who are the pommeranians?

it seems that was a bigger difference between the iron-age east germani and the west-germani , than there is now.
I do find modern east and west germans different

This site below basically says that the pomerains where an east- germanic tribe ..The
[FONT=&quot]The Bastarnae may be considered to have been the first Germanic people to have moved down towards the Black Sea from the Baltic, and their road thither is indicated by the name for the Carpathians, Alpes Bastarnicae, known from classical sources. It has been assumed that theirs was the peculiar culture which, at the beginning of the Iron Age, had spread over Pommerellen, and is characterized by stone cist-graves filled with pottery—sometimes as many as thirty vessels, many of them face-urns.


Also, in the link it was mentioned that the venedi was a west-finnic tribe.
The site mainly deals with the Getae ( goths) and the dacians
Rugii ('rye-eaters') - in Lth. rye is sng. rugys, pl. rugiai- very similar to Rugii; most probably early Germanic sounded rather closer to Baltic; The same can be told about a lot of Dacian words, too.
After much further reading including the latest information , the concensus is that the Venedi was the Pommerain culture, they lived between the oder and the vistula rivers on the Baltic coast. These people according to Tactitus spoke the same language as the armorica veneti, They where inferior in seamanship to the brittany veneti due to the baltic area having many mariner people. they settled down to a world of trade.

They where eventually pushed eastward over time by germanic/nordic tribes ( goths and vandals ) and settled on the eastern side of the vistula river next to the Aestui. Hermaric the goth leader destroyed these people along with the aestii and rugii and took their men as gothic troops. The remaining venedi, Aestui , Rugians and others formed a new tribe called Vidivarii.
These Vidivarii over time became the Borussi ( maybe with some slavic influence ) and these borussi became Porussi ( meaning neighbours near russia ) and eventually became Prussians.


It was also stated, I am unsure , That no Roman historian named races/tribes with more than 1 word.
There is no consensus about Vistula Veneti. I doubt there is one about Pomerania. Probably nobody knows were the name comes from either.
This is a first time that I heard that Goths destroyed Veneti. From archaeological point there is no sign of wars and big scale violence or burned down villages. As I said before there are even Goth's settlements and locals (veneti?) side by side from same time period. All shows that Goth's transit from Baltic to Black Sea was rather a peaceful enterprise.
On other hand there is a big depopulation of this area around year 500AD, but that's about 200-300 years after Goths were long gone.
There is no consensus about Vistula Veneti. I doubt there is one about Pomerania. Probably nobody knows were the name comes from either.
This is a first time that I heard that Goths destroyed Veneti. From archaeological point there is no sign of wars and big scale violence or burned down villages. As I said before there are even Goth's settlements and locals (veneti?) side by side from same time period. All shows that Goth's transit from Baltic to Black Sea was rather a peaceful enterprise.
On other hand there is a big depopulation of this area around year 500AD, but that's about 200-300 years after Goths were long gone.
The goths headed to the black sea ( euxine sea ) pre 200AD and stayed there for many centuries before invading roman territory.

The other book I found today has that the Vandals are ( very )similar to venedi and also pommerains
On reading the wish of the goths: it states that the archeological discoveries in the last 20 years revealed,
1 - the vistula near the baltic sea , in ancient times ran down the nogat river ( near Elbing) and into the vistula lagoon ( which was not a lagoon ) the Aestii where east of this river, the gepids, guttones and venedi west of this river. Over time the "lagoon" was closed from the sea and the vistula found its current path.
2- the Pommerains where danes and saxon germans up to Pomeralia which was the venedi ( Gdansk)

http://books.google.com.au/books?id=FKYgAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA579&dq=west+baltic+venedi&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2wuGT-L8NYWKmQX68IThBw&ved=0CFoQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=west baltic venedi&f=false

The archeological finds are pommerain , the venedi where the Wends which where the Lithuanian vends from modern latvia.

The "vistula goths " came from sweden and settled in the vistula delta seperating the venedi of Pomeralia from the Aestii ( prussian lands)
These goths created the willenberg culture

Wend seems to have been created around 700AD to indicate a direction , a course/point of where.

The pommerains ( not the pomeralians), where until 400AD balts who became slavitized , the slavitization was lost after 980AD when the saxons took the lands. as in Henry the Lion's times.

It seems to me when compliing all this evisence plus modern Archeology that the baltic people ( I guess finns, letts, suomi) where along the whole baltic coastal area and lost out first to the germans, then slavs, then germans again
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For those whose Pomeranian interest is family-related, I've recently started the "Pommern Project" at FTDNA. The project is open to anyone with direct male or female line ancestry in pre-1945 Pomerania, and who have had their DNA tested at FTDNA.

This is the first public mention I've made of it, so at present there are only 3 members. Hopefully this will change as I begin to try to get the word out. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who might be interested!
For those whose Pomeranian interest is family-related, I've recently started the "Pommern Project" at FTDNA. The project is open to anyone with direct male or female line ancestry in pre-1945 Pomerania, and who have had their DNA tested at FTDNA.

This is the first public mention I've made of it, so at present there are only 3 members. Hopefully this will change as I begin to try to get the word out. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who might be interested!

do you have any internet links based on ancient Pommerains pre 200AD times?......I am curious

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