Y-DNA haplogroups of ancient civilizations


It doesn't work like that. They are not the only Macedonians. And by calling them like that you deny the right of the rest to be called Macedonians. And they are the biggest percentage.

There are many other problems except for this one, historical of course, but also modern ones. I will not analyse them here because it is the wrong thread. But if you read the post from Dejavu right below yours, you will realise what I mean when I say that these people are filled to the bone with irrational propaganda. You cannot have a decent conversation with them so I will not bother replying to him anymore.

I have 220 posts and I've never started a fight, provoked or insulted anyone in this forum and he has 15 and all of them are pure trolling against Greece and in favor of FYROM.

Marianne, It is painfully clear that you are not fighting or trying to start a fight. Yes, of course it hurts when someone with an agenda says " Hey, you know all those great achievements that came out of that region, it wasn't you Greeks, it was other people that did it." Of course it is beyond ridiculous to ascribe these events to ethnic blacks, who incidentally have historically been almost always sub-saharan. There has been a whole jenre of books dedicated to trying to present claims that the foundations of Western Culture were laid by non-Greeks. the entire scheme of theirs is not worth debating as it is sort of like me saying that I invented electricity.

For the record, I will not stand for now being accused of being anti-black.
I am no such person and respect the achievements of cultures and peoples.
DNA studies in skeletons found from Ancient Greece reveal that Greeks have the same DNA since 5000 years now, with 99.5% of it being European?

Yes according to surveys, Greeks have one of the smallest % of Sub-Saharan DNA?

When he says Greece he means Greece of the past and today?

What greeks are we talking about? Ancient and todays greeks are same since when?

Indigenous minorities in Greece are negligible in size compared to Balkan standards.[1] The country is largely ethnically homogeneous. This is mainly due to the population exchanges between Greece and neighboring Turkey (Treaty of Lausanne) and Bulgaria (Treaty of Neuilly), which removed most Muslims (with the exception of the Muslims of Thrace) and those Christian Slavs who did not identify as Greeks, from Greek territory; the treaty also provided for the resettlement of ethnic Greeks from those countries, later to be followed by refugees (see Greek genocide, Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922) and Istanbul Pogrom). The 2001 census reported a population of 10,964,020 people.[2]
The main officially recognized "minority" (μειονότητα, meionótita) is the Muslim minority (μουσουλμανική μειονότητα, mousoulmanikí meionótita) in Thrace, which numbered 97,604 people or 0.95% of the total population according to the 1991 census,[3] and mainly consists of Turks, Pomaks and Roma. Other recognized minority groups are the Armenians numbering approximately 35,000,[4] and the Jews (Sephardim and Romaniotes) numbering approximately 5,500.[5]

Vlach (pronounced /ˈvlɑːk/ or /ˈvlæk/) or Wallachian is a blanket term covering several modern Latin peoples descending from the Latinised population in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. English variations on the name include: Walla, Vallachians, Walachians, Wlachs, Wallachs, Vlahs, Olahs or Ulahs; Groups that have historically been called Vlachs include: modern-day Romanians or Daco-Romanians, Aromanians or Macedo-Romanians, Morlachs, Megleno-Romanians and Istro-Romanians. Since the creation of the Romanian state, the term in English has mostly been used for those living outside Romania.
The term Vlach is originally an exonym. All the Vlach groups used various words derived from romanus to refer to themselves: Români, Rumâni, Rumâri, Aromâni, Arumâni etc. (note: the Megleno-Romanians nowadays call themselves "Vlaşi", but historically called themselves "Rămâni"; The Istro-Romanians also have adopted the names Vlaşi, but still use Rumâni and Rumâri to refer to themselves).
The Vlachs are normally considered descendants of Romanised peoples such as the Thracians (incl. Dacians) and Illyrians[1].
The Vlach languages, also called the Eastern Romance languages, have a common origin from the Proto-Romanian language. Over the centuries, the Vlachs split into various Vlach groups (see Romania in the Dark Ages) and mixed with neighbouring populations: Slavs, Greeks, Albanians, Cumans, and others.
Almost all modern nations in Central and Southeastern Europe have native Vlach minorities: Hungary, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania, Greece and Bulgaria. In other countries, the native Vlach population have been completely assimilated by the Slavic population and therefore ceased to exist: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bosnia and Montenegro. Only in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, the Vlach (Dacoromanian or Romanian proper) population consist an ethnic majority today.

There is no official data from Balkan countries such as Greece, Bulgaria, Albania and Serbia. The reasons for this also are not known.

You can figure it out yourself why there is no statistics in these countries.
GeneticsVlachs have a similar genetic structure compared to other southeastern Europeans. Population genetics analyses have demonstrated significant molecular variance among different Vlach groups, suggesting that they do not constitute a homogeneous group.
Bosch et al. attempted to analyze whether Vlachs are the descendents of Latinized Dacians, Illyrians, Thracians, Greeks, or a combination of the above. No hypothesis could be proven due to the high degree of underlying genetic similarity possessed by all the tested Balkan groups. The linguistic and cultural differences among various Balkan groups were thus deemed to be have not been strong enough to prevent significant gene flow among the above groups.[8]

Many Vlachs were shepherds in the medieval times, driving their sheep through the mountains of Southeastern Europe. The Vlach shepherds reached as far as Southern Poland and Moravia in the North (by following the Carpathian range), Dinaric Alps in West, the Pindus mountains in South, and as far as the Caucasus Mountains in the east [9].
In many of these areas, the descendants of the Vlachs have lost their language, but their legacy still lives today in cultural influences: customs, folklore and the way of life of the mountain people, as well as in the place names of Romanian or Aromanian origin that are spread all across the region.

Another part of the Vlachs, especially those in the northern parts, in Romania and Moldova, were traditional farmers growing cereals. Linguists believe that the large vocabulary of Latin words related to agriculture shows that they have always been a farming Vlach population. Just like the language, the cultural links between the Northern Vlachs (Romanians) and Southern Vlachs (Aromanians) were broken by the 10th century, and since then, there were different cultural influences:
  • Romanian culture was influenced by neighbouring people such as Slavs and later on Hungarians, and developed itself to what it is today. The 19th century saw an important opening toward Western Europe and cultural ties with France.
  • Aromanian culture developed initially as a pastoral culture, later to be greatly influenced by the Byzantine and Greek culture.

The themes or themata (Greek: θέματα; singular θέμα, thema) were the main administrative divisions of the middle Byzantine Empire. They were established in the mid-seventh century in the aftermath of the Muslim conquests of Byzantine territory and replaced the earlier provincial system established by emperors Diocletian and Constantine the Great. In their origin, the first themes were created from the areas of encampment of the field armies of the East Roman army, and their names corresponded to the military units they had resulted from. The theme system reached its apogee in the 9th and 10th centuries, as older themes were split up and the conquest of territory resulted in the creation of new ones. The original theme system underwent significant changes in the 11th and 12th centuries, but the term remained in use as a provincial and financial circumscription, until the very end of the Empire.

What does this maps show us?
Occupied territory and not original inhabitants.
What difference would it make whatsoever if ancient Greeks were black? Black skin colour has nothing with genetics. It is adaptation to environment with more sun. Or someone thinks that there was greater plan to settle most white people in areas with least sun, and than to gradually going to more sunny lands use more and more black colour?
We can see it in haplogroups as well... R1a in Europe gives very white man, while in India it gives people with much darker skin.. same is with haplogroup E or R1b in Europe and Africa...

people from Macedonia never had another name, they are for more than thousand years from Macedonia and thus referred to as Macedonians...

As for Greeks claiming that ancient Macedonians were Greeks, I think that's just not true... I remember reading that Macedonians were not allowed (till the time of Alexander Macedonian) to compete in Olympic Games because they were not Greeks...

genetic shows area of ancient Macedonia inside Greece as clearly different from the rest of the Greece...

in fact, one of the differences is in lot of more R1a than is common for Greece
see http://www.familytreedna.com/pdf/italy.pdf and look at tables and Figure 1 where P*(except R1a) is homogeneous for Greece except for ancient Macedonia, and in same time R1a is significantly larger in ancient Macedonia, which in fact can give some credibility to theory that ancient Macedonians were one of pre-Slavic tribes...

perhaps ancient Macedonians were hellenized and merged into the rest of Greece, but it is hard to claim that without evidence...

anyway, ancient Greece has lot of credit for creation of basis for west civilization, while ancient Macedonia plays negliglible part in that... so I fail to see why is for Greece that important to insist on name issue....

and Deja Vu should stop trolling... Greeks are not black and Vlachs all over Balkan are mostly native people who were romanized, while a part of them origin from Roman settlers...
Why do you all not understand and read what have been posted instead of assuming I have said something I did not. Never wrote greeks were blacks, but there is a theory supported by some that the first ancient population in Egypt and Greece was black skinned people and so what?

