Origin and DNA of Turks

The question I already asked isbara. And you think Turkey is not so dependent on outside powers? Is this why NATO has several military basis and NATO missile defence system in it's country?
List me one country that is completely and developed. Even the most isolated holes like North Korea are dependent on the mercy of other countries.
There're only very few countries in the world who're fighting against the US supremacy and are NOT dependent on the global imperialistic superpower called the US. 1) Russian, 2) Venezuela, 3) Iran and 4) North Korea. And it's not a wonder that the USA want to destroy all those 4 countries. The only country that can really defeat the US is Russia, though. It's very interesting what is going on in Ukraine and it seems that the Russians are winning in Ukraine. Russians promised Kurds in Rojava at least an autonomy, like a South Kurdistan autonomy
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Do you know that it is actually because of the Russians, Kurdistan became a separate region in Northern Iraq. In the seventies they were the architects and pushed Saddam Hussein to give the Kurds more freedom. Americans didn't care about us and they still don’t care about us. They are using us a much as possible, but we will see how this all ends. All what I know is that there're 50 million Kurds and that we're ready to fight to the bitter end. We will NEVER give up our homeland and our identity. Also maybe the US is the strongest superpower, but it's not the only one. We have got upcoming nations like China and Russia. At this moment it is not really relevant to talk about it, but we Kurds can find great allies in the near future at the east of Kurdistan. All we need is just 1 ally. We only need 1 ally who can provide us with weapons and has nothing against the independent Great Kurdistan and is against Islam. But I have got a VERY good feeling about it, so I don't really worry for OUR future...
You guys noticed how Daesh is against Palestine and nationalistic Palestinian people, wants to conquer Rome (big LOL), but says nothing against Jerusalem. Why Daesh doesn't want to conquer Jerusalem as it wants to take Rome? Bingo, because Daesh is getting money and weapons from Israel (for oil from Syria and Iraq??). Israel tried (I guess, because it's failed) to destroy nationalism of the Palestinian people by replacing it with the Islam(ofascism). Daesh is a terror organisation that is figting for nothing but MONEY. And Israel is paying them. --- Same strategy tried Erdogan in Kurdistan. He is 'using' Islam to destroy the Kurdish nationalism. He hoped that the Kurds would forget about nationalism, Kurdistan, and become Islamists, since the Islamists believe only in 1 state, the Islamic State.

It is a great happiness that PKK is in Kurdistan. PKK stopped Daesh. PKK rescued the real Kurds in Shengal (Shexan) and saved our true native Kurdish identity. PKK stopped Turkey in Rojava and PKK will stop the Islamist traitors in South Kurdistan. Because of PKK warrior heroes there will be an order in the Middle East. PKK is unstoppable and together with PKK, we Kurds will achieve an independent Great Kurdistan!
You too, no stress, you are probably not a descendent of an Orangutan, because your mother obviously did not have any relationship with an Orangutan.

I don't know anyone called Orangutan. Should that be any relative of yours (Orangutan Turkoglu Isbara), with whose fictional relationship with my mother you thought to offend me?
Should that be any relative of yours (Orangutan Turkoglu Isbara)
Honestly without joking, did you know that besides the Sumerians, Indo-Europeans, Native Americans also the orangutans have Turkish roots (origin).
:laughing: Lol, If you like Turks, become a Muslim, learn Turkish forget your native idenity (& language) and go to Ankara. Don't tell others what to do. And don't decide for others what to do. We would rather fight another 1000 years than become part of a Turkish race. Maybe Romania should join Turkey. We, Kurds, rather die than join Turkey :grin:
You are proud to give your *garbage*
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You guys noticed how Daesh is against Palestine and nationalistic Palestinian people, wants to conquer Rome (big LOL), but says nothing against Jerusalem. Why Daesh doesn't want to conquer Jerusalem as it wants to take Rome? Bingo, because Daesh is getting money and weapons from Israel (for oil from Syria and Iraq??). Israel tried (I guess, because it's failed) to destroy nationalism of the Palestinian people by replacing it with the Islam(ofascism). Daesh is a terror organisation that is figting for nothing but MONEY. And Israel is paying them. --- Same strategy tried Erdogan in Kurdistan. He is 'using' Islam to destroy the Kurdish nationalism. He hoped that the Kurds would forget about nationalism, Kurdistan, and become Islamists, since the Islamists believe only in 1 state, the Islamic State.

