Will all people of the world mix creating one race in the future?

Furthermore, I am european. For the most of the trip that modern paleogenetics took us I find that I am very, very much part of the original population of this continent. Every time the Americans and Canadians sing praise of the melting pot I wonder: Do the Indians in your countries sing that same praise? I very much doubt it.
I'm not European but as an American of Cajun French ancestry I completely agree. lmao

We Acadian-French colonists never wanted to be part of the USA either; if you recall our history we were deported to Louisiana by the British, and then sold to the new USA by Napoleon Bonaparte with the Louisiana purchase.
Angela, I specifically asked about intermarriage between African Americans and Latinos.

I misunderstood. Of course it happens. My husband's office manager is Puerto Rican and she married an African American. A celebrity example is Jennifer Lopez, who had a lot of relationships with African American men. Do I need to list all the instances of which I'm aware? As the statistics I posted above indicated, intermarriage with African Americans lags behind intermarriages between other groups. From my personal experience I'd say that "Latino" families are happier if their children marry whites than if they marry African Americans, but then they come from very oppressive, colonialist, racist cultures.

With Latinos it's also complicated because many of them are tri-racial. That's the case with Puerto Ricans, for example. They have Spanish, Amerindian and SSA ancestry. The percentages can differ by individual. You can have "white" looking Puerto Ricans, more "mixed" looking Puerto Ricans, and more "black" looking Puerto Ricans. Dominicans the same, although the ones here in New York, at least, seem to have more SSA. We don't have all that many Mexicans. I don't know what the story is with them in the southwest or California from personal experience. Here on the east coast we got a lot of Central American refugees in the last twenty years, but they're relative newcomers so they sort of keep more apart.

I don't know what to tell you...people mix here and in other urban, cosmopolitan areas...maybe in Louisiana or Arkansas they don't, but they mix here, and also as per LeBrok's data, in areas like Vancouver, apparently. However, as I pointed out, it's not the majority of the marriages by any means even here. The vast majority of the people in my circle of acquaintance still marry within the major groupings. I listed the national statistics above. The point is that it is a growing percentage, and people aren't losing sleep over it. As the statistics showed, over 70% of the American people have no problem with inter-racial marriage, much less inter-ethnic marriage. People would think you're a nut job if you went around saying that the Italians should only marry Italians, or the Irish the Irish, or whatever. I don't understand why you guys are so worked up about it. So long as no one forces you to do it, what business is it of yours? You know what don't answer that...I probably wouldn't like the answer. Let's just say that even if you are worked up about it, it's irrelevant, because you're not going to stop it.

Jeb Bush, brother of George Bush, and Republican candidate for President, his Hispanic wife Colomba and his son. (You just don't get any more "white bread", as we say, than the Bush family.)


Another family picture:

John McCain...past Republican candidate and his family, including his adopted daughter:
Boy, have I met a lot of people saying that. It all works fine as long as relations are superfluous. However, most culture of the world consider "freedom to marry a partner of your choice" (Your words) a travesty and an example of western pervertedness and you just made clear you consider that freedom very important.
200 years ago in Europe all marriages were forced, now almost none. There is a reason to suspect, that in the future when all world will develop economically, and liberalize at same time, the arranged marriages will be a thing of the past.

Even in such conservative country as India, the trend goes into love marriages, also called Self-Arranged. Imagine that.

Is that with of without taking into consideration that most western societies are getting less and less children, far below sustaining level?
Will this stop mixed marriages?

Fertility rate drops everywhere these days. Look at Bangladesh stats. It dropped to 2.10 from 5.24 during last 30 years.
Angela, those autosomal components you mention for Georgians are from different subgroups of the same race.

You're are assuming this pure (Eurpoid)race exists without any research. I'm not saying you do this but too many people today assume that they can figure out ancient origins by looking at modern cultures and ethnic groups.

The latest academic research with dozens of ancient genomes suggest Middle easterns and Europeans trace their ancestry to 3 distinct stone age populations named: WHG, ANE, and Basal Eurasian. WHG and ANE are closely related, but Basal Eurasian is totally differnt. WHG-ANE are closer to East Asians than they're to Basal Eurasian.

And again, you all try to hide/ignore the fact that most of the old time race mixing was due to conquest, violence and rape.

She doesn't have the agenda you think she does. Violence and rape did cause admixture in ancient times but you can't assume that's always how it happened.
And who are you to force on others so called equality and inclusiveness?