Got no reply on my questions.
Why do I continue with these questions? I got no answer if none knows anything more about this it will be dropped. Instead of trying to avoid them maybe someone can answer them.

What greeks are we talking about? Ancient and todays greeks are same since when?
Aint all mixed people in the Balkans?

Marianne wrote:

DNA studies in skeletons found from Ancient Greece reveal that Greeks have the same DNA since 5000 years now, with 99.5% of it being European?

Yes according to surveys, Greeks have one of the smallest % of Sub-Saharan DNA?

When he says Greece he means Greece of the past and today?
What difference would it make whatsoever if ancient Greeks were black? Black skin colour has nothing with genetics. It is adaptation to environment with more sun. Or someone thinks that there was greater plan to settle most white people in areas with least sun, and than to gradually going to more sunny lands use more and more black colour?
We can see it in haplogroups as well... R1a in Europe gives very white man, while in India it gives people with much darker skin.. same is with haplogroup E or R1b in Europe and Africa...
I agree that it doesn't make any difference if ancient Greeks would look black, but they didn't. In fact one of the reasons they thought they were superior to others was that their skin was not as light as Northern European Tribes and not dark as their neighbors from Asia, Egypt and of course the rest of Africa.
people from Macedonia never had another name, they are for more than thousand years from Macedonia and thus referred to as Macedonians...
As for Greeks claiming that ancient Macedonians were Greeks, I think that's just not true... I remember reading that Macedonians were not allowed (till the time of Alexander Macedonian) to compete in Olympic Games because they were not Greeks...
genetic shows area of ancient Macedonia inside Greece as clearly different from the rest of the Greece
anyway, ancient Greece has lot of credit for creation of basis for west civilization, while ancient Macedonia plays negliglible part in that... so I fail to see why is for Greece that important to insist on name issue....
Ancient Macedonia was a very large area (before the expansion of Great Alexander) which included the north part of Modern Greece, some part of South-West Bulgaria, and some part of FYROM. The center of Ancient Macedonia was Pela the birth place of Great Alexander, which is inside Modern Greece. People used to speak Greek, and in fact the names of Fillipe (father of Alexander the Great), his mother Olympia, and Great Alexander himself are Greek and have a meaning in the Greek language. If they were decendants of another tribe we cannot know for sure, but they spoke the Greek language and acted as Greeks. Great Alexander was allowed to compete in the Olympic Games and therefore he was recognized as Greek and so was his empire. Maybe their haplogroup was mostly R1a which is more common there but as far as I know there is no Greek haplogroup and R1a was also found in the rest of Greece, so we can't based their ethnicity on the haplogroup of Modern Macedonians in Greece Bulgaria and FYROM.

Now no Greek denies that part of Ancient Macedonia is where FYROM is now, but before this nation became a seperate country it was named Vardaska and was a state in Yugoslavia. Before their seperation they had never mentioned any connection to Ancient Macedonia nor did they care about being named Macedonians. An ambitius politician named Tito started planting such thoughts to their minds in order to serve his political plans in the area.
As for the name, why should a small part of Ancient Macedonia be named exclusevly Macedonia? What about the rest of the territory? Are they immidiatelly considered non-Macedonians? Yes they have the right to be named what they want to be named as LeBrok said but that should not cancel the right of anyone else to be named like they also want. North Macedonia or Nova Macedonia are accepted by the Greek Government (till now at least, cause the current government is America's puppy) and these names still retain the right of the rest of Macedonians to be called also Macedonians.
What if the Netherlands would split next year. Should only one part retain the right to be called Netherlands? I guess not. Yeah both have the right to be named what they want but if only one part is named like that what about the rights of the other part. A name like North Netherlands and South Netherlands would be the most fair solution I guess. And that is what we propose
Macedonia is not "just a name", and we are not the big bad wolf that is against people's rights. Many issues will rise if they are named Macedonians but as I said before this is not the thread to analyse this matter.
and Deja Vu should stop trolling... Greeks are not black and Vlachs all over Balkan are mostly native people who were romanized, while a part of them origin from Roman settlers...
I agree.
The problem with all newly created nations is their megalomania as a a response to a lack of self confidence. So, the Slavs in region of Macedonia usurping the name of antic Macedonia, Muslim Bosniacs usurping name of medieval Bosnian state, Albanians usurping the name of Illyrians and so on.

I agree with you here
But I find also quite intriguing way the modern Greeks find themselves as direct descendants of ancient Greeks, especially if we talk about Hellenic civilization. I really can not see that direct line which conects Platon with sirtaki and giros. But maybe it is just lack of imagination.

You are doing the same mistake most people do:

You forget that nations evolve. Just because we don't wear white robes nowadays and we don't believe in the 12 gods of Mount Olympus (there are many who still do though) it doesn't mean we are not descendants of Ancient Greeks. We speak the same language, we live in the same region, we have the same customs (Greek Carnival, 21st of November the celebration of ancient Goddess Demetra etc), we look the same, we think the same and DNA proves we are the same. No one says that we should stop using cars and start using horses, or that we should have slaves that do all the work for us so we can eat and chat all day about philosophy, in order to be Greeks.

Are you a clone of your father? No you are not. But you are his direct descendant. Are modern Germans still wearing horned helmets and Modern Scandinavians still believe in Thor? No... But no one denies they are descendants of those ancient tribes. Greece has a huge history though and many people with certain agendas would benifit if people believed that Modern Greeks are not connected with Ancient Greeks.
Marianne, It is painfully clear that you are not fighting or trying to start a fight. Yes, of course it hurts when someone with an agenda says " Hey, you know all those great achievements that came out of that region, it wasn't you Greeks, it was other people that did it." Of course it is beyond ridiculous to ascribe these events to ethnic blacks, who incidentally have historically been almost always sub-saharan. There has been a whole jenre of books dedicated to trying to present claims that the foundations of Western Culture were laid by non-Greeks. the entire scheme of theirs is not worth debating as it is sort of like me saying that I invented electricity.

For the record, I will not stand for now being accused of being anti-black.
I am no such person and respect the achievements of cultures and peoples.

I am glad there are new members in the forum able to think :smile:

And don't worry, most of the people, also able to think, in this forum will not consider you racist for what you said in this post
Thanks for the vote of confidence!
This forum appears to be a great place for information.
Why do you continuing to discuss some fake facts = lies = Marianne

We can clearly see on the maps the territory of Macedonia (FYROM) is everything else under occupation - Macedon -> Macedonia -> Roman Empire -> Byzantine Empire -> Sklavinia -> Bulgarian Empire -> Tsar Dushans Empire -> Ottoman Empire -> Yugoslavia -> Socialist republic of Macedonia -> Republic of Macedonia -> Former yugoslav republic of Macedonia (FYROM a greek accepted name not by own choice)

What we know for sure is that there never was a Greek country before 1821.


The Vardar Banovina or Vardar Banate or Vardarska Banovina (Serbo-Croatian: Vardarska banovina, Вардарска бановина) was a province (banovina) of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia between 1929 and 1941. It was located in the southernmost part of the country, encompassing the whole of today's Republic of Macedonia, southern parts of Central Serbia and southeastern parts of Kosovo. It was named after the Vardar River and its administrative capital was the city of Skopje.

Borders of Macedonia according to different authors (1843–1927)

You dont know your own history (or try to hide it) and you have the guts to stick your nose in others.

DNA studies in skeletons found from Ancient Greece reveal that Greeks have the same DNA since 5000 years now, with 99.5% of it being European?

Yes according to surveys, Greeks have one of the smallest % of Sub-Saharan DNA?

When he says Greece he means Greece of the past and today?

Answer this questions so we can end your fake admits.
Ancient Macedonia was a very large area (before the expansion of Great Alexander) which included the north part of Modern Greece, some part of South-West Bulgaria, and some part of FYROM.

