Kosova 1452-1480 - Ottoman Register

Thanks for sharing!

Just to show you an example such as the village 'Vokshiq' from 1480 which was somewhere in the Western Kosovo / Peja region, might possibly be modern Voksh or more north, these were Albanians going by their name 'Voksh' but all bore Serbian names or Christian names except for one:

Nikolla son of Bozhidar
Gjurko Popi
Vukashin son of Brajan
Vukiq son of Novak
Nikolla son Vuksan
Dimitri son of Dabzhiv
Vuku son of Radonja
Stepan son of Radic
Vukashin son of Rados
Jovan Siromah
Vuk son of Vedak
Nikolla son of Jovan
Stepan son of Vukashin
Stepan son of Vuk
Bojca son of Vuk
Bosa his brother
Radic son of Gjura
Gjurashin son of Radic
Radash son of Radosav
Radosna son of Radon

I might not of translated these Slavic names 100% correct but you get the picture.
Thanks for sharing!

Have you tested Y-DNA yet??
I will PM you my Y-DNA.

Anyway, Vokshiq had one Albanian name which I did not post. A village just having one single Albanian name and the rest non-Albanian names and most of the people might in fact still be Albanians is my theory.
I made a mistake in the title , it's meant 1485.
Modern Vraniq https://mapcarta.com/13914152 or possibly Vranoc, https://mapcarta.com/13914120 in 1485, Albanian names bolded:

Gjin, son of Nikolla
Gjin, son of Andrija
Nenko, son of Progon
Gogo, his son
Nenko, son of Gjin
, son of Olivir
Rajko, son of Muriq
Gjura, son of Raja
Radic Siromah
Progon, son of Gjin
Dimitri, son Lushi
Pepa, son of Leka
Leka, brother of Gjon

Bjela Siromah
Andrija, son of Leka
Andrija, son of Muriq
Dimitri, son of Nikolla
Pepa, son of Mara
Leka, son of Todor

Kracor, somewhere in that area too

Gjin son of Gega
Vuja son of Tola
Gjura son of Vuja
Gjergj son of Gjin
Andrija his son
Pepa son of Vuja
Kola Siromah
Ilia son of Dreq
Tole his son
Andrija son of Tola
Petko Siromah
Gjon Arbanasi
Tole, son of Nezha
Daba son of Gjura
Gjon Ciragjin

Modern Beci, https://mapcarta.com/13931310

Novak Gjurko
Rajko, son of Dabzhiv
Nikolla, son of Radonja
Gjuric, son of Nenko
Dimiter, his son
Dimitri, son of Nikolla
Gjura, brother of Dimitri
Pepa, son of Dragush
Leka, son of Gjorgj
Bozhidar, son of Merksha
Stepan, son of Tanush
Stanisha, his brother
Ilia, brother of Radonja
Bogic, son of Merksha
David, son of Bogdan
Nikolla, son of Dragush
Gjura, brother of Dimitri
Nikolla, son of David
Dabzhivi, son of Rajko
Mazarak Prishlic
Some really interesting stuff is when Albanians used names like Gjon, Gjin etc then in the 16th century they would switch over to other type of Albanian names and this happened in villages with Slavic names too. Doesn't say that anyone can came into the village. The people who lived there simply changed names. Lubizhde had majority Slavic but then Albanian. Fshaj also majority Slavic and then Albanian. Same thing in Gjakove . Rogova Slavic and then they became Islamized. And villages which we know were Albanian like Gjinoc, Caparc, Crnca, Novake, Magjerci , Shpenadi , they all bore Slavic names or non-Albanian names even in the 16th century except for Magjerci
These are some of the villages in the Plains of Dukagjin (an area roughly between Peja and Prizren) that I have identified that were Albanian in the 1400's-1500's register or that we know were Albanian

Mazrek, Prizren
Gjonaj, Prizren
Shpenadi, Prizren
Novake, Prizren
Magjerci, Prizren
Gjinoc, Prizren
Crnca, Prizren
Caparc, Prizren
Celina, Prizren
Mamusha, Prizren
Medvec, Prizren
Lubizhde, Prizren
Zojz, Prisren
Lubizhda e hasit

Prizren (1500's Albanian)
Gjakova (1500's Albanian)
Peja (1500's Albanian)

The registers indicates this area was inhabited by Albanians.