1. I am against arranged marriages
2. responsible member of a group should make his choices according to wellbeing of the whole group, not following his selfish whims. Else he is out.

I think I know what you're getting at and I agree: Original human society was of small tribes and most similar to modern families. So everything everyone does makes an affect on everyone. There are some who think freedom means do whatever the heck you want, and if it's disruptive to society do it behind closed doors. They'd be fine with people raping monkeys, as long as it was behind closed doors, and they don't even consider social morality. This goes against some of the most basic elements of making a human and human society.
Who said anyone is forcing it on you?

So, you would ostracize someone of your "group" who married "out"? You wouldn't be the first group to do that. It can work, too, especially if you live in some isolated enclave.

You're probably not aware of it, but American Ashkenazi Jews used to "sit shiva" (mourn as if dead) for members of their families who married "out". I had a friend whose family did that.

European Jews genetically fit right in the east Mediterranean and almost in the Near east, even though they've been minorities in Europe since before the Middle ages. You've got to respect how true to tradition they've been.

There is an aspect of healthy love for family and tradition to nativism and it should not be assumed to be raciest. Anyone who grew an emotional bond to their town, sports team, school, etc. can understand this.
No its not generally regarded as the beginning of the Enlightenment. The age of reason, the Enlightenment is this:


I did. And they were at times, especially during the Banal revolution which was indeed as cruel as you describe. But for other large amounts of times in large parts it wasn't quite like that. Serfdom often was a required service. In the high middle ages you could have farmers that were half-free living on a manor and thus being required to work for their lord while they owned the commons as a village which was given out as a fief to that same lord. Disputes in such a situation were settled.

Uhm. You know how ancient Celts think? That's quite remarkable! PS: I think I made *my* point very clear.

How nice to see that you consider Wikipedia to be the ultimate authority. And I do realize that the way certain terms are used changes over time and that instead of talking about the Enlightenment in terms of the initial burst of knowledge that transformed Europe some people now talk about "the Age of Enlightenment" and equate it with the Age of Reason. But by getting weirdly specific about such details after complaining about those nasty cultural marxists from the Enlightenment suggests to me that you have no arguments to support your hostility to racial intermarriage. And no, you haven't made any point clear.
Yes, it's too bad we don't still live in the Dark Ages, when the Church had a monopoly on education, where serfs and women knew their place and where anyone who failed to be sufficiently obedient to their feudal overlord could be hanged, drawn and quartered. That evil phenomenon known as the Enlightenment really ruined things. But what about those ancient pre-christian cultures such as the pagan Celts where women had most of the same legal, economic and social rights as men? I guess they must have been time travelling cultural marxists.

You're assumption that conservative values can't exist in a tolerant society is totally incorrect.

The Celts were not a single ethnicity. There isn't nearly enough data on "Celtic"(which ones and what time period?) society to say they weren't sexiest. The picture of European history you're painting, that Christianity ruined things, clearly shows you're biased towards Christianity, because nothing in history is that simple.
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I'm not European but as an American of Cajun French ancestry I completely agree. lmao

We Acadian-French colonists never wanted to be part of the USA either; if you recall our history we were deported to Louisiana by the British, and then sold to the new USA by Napoleon Bonaparte with the Louisiana purchase.

You've been apart of the US for about 200 years, so you're defiantly American in identity unless you read history books.
Let's just say that even if you are worked up about it, it's irrelevant, because you're not going to stop it.
If activist interest groups could start it activist interest groups can stop it too ;)
You're are assuming this pure (Eurpoid)race exists without any research. I'm not saying you do this but too many people today assume that they can figure out ancient origins by looking at modern cultures and ethnic groups.

The latest academic research with dozens of ancient genomes suggest Middle easterns and Europeans trace their ancestry to 3 distinct stone age populations named: WHG, ANE, and Basal Eurasian. WHG and ANE are closely related, but Basal Eurasian is totally differnt. WHG-ANE are closer to East Asians than they're to Basal Eurasian.

She doesn't have the agenda you think she does. Violence and rape did cause admixture in ancient times but you can't assume that's always how it happened.

Were representatives of WHG, ANE, and Basal Eurasian anthropologically so different as to belong to different races?

Well, Angela can and does answer for herself :) Maybe she does not have an agenda and is just an idealist but she does share viewpoint of those who do have an agenda.

Can you give me a single example from remote history when admixture (particularly interracial) happened on a large scale without violence?
Were representatives of WHG, ANE, and Basal Eurasian anthropologically so different as to belong to different races?

