I would also (cautiously, very cautiously) point towards it being Palaeolithic (or the Mesolithic) for the simple reason that if I2a weren't the Palaeolithic/Mesolithic haplogroup there was in that region, I don't see which could; as well as the fact that I see rather improbable that it entered (en masse, that is) at another time:
1. Early Indo-Europeans: Were this the case, this zone would have been a hotspot for Indo-European migration, and archaeology tells of quite the contrary:
John Wilkes, The Illyrians, p. 34
And while in these areas there does appear to have been an Indo-European migration (though not nearly as large as in other places), in places where there is a higher concentration (such as the Croatian Islands & coast as well as western,southern & central Bosnia) there is no evidence of a migration, all the contrary (ibid).
2. Sea peoples: There is no evidence (archaeological or otherwise) of an intrusion of this area that I know of...
3. Sarmatians: In my opinion, Sarmatians are very closely related to Scythians, and they are both Iranic peoples, and they were probably R1a in their majority (especially East Iranians, as West Iranians had much more hg. J)
4. Slavs: I believe what may be a telling point against this theory is the lack of R1a (otherwise omnipresent in all other Slavic peoples) in this region.
This may be possible, but in my opinion only for some (perhaps most, certainly not all) of the I2a.
I voted slavs because they were slavicized Sarmatians.
You're quite wrong. The arrival of the two Slavicized Sarmatian tribes (Croats and Serbs) to the balkans is very well historically recorded. They were invited by the Roman empire to todays Croatia and Bosnia Herzogovina, bringing I2a and R1a.. which is a hotspot of I2a and to a lesser extent, R1a. the same region they came from, probably the Carpathian mountains recorded by Romans, is also a hot spot of I2a... and was a Sarmatian location and contact zone with slavs, which explains Romanians and their high i2a but also J2 and EV-13. The i2a in Slavs is from Sarmatians. later on they created empires and asimilated some of the already indigenous population of EV-13 and J2. Most of the south slavs and Croatia hasn't changed much, still high I2a and R1a, and there is a reason they speak slavic, and slavic culture. A minority wouldn't be able to asimilate a majority, unless we are talking military power which happened later on. but in the start they were invited to Croatia and Bosnia and came peaceful, there they settled and after the fall of the romans, the slavic empire spread all across the Balkans. If I2a was Illyrian/Thracian, explain how EV-13 exists among slavs even in non-albanian populated places, and how I2a is so low among Albanians? The longer south you go from Croatia and Bosnia (The place where the sarmatian-slavs were invited) the less I2a and R1a becomes... I2a became spread across balkans with the spread of slavic empires, like the Serbian empire which stretched all the way in to greece, slavicizing some of the populations.
read more here with pictures and everything:
misiraj . blogspot . no / 2015 / 03 / ancestors-of-croatians-and-haplogroup . html
misiraj . blogspot . no / 2015 / 03 / haplogroup-i2a-dinaric-and-slavic . html
Explain to me where Albanians came from? And how their language has words dating back to the Roman era? How it is a non-slavicized language, non-latinized, although latin words exist, their ancestors might of spoken latin in the roman empire... and non greek-language, except for some loan words. but they share mythology with ancient greeks. they lived mostly in the region today where they live. the EV-13 and J2 in south-slavs is from asimilating some proto-Albanians. But most south Slavs, especially Croatians are the most Sarmatian-Slavic of all, with Bosnians and Serbs coming in 2nd, and then Macedonian Slavs and Bulgarians, and then the greeks (because of the Serbian empire, R1a and I2a exists in greece.. probably the least Slavs and Sarmatians are Albanians who fled to the mountains.
The old Balkan people and the first inhabitants of the Balkans were E carriers and J2, they came from Egypt or Caucasus/Anatolia.. like the Pelasgians are believed to of come from Egypt. Then came R1b with the celts and maybe roman empire, and then came I2a and R1a with the proto-croatiand and proto-serbs.
