Blowing out of proportion?! Is your amnesia acting up again? You just said this:
The proportion is: Whatever IS did to others, Europeans did this to others and themselves hundred fold more in last 100 years. This is the truth and proportion that you are conveniently avoiding, just to feel superior to every Muslim. Give me an example of IS cruelty and I will give you 100 examples from Europe of last 100 years!
And in case you got blind (conveniently) again, look at my Muslim bashing:
Look long at it and try memorizing, so we don't have same conversation again and again.
Just pay attention that I bash all religions equally when they deserve. I don't bash like you or gymn all believers of one religion, or defend all believers of my religion. This is a fundamental difference between me and you. I can see good and bad in all the people, unlike you who can't see the world through ethnic or religious divide, and black and white spectrum. The only "good Muslim is a dead Muslim" for you, right?
And who is denying this? Are you arguing with someone or talking to yourself?
In case you guys are slow today and missed all the nuances of this dramatic situation, here is explanation why it feels a bit weird. To have a maximum impact on local population, which are white christian Germans, you kill the local and not foreign tourists. Right? To increase "anti-immigrant" sentiment and Christian conservatism in the country, you as an immigrant should kill the local voters, but not Asian tourist. Right?
However, his action is consistent with IS philosophy of destroying tourist economy. We've seen it in attacks in Egypt, Tunisia and recently in France, affecting a budgets of these countries greatly. This is exactly what this lone wolf was trying to copy. This is what you guys missed in your posts. "Unfortunately" for him he missed a fact, that Germany is not a tourist economy like these other countries, and the impact of his action will be minimal for Germans' wallet. Much bigger impact on Germans and good Muslim immigrants escaping IS and looking for safe life in Europe, would be to kill native Germans. And that's why it seems a bit illogical what he did in the train. I hope it is clear now.