It is a great happiness that PKK is in Kurdistan. PKK stopped Daesh. PKK rescued the real Kurds in Shengal (Shexan) and saved our true native Kurdish identity. PKK stopped Turkey in Rojava and PKK will stop the Islamist traitors in South Kurdistan. Because of PKK warrior heroes there will be an order in the Middle East. PKK is unstoppable and together with PKK, we Kurds will achieve an independent Great Kurdistan!

sometimes you act so extremely brainless. Only Isbara exceeds you in that. I have never heard ISIS beeing anti Palestinian country. How so if a Hamas itself shows sympathy to them. Who do you think controls Jersusalem? Palestinians or Israelis? So if ISIS says it wants to conquer Jerusalem who do you think they are threatening with this? ISIS is generally against state buildings other than their own huge khalifat which includes Palestine. ISIS will never be able to attack Israel as lons as 1. they haven't gained controll of the border region with Jordan. 2. They haven't taken control of Jordan itself. 3. Or they have taken the control in Southwest Syria, which is stronghold of Assad. So how are they going to reach Israel /Palestine?

Now you didn't thought about that, did you? Just like you don't seem to think much anyways before you throw incredible dung into the room.
sometimes you act so extremely brainless. Only Isbara exceeds you in that. I have never heard ISIS beeing anti Palestinian country. How so if a Hamas itself shows sympathy to them. Who do you think controls Jersusalem? Palestinians or Israelis? So if ISIS says it wants to conquer Jerusalem who do you think they are threatening with this? ISIS is generally against state buildings other than their own huge khalifat which includes Palestine. ISIS will never be able to attack Israel as lons as 1. they haven't gained controll of the border region with Jordan. 2. They haven't taken control of Jordan itself. 3. Or they have taken the control in Southwest Syria, which is stronghold of Assad. So how are they going to reach Israel /Palestine?

Now you didn't thought about that, did you? Just like you don't seem to think much anyways before you throw incredible dung into the room.
I don't know what you are studying, but you seem to be very ignorant about politics.

A few month ago Daesh (maybe it was Al-Nusra, same as Daesh and also supported by Israel) infiltrated in Golan Heights. Region between Israel and Syria. Daesh was there not to kill the Jews, but to kill Hezbollah (Shia, Iran allies). FACT 1. Daesh terrorist are getting a medical treatments in Israel! FACT 2! Etc.

With Daesh Israel is trying 1) to destroy Palestinian nationalism, FIRST enemy of nationalism is Islam and 2) to outsmart Irans satellite organization, Hezbollah. Daesh is getting money and weapons from Turkey and Israel!!!

Israel and Turkey were fooling the US by using the US creation/toy, the Daesh, for their own purposes and hidden agenda. After the Russians also started to use Daesh through their Chechen agents the US interfered and I honestly don't know where this will lead to. IF the US is smart, it should eliminate this virus as soon as possible. And if not the US, PKK will do it. PKK will exterminate Daesh...
Do you know that it is actually because of the Russians, Kurdistan became a separate region in Northern Iraq. In the seventies they were the architects and pushed Saddam Hussein to give the Kurds more freedom. Americans didn't care about us and they still don’t care about us. They are using us a much as possible, but we will see how this all ends. All what I know is that there're 50 million Kurds and that we're ready to fight to the bitter end. We will NEVER give up our homeland and our identity. Also maybe the US is the strongest superpower, but it's not the only one. We have got upcoming nations like China and Russia. At this moment it is not really relevant to talk about it, but we Kurds can find great allies in the near future at the east of Kurdistan. All we need is just 1 ally. We only need 1 ally who can provide us with weapons and has nothing against the independent Great Kurdistan and is against Islam. But I have got a VERY good feeling about it, so I don't really worry for OUR future...

Listen to what the head of pkk, Armenian originated öcalan has to say about this subject:



He is admitting everything, he admits that he and the PKK are subcontractors and slaves of powerful states and admits that he is fooling around with the Kurds and using them for his own purposes. This is how pathetic you terrorists are, no honour, cant die for what he believes, has to be a ***** of someone with power. If you are smart you need to see that the Turks are the only nation that wants what is good for you. The others, are not interested at all in establishing a Kurdistan. You should probably know of the imaginary great middle eastern project, in which the Kurdistan = 2nd Israel. So stop being a fool, stop being used by pions like Armenian öcalan and Jew barzani and talabani. And know that people like ahmet türk are of Türkmen origin, and all are seeking ways to make their own much more richer! Did you know that öcalan was an MİT agent? All i can see, is that people like you dont represent Kurds!
Listen to what the head of pkk, Armenian originated öcalan has to say about this subject
I don't want to discuss with you. 1) you don't want to learn my native language Kurmanji Kurdish as your first language, 2) you're watching to much porn.
Honestly without joking, did you know that besides the Sumerians, Indo-Europeans, Native Americans also the orangutans have Turkish roots (origin).

