Without anger and hate I believe we'd still be living in caves; anger and hate are important reasons why mankind has progressed. They motivate us to strive to be better, to compete, to overcome our fears and weaknesses...they are what distinguish us from the animals.

I agree with this premise. In my estimation, both anger and hate are simply brain growth and adaptive in a positive sense, speaking strictly from a progenitive point of view, not moral.

I question the premise that animals do not experience anger. While, I acknowledge these things like our own subjective human emotions are difficult to fully be sure about re other species, there are some ways to in which we can perhaps infer or extrapolate via similar behaviour.

As an example, we have a husky, I would swear she gets angry. Huskies are an extremely intelligent breed of dog. My own kind of working theory about anger is that true visceral anger is a complex mechanism that arise from "gut" intelligence to more cerebral intelligence and when it does so, it is a mark of dominance/protectionism of interests.

Hate is also complex and I would surmise more associated with and springing from the animal kingdom and natural base "like and dislike", inasmuch as it is a Self-interested protectionism as per "this is not good for me" or "this poses a threat to me". The way we humans now with language and more neurotic ways of defining and mixing up hate, it can become abused or muddled up when not careful to distinguish between what is mere carefulness vs. what could be harmful to us.

Addendum: Seeing as this topic is in the Opinion section, which to my way of thinking must take a broader perspective, I want to add that while I see progenitive benefits to hate and anger, as I have summarized in my above post, it is also important to acknowledge the other side (negative attributes) of these, which I view as driving forces.

The thing about a driving force: it has a root, a growth & influence (which often gets overlooked/discounted) and an outcome.

Where I see "What is bad about?" coming from is in the dis-jointed way many modern people deal with anger and hate. There seems to me to be a state of divorce from root intelligence, imo. and also a state of confusion about ultimate intention.

To boil it down:

1) we get an instinctive response, we have no idea where it comes from (or we make up where it comes from, called: rationalization)
2) we make a decision to act or not act (the latter choice can then be driven underground into more nefarious actions), and some think for moment, others longer, about "What's my intention?", while others and probably most only think in the moment, "What do I want right now?"
3) When anger (defensiveness) and hate (like/dislike) are the instigators we always have a choice in how we act. We don't have a choice in whether we we feel them or not. I believe this is mostly biologically determined (yet also mediated by personal life experience).
4) Our choice in how we deal with our anger or hate is what makes both of these drives either good or bad, morally speaking, not hate or anger itself.
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I think there is a really fundamental confusion between aggressivity, a trait that psychogolists consider essential, in healthy and moderate doses, to a fulfilling life, and hate. You do not need to cultivate hate within you to be perfectly capable of aggressive reaction to defend your rights, your fair interests and your property and privacy. Hate is basically a negative and unbridled expression of aggressivity that is not well managed and well controled by an individual, often leading them to make really bad decisions and consuming them from within. Aggressivity is related to hate/anger, but is not a synonym for it.
Do you know anyone who has not gotton angry about something? Even Jesus seemed to hate certain people
such as the money lenders. Even little innocent children say to mom & dad, "I HATE YOU!" I try hard not to lose my temper, but do at times. I hear things from other people about so&so or a certain group of people, and all of a sudden I find my self hating that group or person. I think mothernature has built in a survival instinct that makes it easy for us to hate & get angry.I once had a wonderful old priest as a patient, and he would come out with statements of hate or anger. It seems no one exists without having these feeling at one time or other!
What do you think? Are you able to live without losing your temper or hating, is anyone? I think if we could manage our hate & anger to only activate from things that happen to us personally, it would be a step in the right direction.Why should I hate someone because my government or a friend or relative,or a Religion says I should? I
know it will never happen, but wouldn't life be nice without hate & anger? Maybe it would be too dull & boring?


:? :okashii: :? :okashii: :? :okashii:

It depends if you can manage your anger. Some people have problems and get angry for the smallest things not worth being angry about. Causing strains on the relationship they really care about and sometimes could effect their life at work. Which is why people get anger management. Hate is something a deeper. Hate can drive to get revenge on those that wronged you but it can consume you and you can lose your humility as well.
I think there is a really fundamental confusion between aggressivity, a trait that psychogolists consider essential, in healthy and moderate doses, to a fulfilling life, and hate. You do not need to cultivate hate within you to be perfectly capable of aggressive reaction to defend your rights, your fair interests and your property and privacy. Hate is basically a negative and unbridled expression of aggressivity that is not well managed and well controled by an individual, often leading them to make really bad decisions and consuming them from within. Aggressivity is related to hate/anger, but is not a synonym for it.

That's exactly how I see it.
When I see the genuine joy and happiness in my child's face, I realize that this is the natural state of a human being, unfettered with negativity.

We are not born misanthropic.
Its an true thesis likely.