eja bre/more! Ni magar po han .... n'balt.
amurg = muzg (I used google translator)
Vin I understood from Italian although we used "vin" in "ata po vin" - they are coming, or ai po vjen - he is coming.
So in reality I only understood magar and balta.
While translating your text, I discovered that lastari in Italian is germoglio, which as per wikipedia its the unearthed bud/sprout. In Albanian germoj means 'dig' (to dig the earth) and again by coincidence to unearth in Romanian is apparently ingropat, whereas gropa in Albanian means pit/whole. Although grob in South Slavic and West Slavic means tomb.
coming in italian is not vin
vin is wine from the word vino
Of, curse, so spartacus never rebelled and never caused trouble in ancient rome, and there never were documented rebellions and massacres of rioting slaves by the romans, so even slavery itself is a creation of imagination.
OK doctor Laberia, instead of telling everyone how stupid he is, that is your best field, bring ua your arguments instead, and let's see how much of your stuff makes sense, cuz you know it appears everyone else is a charlatan expect from you.

P.S. at the end of the day did you convince your self about the slavic influx of I2a in south albania and about the slavic origin of a lot of toponyms in south albania??
Come bre/more! A donkey paste (you said eat) lastari in the mud.

Magar is used for donkey in Kosovo and the surrounding areas whereas in Albania we say gomar and very few near the border with Kosovo magjar (kind of like madzhiar).

In Kosovo it would be smth like: Eja bre/more! Ni magar po han .... n'balt.

amurg = muzg (I used google translator)

Vin I understood from Italian although we used "vin" in "ata po vin" - they are coming, or ai po vjen - he is coming.

So in reality I only understood magar and balta.

While translating your text, I discovered that lastari in Italian is germoglio, which as per wikipedia its the unearthed bud/sprout. In Albanian germoj means 'dig' (to dig the earth) and again by coincidence to unearth in Romanian is apparently ingropat, whereas gropa in Albanian means pit/whole. Although grob in South Slavic and West Slavic means tomb.
You understand very wel the words. Thank you very much!

Ia vino bre ! and Ia vin bre ! Come on man(boy)!
Un măgar paște lăstari pe baltă. A donkey eats shoots(buds) on the pond(mud/small dirty lake).
Iete bre/măre! Look, man!
amurg is endeed twilight, or muzg in Albanian.
brădet firs or forest with fir trees
very good analysis, i personally didn't see with my inexpert eye so much, thank you for paraphrasing it for the sake of the thread.
sorry it is in italian


what ks basically says is that there was a massive revolt of slaves between pannonia and illiricum that caused the insurgency of 200000 slaves, after a long military campaign they got supressed by the romans, and massacred.

Among them there was Batus, one of the revolt's generals.
Of, curse, so spartacus never rebelled and never caused trouble in ancient rome, and there never were documented rebellions and massacres of rioting slaves by the romans, so even slavery itself is a creation of imagination.
OK doctor Laberia, instead of telling everyone how stupid he is, that is your best field, bring ua your arguments instead, and let's see how much of your stuff makes sense, cuz you know it appears everyone else is a charlatan expect from you.

P.S. at the end of the day did you convince your self about the slavic influx of I2a in south albania and about the slavic origin of a lot of toponyms in south albania??

Myzeqar not myzeqjar, correct it.
Myzeqar not myzeqjar, correct it.

ahhahahahahahahaha now you criticise my writing in albania, XDDD, you are hilarious, you know you still haven't replied to me, sid you acknowledge or not that there has been some slavic influx in south albanian and that the I2b found among tosks is of slavic origin you grammar nazi.

Mos ndrro argument dhelpër, e di qe I2b në tosket esht nji plagë e hapur për ty qi nga diskutimet të tuaja me scholariosin në apricity dhe prap nuk të shkon posht qe ka origjin sllave dhe qe ne shume raste gjenetika dikton historin.
E di qe stë pelqen, po ça të bësh, REALITETI.