There are more. But I am done for now with this topic but some really interesting stuff. Prizren, Peja and Gjakova were Albanian too in the 16th century.
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Zym 1571 https://mapcarta.com/13913408

Ali Kola
Biba Gjoni
Nina Koka
Gjin Dusha
Bac Prendi
Doda Tita
Bac Doci
Kosta Shtefani
Gjec Doci
Koka Peka
Prend Nina
Gika Marku
Prend Andrea
Doc Daha
Deja Papa
Gika Daka
Gjec Gika
Papa Doci
Deda Prendi
Iljas Doda
Gjin Doci
Koka Papa
Tita Dida
Prend papa
Gjon papa
Mark Deja

Gjakova 1571

Nika Gjura
Ugrin Nika
Stepa Raba
Gjura Nika
Stojan Petri
Voja Nue
Dimjo Gjuro
Noja Biba
Boja Gjura
Daba Raba
Gjura Stanisha
Stojko Boca
Mata Pisha
Pop Stepani
Nisha Stojko
Raka Stepa
Radan (doshlac)
Nina Kabali
Nina Doda (doshlac)
Sulejman Abdullahu
Gjura Nika
Rasha Nika
Avram Nika
Pejo Nina
Petri Stojani
Voja Nina
Pejo Biba
Stepa Gjura
Kola (doshlac)
Gjura Pali
Raja Biba
Ilia, pop
Stepa Gjeri
Pejo Juvanic
Kola Gjin (doshlac)
Luka Doda
Nina Nika

Pava Nika
Dimitri Raba
Mladen Nina
Gjura Stojani
Mica Vuja
Gjura Prendi
Dimitri Noja
Kabal Raba
Nue Stanisha
Pejo Pali
Jak Pisha
Pejo Raba
Gjura Progoni
Juvanic (doshlac)
Mark (doshlac)
Prend (doshlac)
Gjon Gaci
Kola (doshlac)

Rahovec 1591 https://mapcarta.com/Rahovec

Bolin Stepan
Koijsin Luka
Jovan Xhaniq
Nikolla Petro
Mati Jovani
Petko Grubo
Gjuro Petko
Kurd Aliu
Stepan Kola
Pejo Gjura
Smir Dimjo
Pejo Gjurini
Lukac Petko
Janko Andrija
Pjetri Jovani
Andrija Petro
Marko Radic
Aranid Grubo
Marin Gjoni
Memi Aliu

Dimio Simoni
Ahmed Nasuhi
Dimjo Petro
Jovan Luka
Pazarli Memi
Ali Jovani

Toma Raja
Stojan Kola
Daba Petko
Ali Mustafa
Mustafa Marini

Jovan Nikolla
Jovan Stepa Gjoni
Dimjo Marko

Celina 1591 https://mapcarta.com/13929696

Pepa Gjoni
Buda Raja
Buda Gjoni
Pavl Stojani
Petriq Buda
Avram Nika
Gjon Biba
Kosta Raja
Petko Stepa
Veljan Biba
Pavl Petriq
Biba Stepani
Pepa Doda
Stepa Doda
Marko Pepa

Mico Gjura
Avram Nika
Stojan Petriq
Stepa Nikolla
Gjon Pepa
Some suggestions:

In Lunik/Junik

Dejan, son of Menku
Mihail, son of Menku
Menku son of Dimitri
Menku Siromah
Pepa, son of Menku
Menku, Menkshi, etc, should be considered as Albanian. You may contact Mihalis Ntinopoulous for a better explanation. There is a huge presence of Menku in the registers of the other areas.
Nenko, son of Merka
Merka too should be studied more.
Bardo, son of Bardash - Both Illyrian/Dardanian names, should be kept in a different folder.

Nenko, son of Gjurin(Gurin)
Vasil, son of Gjura
Gjura, son of Nenko (In Botusha below)
Gjura, son of Tomeniku (Botusha)
Gjura, son of Daba? (Botusha)
Leka, son of Gjura (Plakani)
Gjura is mostly in presence of Albanian names. Still in presence as a surname in many areas, especially Kukes.

Gjon Tola
Kola Tola
Mica Tola
Pepa Tola
Albanian surname, still in use, mostly in Diber area.

