My average faces by countries (composite/morphes)


Passione Mediterranea
Reaction score
Ethnic group
mtDNA haplogroup
My average faces by countries

I've used famous footballplayers (so i hope i don't break privacy rules)

here's the link of my blog where i update often my new countries composites:

I also want to state that my aim is not a racist one , i'm just interested in the common facial features in an ethnicity, (that's a gene expression); i've selected for europe and the old world only those players whose origins are deeply rooted in their country (i've excluded immigrants), as for the new countries (new world) such as usa, argentina, brazil, australia... i've used all the footballplayers, also those with the less common phenotypes. (ex balcks and whites, asians and amerindian etc..)
an average face, average features in italy; for example you start seeng difference if you compare italy for example with netherlands, the nordic countries nw or ne esurope; in my blog there are also those morphes (i've done danemark, the netherlands, russia, england, and many other countries)

24 images


16 images


48 images


32 images


96 images

Spain (mostly Basque players) (more northern, nw looking)

24 images
What obsession with the Basques!, Angel is more expensive in other parts of Spain.
i put it, because it's a genetic isolate; it sands between southern europe (sw) and northern europe (nw).

here are the nordid composites:


12 images


36 images


16 images

more scando


8 images


16 images


12 images
I understand, I say with a sense of humor.

Genes: isolation?, Who would want that?
isolation happens for many things, preserving own culture and not intermixing with others, or geographically isolated being in an island far away (like sardineans, who are isolated genetically).

i don't know if it's a good or bad thing.

what do you think of these faces?
think the result is most handsome men as the original, more idealized,

why the result is not someone else ugly or vulgar?
think the result is most handsome men as the original, more idealized,

why the result is not someone else ugly or vulgar?

i think because our aestetic ideal is one of average (we like average features),

and what do you think of their distincitive facial features? do you get any vibe for them? (germanic, celtic, slavic, mediterranean etc..) (nw, n, ne, s, sw, se, other, central...) (vikings, gauls, roman, hellenes, sarmathians, iberians, halstatt, uralid..)
well, i took inspiration from those of dienekes, and others on the net.
it's not a program, it's just one thing that interests me, i'm interested like you in genetic relationship between people, and i think that different genes express differently in a face.

basically online you find programs to clash toghether two photos , the result you get it's a perfect half and half of the two photos (an average between the two), i did it clashing the average two with the average two, than the average for with an average our and so on.
basically i'm obsessed with genetics, and with face features unique to ethnic groups or populations (north-west european are different from ne euro, south east euro are different from nw euro, etc...)
I was surprised to look at the guys in the Mediterranean; is the same look in all of them, plus a face very similar. It is a deeply human look directly to the soul, gives confidence, sweetness, friendship, closeness, on the contrary Germanic results as well be wider faces, the look is not transmitting, is reserved and impulsively empty.
i used to think that also in the past, nowdays i think it could be due to stereotype to the nordic people that they are more reserved and less direct and impulsive; there could be a minimal base of truth, but i've seen solar (carachter) people from germany and sullen from italy.

that is also the opinion of the ancient greco-roman writers who wrote about climate and carachter correlation, and saw germanic people (and also celts) fairer than them, on the contrary they saw north africans and eathiopians swarthier; they though of themselves (greco-roman) as the perfect ethnicity (in the average lies the virtus) not too fair and not too swarthy.
You may be right, but the impression he has given me the results achieved in his photography studio.

Certainly in Scotland and England observed a mixture of Mediterranean and Germanic results, tending more to the Mediterranean in the way they look.
i see your point i basically think that climate plays a major role on determining your own character, but not genetc appearence: a blonde scando looking italian (extremely rare) will always have an italian temperaments (more louder speaking, more impulsive and hot temperate) shared with other mediterranean states, who have the same climate and eat similar things with oil insted of butter
Yes, of course, a blonde Italian or Spanish have other skins, other forms, which are noticeable.

I've been in Berlin and the girl and boys is spectacular race, but age quickly and badly, its glory is fleeting.
Basques are not different than other Northern Spaniards
I do not see too marked differences between the Spanish in general.

Moncho Borrajo. Galicia.

Javier Sardà. Catalonia.

Melendi. Asturias.

Sabina. Andalucía.

Agustín Ibarrola. Euskadi.

Valentín Batalla. Extremadura.

Chimo Bayo. Valencia.

Tomás Castaño. Cantabria.

María Teresa Fernández de la Vega. Valencia.
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