Genetic study Large-Scale Migration into Southern Britain During the Middle to Late Bronze Age.


Good afternoon this is my first reply on this site. Iam 100% British but my R1a-L664 is 18% German,5%french and 3% uk
my MtgDNA is T1a1K. And I have a long background in family histories have all ways new that I had German,Europe DNA.,!
But did not know the exact makeup… my question firstly is the R1a line not the R1b as I seem to notice more R1b line talked about as I only have 3% now I know 3% British is pos background disturbance on the sample but also might be over 12000 years old. This puts me in Britain midlands the start of the bronze T1a1K is a also very interesting to me as it gives me
I did wonder if this was common as a 100 British. But it’s old DNA. I know but interesting to find others like or similar to me .
thank you for such a good site and the Threads are ver good. Happy holidays to you all and keep safe for the new year 2022
h3 types from paper :

continental samples

I23995 Croatia_EIA 2729 H3b

I23996 Croatia_EIA 2744 H3b

I16327 Czech_IA_Hallstatt 2625 H3

I20504 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 H3ag

I15044 Czech_IA_LaTene 2305 H3v+16093

I17614 Czech_IA_LaTene 2305 H3h

I20522 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 H3ag

I17325 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 H3ag

I20827 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 H3

I10344 France_LN_EBA 4050 H3+152

I15032 France_N 5700 H3

I18527 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2200 H3

I18839 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2200 H3

I16170 Italy_Sardinia_MBA 3337 H3

I11971 Netherlands_LBA 3060 H3

I26830 Netherlands_MBA 3429 H3v+16093

I5698 Slovenia_EIA 2593 H3

I2469 Spain_LBA 2826 H3an

island samples

I5502 England_EastYorkshire_LIA 2054 H3

I19220 England_EBA 3759 H3g1

I27380 England_EBA_BellBeaker 4228 H3k1

I16612 England_EIA 2419 H3

I14857 England_EIA 2408 H3an

I14747 England_EIA 2374 H3

I19867 England_EIA 2598 H3+16311

I14550 England_IA_ 1850 H3+152

I12608 England_LBA 2929 H3ap

I12624 England_LBA 2800 H3

I14358 England_LBA 2808 H3

I16469 England_LBA 2945 H3+152

I11142 England_LIA 2067 H3b+16129

I19859 England_MBA 3401 H3

I19914 England_MIA 2233 H3g1

I21181 England_MIA 2250 H3

I11153 England_MIA 2285 H3b

I20983 England_MIA_LIA 2176 H3b+16129

I21313 England_MIA_LIA 2165 H3g

I11143 England_MIA_LIA 2145 H3b+16129

I11991 England_MIA_LIA 2116 H3b+16129

I11992 England_MIA_LIA 2095 H3b+16129

I16596 England_MIA_LIA_lc 2175 H3b+16129

I13681 England_MIA_LIA_lc 2175 H3b+16129

I2693 Scotland_LIA 2060 H3+152

I16422 Scotland_MIA_LIA 2208 H3+152

I16416 Scotland_MIA_LIA_ 2110 H3+152

I2796 Scotland_N 5571 H3

Do you know from which archeological sites are samples from Slovenia and Croatia? Are there gonna be availabe G25 coordinates for them?
Distance to: Torzio_scaled
0.02518352 CZE_IA_La_Tene:I17139
0.02534923 HRV_EIA:I24639
0.02672678 AUT_IA_La_Tene:I11701
0.02746117 CZE_LBA_Knoviz_o3:I13786
0.02790803 HRV_MBA:I26774
0.03252252 HUN_La_Tene:I18493
0.03259996 SVN_EIA:I22940
0.03292814 HUN_LBA_EIA:I11683
0.03319096 SVK_IA_Vekerzug:I12099
0.03349606 HRV_MBA:I26726
0.03357848 HRV_EIA:I23996
0.03376668 HUN_IA_La_Tene:I18834
0.03403269 HUN_La_Tene:I18491
0.03421705 HUN_La_Tene:I18489
0.03426544 SVN_EIA:I22938
0.03495461 HRV_EIA:I23995
0.03514283 HUN_EIA_Prescythian_Mezocsat:I18213
0.03545433 HRV_EIA:I23904
0.03579384 HUN_IA_La_Tene:I25510
0.03680743 HUN_IA_La_Tene:I18528
0.03699641 HRV_EIA:I26742
0.03701994 HRV_EIA:I23911
0.03735692 HUN_IA_La_Tene:I18529
0.03755894 SVN_EIA:I5692
0.03780304 SVN_LBA_EIA:I23974
Between 1000-875 BCE would be a bit early for Belgae.
But I'd expect U-152 too.
L21 was already predominant in the British Isles since 2000 BC.

We know it for sure? I mean we know that the British Isles were L21 for the whole of the Bronze Age like Ireland was?

Not sure of the accuracy, but this is a reconstruction of Rathlin1, Irish Bronze Age.
Early Iron Age Britain (n=14)

  • I2a2-M223>Y3259>Y6098>PF692
  • R1b-P297
  • R1b-M269
  • R1b-L52
  • R1b-U106>S264
  • R1b-P312
  • R1b-P312
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z251
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z251>A11676
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF21
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF49>DF23
  • R1b-P312>DF27>Z195>Z29704>S11475

Middle & Late Iron Age Britain (n=146)

  • F
  • F
  • F
  • F
  • G2a-L497>Z1815>Z1816>BY27899
  • G2a-L497>Z1815>Z1816>Z1823
  • G2a-L497>Z1815>Z1816>Z1823
  • G2a-L497>Z1815>Z1816>Z1823>Z726>S23438
  • G2a-L497>Z1815>Z1816>Z1823>Z726>Z16775
  • I1
  • I2a1a-M26>L160
  • I2a1a-M26>L160>Z105
  • I2a2a-M223>Y3259>Y6098
  • I2a2a-M223>Z284>L1195
  • I2a2a-M223>Z284>L1195
  • I2a2a-M223>Z284>L1195>Y3684
  • I2a2a-M223>Z284>L1195>Y3684
  • R1b-M269
  • R1b-M269
  • R1b-M269
  • R1b-M269
  • R1b-M269
  • R1b-M269
  • R1b-M269
  • R1b-M269
  • R1b-M269
  • R1b-M269>PF7562>Y83965
  • R1b-L52
  • R1b-L52
  • R1b-L52
  • R1b-L52>L151
  • R1b-L52>L151
  • R1b-L52>L151>S1200
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312>S461
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312>Z30597
  • R1b-L52>L151>P312>Z30597
  • R1b-P312>L21
  • R1b-P312>L21
  • R1b-P312>L21
  • R1b-P312>L21
  • R1b-P312>L21
  • R1b-P312>L21
  • R1b-P312>L21
  • R1b-P312>L21
  • R1b-P312>L21
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>A1101
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>CTS1751>FGC49766
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF1
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF1>S5668
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF21
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF21
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF21>BY11117
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF21>DF25>DF5
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF21>DF25>Y12651
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF21>S5488
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF21>S5488
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF21>S5488
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF21>Y2890
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF49
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF49
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF49
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF49
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF49>DF23
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF49>DF23>Z2961
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>DF49>BY23924
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>FGC5494
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>FGC5494>S1088
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>FGC5494>S1088
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>FGC5494>S7958>BY33481
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>FGC5494>Y31855
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>S1026>BY173541
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>S1026>Z16887
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>S1051>FGC19428
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Y14049>BY9003
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z251
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z251
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z251
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z251
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z251
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z251
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z251>Y11273
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z253
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z253
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z253
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z253>Z2185
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z253>Z2185>Z2186
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z253>Z2534
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z253>Z2534>A14
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z253>Z2534>BY13089
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF13>Z255>Z16436
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF63
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF63
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF63
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF63
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF63
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF63
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF63>CTS6919
  • R1b-P312>L21>DF63>FGC36421
  • R1b-P312>L238>Z2245
  • R1b-P312>DF27
  • R1b-P312>DF27>FT318890>Y3267
  • R1b-P312>DF27>Y14529
  • R1b-P312>DF27>Y30754
  • R1b-P312>DF27>Y30754>Y85515
  • R1b-P312>DF27>Z195>Z262
  • R1b-P312>DF27>Z225>Y89302
  • R1b-P312>DF27>Z2572
  • R1b-P312>U152>L2
  • R1b-P312>U152>L2
  • R1b-P312>U152>L2>Y3961>Y17997
  • R1b-P312>U152>L2>Z49>Z142>S7402
  • R1b-P312>U152>L2>Z49>Z142>S7402>FGC12384
  • R1b-P312>U152>L2>Z49>Z142>Z51>Z57>Z53