They were discovered using DNA. Personally I don't know anything about them anthropologically besides pigmentation. We can maybe find out what their distinct physical features were by looking at the bones of people from the same era and region as we get WHG and ANE DNA from(Basal Eurasian is a purely theoretical, but something similar defiantly existed in the ancient Middle East).

IMO, there's alot more physical variation in west Eurasians than in east Asians, and this might be because we're a mix of 3 very differnt ancient people. You can take two Scots from the exact same town with the same genetic makeup but they'll have totally differnt physical features, while east Asians seem to be much more uniform.

I'd rather call WHG, ANE, and BB "populations" than "races", not because I'm over politically correct, but because it's more accurate. Race implies totally distinct and pure.

But anyways if you're interested here's Loschbour who we base WHG on. He lived in Luxembourg 8,000 years ago.

Well, Angela can and does answer for herself :) Maybe she does not have an agenda and is just an idealist but she does share viewpoint of those who do have an agenda.

Can you give me a single example from remote history when admixture (particularly interracial) happened on a large scale without violence?

I have the same viewpoints as people who have biased agendas but that doesn't mean I have one. IMO, the same goes for Angela. I can't give an example but I'm not a historian.
You're assumption that conservative values can't exist in a tolerant society is totally incorrect.

The Celts were not a single ethnicity. There isn't nearly enough data on "Celtic"(which ones and what time period?) society to say they weren't sexiest. The picture of European history you're painting, that Christianity ruined things, clearly shows you're biased towards Christianity, because nothing in history is that simple.

Please, take out that prejudice angry black matter in your brain that activates whenever you read a comment of mine.

I'd be astonished by your lack of historical knowledge if I didn't realize how young you are. Read what the Greeks and Romans had to say about the various Celtic tribes and learn something about Brehon Law. Even through those imperfect mirrors we can see that the Celtic attitude to gender was very different from the Roman approach that was adopted by the christians and spread around various European cultures, altering the social dynamic and reducing the rights of women not only among the Celts but also among the Germans and Scandinavians. My point is that there is nothing "normal" or standard about extremes of patriarchy as practices by the Greeks, the Romans and the church militant. The Egyptians and Etruscans certainly didn't treat women as chattel. So modern pushback against patriarchy isn't part of some nefarious conspiracy but merely an attempt to return society to a more natural state of affairs.
Furthermore, I am european. For the most of the trip that modern paleogenetics took us I find that I am very, very much part of the original population of this continent. Every time the Americans and Canadians sing praise of the melting pot I wonder: Do the Indians in your countries sing that same praise? I very much doubt it.

What does that have to do with the topic under discussion, i.e. the rise of inter-racial marriage in the U.S? Also, although I do think that the tolerance for other groups which is a hallmark of life in North America is admirable, my point has been that certain trends can be found in this society. I haven't yet seen anyone proffer any evidence to the contrary.

Epoch:And this is exactly what I referred to in my answer to LeBrok.

I'm sorry. I'm not following you here. You find it admirable that these Hindu parents are causing their son to have a nervous breakdown because they can't bear the thought of having a non-Indian daughter-in-law, even though she's a lovely, sweet, intelligent girl who seems to love their son enough that she is even willing to convert for him?

We have very different values. I am not saying that these young people are carving out the easiest path for themselves if they go forward, but from a parent's point of view why would you cause a child such anguish by making him choose? You can and should counsel your children to be cautious, to consider the consequences and strains of a marriage between people of such different cultures, but at the end of the day, they must make their own decision. I wouldn't risk losing my child over this and nor would I wish to cause him such suffering. If they love each other enough, they will make it work. (I should add that if my child gave any indication that he or she was thinking of converting to a sect of any religion which would deny human rights to women or would advocate violence or even intolerance against members of other religions, I would oppose it with any means at my disposal.)

Epoch: And that is exactly what will be the cause for trouble. See, if we all mix, we simply have to convert to whatever finds it inexcusable to convert him- or herself.

