European Races

Which racial classification do you belong to?

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... sub-nordic with a slender stature instead of a tall and heavy-set frame.:thinking:

Don't know. I am more slender and my face is narrower than most Germans, also my skin is very pale. So when I'm abroad people often think I'm Scandinavian or British. My hair is dark blond, though.
I'm Celtic / Nordid-Atlantid with some CM. I have medium-to-dark auburn hair and grey eyes.
Remember that 23andMe does NOT sequence the entire genome, it uses genotyping instead, which is an SNP-based technique. Trust me when I say that I understand your resistence to the thought that statisticians are responsible instead of a super-computer, it's always easier to believe results are machine-based rather than subjective and prone to human fallibility.
Of course it's not the whole genome, and it's not even necessary to infer ancestral information, that's why they only use AIMs (Ancestral informative markers) that is , a set of alelles which are more frequent depending on the population. Otherwise the whole genome between humans is pretty much the same.
What you say makes perfectly sense, Wilhelm. I think the full genome on its proper form, would be much helpful for health and medical information than for ancestry purposes.
Much of Welsh and Irish have appearance of Mediterranean. This is because a lot of British people are of Celtiberian descendent.
Yes there are black haired, dark eyed Irish and Welsh, the actress Catherine Zeta-Jones being Welsh and having an Irish mother is a good example. In Ireland they are called Black Irish, because of the colour of their hair.

But this is confusing, we've had (how many threads now?) with Iberians telling us how blonde haired and blue eyed Celtiberians really are. And if that is the case then how can the dark Welsh and Irish be of Celtiberian descent?
That's pure demagogy Antigone, exageration of what has been posted here by some Iberians, just think about it. Starting with the fact that they are NOT Celtiberian descent, I don't know from where did Rinconete get this, but it's not accurate to consider such thing. They probably cluster with Irish, not with Iberians, that's sure.

According to the Euro7 Calculator, assuming their similarity with English and Irish people, they get a substantial amount of Southwestern (peaks in Iberia), but it's less important thant the Caucasian + Southeastern admixture (in equal degree). That's probably what makes them dark haired quite usually, although light eyes are not rare in any case.

The main point is: stop twisting things, please.
This "racial classification" thread, like all the other before, is a trainwreck. Closed.
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