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When you said this;
Now, as you did not specify which "old customs", I asked if perhaps you meant the type such as I listed. This was not a difficult question.
not all old customs are bad u assumed this when i said old customs.
My idea of tolerance is as follows. I believe each individual should have the ability to make their own personal choices in life, without fear of being abused or harassed for doing so.
i totally agree but we have to have limit we cant allow people to do what this website does not allow. extremely threatening or sexual harssemnt or devil worship that type of stuff some people might have differnt limits. Also about the harrasment part i am sure even Ireland heard about The chick fella owner who was harrased and called evil by american media because he dis agreed with gay marriage. Also chicago mayor wanted to shut down all plans for new chick fella business. When ever someone powerful is agianst gay marraige he is shot down for it by libearls and that is not tolerance which they say they have. I dont ignore conservative un tolernce but there is no way libearls are free of un tolernce it is in human nature.
i am not accusing u of this but american and european media and education systems have alot of un tolerant liberals. My father while getting a Phd during that time given bad grades just because he had a diff opinion about philopshy. Later the teacher changed his mine but from my experience left winged people today hold the power and are un tolerant. My entire life i have seen un tolerance by left winged people that is the reason i got into politics. Our media is un tolerant and very liberal the american and i am sure european power people are left winged.
I believe there should be good laws to cover and serve all sections of our community, regardless of sex, colour or religious preference. I believe it is not for any one section of our community to abuse by word or force, another section of our community because it wishes to live in a way that is different.And when I say "community" I refer to society in general. Now, I`m pretty sure I have heard such ideas on "tolerance" of this nature expressed by some long before me. Tell me, do you think my idea on tolerance is badly formed?
I totally agree with u but still want to make the point everyone things their the good guy and the tolerant one and everyone has diff opinions on what is tolerant and what is not. I totally agree with equal rights but there are diff gender roles but our nature will probably play it out we dont need to intentionally put women in men's roles which i see alot. Also we should not try to stop diff groups from forming. Georgians can be Georgians and not old tradtions are bad. I have seen that libearl thinking has lead to very un moral tv shows and movies and people call people who say showing sex 24/7 is unmoral as un tolerant. When that society is better left winged thinking sometimes goes to far and to un moral i dont know what u think about that. I think if both of us and people around the world take away what we think each other think we will realize we basically have the same idea about morals and what should be tolernt and that we are all making some mistakes.
Studies show inter-racial marriages have risen in the U.S.A. Approximately 4.6 million. In your own area of California it is said more than 1 in 5 marriages are of this type and the trend seems to be rising. Now I am aware America has a very large population and 4.6 million is not a grand number, however I do not think it shows as you say..inter-race marriages are VERY rare.
Here is kind off a background of America we where first a English colonie we also had alot of Scotch Irish and German i guess some jews and Polish. Pretty much america was a white country. White americans got the idea that non whites where stupid and inferior from Europe because that is where they came from and the idea whites are smart and civlizaed came in the 1400's when Europeans became like 50 times more advanced than the rest of the world and made colonies. And europeans saw them selves as decendants of ancient Rome and Greece even though almost all of europe descended genetically not cultrally from the people Rome and Greece saw as sabotage primitive people they ofentlly compared native Americans to ancient Celts not realized those where their ancestors maybe they kind of did.
It was very hard for white Americans to accept blacks and other non whites. eventulley we did we saw they where human too. it was not until the 1980's when whites and blacks accepted inter racial marriage and it slowly became more accepted. it is still very rare. Like i said i live in the most or second most diverse area of america and the world and inter racial marriage is very rare. sue it is more popular than it was in 1980 but i doubt it will rise in the future.
Yes, I live in Ireland. And of course here we have absolutely no history of incomers whatsoever lol.
However, can I say that whilst we may not be so large a country as some, we do have various communities, such as Chinese, Indian, African etc etc. Perhaps you thought here, we are all milk coloured and have red hair and dress in little green suits. Tell me, do you think we all keep leprechauns in our kitchens too?
i see u come from northern Ireland i have ancestry that goes back there and that is where my surname comes from. The Scotch Irish are the original hillbillies they came from northern Ireland. I cant go in debt but american folk stories and the american identity in many ways comes from ulster Irish aka scotch Irish they are very important in american history. Still today the Appalachian mountains is 100% ulter Irish and the traditional south has alot of Scotch Irish blood. here is a link are some links gives some history of the scotch Irish and their huge influence of american culture
saying the Sctoch Irish where born fighting because of their fighting attitude and history in american military and their Scottish ancestry.
i am just saying ur not from america ur from Europe which is like the white continent and i come from the most or second most diverse city in america. So i thought i would have a better idea what inter racial marriage in america is.
Do not attempt to call my political leaning, you do not know it. I did not say you were closed minded. However if a person will not see any opinion other than his own, will not give even, there may be another opinion, other than his own..some may say, that is somewhat closed-minded.
Alot of left winged thinking stems out of the idea right wings are close minded and raciest. Uselly dont understand how more right winged people think i guess dont really understand more left winged people.
Have I made "gay marriage" my moral crusade? I think my crusade stretches further than you allow for in that statement.
No i guess not but many people do and they twist some things about homosexuality like lebrok did. They say humans have no sexual choose they only choose the gender they where made for and they make stuff up about human psychology to fit their idea on homosexuality. I have seen it alot not from u i guess but lebrok, my teachers in school, others i have talked with. Also u take the more perverted history of homosexuality out of the picture and that it has always been seen as diff from hetrosexuality in its nature. People make it seem like a moral crusade and where the bad guys when really we have diff opinions when i am not trying to harm anyone.
i am not accusing u of all these things i am accusing many other people i have heard.
Seriously..No. Not in law. And that is the simple answer as to go into further would need fuller discussion, which I am not inclined to do in this thread at this time.
well homosexuality at one time was against the law. I was just giving those as examples what i was trying to say is we basically have the same idea on morals and to treat people equally but we have differnt opinions on what is going to far and is un moral.