To say he had jewish and african roots apart from being untrue it's very sensationalist, childish and unsicentific. Belonging to haplogroup E is not a prove that he had jewish nor african ancestry. This haplogorup is common in the Austria area (about 9 % )
"Having y-haplogroup E doesn't mean much", well, it depends for whom... Don't forget that Hitler was a racist like most of the Germans and Austrians at that time.
Not so long ago, in the US, the powerful 'one-drop' rule dominated thinking about race, in which 'one drop' of non-white blood was sufficient to exclude someone from the white race. And Americans were not Nazis. So we can imagine what such a Y-DNA could have represented for the Nazis....
Haplogroups aren't races for sure, not sufficient to include someone in a group, but for sure sufficient for racists to exclude someone from their group....
So it just means that Hitler's Y-DNA (his paternal line) wouldn't have been considered as "Aryan" by Nazis.... Therefore Hitler would have probably been deported (or at best excluded from the elite) like the other 9% of Austrians and all other Europeans who also belong to that E haplogroup (whatever their autosomal DNA)...
"Having y-haplogroup E doesn't mean much", well, it depends for whom... Don't forget that Hitler was a racist like most of the Germans and Austrians at that time.
Not so long ago, in the US, the powerful 'one-drop' rule dominated thinking about race, in which 'one drop' of non-white blood was sufficient to exclude someone from the white race. And Americans were not Nazis. So we can imagine what such a Y-DNA could have represented for the Nazis....
Haplogroups aren't races for sure, not sufficient to include someone in a group, but for sure sufficient for racists to exclude someone from their group....
So it just means that Hitler's Y-DNA (his paternal line) wouldn't have been considered as "Aryan" by Nazis.... Therefore Hitler would have probably been deported (or at best excluded from the elite) like the other 9% of Austrians and all other Europeans who also belong to that E haplogroup (whatever their autosomal DNA)...
I watched an interview a holocaust surviver of a concentration camp. The official kept asking the people with fair complexion and blue eyes, "are you really Jewish?". This means that the Nazi understanding of race was simply how they looked. Of course DNA was not known at the time so I would hardly imagine that they would have acted accorded to the alphabetical letter it produced as to current classifications.
I watched an interview a holocaust surviver of a concentration camp. The official kept asking the people with fair complexion and blue eyes, "are you really Jewish?". This means that the Nazi understanding of race was simply how they looked. Of course DNA was not known at the time so I would hardly imagine that they would have acted accorded to the alphabetical letter it produced as to current classifications.
Just more proof of what morons they were...
Did you ever see the movie Europa, Europa? A young Jewish boy survives by pretending to be German. He winds up in a prestigious Hitler Youth School, where, after they measure his skull and face he is pronounced a perfect "Aryan" specimen!:grin: It's based on an actual life story.
So much for racial science.
I haven't watched it Angela, but I am pretty sure that is what mattered most for people with such a mindset and not so much a dna reading. Having said that I am not sure why they looked down on the Poles so much and exterminated so many of them as they should have filled the "Aryan" criteria in my opinion, but maybe there were other reasons for it to happen :sad-2:
I haven't watched it Angela, but I am pretty sure that is what mattered most for people with such a mindset and not so much a dna reading. Having said that I am not sure why they looked down on the Poles so much and exterminated so many of them as they should have filled the "Aryan" criteria in my opinion, but maybe there were other reasons for it to happen :sad-2:
Here is a link about's really good.
I don't know if this will work for you...
The Nazis classified Slavs as subhumans. Plans had been drawn up to exterminate them once they finished with the Jews and other "undesirables".
Part of their stated goal was to take all of that farmland so that Germans could expand in terms of population. The Fascist powers in general were big on increasing the birthrate, which had already begun to fall in Europe.
It's true, as John Doe said, that exceptions were sometimes made for blonde, blue eyed Poles. It just goes to show they really understood nothing about genetics.
They did have some rudimentary idea about autosomal Dna sort of "washing out" after a certain amount of time. I think the cut off in most cases for Jewish ancestry was that you were considered a Jew if one of your grandparents was Jewish.