Core of Macedonia was not really big, and it didnot contain parts of FYROM

But something else is here at stake. Some people in FYROM are convinced that they origin from ancient Macedonians. According to what I learned in school (in ex-Yugoslavia, in Serbia where I did grow up) I would say that is non-sense.

However, I now look at genetics. Genetically area matching exactly the core of ancient Macedonia is misfit in Greece. Compare the map of ancient Macedonia above with Figure 1 from http://www.familytreedna.com/pdf/italy.pdf... exactly the same shape differs from the rest of the Greece:

1) R* without R1a is much larger in rest of Greece
2) R1a is much larger in ancient Macedonia
3) I2a2 is much larger as well
4) G2a has hotspot in southeastern part of the area

this could indicate that ancient Macedonians were predominantly R1a and I2a2 which is typical combination for east-European people from whom later Slavic nations appeared...

Capital of the country was Pella, which is strikingly similar to pre-Greek population of Greece - Pelasgians. In fact, Herodot places Pelasgians in area of ancient Macedonia...



Of course, ancient Macedonians even if they origin from pre-Slavic tribes, lived among Greeks and were very likely hellenized, which makes people from FYROM very very likely to origin just from a wave of later Slavic settlers of the area...

The center of Ancient Macedonia was Pela the birth place of Great Alexander, which is inside Modern Greece. People used to speak Greek, and in fact the names of Fillipe (father of Alexander the Great), his mother Olympia, and Great Alexander himself are Greek and have a meaning in the Greek language.

They were surrounded by Greek tribes. But we do not know what was native language of Macedonians. Royal family speaking hellenic and having hellenic names is no wonder, since Greece was at that time cultural center of the world.

Ancient Macedonian was the language of the ancient Macedonians. It was spoken in the kingdom of Macedon during the 1st millennium BC and it belongs to the Indo-European group of languages. It gradually fell out of use during the 4th century BC, marginalized by Koine Greek, the lingua franca of the Hellenistic period.[1]

If they were decendants of another tribe we cannot know for sure, but they spoke the Greek language and acted as Greeks.
Great Alexander was allowed to compete in the Olympic Games and therefore he was recognized as Greek and so was his empire.

royal families often have origin at least partly different from their people... because they tend to marry people from other royal families...

actually this story about Alexander the Great and Olympic Games is mix-up...I just read that first Macedonian who was allowed to participate on Olympic Games was not Alexander the Great, but one of his ancestors Alexander I.

A passage in book five of Herodotus' Histories concerns the exclusion of Macedonians from panhellenic events such as the ancient Olympic Games,[10] where only Greeks were allowed to participate. In 504 or 500 BC, the Macedonian king Alexander I attempted to participate in the Olympic Games but was met with resistance by some competitors, who regarded him as non-Greek. According to Herodotus, Alexander argued that his family was of Greek Argive descent and the Hellanodikai (literally judges of the Greeks) validated his claim to enable participation of Macedonians in Olympic events. Other kings of Macedonia such as Archelaus I and Philip II, as well as commoners, also took part in the Games.[11]

Maybe their haplogroup was mostly R1a which is more common there but as far as I know there is no Greek haplogroup and R1a was also found in the rest of Greece, so we can't based their ethnicity on the haplogroup of Modern Macedonians in Greece Bulgaria and FYROM.

Actually, I think they had lot more R1a than people from FYROM... In level of Poland now...

Now no Greek denies that part of Ancient Macedonia is where FYROM is now, but before this nation became a seperate country it was named Vardaska and was a state in Yugoslavia.
ancient Macedonia spread to area of FYROM only in times around Alexander Macedonians... before that area was called Paeonia...

Nope, area of FYROM was named Macedonia, not Vardarska. You have wrong perception there. I grew up in Yugoslavia, and people from Macedonia were always Macedonians... in fact, since world war 2 their republic was called Macedonia. I know for sure that before world war 2, area was also called Macedonia and they were called Macedonians, and I believe it was like that for long time in past...

Before world war 2, FYROM was included in Vardarska banovina. Vardarska banovina was not state of Macedonians. It included south Serbia and Macedonia. That was division of country with intention to bridge ethnic differences, so the administrative areas were made to mix at least 2 populations in same area and areas were named in such a way to avoid mention of ethnic peoples, so they mostly got names after rivers: Savska, Dravska, Moravska, Vardarska banovina...you can notice that in that division there is no Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia either and noone uses that administrative division as a claim that those entities and ethnicities didnot exist there... Same is with Macedonia and Macedonians... name is not invented, it was there...

don't mix Vardarska banovina with FYROM because half of people living in Vardarska banovina were Serbs, and because Macedonians lived only in south part of that administrative district, in part that was than as now known as Macedonia...

your claim that they took the name recently is simply wrong... and probably based on some anti-FYROM propaganda spread in Greece...

I never heard any other name for Macedonians from FYROM except Macedonians... So, no it was not invented now. I guarantee that...

the only people in Balkans who took recently alternative names were Albanians from Kosovo and muslims from Bosnia. In 1990s they figured out their causes look better in media if they have names that sound more native, so they took names Kosovars and Bosniacs...

Before their seperation they had never mentioned any connection to Ancient Macedonia nor did they care about being named Macedonians. An ambitius politician named Tito started planting such thoughts to their minds in order to serve his political plans in the area.

Not true...

However, before second world war, even though their language is different from Serbian, they were not considered different than Serbs, and Macedonians was used as geography related name for them. They were by Serbs considered to be Serbs and Macedonians, e.g. like one can be Spartan and Greek or Athenian and Greek... however, they themselves did not feel as Serbs, instead they felt as Macedonians and were very much against Kingdom of Yugoslavia... in fact, right-wing Macedonians together with right-wing Croats organized killing of King Alexander in Marseille, France in 1934...

As for the name, why should a small part of Ancient Macedonia be named exclusevly Macedonia? What about the rest of the territory? Are they immidiatelly considered non-Macedonians? Yes they have the right to be named what they want to be named as LeBrok said but that should not cancel the right of anyone else to be named like they also want. North Macedonia or Nova Macedonia are accepted by the Greek Government (till now at least, cause the current government is America's puppy) and these names still retain the right of the rest of Macedonians to be called also Macedonians.

actually, I have no clue why don't they agree on one of those names...
North Macedonia is even worse for Greece than Macedonia. Because it reveals there is south Macedonia as well. And truth is, that before Balkan wars area of Macedonia was almost 3 times bigger than FYROM and dominantly settled with FYROM Macedonians...

When Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia beat Turkey they did divide Macedonia in 3 parts... Only the people from part of that land that became part of Serbia are now nation with own state...

Distribution of Greek dialects in the classical period.


Macedonian Slavic dialects

Hellenism in the near east 1918.

The nationalities of Southeastern Europe in the late 19th century represented in Pallas Nagy Lexikona, 1897:


The provisional reference the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is currently always used in relations involving states which do not recognize the constitutional name, Republic of Macedonia. Nevertheless, all United Nations member-states, and the UN as a whole, have agreed to accept any final agreement resulting from negotiations between the two countries. The ongoing dispute has not prevented the two countries from enjoying close trade links and investment levels (especially from Greece), but it has generated a great deal of political and academic debate on both sides.

Megali Idea (modern Greek: ΜεγάληΙδέα, "Great Idea") was an irredentist concept of Greek nationalism that expressed the goal of establishing a Greek state that would encompass all ethnic Greeks, since large Greek populations after the Greek independence in 1832 still lived under the Ottoman rule.
The term appeared for the first time during the debates of Prime MinisterIoannis Kolettis with King Otto that preceded the promulgation of the 1844 constitution.[1] This was a visionary nationalist aspiration that was to dominate foreign relations and, to a significant extent, to determine the domestic politics of the Greek state for much of the first century of its independent existence. If the expression was new in 1844, the concept had roots in the Greek popular psyche, nurtured as it was by the prophecies and oracles that had kept alive, hopes of eventual liberation from Turkish rule.
Megali Idea implied the goal of reviving the Byzantine Empire by establishing a Greek state, which would be, as ancient geographer Strabo wrote, a Greek world encompassing mostly the former Byzantine lands from the Ionian Sea to Mikra Asia (Asia Minor) and Euxenus Pontus (Black Sea) to the east, and from Thrace, Macedonia and Epirus, north, to Crete and Cyprus to the south. This new state will have its capital in Constantinople.
The Megali Idea dominated the foreign policy and the domestic politics of Greece, from the War of Independence in the 1820s through the Balkan wars in the beginning of the twentieth century. It started to disappear after the defeat of Greece in the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922) and the Great Fire of Smyrna in 1922, followed by the exchange of population between Greece and Turkey in 1923.

