Free and independent Kurdistan is coming soon.

i am ashamed of using Kurds to fight our battles and still not give them or recognise them as a nation....we are users
Well, we still have to wait for Kurds to do the first step of proclaiming independence. Then we can support and recognize the new country. I have a feeling that their political elite doesn't feel that the perfect time came yet.
i am ashamed of using Kurds to fight our battles and still not give them or recognise them as a nation....we are users
Kurds have friends in Europe. Italians are one of closest European friends of the Kurds. The Italians are one the greatest people ever. Thank you!
Well, we still have to wait for Kurds to do the first step of proclaiming independence. Then we can support and recognize the new country. I have a feeling that their political elite doesn't feel that the perfect time came yet.
Are you sure? If the US wanted Kurdistan today there would be Kurdistan. The American government is against Kurdistan.
But it’s true that Kurds are divided. Kurds in Rojava (western Kurdistan), PKK and the Ezdi Kurds want an independent Kurdistan, while Barzani the ISLAMIST and his traitor clan in South Kurdistan is the closest allie of Turykye. He is a Turkish spy. He's not part of Kurdish nation, he wants to be part of the Islam Nation. Americans know that. We must get rid of Barzani first, because there are many Kurdish traitors who are against Kurdistan. They are not Kurds, they are Muslims, the Islamists, who are part of the Islam Nation.
Barzani KILLED 10000 Ezdi Kurds and because of him another 10000 harmless women and children who got captive are now and are now at DAESH hands.
The real Kurds will NEVER forgive what Barzani the ISLAMIST did to a Kurdish nation. He will pay for it!!
The USA know very well who is a Kurdish traitor and who is not. And as long Barzani, the Muslim son of a dog, has power in South Kurdistan there will be NEVER independent South Kurdistan. The USA is simply not trusting him. We must get rid of the traitors first. Then South Kurdistan will be free too.

But my people, the Ezidi Kurds, Kurds in Rojava, YPJ, JPG, PKK etc. are about to found a free Kurdistan in Rojava and Ezdixan. This part of Kurdistan is free and free of Islam! There will be NEVER Islam in Ezdixan, homeland of my people. My people HATE Islam much more than the Jews hate Islam.
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Sunni Muslim Kurd, Ziyad Terko, deputy of Serbest Bapîrî (PDK, party of traitor Barzani) was arrested on suspection of collaboration with DAESH terrorists. The REAL Kurds actually have at this moment great fun in my homeland. They kill at least 100 Sunni Muslim DAESH terrorist every day, in Kobane, Cizîrê Kanton and Shengal! And it will be like this for many years to come. Killing Sunni Muslim DAESH terrorists is great fun!
REAL Kurds: Ezdi Forces, YPG, HPG etc. celebrate brotherly the liberation of Kurdistan areas in West Kurdistan, Rojava, in my homeland Shengal, Ezdixan.

Goga you act worse than a Gray Wolve. You are splitting the nation because you act like an too emotional children. If you keep insulting any other Kurds who have a different opinion as yours(which includes me) I will personally as a Kurd ask for a mod to take actions against you. I had to take your nonsense for too long now. I don't need to take these constant insults.
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Goga, We Kurds form a very homogeneous nation yet one of the most diverse in the world for a population of ~40 million. We did not have a problem back then living side by side and we do not have a problem now nor in the future because our bond is our ethnicity, common history and common struggle.
We just have to wait till shengal is liberated completely and daish ain't bringing any trouble again. We need stability first, then it will probably change goga's mind as he sees how good and nice it became in shengal, and all places where yezidis live. Probably better than it will ever be for decades or perhaps hundreds of years. Shaikhan where my father come from has been taken by peshmerga fully and they have it very nice there and have a stable life. They can go to school etc without getting bombed by arabs. Also, goga what do you think of gorran party with neshirwan mustafa?
Goga, We Kurds form a very homogeneous nation yet one of the most diverse in the world for a population of ~40 million. We did not have a problem back then living side by side and we do not have a problem now nor in the future because our bond is our ethnicity, common history and common struggle.
You are still very young, You don't understand how thislife works. It's an eye for an eyeand atooth for a tooth.
Of course we will exterminate ALL Sunni Muslim Daesh subhuman monkeys in Kurdistan, that's not a problem.

The problem is those thousands of innocent civilian Ezdi Kurds who got killed. Why did just happen? They have relatives and we want to revenge our loses. A lot Ezdi Kurds lost their father, brother, mother, sister, daughter, son! THIS WILL BE NEVER FORGOTTEN AND DEFINNATELY NEVER BE FORGIVEN! They got killed by Sunni Muslim terrorists in the name of Islam and those leaders who are responsible for this genocide will pay greatly, they will never escape their fate! Those politicians who are responsible for this genocide will pay greatly, one by one.
goga what do you think of gorran party with neshirwan mustafa?
Like most parties in South Kurdistan Gorran is not a real good Kurdish party. It's an Islam party. PKK is the BEST. They saved our native Ezdi religion. They are our true brothers in race, culture and history. They care about us, their own people, and they will NEVER betray us, their own people. PKK is the true pan-Kurdistan party that we fight to the end until independent Great Kurdistan is achieved.
As long as I do exist and as long my kinsmen do exist we will be always PKK!

