Who were the Thracians?

How can some people say that E-V13 is thracian haplogrup?
Is clearly,a very advanced population who came here in Europe,who knows from where,bearing a lot of them E-V13 on paternal line,very likely some of the greeks.
In Greece,is said that E-V13 have the maximum,35%.
The greeks had the first University in Europe,when other people did not even knew to write,they had towns and so on,when others barely had any houses etc.

Are you like serious? E-V13 belongs to a VERY advanced population? Like for real?

You do realize that E-V13 entered the Balkan peninsula in the late mesolithic or early neolithic? Which is roughly in Europe about 9000-10000 years ago (7000-8000 BC)? At that time didn't exist any "VERY" advanced population, in fact, population as you imagine it didn't exist at all. There were no Greeks, Thracians, Dacians, Illyrians ect.

PS: Actually that map shows that the highest percentage of E-V13 is found in Albania lol
PPS: From the same site as your pic the highest percentage of E-V13 is found in Kosovar Albanians of ~43.85% then in Greeks from Sesklo/Dimini/Lerna/Franchthi (not Greeks as whole but just this area) with about 35.1% and then Albanians from Albania with 32.29%
How can some people say that E-V13 is thracian haplogrup?
Is clearly,a very advanced population who came here in Europe,who knows from where,bearing a lot of them E-V13 on paternal line,very likely some of the greeks.
In Greece,is said that E-V13 have the maximum,35%.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HgE1b1b1a2.pngThe greeks had the first University in Europe,when other people did not even knew to write,they had towns and so on,when others barely had any houses etc.

Seriously dude, where did you get that from? Your knowledge of history is completely distorted?! I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to start.


- The Greeks didn't have universities. Even though they put a focus on education and literacy, the concept of universities didn't come into the existence until the late medieval ages.

- The Greeks clearly weren't the first to write. The Greek got their alphabet from the Phoenicians, who had writing centuries before them. Interestingly however, the Greeks actually could write centuries before that. The Mycenean civilization used to write an earlier form of the Greek language using the so-called Linear B syllabic script, but this script fell out of use during the Bronze Age Collapse, and there was a period of approximately 300-400 years during which the Greeks were illiterate. Does that make the Greeks first? No, because the Myceneans did get their writing system from the Minoans.

- The first to invent writing were the Sumerians (with their cuneiform script), and a few centuries later the Egyptians (with their hieroglyphics). All this happened thousands of years before the Greeks.

- The Greeks were certainly not the first to build houses or cities, either. The city of Çatal Hüyük in Anatolia was built around 9500 years ago.

The ancient Greeks deserve quite bit of credit, but not that much.

Also, I must say find this statement about "advanced people" borderline racist. Apart from that Y-Haplogroups only concern the Y-DNA, they have no effect whatsoever on outward appearance or other physical attributes.

Seriously though. Back to the school bench with you!

Are you like serious? E-V13 belongs to a VERY advanced population? Like for real?

You do realize that E-V13 entered the Balkan peninsula in the late mesolithic or early neolithic? Which is roughly in Europe about 9000-10000 years ago (7000-8000 BC)? At that time didn't exist any "VERY" advanced population, in fact, population as you imagine it didn't exist at all. There were no Greeks, Thracians, Dacians, Illyrians ect.

PS: Actually that map shows that the highest percentage of E-V13 is found in Albania lol
PPS: From the same site as your pic the highest percentage of E-V13 is found in Kosovar Albanians of ~43.85% then in Greeks from Sesklo/Dimini/Lerna/Franchthi (not Greeks as whole but just this area) with about 35.1% and then Albanians from Albania with 32.29%