Gjorgj Siramah (two times) - Albanian
Andrija Gjorgj (two times)
Rashko Gjorgj
Gjorgj Gjon - albanian
Nikolla Gjorgj - Possibly albanian
Gjorgj Vlada
Nuja Gjorgj - albanian
Dabzhivi Gjorgj
Nika Gjorgj - albanian
Gjorgj Petri - albanian
Gjorgj Dejan
Gjorgj Stepko

A very mixed name, but very possibly Albanian, as the name Gjergj is missing, due to different translation from the ottoman.

Menku Siromah
Dimitri Siromah
Gjorgj Siromah (two times)
Gjon Siromah
Stepan Siromah
Radic Siromah
Pavli Siromah
Vasil Siromah

It appears to be albanian

Village Botusha

Tomeniko, son of Ulku
Gjura, son of Tomeniku
Tomenik, son of Rob
Tomeniko appears to be an Albanian version of Domenico, and later on TOMA. So, all Tomeniko's should be considered mostly Albanian with a name still used today.

Gjin, son of Pavli,
Nenko, son of Pavli
Pavli, son of Gjon (Meje)
Popi, son of Pavli (Morine)
Pavli, son of Gjin (Morine)
Pavli, son of Andrija (Morine)
Nikolla, son of Pavli (Dujake)
Pavli, son of Petri (Dujake)
Pavli Siromah (Nivokaz)

Pavli can be considered Albanian, and it is still used in the orthodox Albanians of central Albania. It is mostly related to other Albanian names in these lists. Additionally, Popi, Petri, appear to have more albanian flavour.

Rob - Albanian
Tomenik, son of Rob
Gega, son of Rob

Petri - Albanian
Gjorgj, son of Petri
Petri, son of Lleshi
Petri, son of Todor
Petri, son of Ukqa
Petri, son of Gjon
Pavli, son of Petri
Gjura, son of Petri
Gjorgj, son of Petri

Mostly in presence of Albanian names, especially Gjorgj.


Nikolla Pop
Pop Nenko
Radovan Pop
Popi Marin
Popi Pavli
Gjon Popa
Mostly Albanian, as Nikolla is both used in Albanian and Serbian.


Nikolla Shytak
Shyti Kalza
Gjin Shyti
Gjorgj Shyti

Very albanian name, still used in central and south Albania.


Pepa Xhovan
Pepa Bardo
Pepa Dubko
Pepa Menku
Pepa Andrija (2
Pepa Nikolla (3
Pepa Bogdan
Pepa Mihail
Pepa Tola
Pepa Vuk
Pepa Franika
Pepa Nenko (2
Pepa Gjon

Very albanian name, still in use, although with some other slavic names.

Progon, son of Brisav, brother of Gjon and Radic
Nikolla Progon
Nenko Progon

Another Illyrian/Dardanian name survived.

Bardo Bardash (2 times)
Gjon Bardo
Pepa Bardo
Dimitri Bardo
Another Illyrian/Dardanian name survived.

Novak, son of Dardo

To be verified in other areas. Another ancient name of Dardania.

Gjon Ukqa
Ukqa Lleshi
Petri Ukqa

Obviously Albanian.

Petko Spana
Spana, one of well-known Arberor families



Tanush Broja
Albanian forever :)
Some suggestions:

In Lunik/Junik

Dejan, son of Menku
Mihail, son of Menku
Menku son of Dimitri
Menku Siromah
Pepa, son of Menku
Menku, Menkshi, etc, should be considered as Albanian. You may contact Mihalis Ntinopoulous for a better explanation. There is a huge presence of Menku in the registers of the other areas.
Nenko, son of Merka
Merka too should be studied more.
Bardo, son of Bardash - Both Illyrian/Dardanian names, should be kept in a different folder.

Nenko, son of Gjurin(Gurin)
Vasil, son of Gjura
Gjura, son of Nenko (In Botusha below)
Gjura, son of Tomeniku (Botusha)
Gjura, son of Daba? (Botusha)
Leka, son of Gjura (Plakani)
Gjura is mostly in presence of Albanian names. Still in presence as a surname in many areas, especially Kukes.

Gjon Tola
Kola Tola
Mica Tola
Pepa Tola
Albanian surname, still in use, mostly in Diber area.

Gjorgj Siramah (two times) - Albanian
Andrija Gjorgj (two times)
Rashko Gjorgj
Gjorgj Gjon - albanian
Nikolla Gjorgj - Possibly albanian
Gjorgj Vlada
Nuja Gjorgj - albanian
Dabzhivi Gjorgj
Nika Gjorgj - albanian
Gjorgj Petri - albanian
Gjorgj Dejan
Gjorgj Stepko

A very mixed name, but very possibly Albanian, as the name Gjergj is missing, due to different translation from the ottoman.