Haplogroup frequency

  • R1b = 88.3% (including 58.2% of L21, 6.8% of M269, 5.5% of DF27 and 4.1% of L2)
  • G2a-L497 = 3.4%
  • I2a2a-M223 = 3.4%
  • F = 2.7%
  • I2a1a-M26 = 1.4%
  • I1 = 0.7%

The Middle Iron Age sees the arrival of R1b-U152>L2 and G2a-L497 who brought the La Tène culture from Central Europe via northern Gaul. However no E-V13 or J2b2 were found either in La Tène Gaul or in La Tène Britain. This is rather odd considering that the same La Tène people from Central Europe were already a blend of R-L2 and G-L497 with E-V13 and J2b2. Consequently that would mean that E-V13 and J2b2 only made their way to Western Europe during the Roman period and/or during the Middle Ages. The case of Italy is even stranger as J2b2 is present in the Iron Age among Etruscans and Italics, but E-V13 is still absent.

E-V13 seems rather limited to eastern La Tène and this buries down the strange linguistico-culturel hypothesis attributing the Celtic languages to E-V13 (being J2 linked to Etruscans and R1b-P312 to Basques in this theory)- I suppose nevertheless we need more Y-haplo's from diverse Hallstatt and La Tène settlements.
COncerning J2b I wouldn't be too amazed if it would show up among first Italics as it does in nortwestern Balkans at those times. E-V13 could have had a more local imput at first, cultural transmettor rather than a demic one? Only suppositions.
for R1b, L21 had kept the power in the Isles even during IA; it would be interesting to know precisely when and where R-U152-L20 took foot there; Spite he was very older on the continent, it could have crossed the Channel in very Late IA in southeast with Belgae supposed to be come rather from the East of the Celtic territories.
BTW, the most of northern and eastern Gallia was populated at IA by Belgae tribes, not primary Gaulish ones. It is still possible that first Gauls in western today France were R-L21 before La Tène, and spoke a Qw- Celtic...? the meeting L21/DF27 could have been the cause and result of Atlantic Bronze?
Do you know from which archeological sites are samples from Slovenia and Croatia? Are there gonna be availabe G25 coordinates for them?

