Gender: advantage and disadvantage

Have you wished being an opposite gender?

  • I am a man and never wished being a woman.

    Votes: 17 56.7%
  • I am a woman and never wished being a man.

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • I am a man and have wished being a woman.

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • I am a woman and have wished being a man.

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters
Maciamo said:
But men have them all the time (well, depending on their libido). :p That's why they tend to have a tougher adolescence (again, depends on precocity, hormonal levels and personal sensibilities), but they also get used to it more quickly, and end up being generally more emotionally stable as adults. :p
So men spend a week out of every month crying for no reason, with sore breasts, mouth ulcers, greasy skin and hair and an aching back, and then another week bleeding, with the first couple of days of intense abdominal cramps that are sometimes so bad you can barely get out of bed? :okashii:
Tsuyoiko said:
So men spend a week out of every month crying for no reason, with sore breasts, mouth ulcers, greasy skin and hair and an aching back, and then another week bleeding, with the first couple of days of intense abdominal cramps that are sometimes so bad you can barely get out of bed? :okashii:

I've got to admit I'm extremely lucky on that front, not suffering from any of the things Tsuyoiko mentions. :smug:

I'd still rather be without them, though. :okashii:
sabro said:
As a man, I think many things in my life are easier.
You do? By just seeing men, I sometimes wonder about that. It seems to me that men are more pressured with more responsibilities or higher expectation than women.

Some men are very capable and handle them gracefully which I admire, but I've seen men who would get so deffensive about little things.
silver angel said:
I like shiny things, pretty things
So do raven. :p

I don't wish to be a woman forever, but I wish I could be one for a day.I would like to know how women experience things and think about guys and sex :p
And yes, I could fondle my bewbs all day long...teehee :blush:
I have penis envy. But only because I wish I could (drunkenly) write my name in the snow.

It would be nice to be a guy, that way I wouldn't have to deal with annoying females insisting that I'm crazy for not wanting kids. I don't know... the prospect of pushing an eight pound baby through my loins isn't very appealing to me.

I do, however, Enjoy having boobies. I'd choose my boobies over having a penis anyday.
Guess I'm the only one...

Well, I won't be a man and not admit I never wanted to be a women. It's funny women can say they wanted to be a man, and get away with it, and men can't.

Sometimes I do wish I was a women. My main problem is hating myself. I feel that if I'm a women, I'd be able to sense people better, and handle emotional and interpersonal relationships better. Women, from birth (Remember, it's nature not nurture, people) are designed this way.

I've come up with my own theory why some women may like the "bad boys." Bad boys may be more likly to take risks. When we hunted for food, I think that men who were more likely to take more risks were more likely to also bring food back to the home, for the other people to enjoy. Thus, more risks (at least back then) = more food, and that means more survival, and more reproduction.
I grew up with four of my sisters and they never seemed very happy. I never wanted to be one of them.
Nicky said:
I don't know... the prospect of pushing an eight pound baby through my loins isn't very appealing to me.
How old are you, if you don't mind my asking? I felt the same way until I turned 30 ...
Sometimes ive wondered if the female me would have been f$%&ing HAWT!, but apart from that, no, though i did dream once that i woke up as a girl. :relief:

And occassionaly in dreams i will be in the perspective and role of a female, even though i am not female, nor is the character really me.

I enjoy the primative vulgarity of manhood too much to be a woman, all those cosmetics, stupid clothes, periods, the inability to have normal proper friendships through my teens (i have a sister, oh i know how they can backstab each other) the pain in every sense of pregnancy, having to put up with a mans primitive vulgarity (i like it more when its my own) my things suddenly being up for grabs to my sister and mother and every other female relative, never being able to have a real friendship with a bloke without him or me thinking about sex, and estrogen sponsored life-long *****-fest from a pimple on my arse that just wont go away to why clouds always have to be white and boring (over-exagiration, but women do love to complain!).


In comparison being a bloke is simple, you wake up, eat, do things, eat, wash, have sex if avaliable, sleep, repeat. :p
Tsuyoiko said:
How old are you, if you don't mind my asking? I felt the same way until I turned 30 ...
30 is when the biological clock's alarm goes off and starts screaming as loud as possible "HAVE KIDS! HAVE KIDS! HAVE KIDS! OMFG!!!11!11 HAAAAAVVVVEEEEEE KKKKIIIIIIIDDDDDSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Lol, sorry, poor attempt at humour. :(
nurizeko said:
In comparison being a bloke is simple, you wake up, eat, do things, eat, wash, have sex if avaliable, sleep, repeat. :p
That pretty much describes my life, even though I'm not a bloke :p We're not all hormonal freaks you know! :p
nurizeko said:
30 is when the biological clock's alarm goes off and starts screaming as loud as possible "HAVE KIDS! HAVE KIDS! HAVE KIDS! OMFG!!!11!11 HAAAAAVVVVEEEEEE KKKKIIIIIIIDDDDDSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Lol, sorry, poor attempt at humour. :(
It may be a poor attempt at humour, but it is an accurate portrayal of my situation! :p
:o :o
I would have thought it would be natural for most people to at least be a little curious about what it would be like to be the opposite sex.

I mean, I like being a woman, but if I could have 2 lifes, I'd like one of each.
Tsuyoiko said:
How old are you, if you don't mind my asking? I felt the same way until I turned 30 ...

I just turned 20 this January. I hope I can escape the whole biological clock thing. :p
I'm perfectly happy being my normal, male, self.:wave:

Although I sometimes wonder what it would be like being one of the opposite sex, I'd rather not have to experience it. As much for the physical and psychological reasons as for the cultural reasons. Most girls can't be a wrestler and not get a lot of attention, wrestling being a male dominated sport. ^_^
Women have easier lives (child birth aside anyway), but they cant be cool, and they cant dress and act how they want, and get away with it. Thats something only a man can do, which is why being a man pwnz.

I mean, I can get up outta bed, slip on my shoes and go into town, no one pays attention to me. If a woman did the same thing they would think she was lowly, or dirty.

I dont make the rules, I just observe them... I know other countries arent like this, Japan for instance, but being a frizzy slob and looking ghetto is cool in the states. (Doesnt usually apply for women though)
大きいアメリカ人 said:
Women have easier lives (child birth aside anyway), but they cant be cool, and they cant dress and act how they want, and get away with it.
Oooh, sure we can.
I'm sure you know a lot of women who can and don't look dirty.
misa.j said:
Originally Posted by ?傫???A?????J?l
Women have easier lives (child birth aside anyway), but they cant be cool, and they cant dress and act how they want, and get away with it.
Oooh, sure we can.
I'm sure you know a lot of women who can and don't look dirty.

Those are actually the kind of women I prefer. If I'm going to be comfortable in my own skin, regardless of societal pressures, then I want her to be as well.

On topic, I can't help but wonder if the age-old "guy should make the first move" thing is on its way out. There are certainly many females who take initiative these days, but I still run into women who feel like they shouldn't have to be the ones to take the risk. Sort of a cushy position, so to simply sit back and shoot down those that don't meet "qualifications," with the ability to move first if they so choose.
I like being a girl better because we can have the joys and pains of giving
birth,whereas a man cannot...A man will never know what it feels like to
know something so beautiful could come from yourself,I won`t have
that joy for a while,but I have plenty of time!and for periods get some of those patches that warm up and put them on your stomache,it`ll help with the cramps!