Gender: advantage and disadvantage

Have you wished being an opposite gender?

  • I am a man and never wished being a woman.

    Votes: 17 56.7%
  • I am a woman and never wished being a man.

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • I am a man and have wished being a woman.

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • I am a woman and have wished being a man.

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters


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What are good things about being a man or a woman from your own point of view? Did you ever wish that you were opposite gender?

I've wished I were a man lots of times in my life for more physical strength, authoritative appearance, decisiveness and logical thinking. Some of the things you can change by training, but I believe that there are fundamental differences between man and woman that you can do nothing about.
Good things about being a woman for me are having a flexiblity and patience in relation to others.

I have a feeling that many women have wished being a man, but I'm not sure about other way. You can answer that in poll.
I thought it would be interesting to have a discussion about very basic thing.
As a small child I wished to be a boy. I wanted to take woodwork at school instead of sewing! I cut my hair very short and wore boy's clothes. I liked climbing trees and riding my bike, and never played with baby dolls.

Now I am still not 'girly', although I like some girly things like jewellery, cute things and glitter! Being a woman suits me fine, but if I was single I might feel different. I have someone around to do the heavy and messy work!
I'm a guy, and have never wished any different. My parents were always stricter with my sister, even through high school. I feel like guys typically get away with more of pretty much everything, from sex to crude jokes to not wearing makeup to having many fewer accessories to lug around at any given time (though the Japanese/Euro trend of man-bags certainly seems to be finding its way to the US). We don't have to have long phone conversations with friends, impress other guys with our clothes, or notice minor differences in friends' appearances.

That said, it's tough to gauge how much behavior is inherent and how much is just social pressure.

The mindsets of the sexes can be so different, it's difficult to even accurately imagine being a girl for me.
lol.. everyone wants to be a man. I guess we can't all be superior. (kidding)

I'm going to guess the ladies' point of view here if I might. Was the moment you wish you were a man during menstruation or pregnancy?
:blush: There have been several occasions when I wished I was man. And I wished I was a certain type of man, too.:cool:

I would be a really handsome man who has lots of money and travels all around the world. I would be suave to women and try to seduce with my charm and they would fall victim to my advances. I would wear designer suits and have taste in the finer things in life. :bluush:
Ma Cherie said:
:blush: There have been several occasions when I wished I was man. And I wished I was a certain type of man, too.:cool:
I would be a really handsome man who has lots of money and travels all around the world. I would be suave to women and try to seduce with my charm and they would fall victim to my advances. I would wear designer suits and have taste in the finer things in life. :bluush:

Well, I'm a man, and have also wished I was that man as well. In fact, I'm working on it. I should have that accomplished in aother 10-15 years. Would you like me to take your name down for when it finally happens? :-)
WHEN I FINALLY GREW UP, (around 50).....

I decided women around the world have a much tougher life then men. It seems they are abused & downtrodden in small ways and sometimes, terrible ways. I can only treat 1 woman as a queen, my wife, but, I try to be nice to every female I come in contact with. Our world couldn't exist without them, and probably most men would die without them taking care of us so well. SOOO, even though I would not want to be a woman (would never be good enough), I sure do respect and love them all!


Dutch Baka said:
I know what you are thinking:blush:

What was I thinking about? :p
well...I for one am thankful that I am a man...I can pee standing up! (Although I've seen a couple of women do that too!)
no matter what any women says.. a man will always be better at almost anything..
Looks like quite a lot of women want to be men, but never the opposite. lol
There are times I've thought about certain advantages a woman might have, but rarely have I wanted to be one.

For example, women get into clubs/parties/bars easier and faster. But in those places, they have a tougher time dealing with the opposite sex in terms of come ons and the like.

Women are more likely to be paid for on a date. In those instances, though, they have a tougher decision to make regarding what follows the date in terms of sex etc. Most guys would go as far as they could get.
From what I can gather the only thing a man wants that a woman has got are breasts. That way he can play with them all day and not get any smacked hands. Along with having the ability to give himself blowjobs then nothing would ever get done by men.:D
Maciamo said:
Looks like quite a lot of women want to be men, but never the opposite.
I know! What's up with that?
Guys, you don't know what you are missing. ;-) :blush:
MeAndroo said:
My parents were always stricter with my sister, even through high school.
I was so jealous of my brother growing up. He could always stay out later thatn I could, could get an apartment when he was in school while I had to stay in a dorm. Now I understand why, though.
Well, I am very happy to be a woman. :smug:

I was always a tomboy, but my parents were cool with that, so I wasn't stopped from doing 'boyish' stuff. I was more like my father than mother, so, we shared a lot of similar likes and hobbys. Of course, being a girl I had the advantage that no one would look at me strangely when I begin to experiment with makeup.

I'm quite strong, so I don't find problems living alone with heavy lifting. (Apart from moving my washing machine long distance - I needed help with that!) If something really is too heavy to lift with your own full strength, there is usually some way you can use your brain to figure out a way round it, with some leverage.

Maybe I have something of 'masculine' mindset? :? :worried: I'm quite logical, and focused, and extremely bad at multi-tasking, which women are 'supposed' to be good at. :okashii: (Incidentally, I inputted a stretch of text into the 'gender determiner' site that someone posted as a link in one of the chit-chat threads as a laugh, and it fixed me as 'male' from my writing... XDD)

I'd like to be a bit taller, for reaching, but I'm a short-ass anyway, so being a taller woman would be just fine by me. Also, there are advantages in being a short woman - you don't have to worry that your partner might be shorter than you (well - not often, lol), whereas some men feel awkward with a woman taller than them. Plus they can see down your top easier.
(Did I just say that?!? :shock: :lol: )

So, yeah, I like being a woman. :-)
The only reason I would change, is not to have periods. :okashii:
And, if I could have 2 lives, I'd like to have second life as a man, just to know what it is like.
Kinsao said:
The only reason I would change, is not to have periods. :okashii:

But men have them all the time (well, depending on their libido). :p That's why they tend to have a tougher adolescence (again, depends on precocity, hormonal levels and personal sensibilities), but they also get used to it more quickly, and end up being generally more emotionally stable as adults. :p
As a man, I think many things in my life are easier. I don't think I could handle the whole womanhood thing.
I think..that if I woke up as a man...I'd try to cut it off in fear that an alien was eating me. C:
To be honest, I didn't see an actual nude man until my first drawing class in September...
Anyways, besides the whole "havin' a period", I don't mind being a girl. I like shiny things, pretty things, funny things and guys. I love guys. (certain types) I think if I was a guy, I'd be the most flamboyant one ever.