to be fair
all the other mtdna types that appear in the paper beside h3


I11708 Austria_IA_LaTene 2300 U7b
I11699 Austria_IA_LaTene 2300 H11a2
I11701 Austria_IA_LaTene 2300 T2b
I23911 Croatia_EIA 2765 T2a1a
I24638 Croatia_EIA 2658 U5a1g
I24639 Croatia_EIA 2658 H1
I26742 Croatia_EIA 2650 HV0e
I24882 Croatia_EIA 2599 H
I24883 Croatia_EIA 2750 HV0e
I23904 Croatia_EIA 2642 T2b
I24879 Croatia_EIA 2599 H5
I26735 Croatia_LIA_LaTene 2050 J1c12
I26726 Croatia_MBA 3411 J1c3
I26773 Croatia_MBA 3325 J1c2
I26774 Croatia_MBA 3325 J1c2
I26893 Croatia_MBA 3325 U8b1b1
I24342 Croatia_MBA 3410 T2b23
I18719 Croatia_MBA_LBA 3200 HV0a1a
I24345 Croatia_MBA_LBA_EIA 2900 HV0e
I24344 Croatia_MBA_LBA_EIA_lc 2900 H13a2a
I26738 Croatia_MN 7125 T2b
I26741 Croatia_MN_Sopot 6585 T2b
I13467 Czech_Bohemia_CordedWare 4467 H+16291
I15823 Czech_C 5550 K1a4a1
I15826 Czech_C 5505 T2b
I7953 Czech_C_oSteppe 4450 H2a2a1
I11158 Czech_EBA_son.I14193_son.I7198 4025 U5b2c
I16109 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 K1a1b2b
I7959 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 K2b2
I15643 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 U4d1
I13469 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 J1c15
I13468 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 U5a1b1
I13471 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 V
I7960 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 U2e2a1a2
I7963 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 U2e2
I7962 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 T2e
I11159 Czech_EBA_Unetice 4100 U5a1a2a
I15824 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3900 J2b1a
I7964 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 U5a2c
I15642 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 HV0a
I15825 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 J1c2
I14186 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 W3a1a
I14585 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 K1a1b2a
I15644 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 H+152
I13470 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 H
I7958 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 I4a
I14193 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 T2e
I14185 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 K1c1
I14191 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 R1b1
I14189 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 K1a4
I14192 Czech_EBA_Unetice 3850 H1j2a
I11160 Czech_EBA_Unetice_brother.I14185 3850 K1
I14188 Czech_EBA_Unetice_brother.I14585 3850 K1a1b2a
I16110 Czech_EBA_Unetice_brother.I7958 3850 I4a
I15646 Czech_EBA_Unetice_son.I13470 3850 H
I15818 Czech_EN_LBK 7200 HV0a
I15071 Czech_IA_Hallstatt 2625 U5b1b1+@16192
I13781 Czech_IA_Hallstatt 3000 T1a1
I16329 Czech_IA_Hallstatt 2625 W6a
I16088 Czech_IA_Hallstatt 2625 U5b1b1+@16192
I16326 Czech_IA_Hallstatt 2625 H7
I14980 Czech_IA_Hallstatt 2625 U5a2b
I17312 Czech_IA_Hallstatt 2625 X2b4
I17607 Czech_IA_Hallstatt 2625 I4a
I14983 Czech_IA_Hallstatt 2625 J1c1
I16087 Czech_IA_Hallstatt_1d.rel.I16088 2625 U5b1b
I16086 Czech_IA_Hallstatt_lc 2625 J1c1
I16092 Czech_IA_Hallstatt_o 2600 U5b3b
I14982 Czech_IA_Hallstatt_o_lc 2625) n/a (<2x)
I16272 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 J1c2e
I17314 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 U5a1b
I17317 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 U5b2b2
I20518 Czech_IA_LaTene 2255 H2
I15040 Czech_IA_LaTene 2240 U5b1b1+@16192
I17327 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 U5b2b1a1
I15952 Czech_IA_LaTene 2310 H6a1a
I15046 Czech_IA_LaTene 2305 H4a1c1a
I14985 Czech_IA_LaTene 2255 H5c
I15045 Czech_IA_LaTene 2255 H13a1a1a
I20510 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 J1c1
I20523 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250
I20521 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 T2e7
I20513 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 K2a5
I17315 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 H10e
I16270 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 J1b1a1b
I17316 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 J1c1b1a1
I17321 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 K1a4a1
I17313 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 H1ae
I17322 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 U2e1
I16268 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 K2a6
I16271 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 I2
I15043 Czech_IA_LaTene 2240 U5b2b3a1
I17139 Czech_IA_LaTene 2220 H5c
I15039 Czech_IA_LaTene 2185 H6a1a
I20509 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 H7b
I15049 Czech_IA_LaTene 2275 W1+119
I15047 Czech_IA_LaTene 2170 H13a1a1
I13780 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 K1a26
I16269 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 U4a2c
I17613 Czech_IA_LaTene 2275 H59
I17324 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 W
I17320 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 U5b1b1d
I15950 Czech_IA_LaTene 2385 K1a4a1a2a
I15048 Czech_IA_LaTene 2385 H1aa1
I14987 Czech_IA_LaTene 2255 T1a1
I17146 Czech_IA_LaTene 2255 H1q
I17145 Czech_IA_LaTene 2255 H5a4a1
I17323 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 I4a
I17143 Czech_IA_LaTene 2220 H5c
I15951 Czech_IA_LaTene 2220 H13b1+200
I15042 Czech_IA_LaTene 2220 H26a1
I15954 Czech_IA_LaTene 2305 H1q
I14984 Czech_IA_LaTene 2255 H1+152
I14986 Czech_IA_LaTene 2255 H73
I20519 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 T2b17a
I16273 Czech_IA_LaTene 2250 H5a2
I17616 Czech_IA_LaTene_1d.rel.I15951 2220 H13b1
I14988 Czech_IA_LaTene_father.or.son.I1714 2255 H
I16090 Czech_IA_LaTene_Hallstatt 4200 V10
I20520 Czech_IA_LaTene_lc 2250
I20507 Czech_IA_LaTene_lc 2250 K2a
I20503 Czech_IA_LaTene_lc 2250
I17669 Czech_IA_LaTene_lc 2255
I20511 Czech_IA_LaTene_lc 2250
I15953 Czech_IA_LaTene_mother.or.daughter.I15039 2185 H6a1a
I20505 Czech_IA_LaTene_o 2250 H1ae
I16549 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H1an1
I14481 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 2850 W3a
I17611 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 U2e1a1
I20515 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H6a1a3
I17311 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 U5b2a1a1
I16538 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 J1c3
I15956 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H1e
I16113 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 K1a1b2a1a
I15957 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H+152
I15958 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 T2b
I15960 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 I4a1
I15959 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 K1a+150
I13787 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H26c
I13791 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 K1a4a1
I16089 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H5e1a
I13798 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 U5a2b
I13796 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H1
I13783 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H1+16189
I13789 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 J1c5
I13799 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 U2e1a1
I20526 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 2850 T2+16189
I13795 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 J1c8a
I15955 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 U5a2b
I20517 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H26c
I20525 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 2850 I4a
I13788 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 X2b+226
I16182 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 J1c
I15041 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H1
I13792 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 U5b2b1a1
I13793 Czech_LBA_Knoviz 3000 H1+16189
I17612 Czech_LBA_Knoviz_lc 3000
I17671 Czech_LBA_Knoviz_lc 3000
I20516 Czech_LBA_Knoviz_lc 3000 K1c1
I17310 Czech_LBA_Knoviz_o 22850 J1c7
I15961 Czech_LBA_Knoviz_o 3300 T2b
I13794 Czech_LBA_Knoviz_o 3300 H2a
I13786 Czech_LBA_Knoviz_o 3300 H1q
I16108 Czech_LN 5550 X2b4
I16099 Czech_MBA_Tumulus 3325 HV0+195
I16111 Czech_MBA_Tumulus 3325 T1a1
I16112 Czech_MBA_Tumulus 3325 V7
I17670 Czech_MBA_Tumulus 3325
I16100 Czech_MBA_Tumulus 3325 T2b
I14190 Czech_MN 6450 T2e
I7952 Czech_N 7200 N1a1a
I15819 Czech_N 7200 K1a3a3
I15648 Czech_N 7200 K1a+195
I15821 Czech_N_lc 7200
I7951 Czech_N_o WHG 7200 U8b1a1
I7950 Czech_N_o WHG 6950 H
I15650 Czech_N_possible 6950 H1
I16792 France_BA 3750
I16791 France_BA 3737
I16184 France_BA_GalloRoman 3350 H17
I1391 France_BellBeaker 4179 J1c4
I2575 France_BellBeaker 4323 K1c1
I1389 France_BellBeaker_1d.rel.I1390 4361 X2b4a
I15033 France_EBA 3765 T1a1
I16247 France_GrandEst_EBA 4534 U5b3b
I21400 France_GrandEst_IA2 2220 K1a1b1
I19356 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 H1
I20813 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 J1c2o
I21931 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 K1a4a1
I19362 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 K1b2a
I20815 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 K1a1b1
I19357 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 H5
I19359 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 K1a4a1
I19358 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 H1
I21399 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 K1a1b1
I21402 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 J2b1b1
I20817 France_GrandEst_IA2 2200 T2b3+151
I20812 France_GrandEst_IA2_1d.or.2d.rel.I20813 2200 H1u
I21403 France_GrandEst_IA2_father.or.son.I21399 2200 H
I20816 France_GrandEst_IA2_lc 2200
I19361 France_GrandEst_IA2_lc 2200 H1c9
I20828 France_GrandEst_IA2_lc 2200 U5b2a1a1
I21401 France_GrandEst_IA2_lc 2200 HV0
I20811 France_GrandEst_IA2_lc 2200 H2a
I19363 2200 K1b2a
I19360 2200 K1b2a
I18428 France_LN 5400 K1a1b1
I10347 France_LN_EBA 4050 T1a
I10343 France_LN_EBA 4050 J1c5
I10342 France_LN_EBA 4050 W6
I10348 France_LN_EBA 4050 H1e
I10345 France_LN_EBA_oEEF 4050 H1e1a
I18427 France_LN_lc 5400
I18426 France_LN_lc 5396
Last edited:
continue of continental