Menku Siromah
Dimitri Siromah
Gjorgj Siromah (two times)
Gjon Siromah
Stepan Siromah
Radic Siromah
Pavli Siromah
Vasil Siromah

It appears to be albanian

Village Botusha

Tomeniko, son of Ulku
Gjura, son of Tomeniku
Tomenik, son of Rob
Tomeniko appears to be an Albanian version of Domenico, and later on TOMA. So, all Tomeniko's should be considered mostly Albanian with a name still used today.

Gjin, son of Pavli,
Nenko, son of Pavli
Pavli, son of Gjon (Meje)
Popi, son of Pavli (Morine)
Pavli, son of Gjin (Morine)
Pavli, son of Andrija (Morine)
Nikolla, son of Pavli (Dujake)
Pavli, son of Petri (Dujake)
Pavli Siromah (Nivokaz)

Pavli can be considered Albanian, and it is still used in the orthodox Albanians of central Albania. It is mostly related to other Albanian names in these lists. Additionally, Popi, Petri, appear to have more albanian flavour.

Rob - Albanian
Tomenik, son of Rob
Gega, son of Rob

Petri - Albanian
Gjorgj, son of Petri
Petri, son of Lleshi
Petri, son of Todor
Petri, son of Ukqa
Petri, son of Gjon
Pavli, son of Petri
Gjura, son of Petri
Gjorgj, son of Petri

Mostly in presence of Albanian names, especially Gjorgj.


Nikolla Pop
Pop Nenko
Radovan Pop
Popi Marin
Popi Pavli
Gjon Popa
Mostly Albanian, as Nikolla is both used in Albanian and Serbian.


Nikolla Shytak
Shyti Kalza
Gjin Shyti
Gjorgj Shyti

Very albanian name, still used in central and south Albania.


Pepa Xhovan
Pepa Bardo
Pepa Dubko
Pepa Menku
Pepa Andrija (2
Pepa Nikolla (3
Pepa Bogdan
Pepa Mihail
Pepa Tola
Pepa Vuk
Pepa Franika
Pepa Nenko (2
Pepa Gjon

Very albanian name, still in use, although with some other slavic names.

Progon, son of Brisav, brother of Gjon and Radic
Nikolla Progon
Nenko Progon

Another Illyrian/Dardanian name survived.

Bardo Bardash (2 times)
Gjon Bardo
Pepa Bardo
Dimitri Bardo
Another Illyrian/Dardanian name survived.

Novak, son of Dardo

To be verified in other areas. Another ancient name of Dardania.

Gjon Ukqa
Ukqa Lleshi
Petri Ukqa

Obviously Albanian.

Petko Spana
Spana, one of well-known Arberor families



Tanush Broja
Albanian forever :)

Very good suggestion. Indeed more names were probably Albanian such as Gjura possibly and Merksha too
I made a mistake in the title , it's meant 1485.
Modern Vraniq https://mapcarta.com/13914152 or possibly Vranoc, https://mapcarta.com/13914120 in 1485, Albanian names bolded:

Gjin, son of Nikolla
Gjin, son of Andrija
Nenko, son of Progon
Gogo, his son
Nenko, son of Gjin
, son of Olivir
Rajko, son of Muriq
, son of Raja
Radic Siromah
Progon, son of Gjin
Dimitri, son Lushi
, son of Leka
Leka, brother of Gjon

Bjela Siromah
Andrija, son of Leka
Andrija, son of Muriq
Dimitri, son of Nikolla
Pepa, son of Mara
son of Todor

Kracor, somewhere in that area too

Gjin son of Gega
Vuja son of Tola
son of Vuja
Gjergj son of Gjin
Andrija his son
Pepa son of Vuja
Kola Siromah
Ilia son of Dreq
Tole his son
Andrija son of Tola
Petko Siromah
Gjon Arbanasi
, son of Nezha
Daba son of Gjura
Gjon Ciragjin