Indeed, E-V13 has been in Europe since the Neolithic. You may be interested into checking out this thread, it concerns the finding of Y-Haplogroups E-V13 amongst the Neolithic population of Iberia around ca. 5000 BC.
The national pride in Romania and Bulgaria says that romanians and bulgarians are the descendants of thracians.
First question is,if this is true,why is the percentage of red haired with blue eyes (I am in and from Romania and still did not saw anyone red haired with blue eyes) so low?
Red haired gene is transmited,I would be curious if some test would be done to see how many of the romanians and bulgarians have the red hair gene.
The vikings are known to have a lot of red heads.
Also,in both Romanian and Bulgarian history no one remembers about Zamolxis,which was a law givers to thracians.Sure after 1850 or so,some romanians started to "remember" about Zamolxis,but there are no popular traditions here to talk about Zamolxis.
In fact is very likely that those romanians read in history about the presence of thracians and dacians here,they made the suposition romanians are the descendants of those people;after they read in history about Zamolxis,so they said Zamolxis should have been some law giver to dacians.
However,what happened with those laws?
Since the goths,who were where today Romania and Bulgaria is ,between 250-500 or so,are known to have a gothic law,which is very likely from the laws Zamolxis gave them.
In south Sweden,from where the goths are,Carolus Lundius is writing a book called "Zamolxis first law giver of gets" ( Zamolxis primus getarum legislator ) around 1687.
In Snorri Sturluson Prose edda,Odin is said to come from Troy.Prose Edda was written in the year 1220.
Snorri Sturluson wrote another poem,Poetic Edda,which contains a set of moral teachings,how someone should behave righteous called Hávamál or Hovamol.These are said to be given by Odin.
The connection come fast,this code was given by Zamolxis,and Odin inherited also this code,in case Odin and Zamolxis are not same person.

And there are enough of others proofs,that romanians and bulgarians are not the descendants of thracians.I mean they are a little ,but only genetically.
I found 4 samples of Y dna from R1a1 from familytreedna,from 13 samples,from Bulgaria,that were identical with norse R1a1 dna,on 12 markers (did not had more markers,those markers are ) with some R1a1 from Norway.
The markers were:
4 out of 13 samples,it makes maximum 5% of Y DNA in Bulgaria thracian (considering that is a sample from which you can make conclusion for all Bulgaria and that Bulgaria have around 20% R1a1).
However,if you look at how Norway,Sweden,Iceland,Denmark are today,very righteous people,etc is clearly that they are the real and only descendants of thracians and not Romania and Bulgaria,where corruption is between highest in Europe and so on.
Sure,in Romania and Bulgaria things could change in better also,is up to us,the people who live here to do this.

with out the part of corruption I agree that Thracians moved West and North,
Are you like serious? E-V13 belongs to a VERY advanced population? Like for real?

You do realize that E-V13 entered the Balkan peninsula in the late mesolithic or early neolithic? Which is roughly in Europe about 9000-10000 years ago (7000-8000 BC)? At that time didn't exist any "VERY" advanced population, in fact, population as you imagine it didn't exist at all. There were no Greeks, Thracians, Dacians, Illyrians ect.

PS: Actually that map shows that the highest percentage of E-V13 is found in Albania lol
PPS: From the same site as your pic the highest percentage of E-V13 is found in Kosovar Albanians of ~43.85% then in Greeks from Sesklo/Dimini/Lerna/Franchthi (not Greeks as whole but just this area) with about 35.1% and then Albanians from Albania with 32.29%

Nope that is in Iberia Spain,

The Balkan E-V13 is Chalcolithic Copper era. it is Levantine Arcadocypriot,

until today I did not heard of any found of E-V13 ancient than Mycenee in Balkans,
maybe I am wrong,
But the Iberian E is tottaly different from Bakan E
Balkanic E is a maritime, is brought by sea not by foot,
and is much younger than Neolithic, instead of Iberian which is Neolithic,
Seriously dude, where did you get that from? Your knowledge of history is completely distorted?! I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to start. :43: - The Greeks didn't have universities. Even though they put a focus on education and literacy, the concept of universities didn't come into the existence until the late medieval ages. - The Greeks clearly weren't the first to write. The Greek got their alphabet from the Phoenicians, who had writing centuries before them. Interestingly however, the Greeks actually could write centuries before that. The Mycenean civilization used to write an earlier form of the Greek language using the so-called Linear B syllabic script, but this script fell out of use during the Bronze Age Collapse, and there was a period of approximately 300-400 years during which the Greeks were illiterate. Does that make the Greeks first? No, because the Myceneans did get their writing system from the Minoans. - The first to invent writing were the Sumerians (with their cuneiform script), and a few centuries later the Egyptians (with their hieroglyphics). All this happened thousands of years before the Greeks. - The Greeks were certainly not the first to build houses or cities, either. The city of Çatal Hüyük in Anatolia was built around 9500 years ago. Also, I must say find this statement about "advanced people" borderline racist. Apart from that Y-Haplogroups only concern the Y-Haplogroups. Seriously though. Back to the school bench with you! Indeed, E-V13 has been in Europe since the Neolithic. You may be interested into checking out this thread, it concerns the finding of Y-Haplogroups E-V13 amongst the Neolithic population of Iberia around ca. 5000 BC.