Again, I'm not sure where you are going with this. When people live only among their own "kind", these issues will not arise. If someone emigrates here, their children will encounter, on a daily basis when adult if not as a child, people from all sorts of backgrounds. These children might fall in love with someone of a different background. If religion is the difference, it can be resolved in a number of ways. Americans are much more religious than Europeans, but still, religion is not as important as it was even twenty-five years ago. For many young people, a religious ceremony is a nod to tradition, not a sacrament. So, they'll either have an "interfaith" ceremony, or a civil one. If religion is important to one of them but not to the other, the non-religious person will either convert or agree to have the children raised in the partner's faith. If both of them have strong, but different, religious beliefs, they usually don't make it to the altar. Sometimes there is heartbreak involved. What is your solution for that? A ban on all interfaith marriages as well as inter-racial marriages? This is a free society, so this is not an option.

Epoch: It seems so contradictory to laud the American melting pot and at the same time raise your children very Italian.

I raised my children Italian because that's what I am. I wouldn't have known how to raise them any other way. I identify as Italian. I read Italian books, watch Italian television, and listen to Italian music every day. I cook Italian, heck, one week back in Italy, where I go for at least a month each year and often more, and I'm even dreaming in Italian again. I am proud of my culture and heritage and I wanted my children to be proud of it too, and they are, but in ways that I will never be, they are American. That's the way it works...I know that it seems like a paradox, but precisely because it is so inclusive and so accepting of other cultures, it is very seductive, and it's very easy for people to be absorbed and for their ties to their ancestral cultures to loosen. I made my peace with it long ago. (Plus, you have to remember that most people are not like me...they are two, three, four or more generations removed from their emigrant roots. They don't speak the ancestral languages and barely know their ancestral towns.)

I was sort of kidding about sending my daughter to Italy to find a husband, you know. Sometimes my humor seems to miss the mark. Would it be nice to have Italian children in law...more comfortable, easier on some level? Yes, it would. It would also go some way toward alleviating my anxiety, because it would mean that they might be more likely to have the kind of family values which are so important to me, although even in Italy things have changed a great deal. However, that's probably not the way it's going to turn out. At the end of the day, it's not so important. What's important to me is that each of them finds someone who is kind and compassionate, has strong family values, is intelligent, hard working, has integrity, and most importantly, someone who loves and respects them and treats them well. If they can find mates like that, I'll be very happy.

Epoch:Read the book, you'll find it at least an entertaining exercise. In it you'll find a lovely allegory by Schopenhauer on Kant and the Enlightenment, in which Kant dances with a masked beauty all night at a masked ball only to find at the end of the evening, when she reveals herself, that she is his own wife. The wife standing for Christianity.

That lovely description has now convinced me to give it a look. However, you still haven't proved to me that the desire for autonomy and greater human rights on the part of the ancient Greek women of the Lysistrata or the Gracchi or any number of other examples I could cite have anything to do with some conspiracy against traditional Christian doctrine. No human being wants to be enslaved by another or oppressed by another unless such human being has been brainwashed, and no attempt to enslave or oppress or even limit the human rights and potential of another person or group should be permitted. To use Christianity to justify any such attitude or behavior is the ultimate heresy and blasphemy. No amount of circular arguing is going to convince me to the contrary, so perhaps we should leave it there.
I'd be astonished by your lack of historical knowledge if I didn't realize how young you are. Read what the Greeks and Romans had to say about the various Celtic tribes and learn something about Brehon Law. Even through those imperfect mirrors we can see that the Celtic attitude to gender was very different from the Roman approach that was adopted by the christians and spread around various European cultures, altering the social dynamic and reducing the rights of women not only among the Celts but also among the Germans and Scandinavians. My point is that there is nothing "normal" or standard about extremes of patriarchy as practices by the Greeks, the Romans and the church militant. The Egyptians and Etruscans certainly didn't treat women as chattel. So modern pushback against patriarchy isn't part of some nefarious conspiracy but merely an attempt to return society to a more natural state of affairs.

It depends what you mean by discrimination of women. My definition is women have less freedoms and opportunities than men do. To many, every aspect of life literally has to be 50/50 for there to be gender equality. It's scientific fact men and women are very differnt biologically. IMO, instinctively they take differnt roles. All over the world we see this and I doubt it was any differnt for ancient Celtic-speakers. If in your opinion gender equality includes women taking "male roles" then you'll probably have a hard time finding a pre-modern non-western society that had gender equality.

Before awareness of female-oppression there was no measuring of gender equality and all this hype over genders, because gender roles was just one of those things everyone did like breathing.

I don't know enough about most of those people you mentioned to say anything about them on that subject. I doubt all the various differnt Celts over 100s of years had the same customs when it came to gender.

