Yes, I think so, recent discoveries proved that the Nuragics traded far and wide, their pottery has been found as far as Cyprus, Atlantic Spain, Continental italy, Tyrins, Crete and different other locations:
A recent study (2013) of 71 ancientSwedish bronze objects dated to Nordic Bronze Age, revealed that most of copper utilized at that time in Scandinavia came from Sardinia and the Iberian peninsula.[29].
Recently a whole city was discovered under the site of monte prama, where the Nuragic statues were found, the Nuragic even imported melons (which have been dated with C14 to 1320-1150 bc) from Africa or the Near east.
For these and many other reasons they are believed by many to be one of the most mentioned sea people: the Sherden.
Now we know that probably most of the sea people were Agean/Mycenean and we know that the Nuragics arrived in those regions and vice versa many myceneans came to Sardinia, Thracians were probably culturally close to the sea people as well, being so close to Mycenean Greece, so I think it's reasonable to think they've met.
Plus that sacred pit has been compared by a Bulgarian archeologist to another one in Sardinia (I think the one in Ballao), which looks almost identical to it and they are dated to a similar period too, perhaps the one in Sardinia is a little older (1250 bc), compared to the one in Bulgaria (1100-1000 bc).