France_Medieval 685 U4a3a
I15030 France_N 5700 U5b1+16189+@16192
I15029 France_N 5700 V
I15031 France_N 5700 T2b3d
I15035 France_N 5000 H4a1a
I15034 France_N_BA 5000 J2a1a1a
I15028 France_N_o 4218 J1c2e
I16782 France_Protohistoric_BA_BellBeaker_possible_lc 3950 H1b1+16362
I13720 France_SouthEast_IA2 2250 U4b
I19918 France_SouthEast_IA2 2250 H+152
I19917 France_SouthEast_IA2 2250 X2c2
I13621 France_SouthEast_IA2 2250 K1a4a1
I13623 France_SouthEast_IA2 2250 H1bt1
I13620 France_SouthEast_IA2 2250 T2c1d+152
I19916 France_SouthEast_IA2 2250 V3a
I25507 Hungary_EIA 2550 T1a5
I18227 Hungary_EIA_Hallstatt 2525 H10a1
I25525 Hungary_EIA_o3 2550 J1c3j
I18211 Hungary_EIA_Prescythian_Mezocsat 2725 U5a1f1a
I18213 Hungary_EIA_Prescythian_Mezocsat 2725 T2a1b1a1
I18239 Hungary_EIA_Prescythian_Mezocsat 2725 H1
I18246 Hungary_EIA_Prescythian_Mezocsat 2725 J2b1
I18245 Hungary_EIA_Prescythian_Mezocsat 2725 U4d1
I18241 Hungary_EIA_Prescythian_Mezocsat_o1 2725 T2b
I11683 Hungary_EIA_Prescythian_Mezocsat_o3 2725 K1a+195
I18216 Hungary_EIA_Prescythian_Mezocsat_o3 2725 n/a (<2x)
I25508 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2210 H4a1a+195
I18181 Hungary_IA_LaTene2185 U4a2
I25516 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2150 U2e1a1
I18526 Hungary_IA_LaTene2200 J1c2c2
I18488 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2240 T2b2
I18834 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2210 U2e1a1
I18110 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2200 H1ag
I18528 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2200 K1a4
I18840 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2200 H7
I25512 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2150 H80
I25518 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2150 H2a5
I25510 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2150 H2a1
I25522 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2150 T2b
I18531 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2200 H
I18838 Hungary_IA_LaTene2210 T2c1+146
I18529 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2200 W1+119
I25519 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2150 H+16311
I18530 Hungary_IA_LaTene2230 H14a
I4996 Hungary_IA_LaTene 2235 J1c5
I18490 Hungary_IA_LaTene_brother.I18492 2240 H58
I18835 Hungary_IA_LaTene_father.or.son.I18838 2210 K1a1a
I18988 Hungary_IA_LaTene_lc 2200 H10
I25517 Hungary_IA_LaTene_lc 2150 n/a (<2x)
I4998 Hungary_IA_LaTene_o 2250 T2b
I18226 Hungary_IA_LaTene_o 2210 H5a3a
I18182 Hungary_IA_LaTene_o 2185 T2b
I18183 Hungary_IA_LaTene_o 2185 J1c1b1a
I25509 Hungary_IA_LaTene_o3 2150 U5a2b
I25524 Hungary_IA_LaTene_o3 2175 K1a+195
I18832 Hungary_IA_LaTene_oEast 2210 U5a1b
I18833 Hungary_IA_LaTene_oWest 2210 U8b1b2
I18837 Hungary_IA_LaTene_oWest 6311
I18491 Hungary_LaTene 2240 J1c3
I18489 Hungary_LaTene 2240 H58
I18492 Hungary_LaTene 2240 H58
I25505 Hungary_LBA 2850 H60a
I25504 Hungary_LBA 2850 H79
I25523 Hungary_LBA_lc 2950 H2a
I18691 Hungary_LN_Lengyel 6000 J1c+16261+189
I4188 Hungary_MN_ALPc_new 7050 K1a
I4067 Netherlands_BellBeaker 3770 R1b1
I20063 Netherlands_EBA 3797 K1b1a
I12903 Netherlands_EIA 2600 U5b1c2b
I12905 Netherlands_EIA 2500 H27
I11631 Netherlands_ERoman 1950b T2b
I20062 Netherlands_LBA 2810 H1+16189
I17750 Netherlands_LIA 2031 H86
I13028 Netherlands_LNB_BellBeaker 4250 H1a
I13027 Netherlands_LNB_EBA_BellBeaker 4039 T2b21
I13025 Netherlands_LNB_EBA_BellBeaker 3958 K2b1a
I13026 Netherlands_LNB_EBA_BellBeaker 3951 J1b1a1
I12900 Netherlands_LNB2_BellBeaker 4239 U5b2b1a1
I26831 Netherlands_MBA 3400 U5a1a1
I26832 Netherlands_MBA 3400 U4a3
I26828 Netherlands_MBA 3400 H2a2
I12082 Netherlands_MBA 3300 K1d
I11973 Netherlands_MBA 3280 H5a1
I12081 Netherlands_MBA 3257 U5a1c
I20058 Netherlands_MBA 3200 T1a1
I26829 Netherlands_MBA 3400 H5b
I11972 Netherlands_MBA 3381 U5b2b1
I17019 Netherlands_MBA 3270 T2b
I11629 Netherlands_MBA_LBA 3200 T2e1
I12083 Netherlands_MBA_LBA 3100 J2b1a1
I20057 Netherlands_MBA_LBA_lc 3112 n/a (<2x)
I12906 Netherlands_MIA_LIA 2210 W1c
I12907 Netherlands_MIA_LIA 2176 N1a1a1a3
I2405 Poland_Globular_Amphora 5132 W5
I2435 Poland_Globular_Amphora_brother.I2407_son.I2433_son.I2440 4950 H28a
I2407 Poland_Globular_Amphora_brother.I2435_son.I2433_son.I2440 4955 H28a
I0418 Russia_MBA_Poltavka 3884 T1a1
I0371 Russia_MBA_Poltavka 4678 U2d2
I0440 Russia_MBA_Poltavka 4720 I3a
I0231 Russia_Samara_EBA_Yamnaya 4844 U4a1
I0438 Russia_Samara_EBA_Yamnaya 4785 U5a1a1
I23210 Serbia_BA_Maros 3900 J2b1a1
I23211 Serbia_BA_Maros 3900 U5a1a1
I23209 Serbia_BA_Maros 3900 K1a1a
I23205 Serbia_Mokrin_EBA_Maros 3900 U3a1
I23208 Serbia_Mokrin_EBA_Maros 3900 U5a1d2a
I23212 Serbia_Mokrin_EBA_Maros 3900 U5a1b1
I23206 Serbia_Mokrin_EBA_Maros3900 H+152
I23207 Serbia_Mokrin_EBA_Maros 3900 H6a1b2
I14465 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 U5a2b1b
I12099 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 W+194
I11719 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2576 J1c2
I5287 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 K1a1b2b
I12102 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug2525 J1c15
I12104 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 T2b
I14467 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 K1a4g
I12098 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 U5a1a1
I11717 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 H1n6
I12105 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 H1
I12106 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 N1b1a5
I12107 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 H34
I11721 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 K1c2
I12097 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 HV10
I11722 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 U5a1b1
I14468 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 H+152
I12110 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 J1c12
I5288 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 W
I12103 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug 2525 K1a2c
I14464 Slovakia_IA_Vekerzug_lc 2525
I11710 Slovakia_LIA 1967 H5f
I11716 Slovakia_LIA_LaTene 2051 H55+153
I11715 Slovakia_LIA_LaTene 2046 V
I11713 Slovakia_LIA_LaTene 2046 V18a
I11712 Slovakia_LIA_LaTene 2046 HV0a
I5689 Slovenia_EIA 2540 K1b1
I5691 Slovenia_EIA 2605 I1a
I22940 Slovenia_EIA 2425 H18
I5692 Slovenia_EIA 2693 U5a1a1
I5693 Slovenia_EIA 2674 H2a2a1
I22937 Slovenia_EIA 2446 U4a1
I22938 Slovenia_EIA 2425 U5b1b1+@16192
I23978 Slovenia_EIA 2459 H49
I5690 Slovenia_EIA 2574 T1a1
I5697 Slovenia_LBA 2799 H7a1
I23974 Slovenia_LBA_EIA 2600 T2b
I5695 Slovenia_MBA 3296 N1a1a1
I5696 Slovenia_MIA_oSouth 2272 H4a1c1a
I23569 Spain_EBA 4037 X2b4a
I12171 Spain_EIA_Tartessian 2608 J1c1b
I19722 Spain_IA 2347 H4a1
I3321 Spain_IA 2150 U3a1
I3320 Spain_IA 2150 I1
I20735 Spain_LBA 3100 H1j
I20736 Spain_LBA 3100 H1j
I20740 Spain_LBA 3100 H1j
I19989 Spain_LIA 2050 H1e1a6
I19988 Spain_LIA 2050 H1e1a6
I19987 Spain_LIA 2013 H1e1a6
I19990 Spain_LIA 2036 U5b1g
I19991 Spain_LIA 2050 U5b1g
I2470 Spain_MBA 3275 J2a1a1
I3315 Spain_Menorca_LBA_new 2809 U5b1+16189+@16192
I3141 Ukraine_EBA_Yamnaya 4850 H15b1
Last edited:
islands (from this paper besides h3)