Modern Beci, https://mapcarta.com/13931310

Novak Gjurko
Rajko, son of Dabzhiv
Nikolla, son of Radonja
Gjuric, son of Nenko
Dimiter, his son
Dimitri, son of Nikolla
Gjura, brother of Dimitri
Pepa, son of Dragush
Leka, son of Gjorgj
Bozhidar, son of Merksha
Stepan, son of Tanush
Stanisha, his brother
Ilia, brother of Radonja
Bogic, son of Merksha
David, son of Bogdan
Nikolla, son of Dragush
Gjura, brother of Dimitri
Nikolla, son of David
Dabzhivi, son of Rajko
Mazarak Prishlic

Merksha (possibly), Pepa, Gjura, Muriq, Tola etc could be considered Albanian too . Names like Stepan, Nikolla, David, Dimitri etc are just Christian names.
Gjura is a Slavic name possibly but was used by Albanians. I don't know if this village was posted in this thread but the village Uqe in Istog in the north of Kosovo in the year 1485 had Albanian names too.

''lia brother of Marin, Dimitri son of Gjon, Gjon brother of Andrija, Gjura son of Gjon, Bora son of Gjin, Bardo brother of Ilia, Gjon brother of Todor''

I would love to spend more time to find out where all these villages or unidentified villages might be today but I got other things to do. You probably wont see me much on the forum. Good bye.
Village Magjrica/Magjerci from 1485, somewhere within the area of Prizren.
Also mentioned as an Albanian village in 1348 and also mentioned
in the 16th century register, doesn't exist today. They were
Albanians who bore a mixture of Slavic and Albanian names. Albanian
names are bolded

Nenko son of Vlad
Nikolla son of Gjorgj
Gjura Siromah
Gjura son of Ilia
Nenko Nikolla
Lazar son of Jovan
Dimitri son of Nenko
Doda son of Brat
Dimitri son of Nikolla
Gjura son of Ivan
Dimitri brother of Jovan
Gjura Koja
E veja Dimitrja
Brata Lazari
Nikolla Urkiqi
Nikolla his son
Gjuraq brother of Lazar
Koja Radoi
Pop Nenko Jovan his brother
Jovan son of Nikolla
Jovan brother of Ilia
Radovan , nephew of Pop Nenko
Kola, brother of Gjura
Nene his brother
Jovan son of Nenko
Djakon Gjini
Jovan brother of Nikolla
Kola his brother
Bjela son of Gjura
Bjela his nephew
Jovan brother of Lula
Ivan son of Gjura

Village Cirna Potok, somewhere in the region of Western Kosovo or Peja etc
in 1485

Nikolla son of Todor
Gjoni son of Nikolla
Dimitri brother of Leka
Nikolla son of Gjon
Dimitri son of Andrija
Nikolla son of Gjon
Kalaci son of Petri
Gjon son of Dimitri
Boshko Prishlic
Gjon son of Nikolla
Gjon son of Zahar
Nikolla son of Gjorgj
Andrija son of Dimitri
E veja Visha
Karagjoz son of Abdullahu
Gjura son of Todor
Leka son of Petri
Nenko son of Gjon
Andrijason of Andrija
Dimitri son of Gjini
Mihal Kovaci
Dimitri son of Petri
Andrija son of Dimitri
Andrija son of Lazer
Gjura son of Nikolla
Andrija son of Petri
Gjura brother of Andrija
E veja Mara

Village Trenova somewhere in Western Kosovo from 1485

Bardo son of Vukca
Progon son of Stepan
Gjini his brother
Gjini son of Gjoni
Leka son of Mico
Nikolla Progoni

Nikolla son of Bogin
Marku son of Petko
Boga son of Bogdan
Bashtina of Gjura
Nenko his brother
Lazar son of Davit
Dejan Siromah
Pavli son of Nenko
Boshko son of Stepan
Nikollason of Dimitri
Dimitri son of Sum
Vukashi son ofMico
Pejo son of Boshko

Village Nika (Kotrova Zramniku)

Petri son of Marin
Petri brother of Marin
Andrija son of Siromah
Dimitri son of Andrija
Stepan son of Dimitri
Gjini nephew of Petri
Gjura brother of Stepan
Shirgja son of Marin
Dimitri son Gjorgj
Nikolla son of Andrija
Pavli son of Andrija
Gugaci Siromah
Stepan Siromah
Nikolla brother of Stepan

In fact village Nika are mostly Christian names. Gjini is an Albanian name. Marin was used by Albanians and Pavli too and are Christian names I believe.
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Village Lepovac from 1485 somewhere in Western Kosovo , Nahija of Peja