Ioannis Kolettis (Greek: Ιωάννης Κωλέττης) (1773[citation needed] - 1847) was a Greek politician of Vlach origin who played a significant role in Greek affairs from the Greek War of Independence through the early years of the Greek Kingdom, including as Minister to France and serving twice as Prime Minister.

The Greek War of Independence, also known as the Greek Revolution (Greek: Ελληνική Επανάσταση, Elliniki Epanastasi; Ottoman: يونانعصياني Yunan İsyanı) was a successful war of independence waged by the Greek revolutionaries between 1821 and 1830, with later assistance from several European powers, against the Ottoman Empire, who were assisted by their vassals, the Eyalet of Egypt and partly the Vilayet of Tunisia.

George Canning was the architect of the Treaty of London, which launched European intervention in the Greek conflict.
Tsar Nicholas I co-signed the Treaty of London, and then launched the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829, which finally secured Greek independence.

Map showing the original territory of the Kingdom of Greece as laid down in the Treaty of 1832 (in dark blue).

The consequences of the Greek revolution were somewhat ambiguous in the immediate aftermath. An independent Greek state had been established, but with Britain, Russia and France claiming a major role in Greek politics, an imported Bavarian dynast as ruler, and a mercenary army.[123] The country had been ravaged by ten years of fighting, was full of displaced refugees and empty Turkish estates, necessitating a series of land reforms over several decades.[30]
The population of the new state numbered 800,000, representing less than one-third of the 2.5 million Greek inhabitants of the Ottoman Empire. During a great part of the next century, the Greek state was to seek the liberation of the "unredeemed" Greeks of the Ottoman Empire, in accordance with the Megali Idea, i.e. the goal of uniting all Greeks in one country.

Count Ioannis Antonios Kapodistrias (Greek: Κόμης Ιωάννης Αντώνιος Καποδίστριας – Komis Ioannis Antonios Kapodistrias,[1][2][3][4] in Italian: Giovanni Capo d'Istria, Conte Capo d'Istria,[5][1] and in Russian: граф Иоанн КаподистрияGraf Ioann Kapodistriya) (February 11, 1776 – October 9, 1831) was a Greek diplomat of the Russian Empire and later first head of state of independent Greece.[6][7]
Ioannis Kapodistrias was born in Corfu,[1][8][9][10][11][12][13] (Κέρκυρα/Kerkyra in Greek),[14] one of the Ionian Islands, which at the time of his birth were a possession of Venice . He studied medicine, philosophy and the law at Padua, in Italy. When he was 21 years old, in 1797, he started his medical practice as a doctor in his native island of Corfu.[1][9][10][11][15] He was throughout his life a deeply liberal thinker and a true democrat, though born and raised as a nobleman. An ancestor of Kapodistrias' had been created a conte (count) by Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy, and the title was later (1679) inscribed in the Libro d'Oro of the Corfu nobility;[16] the title originates from Capodistria, a city on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Venice, now Koper in Slovenia and the place of origin of Kapodistrias' family before they moved to Corfu in the 13th century where they changed their dogma from Catholic to Orthodox and they soon became hellenized.[17][18] His family's name in Koper was Vitori or Vittori.[17][18] His mother's family, the Gonemi,[18] had been listed in the Libro d'Oro since 1606. In 1802 Ioannis Kapodistrias founded an important scientific and social progress organisation in Corfu, the "National Medical Association", of which he was an energetic member. In 1799, when Corfu was briefly occupied by the forces of Russia and Turkey, Kapodistrias was appointed chief medical director of the military hospital.

Political refugees of the Greek Civil War were members or sympathisers of the defeated communist forces who fled Greece during or in the aftermath of the Civil War of 1946–1949. The collapse of the Democratic Army of Greece (DSE) and the evacuation of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) to Tashkent in 1949 led thousands of people to leave the country. It has been estimated that by 1949 over 100,000 people had left Greece, including tens of thousands of child refugees who had been evacuated by the KKE in an organised campaign.[1][2] The war wreaked widespread devastation right across Greece and particularly in the regions of Macedonia and Epirus, causing many people to continue to leave the country even after the end of the war.
Many people fled due the collapse of the DSE, it has also been claimed that many ethnic Macedonians fled to avoid possible persecution by the advancing National Army.[2][3][4] A term used to describe the experience of the ethnic Macedonians who left Greece as a result of the Civil War is the Exodus of Macedonians from Greece,[5][6][7][8] particularly in the Republic of Macedonia and the ethnic Macedonian diaspora. The KKE claims that the total number of political refugees was 55,881,[9] an estimated 28,000 - 32,000 children were evacuated during the Greek Civil War,[2][5][10][11][12][13] A 1951 document from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia states that the total number of Slav-Macedonians that left Greece during the Civil War was 28,595 [14] whereas some ethnic Macedonian sources put the number of refugees at over 213,000.[15]
Over the course of the war thousands of Slavomacedonian and other Greek Communists were killed, imprisoned or had their land confiscated.[2][30] The headquarters of the Democratic Army in Greece reported that from mid-1945 to May 20, 1947, in Western Macedonia alone, 13,259 were tortured, 3,215 were imprisoned and 268 were executed without trial. In the same period 1,891 had been burnt down and 1,553 had been looted and 13,553 people had been resettled by force.[citation needed] Of the many Slavomacedonians who were imprisoned many would often form their own groups within the prisons.[31] It is claimed that the Greek Prison Camps were located on the islands of Ikaria and Makronesos, the Averof jail near Athens and the jails in Thessalonike and Larisa. It was there that communist partisans were tortured, killed and imprisoned.[citation needed]

The 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey was based upon religious identity, and involved the Greek Orthodox citizens of Turkey and the Muslim citizens of Greece. It was the first compulsory large-scale population exchange, or agreed mutual expulsion of the 20th century.
The "Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations" was signed at Lausanne, Switzerland, on the 30th January 1923, by the governments of Greece and Turkey. It involved approximately 2 million people, most of whom were forcibly made refugees and de jure denaturalized from their homelands.
By the time the Exchange was to take effect, May 1, 1923, most of the pre-war Orthodox Greek population of Aegean Turkey had already fled. The Exchange therefore only involved the Greeks of central Anatolia (both Greek and Turkish speaking), and the Greeks of Pontus, a total of roughly 189,916[4]. Only 354,647 Muslims were involved.[5].
The agreement therefore merely ratified what had already been perpetrated on the Greek population. Of the 1,300,000 Greeks involved in the exchange, only approximately 150,000 were resettled in an orderly fashion. The majority fled hastily with the retreating Greek Army following Greece's defeat in the Greco-Turkish War, whilst others fled, amid scenes of indescribable panic, from the shores of Smyrna.[6][7] The unilateral emigration of the Greek population, already at an advanced stage, was transformed into a population exchange backed by international legal guarantees.[8]
In Greece, it was considered part of the events called the Asia Minor Catastrophe (Greek: Μικρασιατική καταστροφή). Significant refugee displacement and population movements had already occurred following the Balkan Wars, World War I, and the Turkish War of Independence. These included exchanges and expulsion of about 500,000 Turks from Greece and about 1,500,000 Greeks from Asia Minor, Anatolia and Eastern Thrace to Greece.

Fustanella (for spelling in various languages, see chart below) is a traditional skirt-like garment worn by men of many nations in the Balkans, similar to the kilt. In modern times, the fustanella is part of traditional Albanian and Greek dresses, worn mainly by ceremonial Greek military units (such as the Evzones), Albanian and Greek folk dancers. The dress was also worn by the Royal Guard of Albania (1924–1939).
The fustanella is derived from a series of ancient garments such as the chiton (or tunic) and the chitonium (or short military tunic).[1] The Romantoga may have also influenced the evolution of the fustanella based on statues of Roman emperors wearing knee-length pleated kilts (in colder regions, more folds were added to provide greater warmth).[2]
Byzantine Greeks called the fustanella, or pleated kilt, podea. The wearer of the podea was either associated with a typical hero or an Akritic warrior and can be found in 12th century finds attributed to Manuel I Komnenos.[3] During the Ottoman period, the fustanella was worn by the armatoloi and the klephts.[4] The fustanella was originally thought to have been a southern Albanian outfit of the Tosks and introduced in Greece during the Ottoman occupation that began after the 15th century.[5][6]

Greek Refugee Settlement
Source: “Crossing the Aegean: The Consequences of the 1923 Greek-Turkish Population Exchange” by Renee Hirschon, 2003, page 181.