I16436 ChannelIslands_C_lc 5814 HV
I16435 ChannelIslands_C_lc 5531 H
I26628 ChannelIslands_EIA 2549 H61
I26630 ChannelIslands_EIA 2483 H61
I16430 ChannelIslands_IA 2084 H61
I16505 ChannelIslands_IA 2058 H61
I26629 ChannelIslands_LIA_LaTene 1990 U5a1b1
I16429 ChannelIslands_LN 4935 K1
I16438 ChannelIslands_LN 4384 J1c8
I16425 ChannelIslands_LN 4929 K1a4a1
I16427 ChannelIslands_MN 6057 X2b+226
I16444 ChannelIslands_MN 6048 J1c1b1
I16437 ChannelIslands_MN 6091 K1b1a1
I6776 England_BellBeaker 4150 R
I2565 England_BellBeaker 4237 W1+119
I14200 England_BellBeaker_highEEF 4328 K1b1a
I2446 England_BellBeaker_highWHG 4215 K1b1a1
I2419 England_BellBeaker_mediumEEF 4199 H1
I16424 England_C_EBA 4106 R1b
I14543 England_C_EBA 3975 K1a4a1g
I16395 England_C_EBA 3950 U5b1
I16396 England_C_EBA 3950 K1a4a1
I16394 England_C_EBA 3950 K1c1
I1774 England_C_EBA 3698 U4b1a2
I2598 England_C_EBA 3998 H
I16400 England_C_EBA 3900 U3a1
I12786 England_C_EBA 4137 J1c2
I14553 England_C_EBA 3807 H5c
I18606 England_C_EBA 3770 K1b1a1
I20997 England_C_EBA 4075 X2b4a
I12776 England_C_EBA_highEEF 3778 U4a2c
I11033 England_EastYorkshire_EIA 2421 H2a3b
I13758 England_EastYorkshire_IA 2175 H2a3b
I14106 England_EastYorkshire_LIA 2045 K1c1a
I0525 England_EastYorkshire_LIA 1975 U2e1e
I22064 England_EastYorkshire_LIA 1971 H4a1a3a
I22057 England_EastYorkshire_LIA 1970 H2a1k
I22062 England_EastYorkshire_LIA 1930 K1a+195
I22056 England_EastYorkshire_MIA 2238 H4a1a3a
I12412 England_EastYorkshire_MIA 2238 K1c1a
I5507 England_EastYorkshire_MIA 2238 H2a3b
I22055 England_EastYorkshire_MIA 2237 K1b1a1c1
I14100 England_EastYorkshire_MIA 2302 J1c9
I5506 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2202 K1c1a
I0527 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2200 U2e1
I5504 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 T1a1
I14103 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H53
I5510 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 K1c1a
I13755 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I13751 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I13757 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 T2c1d1a
I13756 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 K1c1a
I14099 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I14101 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I14108 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 V2a
I11034 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I12411 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I12415 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 J1c9
I12414 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I22052 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2104 U2e2a1a
I5503 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2065 U5b1c2
I14105 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I22065 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2149 H
I12413 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I14327 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2081 H5
I13759 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I5505 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 V16
I13760 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I14102 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 K1c1a
I14104 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H
I5508 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 J1c9
I5511 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 J1c9
I22060 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2074 H4a1a3a
I13753 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 H2a3b
I5509 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 K1c1a
I14107 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 K1c1a
I13754 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 2175 U5b2b3
I13752 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA_sister.I5511 2121 J1c9
I21306 England_EBA_highEEF 3750 H1an1
I12935 England_EBA_highEEF 4000 H1ah2
I13690 England_EIA 2512 H1b3
I17259 England_EIA 2438 H5a1
I16618 England_EIA 2604 K1a4
I19861 England_EIA 2597 U2e2a1c
I16617 England_EIA 2591 H4a1a1a
I13688 England_EIA 2589 H1+16239
I19862 England_EIA 2571 H5a1f
I19287 England_EIA 2570 K1b1a
I20585 England_EIA 2550 K1c1
I27383 England_EIA 2522 U4c1
I11154 England_EIA 2469 H5a1
I11995 England_EIA 2457 H2a5
I16602 England_EIA 2455 H1aq
I14381 England_EIA 2443 U5b2b1a1
I17258 England_EIA 2415 K1a2
I13684 England_EIA 2408 W1+119
I12787 England_EIA 2391 ) H2a2a1
I12610 England_EIA 2586 J1c1
I14743 England_EIA 2594 I4a
I16600 England_EIA 2396 T2b1
I11149 England_EIA 2443 V
I13682 England_EIA 2612 H5a1
I19868 England_EIA 2579 T2e1a
I17260 England_EIA 2550 U5a1a2a
I13689 England_EIA 2531 K1a3a
I19863 England_EIA 2352 N1a1a1a2
I27382 England_EIA 2592 H1
I12783 England_EIA 2599 J1c5
I12774 England_EIA_highEEF 2554 H10b
I12772 England_IA 2329 T2c1d+152
I16453 England_IA 2350 U5a2a1
I16388 England_IA 2329 J1c1
I16441 England_IA 2329 J1c2e
I16442 England_IA 2329 U4b1a1a1
I16439 England_IA 2329 T2c1d+152
I16620 England_IA 2117 H1bs
I6769 England_IA 2548 H6a1b2
I16440 England_IA 2329 T2c1d+152
I16380 England_IA 2329 U4b1a1a1
I21305 England_IA 2300 H1
I12936 England_LBA 2945 J1c5f
I12614 England_LBA 2900 K1a1b1
I14377 England_LBA 2889 U5b1b1d
I14864 England_LBA 2839 T2b
I14862 England_LBA 2834 H1
I14379 England_LBA 2801 T2c1d+152
I14745 England_LBA 2789 X2b
I14742 England_LBA 2898 H1+16189
I7629 England_LBA 3015 H17
I13712 England_LBA 2914 U5b2b3a
I13713 England_LBA 2912 H1c
I13617 England_LBA_highEEF 3086 H
I14865 England_LBA_highEEF 2823 H
I14861 England_LBA_highEEF 2810 V
I16467 England_LBA_lc 2945 U5a1g1
I16615 England_LBA_lc 3030 K1c1
I12612 England_LBA_lc 2900 U1a1a
I12611 England_LBA_lc 2900 I2
I12613 England_LBA_lc 2900 H1
I16459 England_LBA_lc 2945 H
I13711 England_LBA_lowEEF 2928 H61
I19587 England_LIA 2048 K2a
I12791 England_LIA 2051 H1e1a
I12931 England_LIA 1825 H6a2
I13616 England_LIA 2153 H1b1+16362
I19870 England_LIA 2051 T1a1
I14351 England_LIA 2048 K2a
I21303 England_LIA 1995 H2a5
I5365 England_LIA 1960 U5a1b1e
I18599 England_LIA 1924 H
I12932 England_LIA 1825 H1bs
I21315 England_LIA 2043 T1a1'3
I19047 England_LIA 1976 H2a
I14552 England_LIA 1947 J1c2
I14097 England_LIA 2002 H66a1
I27379 England_LIA 2068 H7d
I11145 England_LIA 2022 H1q
I14096 England_LIA 1973 H4a1a2a
I21302 England_LIA 1922 K1a+195
I11144 England_LIA 1976 H5'36
I12785 England_LIA 2051 J1c1b2
I12927 England_LIA 1825 U5b3b1
I14359 England_LIA_1d.rel.I14360 2000 J1c1
I19869 England_LIA_daughter.I19870 2043 T1a1
I17017 England_LIA_highEEF 2051 U5b1+16189
I19588 England_LIA_lc 2027
I14360 England_LIA_o 1984 J1c1
I20615 England_LIA_o 1975 H1i
I14352 England_LIA_sister.I14351 2048 K2a
I19915 England_MBA 3422 K1c1
I19860 England_MBA 3398 T2b21
I16616 England_MBA 3273 H13a1a1
I19913 England_MBA 3271 J1c2e
I13710 England_MBA 3252 I4a
I16454 England_MBA 3162 U5b2b2
I19857 England_MBA 3423 J2b1a
I19858 England_MBA 3429 J2b1a
I16403 England_MBA 3425 K2a
I13714 England_MBA 3423 H1c8
I2448 England_MBA 3200 U8a2
I13716 England_MBA_highEEF 3223 H11a