I know your kind, i was like you years ago, fought as much as i could for NATIONAL PURITY and a lot of still unprooven theories such as tosks being epirotes, that believe me i'd like if they were true, but the only thing i can rely on is DNA, maybe you don't like it but this counts more than history.
I brought you where i read about the massacre in western balkans now what do you think about it, can it anyhow regard albanians??
ahhahahahahahahaha now you criticise my writing in albania, XDDD, you are hilarious, you know you still haven't replied to me, sid you acknowledge or not that there has been some slavic influx in south albanian and that the I2b found among tosks is of slavic origin you grammar nazi.

Mos ndrro argument dhelpër, e di qe I2b në tosket esht nji plagë e hapur për ty qi nga diskutimet të tuaja me scholariosin në apricity dhe prap nuk të shkon posht qe ka origjin sllave dhe qe ne shume raste gjenetika dikton historin.
E di qe stë pelqen, po ça të bësh, REALITETI.

Më pëlqen kjo pjesë. Jeni si një tufë qëngjash përballë kasapit. E di që e vuani shumë këtë gjë por fajtor në këtë rast është padituria juaj. E provuat të gjithë ju grupi i gjenetistëve të leshit biles edhe në fushën tuaj të preferuar, në gjenetikë dhe ishit të paaftë që t'ju përgjigjeshit edhe pyetjeve më elementare megjithëse jua formuloja në mënyrën më të thjeshtë të mundshme.
I brought you where i read about the massacre in western balkans now what do you think about it, can it anyhow regard albanians??

I am sorry but i don't agree with your theory that Spartacus was Albanian. This is not nationalism but stupidity.
Më pëlqen kjo pjesë. Jeni si një tufë qëngjash përballë kasapit. E di që e vuani shumë këtë gjë por fajtor në këtë rast është padituria juaj. E provuat të gjithë ju grupi i gjenetistëve të leshit biles edhe në fushën tuaj të preferuar, në gjenetikë dhe ishit të paaftë që t'ju përgjigjeshit edhe pyetjeve më elementare megjithëse jua formuloja në mënyrën më të thjeshtë të mundshme.

What answer do you wait???
I read for long times you debates with scholarios and you kept on asking him for proofs, what proofs more than genetic links????
I2b dinaric clade originated in poland 2000 years ago and today is the main Y-DNA of jugoslavs, guess what it almost complitely lacks among ghegs, but among tosks there are good amount that would suggest a slavic substratum that was then assimilayed by albanians, then you have slavic topnyms, just to name some of the most famous: Divjake, korçë, zagorje, gërmenje, poloska, pogradec, Lushnje, trebeshina, etc...

Now you argued, what happened to those slavs?? They got assimilatee culturally by albanian nobles who ruled over them, like doric greeks were hellenized by a small fraction of hellenic rulers, or this at least is the most plausible theory.
During the time of gjergj kastrioti and the principality of Albania 11 century, the slavo-albanian relationship was very good, we needed just the arrival of those turkish b######s to ruin everything as they always do, who made us muslims?? who made us loose 70% of our lands???
who divided albanians on the bases of where did they live associating them to different nationalities but never letting them to openly say that they are albanians, for how much time did the turkish kill whoever wrote or teached in albanian??
So i ubnderstand your repulsion towards slavs but people got no fault for their politicians, if you still believe in the dreams of democracy, NATO, UN, progress then i am sorry but you are a deluded person.

About the written proofs you expect, whag do you want, all the history of mankind documented?? so what you are basically saying is that if someone doesn't write of slavic settlements in south albania, you'd rather avoid completely an evidence such as DNA and start throwing in writings, do you know what greeks wrote about celts?? they, the greeks, wrote that the celts were homosexuals, and that they widely practiced pederasty, HAHAHAHAAHHAHAAAH, and the greeks used this as an insult to undermine the celt's reputation, it was even common to do by the romans when they lost battles to lie about hiw the enemy behaved in a moral incorrect way in a certain battle, etc.
So how can i base my complete knowledge about a topic on history, so a very subjective thing, depending on who writes it rather than DNA, the links between people that can even be traced back in time in a very precise way.
If you want you can keep dreaming.