“A Concise History of Greece” by Richard Clogg, 1992, page 105

Macedonia (Greece) - Population2,625,681 (2006 Estimate)
Regional identity
Macedonians (Greek: Μακεδόνες, Makedónes) is the term by which ethnic Greeks originating from the region are known. Macedonians came to be of particular importance during the Balkan Wars when they were a minority population inside the Ottoman province of Macedonia. The Macedonians now have a strong regional identity, manifested both in Greece[16] and by emigrant groups in the Greek diaspora.[17] This sense of identity has been highlighted in the context of the Macedonian naming dispute after the break-up of Yugoslavia, in which Greece objects to its northern neighbour calling itself the "Republic of Macedonia", since explicit self-identification as Macedonian is a matter of national pride for many Greeks.[18] A characteristic expression of this attitude could be seen when Greek newspapers headlined a declaration by Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis at a meeting of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in January 2007, saying that "I myself am a Macedonian, and another two and a half million Greeks are Macedonians."
The exact size of the linguistic and ethnic minority groups of Macedonia is officially unknown, as Greece has not conducted a census on the question of mother tongue since 1951.

Macedonian Greeks are ethnic Greeks who self-identify regionally as "Macedonians" (Greek: Μακεδόνες, Makedónes). They form the majority of the region's population (~51%). They number approximately 2,500,000 and live almost entirely in Greek Macedonia. The Greek Macedonian population is mixed, with indigenous and a large influx of Greek refugees descending from Asia Minor, Pontic Greeks, and East Thracian Greeks in the early 20th century. This is due to the population exchange between Greece and Turkey, during which over 1.2 million Christian refugees from Turkey were settled in Greece, 638,000 of whom were settled in Macedonia.[2] Smaller Greek minorities exist in Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, although their numbers are difficult to ascertain. In official census results, only 86 persons declared themselves Greeks in Bulgarian Macedonia (Blagoevgrad Province) in 2001, out of a total of 3,408 in all Bulgaria; while 442 described themselves as Greeks in the 2002 census in the Republic of Macedonia.

So the Refugees from Turkey are the real Macedonians?

What Greeks are we talking about? Ancient and todays Greeks are same since when?
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I know that I am the most junior of members, but I feel the need to step up as this thread appears to have fallen off of a cliff.

I assert the following:

Ancient Macedonians were in fact Greeks. They spoke it, lived it, and we can find no ethnic difference between them and other Greeks. I believe that they were a branch of Dorians, a people who also were viewed in a not-so-great light when they threw out the Achaeans long before.
It was not uncommon for some elitist Athenians to pretend to have difficulty distinguishing Macedonians from other Greeks, but it is more than safe so say that they knew better and did this to try to minimize Macedonian influence in Greece, which rapidly gained speed.

Slavs moved into the Balkans after the East and West Goths migrated to their respective destinations. After the depopulation of this area from those conflicts (and subsequent Avar destruction later) the time was ripe for a new and vigorous people to move in. We call these southern Slavs. I hold that is acceptable for these people to refer to themselves as Macedonians. The problem occurs if they lay claim to the achievements of ancient Macedonians. To offer an American phrase, there was not a Slavic tribe “within a thousand miles” of that region at the time of ancient or classical Macedonia.

It is common to refer to those who now live in Rome as Romans, even though few can say with certainty that their families go back in that city to the days of the Roman republic. We would make no effort to sort out those who moved in last year or in 1850 and tell them that they cannot be called Romans. We just know that the terms mean different things for different time periods.

Lastly on this, trying to say that the people of ancient Greece that achieved so much were ethnically different from those who live there today does not even reach the level of pseudo-science. I would not even lend dignity to those assertions by arguing against them. Offering maps upon maps and citations that are mostly irrelevant adds no credibility. todays Greeks are descended from the Indo European Greek tribes and those who did not get killed or driven off by them.

Again, I am the new guy and as such, feel obligated to observe for a while before jumping in with pronouncements. This thread, though, caused me to offer my two cents.
I should add that there of course has been an admixture from other peoples who have resided there since classical days. I just know how much and would not hazard to guess.
Ancient Macedonians were in fact Greeks?

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ancient Quotes on the Macedonians as Distinct Nation[/FONT]

The ancient Greek, Roman, and Jewish historians, geographers, and orators, speak of the Macedonians as distinct nation, separate from their Greek, Thracian, and Illyrian neighbors. They are clear that Macedonia was never part of Greece and that the Macedonians conquered Greece, Thrace, and Illyria, and kept the Greeks, Thracians, and Illyrians enslaved, until Rome defeated the Macedonian armies and turned the country into its first province in 168 BC. The assertion of those modern historians that propagate that the Macedonians "were Greeks" which have "united" Greece, is absurd and is completely unsupported by the words of the ancients who clearly considered Greece subjected by the Macedonian foreigners. The Macedonians garrisoned the Greek cities (like the Thracian and Illyrian cities) to enforce their occupation, and later used the Greeks (along with equal numbers of the Thracians and Illyrians) for their conquest of Persia.

The ancient Greeks did not regard the Macedonians as Greeks, nor the Macedonians regarded themselves to be Greek. They were proud of their Macedonian nationality and way of life, and looked down upon the Greeks and with contempt. The Greeks called them barbarians, along with the Persians, Illyrians, and Thracians, a label that they attributed to all non-Greeks who neither spoke nor understood the Greek language. Alexander's Macedonian Army was not a "Greek army" as some modern writers have erroneously claimed, nor the Macedonian conquest of Asia was a "Greek conquest". The fact is that not one ancient writer has called the Macedonian empire "Greek" or the Macedonian army and conquest "Greek", but specifically Macedonian. When Rome clashed with Macedonia, the Macedonians were ordered by the Romans to evacuate from the whole of Greece and withdraw to Macedonia. They were hated by the Greeks ever since Philip II defeated the Greeks at Chaeronea in 338 BC and brought Greece to its kneel, and the Greeks fought fiercely, first on the side of the Persians and later on the side of the Romans to expel the Macedonians from their country. Too late would they realize that the Macedonian occupation would only be replaced by the Roman. In between the Greeks fought many unsuccessful wars against the Macedonians to drive them out of Greece, among which the Lamian War is the most famous. It should be noted that the Lamian War was triggered by the death of Alexander the Great, which encouraged the Greeks to rebel.
I wish that I could say that I am surprised we see yet another challenge to the fact that Macedonians were Greeks. Deja Vu would probably agree with Grote in saying that Xerzes' army had more Greeks than Alexander's.

If Phillip's Macedonians were not Greek, would it not be highly likely that almost all of Greece would have put up just a little more resistance to the League Phillip created? Please note that contemporary comments cannot be given the same authority as similar ones from our times as the two writing styles had appreciable differences. Like I wrote, Athenians pretended to have trouble telling the difference between non-Greeks and Macedonians. Others may well have intended to try to stress the differences in saying that the Macedonians were less cosmopolitan or less enervated than many other Greeks.

When Attalus insulted Alexander (and Olympias) by publicly wishing that the marriage of his niece to Phillip would produce a legitimate heir, what does Deja Vu suggest that he meant? It would be unlikely that he meant that his niece was Illyrian, because that would be what we know Olympias to have been and that was Attalus' point. He was saying that his niece was a Macedonian noble and that a son that she would have would have a better claim to the throne than Alexander. As an aside, I do love Alexander's retort "Villain, do you take me for a bastard then?"

So, we can say that Macedonians were not Illyrians and we know that no Slavic tribes were anywhere near Macedonia at that time. Ok then, Deja Vu, just whom do you say these people were? I am very curious now.

