I will center this post on male lines since patriarchs and founding fathers are the responsible for creating nations and lead their clans during conquests. I will mention female lines too though.
Around 50-70 thousand years ago, we have 2 "clans" of tribes, defined among other charachteristics by CF & DE haplogroups.
They both have unintuitive distributions(since they're mixed in different races with other haplogroups).
DE is the least common. You have E conquering Africa. And D being Japanese, Tibetan and Andamanese at the same time.
In principle, haplogroup D seems to follow an incoherent distribution, but I will show you this isn't the case.
I made a thread about haplogroup D surviving in 3 narrow places(Tibet, Japan and Andaman) separated by vast lands and plains comprising China, SE Asia and Australia.
Surprisingly, a single haplogroup, C, lives in the fringes of those vast lands that separate the D carriers; that is, Mongolia and Australia.
I came to the conclussion that haplogroup D was the lineage that lost the war for territory against haplogroup C.
With this in mind we have to conclude that East and SE Asia was first populated by haplogroup D.
Japan peaks in archaic hominin ancestry, Tibetans picked a high altitude respiration gene directly from Denisovans and Andamanese are Melanesians, the people with the most Denisovan ancestry.
This is the 1st thing they have in common among themselves, they encountered Denisovans, so they most likely were originally Melanesians, who are the oldest population in Asia/Australia, coincidence number 2. Surprisingly a guy sent a Jomon sample to My Heritage and he was ~10% Papuan.
Then, both Andamanese and Japanese are high in haplogroup M, an haplogroup exclusive to Asia and the original to Natives of the area.
This is together with Bengalis and S. Indians, who look the most similar to 'Australoids' or MELANESIANS... Who, like D, are the oldest populations in Asia.
However haplogroup M declines among later East Eurasians('Mongoloids'), the further you go from coastal areas where the D populations live, the least M there is (the best example is China vs Japan).
Even the aforementioned Aborigenes and Mongolians have less.
That's coincidence number 3
So you can see they have similarities that you wouldn't think at first glance. But they are very diluted, since Japan and Tibet were succesively colonized by the East Eurasians.
That was DE, now CF. CF is another "clan"(a bit big for a clan).
There's a branch, C, which I postulated that waged conquest to D haplogroup men lands. Also they appear in Upper Paleolithic Europe(Belgium and Russia)... So I guess it had a bigger reach at some point in history.
However, C is a small branch that expanded through all over the world, but only persists in nomads that occupy vast and sparsely populated lands(Mongols, Kazakhs and Aborigenes)
They also has a brother branch that also followed the exact same routes, AND SUCCEDED in contrast to C peoples... It's macrohaplogroup F
"Macrohaplogroup F" dominates in 4/5 continents(Europe, Asia, Australia and America).
The most divergent branches of haplogroup F exist in the Indian subcontinent(F*) then G separated and went to the Caucasus and Anatolia, then H further south to India and scattered through the Middle East...
This is very speculative but if C is in East
Eurasia, and the oldest F are in West Eurasia...
I think this leads to CF being born in the centre of Asia(near Altai mountains, Xinjiang corridor, Tajikistan...)
I could say it comes from India but the southern coast was already occupied by DE. So I think CF is an haplogroup that was born in the interior and later conquered the coasts.
1 of the splits was IJK. K went into East Eurasia.
While IJ stayed in the West. I went to form the 1st European population, and J went south into the Middle East.
Around 50-70 thousand years ago, we have 2 "clans" of tribes, defined among other charachteristics by CF & DE haplogroups.
They both have unintuitive distributions(since they're mixed in different races with other haplogroups).
DE is the least common. You have E conquering Africa. And D being Japanese, Tibetan and Andamanese at the same time.
In principle, haplogroup D seems to follow an incoherent distribution, but I will show you this isn't the case.
I made a thread about haplogroup D surviving in 3 narrow places(Tibet, Japan and Andaman) separated by vast lands and plains comprising China, SE Asia and Australia.
Surprisingly, a single haplogroup, C, lives in the fringes of those vast lands that separate the D carriers; that is, Mongolia and Australia.
I came to the conclussion that haplogroup D was the lineage that lost the war for territory against haplogroup C.
With this in mind we have to conclude that East and SE Asia was first populated by haplogroup D.
Japan peaks in archaic hominin ancestry, Tibetans picked a high altitude respiration gene directly from Denisovans and Andamanese are Melanesians, the people with the most Denisovan ancestry.
This is the 1st thing they have in common among themselves, they encountered Denisovans, so they most likely were originally Melanesians, who are the oldest population in Asia/Australia, coincidence number 2. Surprisingly a guy sent a Jomon sample to My Heritage and he was ~10% Papuan.
Then, both Andamanese and Japanese are high in haplogroup M, an haplogroup exclusive to Asia and the original to Natives of the area.
This is together with Bengalis and S. Indians, who look the most similar to 'Australoids' or MELANESIANS... Who, like D, are the oldest populations in Asia.
However haplogroup M declines among later East Eurasians('Mongoloids'), the further you go from coastal areas where the D populations live, the least M there is (the best example is China vs Japan).
Even the aforementioned Aborigenes and Mongolians have less.
That's coincidence number 3
So you can see they have similarities that you wouldn't think at first glance. But they are very diluted, since Japan and Tibet were succesively colonized by the East Eurasians.
That was DE, now CF. CF is another "clan"(a bit big for a clan).
There's a branch, C, which I postulated that waged conquest to D haplogroup men lands. Also they appear in Upper Paleolithic Europe(Belgium and Russia)... So I guess it had a bigger reach at some point in history.
However, C is a small branch that expanded through all over the world, but only persists in nomads that occupy vast and sparsely populated lands(Mongols, Kazakhs and Aborigenes)
They also has a brother branch that also followed the exact same routes, AND SUCCEDED in contrast to C peoples... It's macrohaplogroup F
"Macrohaplogroup F" dominates in 4/5 continents(Europe, Asia, Australia and America).
The most divergent branches of haplogroup F exist in the Indian subcontinent(F*) then G separated and went to the Caucasus and Anatolia, then H further south to India and scattered through the Middle East...
This is very speculative but if C is in East
Eurasia, and the oldest F are in West Eurasia...
I think this leads to CF being born in the centre of Asia(near Altai mountains, Xinjiang corridor, Tajikistan...)
I could say it comes from India but the southern coast was already occupied by DE. So I think CF is an haplogroup that was born in the interior and later conquered the coasts.
1 of the splits was IJK. K went into East Eurasia.
While IJ stayed in the West. I went to form the 1st European population, and J went south into the Middle East.
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