Nope, The Iberian E-V13 is tottaly different fron Balcanic E-V13
the Iberian E is a North African while the Balcanic is a A cypriot-Levantine,
By what I know settlements in Cyprus at least Choirokitia Χοιροκοιτια is considered the most Ancient,
About Phoenician Alphabet only phnological sounds exist, Greek alphaber has another meaning than alef and Beth (ox and house) but a pray to Sun,
WHY ALEF BECOMES ALFA AND NOT GETAE- GOTHS you know that no E-V13 found earlier neolithic in Balkans until today no neolithic E-V13 found in Balkans, E-V13 is a maritime entrance Arcado-cypriot at the time of chalkos chalkolithic-early copper in Balkans,
Battaglia makes it clear
E-v13 might brought Akkadian-Ugarit Alphabet. the same that Phoenician used, Cadmus brother of Phoenix broither of Aigyptos the 3 areas of E-V13 in which Balkan E-V13 belongs, not the Iberian E-V13 but the Levantine,
Iberia from Greece is a very long distance even with boat

thank you

Now about the University, IF ALENDREIA AND PERGAMOS BIBLIOTEQUE WAS NOT UNIVERSITY OF TODAY THEN WHAT WAS IT? THEON WAS A TEACHER AT ALEXANDREIA NOT A WRITER. Hypateia is mentioned as Teacher-PHD in alexandreia, What was the difference of Biblioteque with modern Universities? yes I know modern universities know Algebra a Arab (E-V13?) invention of expressing maths what is the difference? teachers students, masters acolyte epikoyroi write and write books again again, observe write-down and make modeling
what is the difference? of a Biblioteque with a university?

Indeed the Greeks were not the oldest who Build houses,
But the Greeks are the First who used Iron to reignforce the stone, and hold the εφελκυσμος (tensile stresses) and the first who avoid the Arc-dome style houses, which return with Christianity, and THE FIRST WHO BROUGHT WATER IN THE HOUSE and not around or in the city
as romans the first who used concrete (although with 6 eggs per cubic Πηχυς (0,56^3))

PS if Alphabet is Phoenician there it may be E-V13 or J2 invention also :LOL:
I think thracians took from greeks seafaring and laws and writing and so on.
Look at greeks,they have stories about seafaring and expedition and other things a lot before vikings and other europeans.
I think also that E-V13 from Greece is brought by sea,I think the greeks even have a tradition with the fact they came into Europe by sea.
It is known that Roman empire had laws also,but they were not identical with the gothic laws,what is the source of Roman empire laws,I have no ideea.
Seriously dude, where did you get that from? Your knowledge of history is completely distorted?! I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to start.


- The Greeks didn't have universities. Even though they put a focus on education and literacy, the concept of universities didn't come into the existence until the late medieval ages.
Plato (424/423 BC – 348/347 BC) was a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world.
Nope, The Iberian E-V13 is tottaly different fron Balcanic E-V13
the Iberian E is a North African while the Balcanic is a A cypriot-Levantine,
By what I know settlements in Cyprus at least Choirokitia Χοιροκοιτια is considered the most Ancient,
About Phoenician Alphabet only phnological sounds exist, Greek alphaber has another meaning than alef and Beth (ox and house) but a pray to Sun,
WHY ALEF BECOMES ALFA AND NOT GETAE- GOTHS you know that no E-V13 found earlier neolithic in Balkans until today no neolithic E-V13 found in Balkans, E-V13 is a maritime entrance Arcado-cypriot at the time of chalkos chalkolithic-early copper in Balkans,
Battaglia makes it clear
E-v13 might brought Akkadian-Ugarit Alphabet. the same that Phoenician used, Cadmus brother of Phoenix broither of Aigyptos the 3 areas of E-V13 in which Balkan E-V13 belongs, not the Iberian E-V13 but the Levantine,
Iberia from Greece is a very long distance even with boat