I am also reading Herodotus now. If I find anything that shows me to be wrong, I will be sure to tell you. I have read Lots of Plutarch, Livy, and Arrian several times over and have yet to come to your conclusions as a result.
Like I wrote, Athenians pretended to have trouble telling the difference between non-Greeks and Macedonians.
Others may well have intended to try to stress the differences in saying that the Macedonians were less cosmopolitan or less enervated than many other Greeks.

Actually, according to Herodotus, Macedonians and Spartans origin from Hellenic Dorians, while Athenians origin from Pelasgians...
Herodotous argue that Pelasgians spoke barbarian language and that Ionian Athenians must have been hellenized...

Afterwards he turned his thoughts to the alliance which he had been recommended to contract, and sought to ascertain by inquiry which was the most powerful of the Grecian states. His inquiries pointed out to him two states as pre-eminent above the rest. These were the Lacedaemonians and the Athenians, the former of Doric, the latter of Ionic blood. And indeed these two nations had held from very, early times the most distinguished place in Greece, the being a Pelasgic, the other a Hellenic people, and the one having never quitted its original seats, while the other had been excessively migratory; for during the reign of Deucalion, Phthiotis was the country in which the Hellenes dwelt, but under Dorus, the son of Hellen, they moved to the tract at the base of Ossa and Olympus, which is called Histiaeotis; forced to retire from that region by the Cadmeians, they settled, under the name of Macedni, in the chain of Pindus. Hence they once more removed and came to Dryopis; and from Dryopis having entered the Peloponnese in this way, they became known as Dorians.
What the language of the Pelasgi was I cannot say with any certainty. If, however, we may form a conjecture from the tongue spoken by the Pelasgi of the present day- those, for instance, who live at Creston above the Tyrrhenians, who formerly dwelt in the district named Thessaliotis, and were neighbours of the people now called the Dorians- or those again who founded Placia and Scylace upon the Hellespont, who had previously dwelt for some time with the Athenians- or those, in short, of any other of the cities which have dropped the name but are in fact Pelasgian; if, I say, we are to form a conjecture from any of these, we must pronounce that the Pelasgi spoke a barbarous language. If this were really so, and the entire Pelasgic race spoke the same tongue, the Athenians, who were certainly Pelasgi, must have changed their language at the same time that they passed into the Hellenic body; for it is a certain fact that the people of Creston speak a language unlike any of their neighbours, and the same is true of the Placianians, while the language spoken by these two people is the same; which shows that they both retain the idiom which they brought with them into the countries where they are now settled.
Herodotus - History

Trojan war is estimated to have lasted between 1194BC and 1184 BC

but Dorian invasion also is estimated to have happened around 1200 BC

(btw. no Macedonians in Trojan war, and Sparta might have been originally about Lydia that was known as Sparda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydia )

Dorians are hellenic tribe, while Athenians are Pelasgians in origin...
some theories propose that Dorians in fact did arrive to Greece much after the Trojan war

The problem is that there are no traces of any Dorians anywhere until the start of the Geometric period at about 950 BC. This simple pottery decoration appears to be correlated with other changes in material culture, such as the introduction of iron weapons and alterations in burial practices from Mycenaean group burials in tholos tombs to individual burials and cremation. These can certainly associated with the historical Dorian settlers, such as those of Sparta in the 10th century BC.[19] However, they appear to have been general over all of Greece; moreover, the new weapons would not have been used in 1200.
The scholars were now faced with the conundrum of an invasion at 1200 but a resettlement at 950. What took the Dorians so long and where were they for several generations? One answer is that the destruction of 1200 was not caused by the Dorians and that the quasi-mythical return of the Heracleidae is to be associated with settlement at Sparta ca. 950. It was a migration easily accomplished in a military vacuum.

A tradition also survived that large parts of Greece had once been Pelasgian before being Hellenized. These parts generally fell within the ethnic domain that by the fifth century was attributed to those speakers of ancient Greek who were identified as Ionians.

if Dorians are proto-Greeks, as Herodotus seems to believe, than ancient Macedonians were indeed Greeks, and Trojan war might have been in fact pre-Greek event, that came to ancient Greeks via epic songs of assimilated Pelasges (Athenians being one of them)

if Ionians were proto-Greek, than ancient Macedonioans and Spartans are not Greek...

In fact, perhaps term Greek origins from Pelasgians e.g. Ionians, while term Hellens origins from Macedonians and Spartans.... question is whose language and culture is the one in Greece?

To offer an American phrase, there was not a Slavic tribe “within a thousand miles” of that region at the time of ancient or classical Macedonia.
I would not bet on that.... name Slavs is not mentioned before 6th century....
but than again it its first appearances in history it is related to names of Venedi and Anti and those people are described as being of Veneti race...

In the land of Scythia to the westward dwells, first of all, the race of the Gepidae, surrounded by great and famous rivers. For the Tisia flows through it on the north and northwest, and on the southwest is the great Danube. On the east it is cut by the Flutausis, a swiftly eddying stream that sweeps whirling into the Ister's waters. (34) Within these rivers lies Dacia, encircled by the lofty Alps as by a crown. Near their left ridge, which inclines toward the north, and beginning at the source of the Vistula, the populous race of the Venethi dwell, occupying a great expanse of land. Though their names are now dispersed amid various clans and places, yet they are chiefly called Sclaveni and Antes. (35) The abode of the Sclaveni extends from the city of Noviodunum and the lake called Mursianus to the Danaster, and northward as far as the Vistula. They have swamps and forests for their cities. The Antes, who are the bravest of these peoples dwelling in the curve of the sea of Pontus, spread from the Danaster to the Danaper, rivers that are many days' journey apart. (36)
Jordanes- the origin and deeds of Goths

knowing that Anti and Venedi were in past classified as Sarmatian tribes...
we see that Slavs were previously called Venedae and Sarmats which places them in exactly the same part of east Europe where they live now (except Bohemia, west Poland and Balkans).

Taking into account that in fact Iaziges tribe was named Sarmatian by one authors and Illyrina Pannonian by others, we actually come to the logical point that Pannonians was name for Sarmatians who lived in Pannonia.....

now, let me tell you who Pannonian Illyrians were

take a good look at position of Oseriates tribe....

it is exactly this place


magnificent set of 16 lakes with lot of waterfalls... really beautiful

Oseriates, right?

words for lake:

russian - ozero
Ukrainian - ozero
serbo-croat - jezero
czech - jezero
german - see
italian - lago
french - lac
greeks - λίμνη
estonian - järv
albanian - liqen

so, who do you think Oseriates are related to in terms of nations of today?

they were Pannoian Illyrians, named Illyrians likely only because they settled in Illyria

I shall first describe Illyria, which approaches close to the Danube, and to the Alps which lie between Italy and Germany, taking their commencement from the lake in the territory of the Vindelici, Rhæti, and Helvetii.7 [2]
The Daci depopulated a part of this country in their wars with the Boii and Taurisci, Keltic tribes whose chief was Critasirus. The Daci claimed the country, although it was separated from them by the river Parisus,8 which flows from the mountains to the Danube, near the Galatæ Scordisci, a people who lived intermixed with the Illyrian and the Thracian tribes. The Illyrians were destroyed by the Daci, while the Scordisci were frequently their allies.
The rest of the country as far as Segestica,9 and the Danube, towards the north and east, is occupied by Pannonii, but they extend farther in an opposite direction.
Strabo (63/64 BC – ca. AD 24) - Geographica

so, you are very likely to be wrong about Slavs being not a thousand miles near...Slavic people were where they are but under different names... Pannonian tribes settled Illyria after it was depopulated (much before Strabo's writings) in wars between Dacians and Celts... area was still named Illyria, but real Illyrians were already in Strabo's time living in Albania...

The Breuci, Andizetii, Ditiones, Peirustæ, Mazæi, Daisitiatæ, whose chief was Baton, and other small obscure communities, which extend to Dalmatia, and almost to the Ardiæi to the south, are Pannonians.

Strabo (63/64 BC – ca. AD 24) - Geographica

The whole mountainous tract from the recess of the Adriatic bay to the Rhizonic gulf,17 and to the territory of the Ardiæi, intervening between the sea and Pannonia, forms the coast of Illyria.
Strabo (63/64 BC – ca. AD 24) - Geographica

Real Illyrians thus in Strabo's time lived in Albania and Montenegro (Rhizonic gulf is as explained in footnote the bay of Kotor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boka_kotorska), and as you can see he explains further that this actually Illyrian coast is between sea and Pannonians, which indicates that Pannoians at that time lived in FYRM as well...