If you want to know whether a party is alright or not, you have to look at their position toward the Turks and the position of Islam in that party. If that party is a friend of Turkey, it's not a good party. If Islam is important in that party, it's not a good party.
Like most parties in South Kurdistan Gorran is not a real good Kurdish party. It's an Islam party. PKK is the BEST. They saved our native Ezdi religion. They are our true brothers in race, culture and history. They care about us, their own people, and they will NEVER betray us, their own people. PKK is the true pan-Kurdistan party that we fight to the end until independent Great Kurdistan is achieved.
As long as I do exist and as long my kinsmen do exist we will be always PKK!

If you want to know whether a party is alright or not, you have to look at their position toward the Turks and the position of Islam in that party. If that party is a friend of Turkey, it's not a good party. If Islam is important in that party, it's not a good party.
It is a secularist leftist/centralist group from suleymani, they are nice and progressive. Pkk is a bit weird with all its turkish spies etc. And statements like shengal need its own canton or some bs like that. gorran is best option for southern kurdistan i find, and they are in their first,( or second) election already second place.
It is a secularist leftist/centralist group from suleymani, they are nice and progressive. Pkk is a bit weird with all its turkish spies etc. And statements like shengal need its own canton or some bs like that. gorran is best option for southern kurdistan i find, and they are in their first,( or second) election already second place.
PKK is the only Kurdish party I trust!
And what is wrong with the Ezdi Kurds having own canton? Ezidis have their own religion and it is best for us that we govern ourselves and have our rules in our homeland in accordance to our religion. Only then we can survive. The Yezidism will be an official religion of Ezdixan. Also, Independent Great Kurdistan will be a federal state. And Ezdixan will be a federal separate entity inside a federal Great Kurdistan. Rojava will be a separate entity inside Great Kurdistan. Northern, Eastern Kurdistan will be a federal entity inside Great Kurdistan. Why should Ezdixan not be a federal entity inside Great Kurdistan? We deserve it more than others. We are ALL Kurds, people need their 'own space' to be fully free.
PKK is the only Kurdish party I trust!
And what is wrong with the Ezdi Kurds having own canton? Ezidis have their own religion and it is best for us that we govern ourselves and have our rules in our homeland in accordance to our religion. Only then we can survive. The Yezidism will be an official religion of Ezdixan. Also, Independent Great Kurdistan will be a federal state. And Ezdixan will be a federal separate entity inside a federal Great Kurdistan. Rojava will be a separate entity inside Great Kurdistan. Northern, Eastern Kurdistan will be a federal entity inside Great Kurdistan. Why should Ezdixan not be a federal entity inside Great Kurdistan? We deserve it more than others. We are ALL Kurds, people need their 'own space' to be fully free.

no matter I am not Kurd,
Goga believe me, such suggestions indeed create a dialogue, and push inner diplomacy to unification,
rather accusing someone, which push the oposite
Sorry for you if PKK is the only Kurd Party you trust. PKK,HDP or Abdullah Öcalan already said they don't want to form Kurdistan in Turkey but they want their rights as nation. In todays its everywhere on TV actually.
This is interesting, and can hint on huge divide happening between Iraq and Kurds.

Iraqi Kurdistan oil tanker unloaded its cargo in Israel, says Reuters


( Reuters revealed on Friday that an oil tanker from Iraq’s Kurdistan region, blocked for months from unloading its cargo in Texas under a lawsuit filed by the Iraqi government, had sailed back to the Mediterranean Sea and delivered its cargo to Israel.
The agency quoted commercial sources and data of tracking ships, “An oil tanker from Iraq’s Kurdistan was blocked for months from unloading its cargo in Texas under a lawsuit filed by Baghdad, it sailed back to the Mediterranean Sea and delivered its cargo to Israel.”
This week, the data showed that the tanker was sailing at full charge toward the Israeli port of Ashkelon before shutting down satellite communications on February 22nd . It appeared again on Friday, empty, according to Reuters.
Iranian fighters in Iraq of 'great concern'

Iranians shia fighters are lead a major role in fight against ISIS or Daesh in Iraq. There is a huge concern in US that Iraq is slowly slipping into Iran's influence. However, it might be a good news for Kurdistan, as it seems that Iraq will never come back the way it existed before the Daesh mess.
I was always a proponent of splitting, after Saddam, Iraq into 3 independent countries. Sunni, Shia and Kurdistan. Iraq was always an artificial post imperial concept of British politics. It was only kept alive by dictators. Now dictators are gone and so is Iraq.

Talking about dictators. What do you guys think about new TV series "Tyrant"? I think is right on the timing and money, and well done.
Iranians shia fighters are lead a major role in fight against ISIS or Daesh in Iraq. There is a huge concern in US that Iraq is slowly slipping into Iran's influence. However, it might be a good news for Kurdistan, as it seems that Iraq will never come back the way it existed before the Daesh mess.
I was always a proponent of splitting, after Saddam, Iraq into 3 independent countries. Sunni, Shia and Kurdistan. Iraq was always an artificial post imperial concept of British politics. It was only kept alive by dictators. Now dictators are gone and so is Iraq.

Talking about dictators. What do you guys think about new TV series "Tyrant"? I think is right on the timing and money, and well done.

i can not see it in TV yet,
but I hope that say who supported dictators after WW2
i can not see it in TV yet,
but I hope that say who supported dictators after WW2
It is a fictional tyrant somewhere from Near East. It plays in recent years, because they alluded to death of Kadafi, the tyrant is afraid of revolution.

The women are so gorgeous that I'm tempted to be a tyrant, lol.


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