The Pelasgians are believed to of been the ancestors of Illyrians and Thracians, they spoke a non-greek language and came from Egypt carrying haplogroup E, with some of them being asimilated with greeks. This is where the Greek-Albanian connection comes from, similar haplogroups, similar ancient mythology, similar culture in many aspects but two different languages, with the similarities being of Albanian having Dorian loan words.
The modern scholars dismissing the Albanian-Pelasgian connection is a claim with nothing to back it up. I can back it up with the haplogroups and history, where the Pelasgians came from and how they spoke a non greek language, how from there they immigrated north and divided into tribes. I remember even people here have connected Albanians to Egypt.
Pic of Pelasgian location in the start, before they might of immigrated north:
upload . wikimedia .org / wikipedia / commons / 6 / 6 7 / Pelasgians . jpg
The Dacians are believed to of been a Thracian tribe, which explains the Albanian-Romanian connection, it explains allot of similar words, it doesn't mean the Albanians immigrated to today from Dacia because there are similar words or because there is a tribe called Bessoi who immigrated there, there are tribes around the area they live that could be connected with them too like the Dardanians and Dalmatians. You can even connect the capital of Romania with the Albanians, bucuresti, Alb: ''Bukur'' = ''beautiful''.. male form: Bukuroshi... female form: Bukuroshja .. or male: ''Bukurosh'' and female: ''bukuroshe'' it means beautiful expressed in different forms.
it allows you to express allot of words in both male and female form in many different ways.
The proto-south-slavs (i2a, r1b) asimilated some of the EV-13, R1b, and J2 carriers (proto-Albanians) and I believe by this, proto-albanian language helped form the south-slavic languages.
If I2a is Illyrian/Thracian, and not Slavic-Sarmatian then explain to me the high EV-13 and J2-Balkanic among Romanians and also among some south Slavs like Serbs, Macedonian Slavs and Bulgarians? And how I2a fits with where the proto slavs came from (Ukraine/Moldova) and to where they settled (Croatia/Bosnia Herz) and how it diminishes the more south you go.
freepages . genealogy . rootsweb . ancestry . com / ~ villandra / McKinstry / I2b1 / HaploIMap . gif
Location of Sarmatians:
fravahr.org / IMG / jpg / Scythians _ Map . jpg
There is no doubt the Sarmatians carried I2a into Already R1a slavic populations. this explains the i2a among slavs across europe.
The high I2a among Aroumns/Vlachs can be explained depending on where, they live all across the balkans. Many of them asimilating with the slavic population. They have also high E and J2, with the I2a they got from Sarmatians/Slavs. they have High R1b, the R1b could of come from either Romans or the Celts. The Romans must of carried some R1b into the balkans.
the proto-south-slavs could also of immigrated first to Poland from the Carpathians and then to Balkans.
R1a could of come with the early slavic settlements too (Sclaveni, antes) this explains the r1a in greek macedonia, where apparently the early slavs (before south slavs) settled. Slavs were known to of roamed all over these regions.. I don't know why this is not taken into consideration, when it is full of historical records. It is said they even formed a slavic macedonia (not fyrom). This, to me, disputes the claim that the ancient macedonians were haplogroup R1a carriers but rather EV-13 and J2.
wikipedia . org / wiki / Sclaveni
'' '' antes_people
But one thing you people, who claim I2a is illyrian, need to explain to me is how EV-13 and J2 exists in Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs? Please go ahead, I will listen. I'm open for anything as long as it has a logical explanation. And how it is historically recorded the proto-Serbs and Croats were invited to Croatia and Bosnia, if these people are Illyrian, why do they call themselves today with similar names of the ones who settled? Why do they speak a slavic language?
R1b, EV-13, I2a and J2b in anatolia can come from balkanic immigrations to the region during ottoman empire. There are millions of balkan people living there, atleast half of them have been asimilated and have only partial ancestry.