Actually, in ancient Greece (few centuries before Strabo) FYROM was settled by Paeonians and not by ancient Macedonians... could Paeonians be same as Pannonians?
King Darius was full of wonder both at what they who had watched
the woman told him, and at what he had himself seen. So he commanded
that she should be brought before him. And the woman came; and with
her appeared her brothers, who had been watching everything a little
way off. Then Darius asked them of what nation the woman was; and
the young men replied that they were Paeonians, and she was their
sister. Darius rejoined by asking, "Who the Paeonians were, and in
what part of the world they lived? and, further, what business had
brought the young men to Sardis?" Then the brothers told him they
had come to put themselves under his power, and Paeonia was a
country upon the river Strymon, and the Strymon was at no great
distance from the Hellespont. The Paeonians, they said, were colonists
of the Teucrians from Troy.
When they had thus answered his questions,
Darius asked if all the women of their country worked so hard? Then
the brothers eagerly answered, Yes; for this was the very object
with which the whole thing had been done.

Herodotus - History

Paeonians were Trojans in origin... and on side of Troya in Troyan war were also Amazones (from whom Sarmatians origin according to legends) and Lycians (with their ruler Sarpedon)


to conclude, FYRM people are much more likely to origin from Paeonians than from ancient Macedonians
I like the well presented and well thought out citations above.

I would have to hold that my assertions on the Slavs were correct. We must use caution when looking for the name "Slav" in that period as they appear to be unknown to those who lived in the Balkans. Greeks (I think Strabo here) knew of the "unmounted scythians" very early on whom they later knew to be Germans and Celts. I would cite Colin McEvedy if I had to choose one when we speak of the Slavs and their migrations. He would not even have them knocking on the door of the Eastern Empire until the fifth century. Aside from those that the Avars forced to fight for them in the sixth century, we do not know of the empire having any problems with them until that time. Prior to the fourth century we do not have them in or near the Balkans yet. Before that, it would have been difficult for them to move south leaving their Baltic "cousins" and cross over the lands of the ever-expanding Goths and the Huns that took the same area from the opposite direction shortly after.

For the record, I really would stand by “hundreds of miles” Thousands was intended to be hyperbole.

I also would strongly hold that the Sarmations, Roxolani, etc., were Iranian tribes.

I would like to see more discussion on the Paeonians possibly being of Trojan origin and also if they can be equated with Pannonians. I will freely admit that Paeonians are the group about which I would know the least by far.

Conspiracy Topics
Historically the philistines, the Babylonians and Persians conquered the land of Canaan which the Hebrew people called Israel, the Hebrew tribes of Manesseh and Dan joined forces and became the Macedonians or Macedanians (Manasseh + Dan = Macedanians) they wore white kilts like the Egyptian pharaohs, played goat skinned bagpipes, adopted the Greek culture and settled along the River Danube which they named after the tribe of Dan.
THE EMPIRE OF "THE CITY" (World Superstate)
Part 1 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4675077383139148549#
Part 2 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4675077383139148549#docid=-4430543376785758889

Eugene N. Borza was a professor emeritus of ancient history at Pennsylvania State University. He has written many works on the ancient kingdom of Macedonia.

Published works
Eugene Borza

Who Were (and Are) the Macedonians?
(Abstract from a paper presented at the 1996 Annual meeting of the American PhilologicalAssociation http://www.apaclassics.org/AnnualMeeting/96program.html)
This paper seeks to illuminate the problems associated with determining the ethnicity of the ancient Macedonians (were
they Greek?), and to discuss the "reverberations" (to use the organizers' term) of that issue in modem times. While the
1971 OED may regard the use of the word "ethnicity" as obsolete, no adequate substitute for the word exists. Indeed,
part of the discussion in my paper will, following the lead of Loring Danforth in his recent The Macedonian Conflict.-
Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World (Princeton 1995), attempt to illustrate some principles by which the "ethnicity"
of the ancient Macedonians--and, perhaps, other ancient peoples--can be discussed in a coherent manner.

Among the questions asked as appropriate to a methodological model of determining ethnicity are:

I. What were a people's origins and what language did they speak? From the surviving literary sources
(Hesiod, Herodotus, and Thucydides) there is little information about Macedonian origins, and the
archaeological data from the early period is sparse and inconclusive. On the matter of language, and despite
attempts to make Macedonian a dialect of Greek, one must accept the conclusion of the linguist R. A.
Crossland in the recent CAH, that an insufficient amount of Macedonian has survived to know what language
it was. But it is clear from later sources that Macedonian and Greek were mutually unintelligible in the court
of Alexander the Great. Moreover, the presence in Macedonia of inscriptions written in Greek is no more
proof that the Macedonians were Greek than, e.g., the existence of Greek inscriptions on Thracian vessels
and coins proves that the Thracians were Greeks.

II. Self-identity: what did the Macedonians say or think about themselves? Virtually nothing has survived
from the Macedonians themselves (they are among the silent peoples of antiquity), and very little remains in
the Classical and Hellenistic non-Macedonian sources about Macedonian attitudes.

III. What did others say about the Macedonians? Here there is a relative abundance of information from
Arrian, Plutarch (Alexander, Eumenes), Diodorus 17-20, Justin, Curtius Rufus, and Nepos (Eumenes),
based upon Greek and Greek-derived Latin sources. It is clear that over a five-century span of writing in two
languages representing a variety of historiographical and philosophical positions the ancient writers regarded
the Greeks and Macedonians as two separate and distinct peoples whose relationship was marked by
considerable antipathy, if not outright hostility.

IV. What is the nature of cultural expressions as revealed by archaeology? As above we are blessed with an
increasing amount of physical evidence revealing information about Macedonian tastes in art and decoration,
religion, political and economic institutions, architecture and settlement patterns. Clearly the Macedonians
were in many respects Hellenized, especially on the upper levels of their society, as demonstrated by the
excavations of Greek archaeologists over the past two decades. Yet there is much that is different, e. g., their
political institutions, burial practices, and religious monuments.

I will argue that, whoever the Macedonians were, they emerged as a people distinct from the Greeks who lived to the
south and east. In time their royal court--which probably did not have Greek origins (the tradition in Herodotus that the
Macedonian kings were descended from Argos is probably a piece of Macedonian royal propaganda)--became
Hellenized in many respects, and I shall review the influence of mainstream Greek culture on architecture, art, and literary

Finally, a took at contemporary Balkan politics. The Greek government firmly maintains that the ancient Macedonians
were ethnic Greeks, and that any claim by the new Republic of Macedonia (The Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia) to the name "Macedonia" and the symbols of ancient Macedonia is tantamount to an expropriation of Greek
history. Moreover, it is claimed that there is no such thing as a distinct Slavic Macedonian identity and language separate
from Bulgaria and Serbia.

I shall review the evidence for the existence of a modern Macedonian ethnicity with reference to my recent work in a
Macedonian ethnic community in Steelton, Pennsylvania. Both the gravestones in a local cemetery and U.S. census reports
from the early twentieth century provide evidence that emigres from Macedonia who lived and died in Steelton in the early
twentieth century considered themselves to be distinct from their Serbian and Bulgarian neighbors.

I shall conclude with a summary showing how the present conflict between Greeks and Macedonians in the Balkans is
characterized by both sides reaching back to antiquity to provide an often false historical basis to justify their respective
modem positions: the theme of "reverberations" as mentioned by the organizers of the panel.