I'm betting 5:1 that Isabara is more Kurdish than Turkish :)
I don't know what you are studying, but you seem to be very ignorant about politics.

A few month ago Daesh (maybe it was Al-Nusra, same as Daesh and also supported by Israel) infiltrated in Golan Heights. Region between Israel and Syria. Daesh was there not to kill the Jews, but to kill Hezbollah (Shia, Iran allies). FACT 1. Daesh terrorist are getting a medical treatments in Israel! FACT 2! Etc.

I can't add anything more than that you sometimes act extraordenery retarded. Facts my ... . Daesh and Al Nusra was never the same beside having similar ideologies. Are you living in a cave totally cut from the rest of the world or are you simply total ignorant. Or how could you missed the war going on between Al Nusra and ISIS until even today? ISIS was once connectted to Al Qaida but they were never the same .
Al Nusra infiltrated into Golan heights? Give me the source for that. Israel attacked the Hezbollah when they saw movement in the Golan Heights. Where do you think those Hezbollah were going? And in this movement Iranian agents died. Why should I as a KURD feel sorry for these Iranian agents and commanders who kill Kurds in East Kurdistan on daily basis and are beside Turkey the biggest obstacle to Kurdish independence? You are fast in attacking Turkey as one of our opponents but I never see you criticize Iran/Persians why I might ask? Are you pro Iran or Pro Kurd or why do you feel hurt about this?

I know that you are a Pan Iranian Persian loving individual. guys like you are the biggest obstacle to a free Kurdistan. So gtfo you wannabe patriot who is insulting 80% of the Kurdish population and beeing the mouthpiece of Iran. I and many people (even the Yezidi posters like KurdishPatriot) on the other Forum already recognized othat you are a Pan Aryan Persian lover who always defended Iran. You would prefer living under Persian rule than being free just for the sake of Pan Aryanism nonsense. You are so emotional that I have yet to see you write a single post which does not appear as if you are seconds away from a heart attack.
And you don't need to write big, black and all that stuff it isn't going to make you appear any wiser. I am totally disgust by your stupidity.
Al Nusra infiltrated into Golan heights? Give me the source for that. Israel attacked the Hezbollah when they saw movement in the Golan Heights(what is their right) and in this movement Iranian agents died. Whats wrong about that? Are you pro Iran or Pro Kurd or why do you feel heard about this?
STOP insulting me. You're wrong big time and do you know how ridiculous you sound after your insults and being wrong! I'm also done with you too. Last thing what I've to say is this: there's and there will never be room for Islamists in Kurdistan. PKK will get all the MUSLIM traitors. Last lesson for you here, Daesh = ISIS = Al-Qaeda = Al-Nusra; all the same Sunni Islamofascist terrorists. ALL are Sunni Muslims who fight for a so called Islamic Caliphate. But they're fooling the ordinary Muslims. They fight for Israel and the Jews. And are ALL against the Kurdish nationalism and therefore Kurdistan. And here some articles for you about recent events at the Golan Heigts:

"Al-Nusra Front captures Syrian Golan Heights crossing. Al-Qaeda-affiliate carried out operation in cooperation with Saudi-backed rebels" http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/a...ights-crossing-747933668#sthash.c4m1e5VI.dpuf