I13618 England_MBA_lc 3116
I20588 England_MIA 2225 V
I19045 England_MIA 2238 U4a2
I14866 England_MIA 2226 H1at1
I13729 England_MIA 2350 H1ag1
I14551 England_MIA 2349 H6a1a
I11148 England_MIA 2292 U6d1
I19872 England_MIA 2275 H13a1a1
I14808 England_MIA 2274 H1
I14549 England_MIA 2267 H1
I13685 England_MIA 2265 U5a1b1e
I21293 England_MIA 2263 J1c1b
I13717 England_MIA 2259 U5a1a1
I14858 England_MIA 2254 J1c1
I19856 England_MIA 2250 R2'JT
I19654 England_MIA 2250 H1c3a
I19907 England_MIA 2250 U2e1a1
I19910 England_MIA 2250 U4a2
I19874 England_MIA 2250 H1ax
I19908 England_MIA 2250 K2b1a
I21178 England_MIA 2250 T2b3+151
I19652 England_MIA 2247 J1c2a2
I14802 England_MIA 2247 X2d
I13727 England_MIA 2243 T1a1
I11147 England_MIA 2241 U5a1b1e
I16595 England_MIA 2236 T2b9
I14804 England_MIA 2233 H1o
I20620 England_MIA 2231 T2a1b1
I14860 England_MIA 2231 X2b+226
I14806 England_MIA 2230 H1bb
I16593 England_MIA 2228 H7b
I21179 England_MIA 2228 T2b
I20627 England_MIA 2227 V2b
I17015 England_MIA 2227 H2a2a1
I3014 England_MIA 2225 H
I14863 England_MIA 2225 U5b1b1+@16192
I14348 England_MIA 2222 U3a1c
I13687 England_MIA 2222 W1c
I19912 England_MIA 2222 H1bs
I20990 England_MIA 2220 J1c1b1a
I20582 England_MIA 2217 H10
I14801 England_MIA 2214 X2b+226
I19210 England_MIA 2201 H1cg
I16591 England_MIA 2311 H13a1a1
I19207 England_MIA 2232 H
I11146 England_MIA 2250 J1c1c
I3083 England_MIA 2233
I19653 England_MIA 2250 H1n6
I7632 England_MIA 2240 H1
I13732 England_MIA 2269 U5b2c1
I19046 England_MIA 2228 H1t
I14859 England_MIA 2227 H7d3
I13728 England_MIA 2227 T2a1a
I12771 England_MIA 2326 U5b2a2a
I20589 England_MIA 2250 V
I19873 England_MIA 2250 U5b2b
I16599 England_MIA 2295 T2b1
I21180 England_MIA 2267 H7a1
I19211 England_MIA 2250 H1
I13615 England_MIA 2250 H1c
I19911 England_MIA 2250 K1a4a1
I20586 England_MIA 2250 J2b1a
I21182 England_MIA 2250 J1c2
I13731 England_MIA 2246 U5a1a1g
I20587 England_MIA 2244 K1a2a
I14380 England_MIA 2235 T2e1
I19656 England_MIA 2231 H5'36
I14800 England_MIA 2228 J2b1
I19044 England_MIA 2228 K1a+195
I17014 England_MIA 2227 U5b1b1d
I11151 England_MIA 2227 K1a+195
I11150 England_MIA 2227 H15a1
I19909 England_MIA 2227 T1a1+@152
I17016 England_MIA 2226 U2e1a1
I17261 England_MIA 2224 R0a
I16597 England_MIA 2283 H1+16355
I14807 England_MIA 2241 T1a1
I14347 England_MIA 2224 K2a
I13680 England_MIA 2224 U5a2a1
I13730 England_MIA 2237 H1bb
I11156 England_MIA 2229 J1c3
I12775 England_MIA 2225 U5a1b1e
I12778 England_MIA 2230 H4a1a2
I16611 England_MIA 2267 H1c
I16592 England_MIA 2231 U5a1b1e
I11997 England_MIA 2227 X2b+226
I20583 England_MIA_highEEF 2233 K1a4a1
I14803 England_MIA_highEEF 2224 H2a1
I19209 England_MIA_lc 2250 H
I13683 England_MIA_lc 2254
I16613 England_MIA_LIA 2148 J1b1a1
I16609 England_MIA_LIA 2079 J1c2e
I11152 England_MIA_LIA 2179 U3a1
I20988 England_MIA_LIA 2225 T2b19
I20622 England_MIA_LIA 2186 T2c1d1
I20626 England_MIA_LIA 2118 H7b
I19042 England_MIA_LIA 2245 T2b33
I17267 England_MIA_LIA 2225 V
I20623 England_MIA_LIA 2225 V2b
I19655 England_MIA_LIA 2200 H1c3a
I19854 England_MIA_LIA 2200 J1c2a2
I12790 England_MIA_LIA 2200 H2a1
I21276 England_MIA_LIA 2200 K1a4a1
I21274 England_MIA_LIA 2200 K1a4a1
I21275 England_MIA_LIA 2200 K1a4a1
I21271 England_MIA_LIA 2200 W1c
I19040 England_MIA_LIA 2200 H1m
I11993 England_MIA_LIA 2200 J1c2a2
I11994 England_MIA_LIA 2200 U5a2c3a
I17266 England_MIA_LIA 2183 U5b1b1+@16192
I19657 England_MIA_LIA 2183 H5s
I20985 England_MIA_LIA 2176 U4a3a
I17262 England_MIA_LIA 2176 T2b
I20986 England_MIA_LIA 2176 HV0+195
I20984 England_MIA_LIA 2176 H1j6
I20621 England_MIA_LIA 2175 T2c1d1
I20631 England_MIA_LIA 2175 V2b
I20584 England_MIA_LIA 2161 K1a4a1
I14837 England_MIA_LIA 2134 K1a4a1c
I21310 England_MIA_LIA 2115 U4c1
I17263 England_MIA_LIA 2114 J1c1c
I21314 England_MIA_LIA 2095 V23
I16601 England_MIA_LIA 2082 H17
I21311 England_MIA_LIA 2078 H16+152
I16386 England_MIA_LIA 2050 T1a1
I16457 England_MIA_LIA 2050 T1a1
I16619 England_MIA_LIA 2198 H49
I20624 England_MIA_LIA 2194 U2e1a1
I20634 England_MIA_LIA 2175 K2b1a1a
I20625 England_MIA_LIA 2092 T1a1
I21307 England_MIA_LIA 2117 H7d
I14809 England_MIA_LIA 2199 V7
I20989 England_MIA_LIA 2173 K1c1
I20630 England_MIA_LIA 2175 H1au1b
I16450 England_MIA_LIA 2050 T1a1
I20982 England_MIA_LIA 2176 J1c3
I16455 England_MIA_LIA 2050 T1
I17264 England_MIA_LIA 2225 U2e1f1
I19855 England_MIA_LIA 2200 H1ak1
I12793 England_MIA_LIA 2200 H2a1
I12926 England_MIA_LIA 2200 H2a2a2
I20987 England_MIA_LIA 2176 U5b2b3
I21309 England_MIA_LIA 2165 X2b+226
I13726 England_MIA_LIA 2133 H13a1a1
I14353 England_MIA_LIA 2120 U5b2a1a1
I21312 England_MIA_LIA 2096 J1b1a1
I21308 England_MIA_LIA 2058 J1c1b
I21272 England_MIA_LIA 2200 V
I21277 England_MIA_LIA 2200 K1a4a1
I20628 England_MIA_LIA 2131 I2a
I16458 England_MIA_LIA 2050 T2c1d+152
I19037 England_MIA_LIA_highEEF 2200 J1b1a1b
I16387 England_MIA_LIA_lc 2050
I16456 England_MIA_LIA_lc 2050 T1a1'3
I16390 England_MIA_LIA_lc 2050 n/a (<2x)
I12792 England_MIA_LIA_mother.I12793 2200 H2a1
I20632 England_MIA_LIA_o 2175 V2b
I19043 England_MIA_LIA_o1 2200 J1c1
I14378 England_MIA_lowEEF 2264 I2
I12779 England_MIA_lowEEF 2225 T2b4c
I16463 England_N 5700 H4a1a2
I4949 England_N 5417 T2b
I14326 England_N 4908 H1C
I6748 England_N_o 5813 H
I3035 England_N_o 5700 H5a1
I2611 England_N_o 4939 U5a2d1
I8582 IsleofMan_EBA_lowsteppe 4025 H2a1e1
I2569 Scotland_C_EBA 3978 K1a3a
I2413 Scotland_C_EBA_highEEF 3936 H1a1
I16448 Scotland_C_EBA_highEEF_lc 4175 K1b1a1
I5471 Scotland_C_EBA_mediumhighEEF 4063 H1c3a
I16412 Scotland_EBA_lc 3989 R
I16498 Scotland_EIA 2495 H2a1
I2692 Scotland_EIA 2436 H2a1
I16504 Scotland_IA 1916 H1as
I2656 Scotland_LBA 3081 H2a2a2
I2699 Scotland_LIA 2000 V10
I16418 Scotland_LIA 1955 U5a1d2a
I16495 Scotland_LIA 2055 H6a1a8
I5474 Scotland_LIA 1971 K1a26
I16413 Scotland_LIA 1920 H6a1a8
I2824 Scotland_LIA 1908 H13a1a
I3567 Scotland_LIA 2037 J1c3b
I3566 Scotland_LIA 2031 H13a1a
I27384 Scotland_LIA 1945 H2a2a1g
I27385 Scotland_LIA 1916 T2b19
I2799 Scotland_LIA 2002 H1
I3568 Scotland_LIA 1912 H7a1
I2983 Scotland_MIA 2257 U2e2a1c
I2982 Scotland_MIA 2250 H7a1
I2694 Scotland_MIA_LIA 2202 H1ak1
I2696 Scotland_MIA_LIA 2165 U5a2b4a
I2695 Scotland_MIA_LIA 2208 H2a1
I16499 Scotland_MIA_LIA 2069 I2a
I16503 Scotland_MIA_LIA_father.or.son.I16503 2120 H1ak1
I19286 Scotland_N 5130 J1c1
I2629 Scotland_N 4800 J1c1b
I3137 Scotland_N 5350 HV0+195
I2658 Scotland_N_1d.rel.or.dup.I2657 5800 W1+119
I12312 Scotland_N_lowEEF 5624 K1a+195
I12314 Scotland_N_lowEEF 5551 T2b
I3139 Scotland_N_lowEEF 5350 H45
I12317 Scotland_N_mediumlowEEF 5448 H5
I12313 Scotland_N_possible.1d.rel.I12314_lc 5475 T2b
I6771 Wales_IA 2042 U4b1a
I16488 Wales_LBA 3050 U5a1b1
I16471 Wales_LIA_lc 2025 H2a
I16476 Wales_MBA 3350 H24
I2574 Wales_MBA 3277 U5a1a2b
I16479 Wales_MBA_lc 3250 H
I5440 Wales_MBA_lowEEF 3383 K1c1
I16405 Wales_MIA 2250 K1a+195
I16410 Wales_MIA_LIA 2226 T2b
I16475 Wales_MIA_LIA 2226 X2b
I16514 Wales_MIA_LIA_lc 2226 HV0
I16491 Wales_N 4686 U5b2b
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This paper has also made clear that the so called Elp culture is in fact founded by a Tumulus warrior elite.