Paeonian tribes

In ancient geography, Paeonia or Paionia (Greek: Παιονία) was the land of the Paeonians (Ancient Greek Παίονες). The exact boundaries of Paeonia, like the early history of its inhabitants, are very obscure, but it is known that they lay in the region of Thrace. In the time of Classical Greece, Paeonia originally included the whole Vardar River valley and the surrounding areas, in what is now the northern part of the Greek region of Macedonia, most of the present-day Republic of Macedonia, and a small part of western Bulgaria.[1] It was located immediately north of ancient Macedon (roughly corresponding to the modern Greek region of Macedonia) and south of Dardania (roughly corresponding to modern-day Kosovo). In the east were Thracians and in the west the Illyrians.
They seem to have been of either Thracian,[10] or of mixed Thraco-Illyrian origins.[11] Linguistically the Paeonian language has been variously connected to his neighboring languages - Illyrian and Thracian; (and every possible Thraco-Illyrian mix in between).[12] Several eastern Paeonian tribes including the Agrianes, clearly fell within the Thracian sphere of influence. Yet according to the national legend (Herodotus v. 13), they were Teucrian colonists from Troy. Homer (Iliad, book II, line 848) speaks of Paeonians from the Axios fighting on the side of the Trojans, but the Iliad does not mention whether the Paeonians were kin to the Trojans. Homer gives the Paeonian leader as a certain Pyraechmes (parentage unknown); but later on in the Iliad (Book 21)Homer mentions a second leader, named Asteropaeus, son of Pelagon.
Before the reign of Darius Hystaspes, they had made their way as far east as Perinthus in Thrace on the Propontis. At one time all Mygdonia, together with Crestonia, was subject to them. When Xerxes crossed Chalcidice on his way to Therma (later renamed Thessalonica) he is said to have marched through Paeonian territory. They occupied the entire valley of the Axios (Vardar) as far inland as Stobi, the valleys to the east of it as far as the Strymon and the country round Astibus and the river of the same name, with the water of which they anointed their kings. Emathia, roughly the district between the Haliacmon and Axios, was once called Paeonia; and Pieria and Pelagonia were inhabited by Paeonians. In consequence of the growth of Macedonian power, and under pressure from their Thracian neighbors, their territory was considerably diminished, and in historical times was limited to the north of Macedonia from Illyria to the Strymon.
In Greek mythology the Paeonians were said to have derived their name from Paeon the son of Endymion.[13]

In 360-359 BC, southern Paeonian tribes were launching raids into Macedon, (Diodorus XVI. 2.5) in support of an Illyrian invasion. The Royal House, Macedonias (of the Macedonians) was thrown into a state of uncertainty by the death of Perdiccas, but Philip II of Macedon (Philip Macedonias) assumed the throne, reformed the army (providing phalanxes), and proceeded to stop both the Illyrian invasion and the Paeonian raids through the boundary of the "Macedonian Frontier" which was the northern perimeter which King Phillip intended to defend as an area of his domain. He followed his success in 358 BC with a campaign deep into the north, into Paeonia itself. This reduced the Paeonian kingdom (then ruled by Agis) to a semi-autonomous, subordinate status, which led to a process of gradual and formal Hellenization of the Paeonians. This also united Hellenic peoples and clans that had not belonged to another Hellenic state within that region.
At the time of the Persian invasion, the Paeonians on the lower Strymon had lost, while those in the north maintained, their territorial determination. The daughter of Audoleon, one of these kings, was the wife of Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, and Alexander the Great wished to bestow the hand of his sister Cynane upon Langarus, who had shown himself loyal to Philip II. Alexander the Great's mother was from the Hellenic state of Epirus and was an Epirot by blood. A genial dynasty also continued through the reigns of Paeonian kings.

Map of Homeric Greece

In 280 BC the Gallic invaders under Brennus ravaged the land of the Paeonians, who, being further hard pressed by the Dardani, had no alternative but to join the Macedonians. Despite their combined efforts, however, the Paeonians and Macedonians were defeated. Paeonia consolidated again but in 217 BC the Macedonian king Philip V of Macedon (220-179 BC), the son of Demetrius II, succeeded in uniting and incorporating into his empire the separate regions of Dassaretia and Paeonia. A mere 70 years later (in 146 BC), Roman legions conquered Macedon in turn. Paeonia around the Axios formed the second and third districts respectively of the Roman province of Macedonia (Livy xiv. 29). Centuries later under Diocletian, Paeonia and Pelagonia formed a province called Macedonia secunda or Macedonia Salutaris, belonging to the Praetorian prefecture of Illyricum. By AD 400, however, the Paeonians had lost their identity, and the term Paeonia was rendered a mere geographic identifier.

The Paeonians included several independent tribes, all later united under the rule of a single king. Little is known of their manners and customs. They adopted the cult of Dionysus, known amongst them as Dyalus or Dryalus, and Herodotus mentions that the Thracian and Paeonian women offered sacrifice to Queen Artemis (probably Bendis). They worshipped the sun in the form of a small round disk fixed on the top of a pole. A passage in Athenaeus seems to indicate the affinity of their language with Mysian. They drank barley beer and various decoctions made from plants and herbs. The country was rich in gold and a bituminous kind of wood (or stone, which burst into a blaze when in contact with water) called tanrivoc (or tsarivos).


There are several figures named Pelagon (Πελάγων, -όνος) in Greek mythology.
  1. Pelagon, the King of Phocis who gives Cadmus the cow that will guide him to Boeotia.
  2. A second Pelagon is given in the Iliad as the father of the Paeonian warrior Asteropaeus, son of the river-god Axius and Periboea. Presumably this Pelagon was the eponymous founder of Pelagonia.
  3. A different Pelagon in the Iliad is an "illustrious" companion of Sarpedon, who removes Tlepolemus' spear from Sarpedon's thigh.[1]
  4. Pelagon (also called Pelasgus) was a son of the river-god Asopus by Metope.
Pelagonia (Greek: Πελαγονíα , Macedonian: Пелагонија, Pelagonija) is a geographical region of Macedonia, with different borders between ancient and modern times.
In antiquity, it was roughly bounded by Dardania to the far north, Illyria to the west and north, Paionia to the east, and Lynkestis to the south and west. Ancient Pelagonia is located in south-western regions of modern Republic of Macedonia.[1] Later the region was annexed to the Macedonian kingdom during the 4th century BC. In medieval times, when the names of Lynkestis and Orestis had become obsolete, Pelagonia acquired a broader meaning. This is why the Battle of Pelagonia (1259) between Byzantines and Latins includes also the Kastoria Prefecture, modern Macedonia (Greece), ancient Orestis.Today, Pelagonia is a plain shared between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece. It incorporates the southern towns of Bitola and Prilep in the Republic of Macedonia and the northwestern Greek Macedonian city Florina in Greece; it is also the location of the lower key border crossing between the two countries Medžitlija-Niki.

In Greek mythology, Pelasgus was the eponymous ancestor of the Pelasgians, the mythical inhabitants of Greece who established the worship of the Dodonaean Zeus, Hephaestus, the Cabeiri, and other divinities. In the different parts of the country once occupied by Pelasgians, there existed dif­ferent traditions as to the origin and connection of Pelasgus. The Ancient Greeks used to believe even he was the first man.

What makes Paeonians more or less Greek?
They mixed with Macedonians or other people and lost identity?

To conclude, FYROM people are much more likely to origin from Paeonians than from ancient Macedonians?
Based on what? Maps? Language? Genetics? History?
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Dorians are hellenic tribe, while Athenians are Pelasgians in origin...
some theories propose that Dorians in fact did arrive to Greece much after the Trojan war
if Dorians are proto-Greeks, as Herodotus seems to believe, than ancient Macedonians were indeed Greeks, and Trojan war might have been in fact pre-Greek event, that came to ancient Greeks via epic songs of assimilated Pelasges (Athenians being one of them)

if Ionians were proto-Greek, than ancient Macedonioans and Spartans are not Greek...

In fact, perhaps term Greek origins from Pelasgians e.g. Ionians, while term Hellens origins from Macedonians and Spartans.... question is whose language and culture is the one in Greece?

The thread has been expanded since I last visited the forum, I want to add here that Dorians had also reached Crete and more precisely Chania and Rethymno. I don't know how ancient Dorians looked like, but if you visit Crete and leave the major cities and go to the villages in the area between Chania and Rethymno (Sfakia etc) the majority of people you will find are very tall, with blue eyes and blond hair (even though Sfakia is Europe's southernmost point), characteristics which are supposed to be rare in Crete. My family comes from that area and we have inherited these features.

Great Alexander had light hair (more precisely "ξανθιζειν" "xanthezeen" which means not brown, close to what we would call sandy brown/blond today), and since it was worth mentioning it must have been rare in Athens.
The majority of these phenotypes in Greece can be found in North Greece, West Crete (East Crete has mostly descendants of Minoans, with darker features) and Central-South Peloponnese (where Sparta is) and in these areas live descendant of Dorians. Also the Cretan dialect (which I know of) is very very similar to Ancient Greek, and uses special forms in words which are not common in Modern Greek, and Cretans have very similar cultural characteristics with Spartans.