"Hezbollah squeezed out of Golan by Jabhat al-Nusra, Israel": http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ori...html##ixzz3QprMXFd0israel.html##ixzz3QprMXFd0
Why should I as a KURD feel sorry for these Iranian agents and commanders who kill Kurds in East Kurdistan on daily basis and are beside Turkey the biggest obstacle to Kurdish independence? You are fast in attacking Turkey as one of our opponents but I never see you criticize Iran/Persians why I might ask? Are you pro Iran or Pro Kurd or why do you feel hurt about this?
I'm against Persia. After we liberate Northern & Southern Kurdistan we will go after East Kurdistan. Turkey is our biggest obstacle. When we take down Turkey everything will be much easier for us. FIRST Turkey, and THEN Iran. Why do you and your leaders in South Kurdistan help and love Turks so much? Why do they (Barzani and his Islamic tribe) fought against Rojava and PKK. Why were they isolating Rojava and closing the borders only to please Turkey. Why Barznai retreat his 10000 big army from Shengal and took all the weapons from the Yezidi Kurds and gave our homeland, Shengal, to Daesh? Is Shengal not Kurdistan? Shengal is the heart of Great Kurdistan, but Shengal is for sure not part of KRG aka Islamic State of Barzanistan. As long Islam is dominant in Barzanistan, we the real Kurds feel sorry for you Islamists and we will never be part of you. Why did Barzani KILL thousands of Yezidi Kurds together with Daesh and Turkey in Shengal? Because of Barzani thousands of the Ezidi Kurds died. And he will pay for their deaths. No TIME, no money, no cars, no houses will ever let forget us what Barzani, the Turk lover, did to the Ezidi Kurds. The only real Kurds are those who came and saved the Ezdi Kurds from slaughter. The real Kurds are those who came from Rojava, PKK and Eastern Kurdistan who are fighting against Islam and Turkey. Barzani the Islamists is fighting FOR Turkey...
I'm betting 5:1 that Isabara is more Kurdish than Turkish :)

Isbara and Goga are twins, separated at birth although Isbara was raised by Turks and Goga was raised by Persians. That's why they can't marry one another, despite the heat between them.
"UN report cites contacts between Israel, Nusra Front in Golan Heights. WASHINGTON — The United Nations has determined that Israel maintains relations with Al Qaida’s Nusra Front for the Defense of Levant.
A report by UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon asserted that Israel was meeting with Nusra in the Syrian portion of the Golan Heights. Over the last year, Nusra has led Sunni rebels into expelling the Syrian Army from some 90 percent of the Quneitra province, which includes the Golan." http://www.worldtribune.com/2014/12/10/un-report-cites-contacts-israel-nusra-front-golan-heights/
And i am betting that your mother was raped by an orangutan, thats why your head in the picture looks so unhuman..

You've just proved you know nothing about anthropology, physiology or geography. This is Canadian head, and orangutans don't live in Canada. Are you sure you know where Anatolia is?
Isbara and Goga are twins, separated at birth although Isbara was raised by Turks and Goga was raised by Persians. That's why they can't marry one another, despite the heat between them.
I'm stronger, smarter and more beautiful than a Persian, I'm a MEDE. The Medes were daddies of Persians. Their time will come, but after we are finished with the Turks. Nobody is going to fool us Kurds to start a war against Persian without any guaranties. And only for Israel? What about Kurdistan? Our number 1 enemy is Turkey at this moment, because Turks are Sunni Muslim Daesh Terrorists. Our number 1 guarantee we demand from the US to give us weapons, to help us to bring down Turkey. We only want weapons, nothing more. When the US (and Israel) will help us against the Turks, we will know for sure that the US is not fooling us and not playing double games. Then we will help the US to bring down Persia. Without Kurds the Jews and the US will NEVER defeat Persia. They need the Kurds to defeat Persia. But Kurds are not going to help anybody without getting help first. And our priority is Islamofascist Sunni terrorist state Turkey! Our eyes and focus are/is on Turkey and not on Persian at this moment, we don't need distraction and wasting our energy...
I though you were all going back to Zoroastrianism once you get rid of Turks?
I though you were all going back to Zoroastrianism once you get rid of Turks?
Brother, don't have anydoubts. We WILL get rid of Turks as we will get rid of Arabs and Persians!

I'm not a person to decide what others should believe in as long Islam is defeated in Kurdistan I'll be a very happy person. Because of Islam, there's no Kurdistan. Islam is the enemy of humanity. Only a small part of Kurds was Zoroastrian, I think Sorani Kurds were Zoroastrians and maybe some Feyli & Luri Kurds in Easter Kurdistan (Iranian). But before Islamization most Kurds (Zaza, Gorani, Kurmanji, Feyli etc) were like me, and were all the SUN worshippers. I've still that original and native true Kurdish faith. Some Kurdish Islamic leaders in South Kurdistan tried to genocide my people and exterminate our religion.

"Izady states that the Yazdani faiths were the primary religion of the inhabitants of the Zagros Mountains, including Kurds"