thank you

Now about the University, IF ALENDREIA AND PERGAMOS BIBLIOTEQUE WAS NOT UNIVERSITY OF TODAY THEN WHAT WAS IT? THEON WAS A TEACHER AT ALEXANDREIA NOT A WRITER. Hypateia is mentioned as Teacher-PHD in alexandreia, What was the difference of Biblioteque with modern Universities? yes I know modern universities know Algebra a Arab (E-V13?) invention of expressing maths what is the difference? teachers students, masters acolyte epikoyroi write and write books again again, observe write-down and make modeling
what is the difference? of a Biblioteque with a university?

Indeed the Greeks were not the oldest who Build houses,
But the Greeks are the First who used Iron to reignforce the stone, and hold the εφελκυσμος (tensile stresses) and the first who avoid the Arc-dome style houses, which return with Christianity, and THE FIRST WHO BROUGHT WATER IN THE HOUSE and not around or in the city
as romans the first who used concrete (although with 6 eggs per cubic Πηχυς (0,56^3))

PS if Alphabet is Phoenician there it may be E-V13 or J2 invention also


With E-V13, just because it was found at a Neolithic site in Iberia doesn't automatically mean it migrated from there to the Balkans. It just means it was already present in Europe. How many Neolithic or Chalkolithic samples of Y-DNA from the Balkans are there? I'm unaware of any.

Yetos, do you have a problem with the idea that the Greeks did get their alphabet from the Phoenicians? It's very clear from archaeology that the Greek alphabet is completely unrelated to the earlier Linear B script and the later Phoenician alphabet. The Greeks (in particular Herodotus) even credited the Phoenicians with the invention of the alphabet in their legends.

Regarding universities, the word itself is Latin, not Greek. The institution of "university" itself as we know it today dates from the late Medieval Ages, not from Roman times. As I said:

The ancient Greeks deserve quite bit of credit, but not that much.
The term academy was used in the sense of university,those times and not with the meaning that is used today.
See there,the Academy of Athens if the first institution of higher learning in Western Europe.
Is pretty clear that in Greece there were ppl knowing various sciences,and they were transmiting the knowledge to others.
Take for example Alexandria,that was build after the plans made by some greek arhitect:
Is pretty logic that he was taught (taught,the past form of the verb teach) by some ppl what he needed to know to do those plans.
The term academy was used in the sense of university,those times and not with the meaning that is used today.
See there,the Academy of Athens if the first institution of higher learning in Western Europe.

Greece is not in Western Europe, and if you mean "Western" in the sense of "Western Civilization", ancient Greece wasn't "Western" in any modern sense either even if Western Civilization owes a lot to ancient Greece. I'm not going to discuss this topic any further here, because it has no place here. It is completely irrelevant to this discussion about the Thracians.

To get somewhat back to topic, Haplogroup E-V13 is present in Europe since the Neolithic, it is thus completely futile to try to link it with any ethnic group - from Classical Antiquity or modern. Any of the ethnic groups discussed (Greeks, Thracians, Albanians, Bulgarians, etc.) are younger than the Y-Haplogroup E-V13.
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I do not think is irelevant for the discusion of thracians,since is known that thracians were also an advanced civilisation,they had at least Troy,as city.
Who build that city etc?
Is pretty clear that were strong contacts between thracians and greeks.
I do not see anyone posting here about what has been found on Bulgaria teritory,solid proofs of the advanced civilisation the thracians were:
Take a look at the tallness of the man represented here:

