Mycerious,Mycernius said:I think you are completely missing the point on Allah. The NAME Allah comes from a pre-Islamic diety. All Mohammad did was identify Allah with Yhwh. The same way Isis was identified by early Christians with Mary, Zeus with Jupiter, Allat with Athene. It is a constant within religions to follow this pattern. You want objective sources? Encyclopeadia Mythica, an online source for various myths, An Encyclopedia of Gods by Micahel Jordan, ISBN 1-85626-636-2 should do you for now. I, BTW, regard all religions as myths. Mohammad re-writting the Quran as he got older - from the intro of my copy of the Quran, but if that is not good enough for you....
Yhwh is also from a polythestic origin that became monothestic. It is from a polythestic background. Through Mohammad and other prophets it gained prominance and finally became a monothestic Godhead.
It is called editing. Choosing the ones that he thought best suited his purposes. Newspaper editors do it everyday. BTW how do you know that they are the correct ones? By your very subjective view they are, but for millions of other people they are not.
I do not have an agenda to 'denouce' Islam. To me religions are a form of superstition, be it Islam, Christianity or Judaism. What I find fastinating about them is how they evolve from what they were to what they are to what they might become. Believe it or not you follow Islam differently from early Muslims and in a thousand years Muslims will follow it slightly different to you. Morals and peoples way of interpreting what is written will change to suit the society around it.
I am only going to touch on one point (for now). Your very eager at saying that Muhammed (saaws) 'wrote' the Qur'an. Answer this, why is it that no-one is able to imitate it? Its a simple question. That article states and explains the challenge. I ask you to find me ONE (Just one) out of the billions of people on this earth who can fufill this challenge. Then I'll believe you.
Surely, if Muhammed (saaws) wrote it, then it can't be that hard.
For now, I'll be doing research regarding this pre-Islamic God. I remember afew friends refuting this claim a longtime ago.