This can be show by a specific subclade of R1b U106 namely Z156 and more specific Z304.The Dutch BA/IA samples are relative small, but still deliver 'a bunch' of Z156 (Z304>DF96/98). As does Bohemia.

I7196 DF98>S1911(1 read)>S1894(1 read) NextSeq 500 2200-1950 BCE 40+ Older Únětice Jinonice, Prague, Czechia
I4070 U106>>Z381(3 reads)/ (?Z304- 1 read) NextSeq 500 1880-1657 BCE 26-49 Early Bronze Age, ?Elp De Tuithoorn, Oostwoud, Noord-Holland
I11972 U106>>Z381 (-Z301) 1240K 1501-1310 calBCE 50-65 Middle Bronze Age Westwoud, Binnenwijzend, Noord-Holland
I17019 U106>>Z381>Z156>>Z306>>Z304 1240K 1421-1216 calBCE Middle Bronze Age Vlaardingen-Krabbeplas, Zuid Holland
I13788 U106>>Z381>Z156>>Z306>Z304 1240K 1300-800 BCE >50 Late Bronze Age Chouč, Hrobčice, Teplice, NW Bohemia
I23978 U106>>Z381>Z156>S5520>FT221936 1240K 742-400 calBCE infant Early Iron Age Zagorje ob Savi, Upper Camiola, Slovenia
I15950 U106>>Z156>>Z304>BY12480>BY12482/Y28944 1240K 480-390 BCE 35-60 La Tène Teplice, Ústí nad Labem , NW Bohemia
I12907 U106>>Z381>>Z306>>Z304 1240K 356-57 BC c8 Iron Age Uitgeest-Dorregeest, Noord-Holland.