No one told here about the image of a thracian woman,from tomb of ostrusha,which is colored and is very white skined with red hair,you can see a reproduction of that picture here:
I do not think is irelevant for the discusion of thracians,since is known that thracians were also an advanced civilisation,they had at least Troy,as city.
Who build that city etc?
Is pretty clear that were strong contacts between thracians and greeks.
I do not see anyone posting here about what has been found on Bulgaria teritory,solid proofs of the advanced civilisation the thracians were:
Take a look at the tallness of the man represented here:

No one told here about the image of a thracian woman,from tomb of ostrusha,which is colored and is very white skined with red hair,you can see a reproduction of that picture here:

Troy I am not sure if it was Thracian, But Thracian allied to Troy,
The case that Achilleus could speak to Troyans but not Myceneans
as also that the builder was Ilos from Theba where Pelasgians lived
and the rest culture gives us an anatolian non IE population,
possible connected with Thyrrenians, Troyans might be the ones Greeks call Pelasgians,
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Here is my proposed haplogroups for different cultures in the Thracian area:

R1b-steppe people
R1a-Globular Amphora

mostly E-v13: Vinca,Balkan-Anatolian group
I2a,G2a- Linear Pottery group
J?- Gumelnita group

There are some cultures from the Lower Danube/western Black Sea who seems to be of Anatolian origin like:
Bronze Age cultures like Glina-Schnekenberg,Tei,Monteoru kept those neolithic features.
So this people could have substantial haplogroup J?




Following Zanipolo's idea a I2a1b Dinaric/Disles split whithin the R1b triangle:Baden,Vucedol,Cotofeni would make a lot of sense.
Whether it came from Baden or Cucuteni-Tripolie+Yamna I2a1b has to do with R1b so it's Thraco-Illyrian.



With E-V13, just because it was found at a Neolithic site in Iberia doesn't automatically mean it migrated from there to the Balkans. It just means it was already present in Europe. How many Neolithic or Chalkolithic samples of Y-DNA from the Balkans are there? I'm unaware of any.

Yetos, do you have a problem with the idea that the Greeks did get their alphabet from the Phoenicians? It's very clear from archaeology that the Greek alphabet is completely unrelated to the earlier Linear B script and the later Phoenician alphabet. The Greeks (in particular Herodotus) even credited the Phoenicians with the invention of the alphabet in their legends.

Regarding universities, the word itself is Latin, not Greek. The institution of "university" itself as we know it today dates from the late Medieval Ages, not from Roman times. As I said:

Yes but Phoenician say and claim as Alphabet is given to them by Kadmus καδμος.
that means that Kdmos was not Phoenician neither Greek (IE), then what he was.
Brother of Phoenix Brother of Aigyptos so? an Ethiopean? or an Arkado-cypriot? a Syrrian? a Carian? a Libuan?

most sure is that Ugaretic Alphabet, or the code Sinai,
Yes but Phoenician say and claim as Alphabet is given to them by Kadmus καδμος.
that means that Kdmos was not Phoenician neither Greek (IE), then what he was.
Brother of Phoenix Brother of Aigyptos so? an Ethiopean? or an Arkado-cypriot? a Syrrian? a Carian? a Libuan?

most sure is that Ugaretic Alphabet, or the code Sinai,

The Ugaritic Alphabet was a cuneiform-derived script, and it became extinct with the destruction of Ugarit during the Bronze Age Collapse / Sea Peoples invasion. As you can also see, the Ugaritic alphabet bears no obvious similarity with either the Phoenician or the Greek alphabet. The only link with Phoenician is that it it also is a pure consonant alphabet (abjad), and that it has a similar (but not identical) sound inventory which shouldn't be exactly surprising since Ugaritic, like Phoenician, was a Semitic language.

In my opinion, there can be little doubt that the Greek alphabet is derived from the Phoenician alphabet, but you're right in so far that the Phoenicians themselves weren't the inventors. There's earlier, more archaic (Proto-Canaanite) varieties of the alphabet which in my opinion originally derive from or were inspired by the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which in turn in many ways also behaved like an abjad.
The Ugaritic Alphabet was a cuneiform-derived script, and it became extinct with the destruction of Ugarit during the Bronze Age Collapse / Sea Peoples invasion. As you can also see, the Ugaritic alphabet bears no obvious similarity with either the Phoenician or the Greek alphabet. The only link with Phoenician is that it it also is a pure consonant alphabet (abjad), and that it has a similar (but not identical) sound inventory which shouldn't be exactly surprising since Ugaritic, like Phoenician, was a Semitic language.

