Sometimes ive wondered if the female me would have been f$%&ing HAWT!, but apart from that, no, though i did dream once that i woke up as a girl. :relief:
And occassionaly in dreams i will be in the perspective and role of a female, even though i am not female, nor is the character really me.
I enjoy the primative vulgarity of manhood too much to be a woman, all those cosmetics, stupid clothes, periods, the inability to have normal proper friendships through my teens (i have a sister, oh i know how they can backstab each other) the pain in every sense of pregnancy, having to put up with a mans primitive vulgarity (i like it more when its my own) my things suddenly being up for grabs to my sister and mother and every other female relative, never being able to have a real friendship with a bloke without him or me thinking about sex, and estrogen sponsored life-long *****-fest from a pimple on my arse that just wont go away to why clouds always have to be white and boring (over-exagiration, but women do love to complain!).
In comparison being a bloke is simple, you wake up, eat, do things, eat, wash, have sex if avaliable, sleep, repeat.