Of course we can't state that ALL Z304 spread were carried by the Tumulus culture (we never can because would mean a 100% overview we will never have....)..

But we can state that the Elp samples (= Tumulus along the North Sea Coast) in the Netherlands that are connected with R1b U106 are all, without exception Z156, and most of them Z304. That needs no nuance!

Of course there are other at stake R1b 312> for example are also present in the Dutch MBA samples.

The archeological context shows a specific relationship with the Fulda Werra culture, one of the dignified Tumulus culture of middle Germany, connected via the Weser (Werra is Weser) to the North Sea. And the Rhine most probably also played a part Rhine Main group.

This picture (original by archeologist Bergerbrant) was added by me a few weeks ago, now after this paper it has more solid ground!

I'm convinced (and this paper gives ground to it) the Elp culture is a Tumulus offshoot via 'middle Germany' and was originally rooted in Central Europe (Bohemia and surrounding area's). It's most probably also connected to the Nordwestblock language that had "Italo-Celtic" kind of features:

I don't see any countervailing arguments any longer..... In fact this was a kind of "proto-celtic" kind of spread. Nevertheless "this will not be eaten" by those who think in a strict dichotomy between the "Celts" and "Germanics", this runs right through it...
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@Northerner: I don't see any countervailing arguments any longer..... In fact this was a kind of "proto-celtic" kind of spread. Nevertheless "this will not be eaten" by those who think in a strict dichotomy between the "Celts" and "Germanics", this runs right through it...
I agree; but Germanics and Celts as dialects speakers had become a reality later, having "eaten" the between dialects.
we need more Y-haplo's of these cultures, but it seems possible Y-R1b-U106 was the main haplo, and it isn't without weight.
That a chain of close IE dialects has occupied North-West Europe is evident enough, before hyperdialectalization. Germanic is the result of not well enough understood phenomenon*, but it appears it occurs on a N-W IE basis with maybe something foreign; between well determined Celtic speaking tribes and (future)Germanic tribes has lived tribes speaking a less differentiated dialect. The NW Block thing has been proposed for some Belgae tribes, when other were supposed of determined Celtic and Germanic groups. The Main group could have been more "Celtic", the Fulda group more influenced by an other group of Tumuli people, named "Rich Tumuli" people in some works, centred more around Halle region and North-West Bohemia, group having some kind of proper identity compared to Bavaria and South Bohemia Tumuli, at the dawn of Urnfields and at Lusacian genesis times. Rich Tumuli could have had more input of true Unetice and kept other Y-lineages than P.312 Bavaria (and Main group)?
a besides detail: in Germany, the Vogelsberg region (near Marburg and Fulda) was before a center of red hairs and freckled skins compared to other German regions, and with some bit of 'dinaric' types, according to old Coon.
*: H.HUbert thought 'germanic' was born by the transmission of an IE dialect to non-IE northerners (our Y-I1 only? if he supposed CWC were not IE, it opens a known debate). ATW he spoke then of a 'Karpodace' dialect; in his mind I think he spoke of Lusacians, at this time supposed to be Illyrians by others; a more southern group BTW.

Here's a map I found on a google image search, I'm sure most of you are familiar with it.

At any rate, you combine the Minoan ancestry, and BR2 heatmap, and there you have the "Northern Model" for Southern Italy. (Steppe + Minoan).

These are maps based on Eurogenes G25 and made by Ph2ter, a Croatian user, and were published on Anthrogenica more than two years ago.
These maps have all the problems of the Italian breakdown present in the G25 (where there are whole areas of Italy undersampled or not sampled).
@Northerner: I don't see any countervailing arguments any longer..... In fact this was a kind of "proto-celtic" kind of spread. Nevertheless "this will not be eaten" by those who think in a strict dichotomy between the "Celts" and "Germanics", this runs right through it...
I agree; but Germanics and Celts as dialects speakers had become a reality later, having "eaten" the between dialects.
we need more Y-haplo's of these cultures, but it seems possible Y-R1b-U106 was the main haplo, and it isn't without weight.
That a chain of close IE dialects has occupied North-West Europe is evident enough, before hyperdialectalization. Germanic is the result of not well enough understood phenomenon*, but it appears it occurs on a N-W IE basis with maybe something foreign; between well determined Celtic speaking tribes and (future)Germanic tribes has lived tribes speaking a less differentiated dialect. The NW Block thing has been proposed for some Belgae tribes, when other were supposed of determined Celtic and Germanic groups. The Main group could have been more "Celtic", the Fulda group more influenced by an other group of Tumuli people, named "Rich Tumuli" people in some works, centred more around Halle region and North-West Bohemia, group having some kind of proper identity compared to Bavaria and South Bohemia Tumuli, at the dawn of Urnfields and at Lusacian genesis times. Rich Tumuli could have had more input of true Unetice and kept other Y-lineages than P.312 Bavaria (and Main group)?
a besides detail: in Germany, the Vogelsberg region (near Marburg and Fulda) was before a center of red hairs and freckled skins compared to other German regions, and with some bit of 'dinaric' types, according to old Coon.
*: H.HUbert thought 'germanic' was born by the transmission of an IE dialect to non-IE northerners (our Y-I1 only? if he supposed CWC were not IE, it opens a known debate). ATW he spoke then of a 'Karpodace' dialect; in his mind I think he spoke of Lusacians, at this time supposed to be Illyrians by others; a more southern group BTW.

Ok thanks Moesan, this is a nice description I really like: 'Germanics and Celts as dialects speakers had become a reality later, having "eaten" the between dialects.'

I wasn't aware of the subtile difference between "Rhine-Main" and "Fulda-Werra" in their orientation and roots...thanks! This could make sense too! And the Weser riverine is mounding right unto the North Sea!

Just one remark regarding this: 'The Main group could have been more "Celtic", the Fulda group more influenced by an other group of Tumuli people'. Nevertheless I guess the (Fulda Werra is in Hessen) Hessen find is Celtic par excellence:
But that's much later.....
This is very interesting, it is the second time that U7 has been found in a Celtic tomb.

Generally speaking mtdna u7
Is fascinating mtdna type spread
All over ;-)
Under u7b section :
You can see someone already uploaded
This austrian La tene individual to yfull :good_job:

I guess the case before that been found in baden
If it was analysed farther could also end in
U7b subbranch:thinking:
These are maps based on Eurogenes G25 and made by Ph2ter, a Croatian user, and were published on Anthrogenica more than two years ago.
These maps have all the problems of the Italian breakdown present in the G25 (where there are whole areas of Italy undersampled or not sampled).

Maybe so, but it is all relative, the Minoan signal is strongest in Greece and Italy. No where else is it strongest.

Based on the Neolithic samples from central Italy, their genetic profile is somewhat similar to Minoans (Anatolia_N + Iran_N). Minoans have a bit more Iran_N, and C_Italian Neolithic has some WHG that Minoans did not have. If there was a cline between C_Italian_N and S_Italian_N (which I think is likely), it would mean that S_Italian_N overlaps with Minoan. Thus the Minoans are a good proxy for S_Italian_N, imo

This is likely because they all came from similar migrations into the Mediterranean that were Anatolia_N + Iran_N, which created the foundation for the Mediterranean genetic continuum.