The sexually prude morals of pagan Germans and the praise classical writers(they had the same values) gave them isn't consistent with the idea this is a purely "Abrahamic" value like some say. Why are little boys scared of girls? Same reason we have morals about sexuality, it's human instinct. Some sex is dirty and can't fit socially(like a brother and sister), so it's immoral to us. This is something Seth MacFarlane refuses to acknowledge.

These Scandinavians didn't have many rights for women and were not Christian.

I think you're wrongly putting all Celts, etc. into the same category.
You've been apart of the US for about 200 years, so you're defiantly American in identity unless you read history books.
No we aren't. Our French culture is still alive but was not as vibrant as it was before WW2. I still speak French and I have relatives who still have Accordians and Violins and play Cajun music. I am actually one of the few Cajun French people here in Louisiana who are unmixed with immigrants. Some of my ancestors were indeed English immigrants who converted to Acadian culture and dropped English in favor of French, so I am not completely Cajun French; but I have more French ancestry than most anyone else here. I am also homogeneous like the Finnish and Polish. Also, it is against the law in the USA to discriminate against a person of Cajun French heritage.

Learn the history of Louisiana and the Louisiana purchase; Louisiana is very different from the rest of the USA. Before WWII; Louisiana was basically Quebec Jr.

My ancestors came from the most French parts of Louisiana, South-Central Louisiana, which is called Acadiana. (New Orleans and Baton Rouge ARE NOT considered part of Acadiana.)

You've been apart of the US for about 200 years, so you're defiantly American in identity unless you read history books.
Also, if you were to do a DNA test on people of Cajun French ancestry you would find we are more relative to the old population of France. Because we came from the Atlantic fringe of France; which has the oldest populations of French people. (mostly Celtic or pre-Basque)

French people in the East of France have more recent immigrants like German, Italian and Greek admixture. Cajuns and French Canadians are more related to Basque, Breton (from Brittany) Cornish and Welsh people.
They were discovered using DNA. Personally I don't know anything about them anthropologically besides pigmentation. We can maybe find out what their distinct physical features were by looking at the bones of people from the same era and region as we get WHG and ANE DNA from(Basal Eurasian is a purely theoretical, but something similar defiantly existed in the ancient Middle East).

IMO, there's alot more physical variation in west Eurasians than in east Asians, and this might be because we're a mix of 3 very differnt ancient people. You can take two Scots from the exact same town with the same genetic makeup but they'll have totally differnt physical features, while east Asians seem to be much more uniform.

I'd rather call WHG, ANE, and BB "populations" than "races", not because I'm over politically correct, but because it's more accurate. Race implies totally distinct and pure.

But anyways if you're interested here's Loschbour who we base WHG on. He lived in Luxembourg 8,000 years ago.

Hm, interesting. It seems I am 58.15402246 EEF; 29.18083928 WHG and 12.66513826 ANE.
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200 years ago in Europe all marriages were forced, now almost none. There is a reason to suspect, that in the future when all world will develop economically, and liberalize at same time, the arranged marriages will be a thing of the past.

That is absolutely not true. 200 years ago all marriages had to have the approval of the parents. However, it was forbidden by law in most countries by then to force your children to marry. From what I know in my part if Europa this was customary law - which was valid in court - for commoners at the end pf the middle ages. Nobility was exempt from that, which probably is what you are aiming at.

Will this stop mixed marriages?

Fertility rate drops everywhere these days. Look at Bangladesh stats. It dropped to 2.10 from 5.24 during last 30 years.

It will GREATLY influence the outcome of your mathematical routine, especially should interracial marriages be on one end of the bell curve. Not sure it is though, just mentioning that your prediction is not so valid.
That is absolutely not true. 200 years ago all marriages had to have the approval of the parents. However, it was forbidden by law in most countries by then to force your children to marry. From what I know in my part if Europa this was customary law - which was valid in court - for commoners at the end pf the middle ages. Nobility was exempt from that, which probably is what you are aiming at.
Not from the part of Europe I'm from, and before you say most of the countries you better check again the map of Europe and the history. Regardless, it doesn't really matter if it was 200, 400, or 2000. It is gone now, right?

It will GREATLY influence the outcome of your mathematical routine, especially should interracial marriages be on one end of the bell curve. Not sure it is though, just mentioning that your prediction is not so valid.
Whatever, again it is just a matter of time. However you make the formula complicated, at the end, in a future, it will happen. I'm not going to argue about exact century or even millennium. Eventually it will happen regardless of yours or my feelings on this issue.

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