Gjoni son of Andrija
Pepa his son
Nenko his son
Gjoni son of Stepan
Gjini brother of Vuk
Tanush brother of Vuk
Gjini son of Bardo
Gega son of Ivan
Andrija Gega
his son
Branka Gjirakari
Bezhan Dashnanini
Dimitri son of Ulah
Andrija Lazari
Andrija Todori
Gega son of Turucan
Gega son of Gjeci
Gjoni son of Meksha
Gega Govedari

Branko son of Tanush
Mioman son of Bardo
Gjoni son of Gega
son of Lazar
Iskender (Muslim)
Pepa brother of Branko
Leka son of Tanush
son of Ivan
Nikolla Todori
Bardo Todori
Vuku son of Dimitri
Lazar son of Dimitri
Vuk Gjeci
Lazar Gjorgji
Gega Todori
Gjeci son of Gjoni
Gjini son of Meksha

Andrija Vukoviq
Bardo son of Andrija
son of Andrija
Petri son of Gjeci
son of Lazar
Bozhidar son of Todor
Nenko son of Gega
Village Kracor year 1485, somewhere in Western Kosovo, Peja

Gjini son of Gega
Vuja son of Tole
Gjura son of Vuja
Gjergji son of Gjini
Andrija his son
Pepa son of Vuja
Kola Siromah

Ilia Son of Dreq
Tole his son

Andrija son of Tole
Petko Siromah
Gjon Arbanasi
Tole son of Nezha
Daba son of Gjura
Gjon Ciragjini

https://mapcarta.com/13931310 , Modern village Beci

Novak Gjurko Rajko son of Dabzhiv
Nikolla son of Radonja
Gjuric son of Nenko
Dimitri his son
Dimitiri son of Nikolla
Gjura brother of Dimitri
Pepa son of Dragush
Leka son of Gjorgj
Bozhidar son of Merksha
Stepan son of Tanush
E veja Todora
Stanisha his brother
Ilia brother of Radonja
Bogic son of Merksha
David brother of Bogdan
Nikolla son of Dragush
Gjura brother of Dimitri
Nikolla son of David
Dabzhiv son of Rajko
Mazarak Prishlic
Village Dujak from 1485, somewhere in Western Kosovo, in the Nahije of Peja . Not to be confused with the village Dujake (https://mapcarta.com/N618631800) today in Western Kosovo which was also mentioned in 1485 and also had a lot of Albanian names. There were basically two villages with the name Dujake and two villages with the names Ternova / Trenova, both Albanian.

Nenko son of Koka
Nenko son of Gjini
Gjoni son
of Nikolla
Bosa son of Meksha
Dimitri son of Andrija
Bozhidar son of Andrija
Vasili son of Nikolla
Gjoni son of Nikolla
Gjuraqi son of Petri
Radic son of Gjini
Radosav son of Meksha
Ozguri brother of Dimitri
Andrija son of Gjoni
Gjini son of Meksha
Village Magjrica/Magjerci from 1485, somewhere within the area of Prizren.
Also mentioned as an Albanian village in 1348 and also mentioned
in the 16th century register, doesn't exist today. They were
Albanians who bore a mixture of Slavic and Albanian names. Albanian
names are bolded

Nenko son of Vlad
Nikolla son of Gjorgj
Gjura Siromah
Gjura son of Ilia
Nenko Nikolla
Lazar son of Jovan
Dimitri son of Nenko
Doda son of Brat
Dimitri son of Nikolla
Gjura son of Ivan
Dimitri brother of Jovan
Gjura Koja
E veja Dimitrja
Brata Lazari
Nikolla Urkiqi
Nikolla his son
Gjuraq brother of Lazar
Koja Radoi
Pop Nenko Jovan his brother
Jovan son of Nikolla
Jovan brother of Ilia
Radovan , nephew of Pop Nenko
Kola, brother of Gjura
Nene his brother
Jovan son of Nenko
Djakon Gjini
Jovan brother of Nikolla
Kola his brother
Bjela son of Gjura
Bjela his nephew
Jovan brother of Lula
Ivan son of Gjura

Village Cirna Potok, somewhere in the region of Western Kosovo or Peja etc
in 1485