So theoretically, I suppose, if you were 1/8 Jewish you could live. If you were 1/4 Jewish, blonde or not you died. Ironically, as we know from all the work done at 23andme, in the case of Ashkenazim, you can still see the signature even at 1/32, because they were so bottlenecked.
Weren't there rumors that Reinhard Heydrich had a Jewish great grandparent? It actually wouldn't surprise me at all. I know a lawyer of German Jewish descent who looks like his doppelganger. He also comes from a very musical family. The physical similarity has been pointed out to him, much to his dismay.
Anyway, I still don't think Hitler would have been pleased with his yDna haplogroup designation. We know a lot more about Dna nowadays, and I've still seen racist comments about E-V13 bearers. Some kinds of lunacy refuse to die.
One of the most interesting things I heard is that the German navy had high officers that were Jewish. From what I have heard from a personal story the German navy fiercely resisted purges and a number of these officers maintained in office even during the war, refusing to break their vow to defend Germany. I found a story online which seems similar:
Here is a link about's really good.
I don't know if this will work for you...
The Nazis classified Slavs as subhumans. Plans had been drawn up to exterminate them once they finished with the Jews and other "undesirables".
Part of their stated goal was to take all of that farmland so that Germans could expand in terms of population. The Fascist powers in general were big on increasing the birthrate, which had already begun to fall in Europe.
It's true, as John Doe said, that exceptions were sometimes made for blonde, blue eyed Poles. It just goes to show they really understood nothing about genetics.
They did have some rudimentary idea about autosomal Dna sort of "washing out" after a certain amount of time. I think the cut off in most cases for Jewish ancestry was that you were considered a Jew if one of your grandparents was Jewish.
So theoretically, I suppose, if you were 1/8 Jewish you could live. If you were 1/4 Jewish, blonde or not you died. Ironically, as we know from all the work done at 23andme, in the case of Ashkenazim, you can still see the signature even at 1/32, because they were so bottlenecked.
Weren't there rumors that Reinhard Heydrich had a Jewish great grandparent? It actually wouldn't surprise me at all. I know a lawyer of German Jewish descent who looks like his doppelganger. He also comes from a very musical family. The physical similarity has been pointed out to him, much to his dismay.
Anyway, I still don't think Hitler would have been pleased with his yDna haplogroup designation. We know a lot more about Dna nowadays, and I've still seen racist comments about E-V13 bearers. Some kinds of lunacy refuse to die.
I just watched the whole movie, left me quite speechless. I listen to Israeli news from time to time, and I heard that this bloke participated in the state ceremony of the Holocaust memorial day there a couple of days ago. Apparently the Nazis didn't see him as "Pure Nordic Aryan" but as so called "East Baltic Aryan" due to admixture of the ethnic Germans of the east with Slavs, a waste of time to meddle on that type of BS IMO. After the war, he reunited with his brother, and they moved to Palestine where he served in the Haganah in the 1948 war.
Here is a link about's really good.
I don't know if this will work for you...
The Nazis classified Slavs as subhumans. Plans had been drawn up to exterminate them once they finished with the Jews and other "undesirables".
Anyway, I still don't think Hitler would have been pleased with his yDna haplogroup designation. We know a lot more about Dna nowadays, and I've still seen racist comments about E-V13 bearers. Some kinds of lunacy refuse to die.
The Poles of the Gorals in southern Poland and northern Slovakia were considered German by the Nazis. Many Polish children with fair features were snatched from their parents and raised as Germans.
The Poles of the Gorals in southern Poland and northern Slovakia were considered German by the Nazis.
One of the most interesting things I heard is that the German navy had high officers that were Jewish. From what I have heard from a personal story the German navy fiercely resisted purges and a number of these officers maintained in office even during the war, refusing to break their vow to defend Germany. I found a story online which seems similar:
In wehrmacht faught many thousands
of Jews, probably even 150.000. This
is a large number of people. And they
were often in NSDAP too...
But it was more political than rasist, because Gorals are mostly in dinaric type
And only few of them have interest in that proposal called Gorallenvolk.
After the war, most of them were kill for treason.