In my opinion, there can be little doubt that the Greek alphabet is derived from the Phoenician alphabet, but you're right in so far that the Phoenicians themselves weren't the inventors. There's earlier, more archaic (Proto-Canaanite) varieties of the alphabet which in my opinion originally derive from or were inspired by the Egyptian hieroglyphs, which in turn in many ways also behaved like an abjad.

Interesting, is there any link publications ISo etc?
And there are enough of others proofs,that romanians and bulgarians are not the descendants of thracians.
On Romanian Forum they call you Fane(Steven).Everyone knows you have Hungarian nationality,Romanian citizenship .You also change your username.To make myself clear:i don't mind, but your distorsions aren't tolerated.I wonder when you'll present your favourite theories:1)Romanians are Semitic Vlachs-haplogroup J2b;their origin is Albania2)Romanians are southern Italians(including Sicilians)-this is my favourite
Balkar and Bulgar is not the same!
Nobody from Ukraine settled the Balkan, it was much later when the barbarians of Svetoslav come. Apparently you know nothing about Bulgaria. Russia did not exist at this time. Ukrane is younger than Bulgaria.
Stop speaking about Balkar and Turks.
Bulgars were J2a ,R1a Iranian warriors!
Learn some Bulgarian and Balkan history and then we can talk!Have a nice day!

However, my both grand mother and grand father were refugees from Byala Slatina, Bulgaria to Gonan, Turkey after 1877-1878 Turko-Russo War and they were mostly speaking Ukrainian.
People connected with Trachians- Bulgarians, North Greeks, Romanians and Balkan Turks(due to assimilation). From my father side I come from the region of Trace, now populated by Bulgarians and some Turks in Bulgaria, Bulgarians Muslims and Turks in Turkey and Bulgarian Muslims, Bulgarians and Turks in Greece. Our culture and tradition are for a big part Thracian. Albanians have never lived in Thrace.
The link that you posted is pathetic! Bulgarians and Greeks can argue about Trachians, you not!
Albanians and Italians are not really close genetically to be close to Trachians!
Bulgarians mixtures of Slav-Trachian-Bulgar
Greeks mixture of Hellenic-Trachian- Slav
Albanians mixture of Illyrian- Hellenic and Slav
I do not care about Albanians either, but Albanian in a topic about Thrace is like a Bulgarian in a topic about Vikings, out of place! Kosovar I called you,coz majority of Albanians from Albania are good people,that know who they are and do not steal the history of the other Balkan people!Macedonians, Kosovars and Greeks do steal sometimes![/QUOT
pls don't put my beautiful Kosovo Albanian people in the same category with greeks
Turkic People have no similar genetic affinity

However, what we see now dna of the Turkic people are not similar to each other. We may not think that Turks are descending from the same origin like only Q.
Bulgars never come from Turkey you are completely wrong. Bulgars come first from what is today Tajikistan and Uzbekistan,then they settled in European Russia and finally in the 4-7 century they come to the Balkan.They mixed with the South Slavs which were mix of Slavic R1a,I2a people and local J2b,E(V13) people. The Bulgars themselves were R1a,J2 and G2a people with probably some R1b!
So there is the propaganda that Bulgars were Turkic,but I do not believe this and there is no prove!In Bulgarians Turkic genes such as C,D,O are non existing and Q is 1% even though I have never seen a research with a Q in it!
Bulgarians are mix of Bulgar,Slavic and Thracian!
Albanians are mix of Iliriyan, Thracian and some Slavic!
It is so funny how Albanians try to privatized the right to be the only indigenous people to the Balkan and haplogorup E(V13)
Just like some crazy Croat here forced the moderator to change the Bulgarians values for I2a(between 28%-38%,here it was 33%,so the moderator was forced to change them to 20% ,because the Croat was unhappy!
Guys it does not work like this!

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