Nikolla son of Todor
Gjoni son of Nikolla
Dimitri brother of Leka
Nikolla son of Gjon
Dimitri son of Andrija
Nikolla son of Gjon
Kalaci son of Petri
Gjon son of Dimitri
Boshko Prishlic
Gjon son of Nikolla
Gjon son of Zahar
Nikolla son of Gjorgj
Andrija son of Dimitri
E veja Visha
Karagjoz son of Abdullahu
Gjura son of Todor
Leka son of Petri
Nenko son of Gjon
Andrijason of Andrija
Dimitri son of Gjini
Mihal Kovaci
Dimitri son of Petri
Andrija son of Dimitri
Andrija son of Lazer
Gjura son of Nikolla
Andrija son of Petri
Gjura brother of Andrija
E veja Mara

Village Trenova somewhere in Western Kosovo from 1485

Bardo son of Vukca
Progon son of Stepan
Gjini his brother
Gjini son of Gjoni
Leka son of Mico
Nikolla Progoni

Nikolla son of Bogin
Marku son of Petko
Boga son of Bogdan
Bashtina of Gjura
Nenko his brother
Lazar son of Davit
Dejan Siromah
Pavli son of Nenko
Boshko son of Stepan
Nikollason of Dimitri
Dimitri son of Sum
Vukashi son ofMico
Pejo son of Boshko

Village Nika (Kotrova Zramniku)

Petri son of Marin
Petri brother of Marin
Andrija son of Siromah
Dimitri son of Andrija
Stepan son of Dimitri
Gjini nephew of Petri
Gjura brother of Stepan
Shirgja son of Marin
Dimitri son Gjorgj
Nikolla son of Andrija
Pavli son of Andrija
Gugaci Siromah
Stepan Siromah
Nikolla brother of Stepan

In fact village Nika are mostly Christian names. Gjini is an Albanian name. Marin was used by Albanians and Pavli too and are Christian names I believe.
All slavic names with slavic nicknames - Siromah poor which indicates the village was Slavic speaking as Turks didnt “translate” the nicknames.

And yet you claim is Albanian same thing repeats in the thread on all posts, amazing.
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Most of these villages are Albanians buddy, they bore these type of names in the 15th century then they bore other type of Albanian names in the 16th century which covers much more villages and shows an overwhelming majority Albanian population, including the towns. I will make a thread about that later, there are of course much more villages in the 15th century too. And many names that weren't marked that were Albanians, and Albanians also bore Slavic names, just look at how the brother or son would have anAlbanian name and the father a Slavic or Christian or vice versa. Slavic names are almost non existant in many of these villages in the next register which covers many other villages. And some villages in the 15th century that had majority Slavic names in the next register don't have any Slavic names at all. Then of course you also had people with a mix of Slavic and Albanian name such as an Albanian surname and a Slavic first name or vice versa even in the 16th century in the towns and other areas or you had Albos with Slavic names.
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Kovalica, somewhere in Western Kosovo, 1485:

Here we have Albanian names such as Pal, Gjin

Nenko son of Pal
Andrija son of Nikolla
Pal son of Prosjak
Gjura son of Bajirkush
Andrija son of Gjin
E veja Stoja
Boshko son of Andrija
Pal son of Gjin
Gjin son of Nikolla

Andrija son of Nikolla
E Veja Domlica

Usak (Osak) , somewhere in Western Kosovo 1485,
here we have Albanian names such as Lika, Lula, Gjin, Bardo, Nene, Nika

Gjura son of Jovan
Lika son of Petri
Petri son of Sirsili
Gjin Prishlic

Bozhko son of Dimitri
Andrija son of Rajko
Gjura brother of Lula
E veja Mara
Nene son of Rajko
Lula son of Nika
Karir brother of Bardo

Junaku Siromah
Petri son of Lazar
Lula son of Dalulo
Nikolla Siromah
Brelonica somewhere in Western Kosovo or Peja 1485:
Here we also have Albanian names such as Gjin, Nikca, Kola, Bardi, Leka, Buza, Liku

Lazari son of Andrija
Dimitri brother of Nikolla
Gjini son of Nikca
Mihail his son
Kola son of Todor
Andrija son of Cirni
Andrija son of Mihail
Nikolla his brother
Andrija son of Lazar
Bardi son of Nikca
Leka son of Paskac
Buza son of Mihail

Andrija Liku
Mica son of Prib
Stepan son of Prera
Dajci brother of Andrija
Gega son of Kukuvafic
Pjeci son of Nikola
Nikolla son of Gjin
Bjeloci son of Mihail
Nikolla son of Lazar
Pjeci son of Paskac