Pax Augusta
Elite member
From MTA results northern italians seem not to be of part gallic ancestry, they don't match in deep dive analysis with neolithic France samples or gallic chariot burials, instead the iberian people yes. I have matches with Frankish gauls, but I think these are due to a germanic signature from the middle age. What do you think about it?
Apart from the fact that not all of northern Italy was Celtic/Gaulish, the Celtic presence in northern Italy can be ascribed at least to two different sources. The earliest Celtic presence in northern Italy was the Celts of Golasecca who spoke a Lepontic language, which I believe is still considered the oldest attested Celtic language. Then there were small migratory movements of Celts, material culture of the type La Tène. The Gauls who invaded northern Italy in the 4th century BC were not actually very numerous.