Goga, you should be more conservative and open-minded when thinking through these things, and not jump to conclusions. MA-1 is 24,000 years old, and is ANE. All that is known is he was from a brother branch of WHG, and his people contributed genes to everyone in the world except Africans and east Asians. ANE is not east Asian.
Exactly what east Asian is, is unknown, so to call it mongoloid is like saying it is a pure form of ancestry, and I think we should call it east Asian because that is where it is geographically. A few years ago people thought what was call "West Eurasian" or "Caucasian" represented a pure form of ancestry. Because of ancient genomes we discovered that the reason middle easterns and Europeans are so related is because they are a mix of the same 3 distinct stone age populations, not because they descend from a single branch.