Pharaoh Tutankhamun, Akhenaten and Amenhotep III were R1b


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The Egyptians have tested autosomal and Y-DNA markers of three Pharaohs of the 18th dynasty : Amenhotep III, his son Akhenaten and grandson Tutankhamun. The aim was to determine the cause of death of Tutankhamun, who died at age 19. It appears to have been malaria.

Although not yet published officially, the Y-DNA results were said to confirm the paternity between the Pharaohs. The video from Discovery Channel shows the Y-STR results*, which appear to be R1b and indeed the European R1b1b2 rather than the Levantine/Egyptian R1b1a. R1b1b2 is quite rare in modern Egypt (2% of the population) and was assumed to have come mostly through the Greek and Roman occupation. R1b1a makes up 4% of the Egyptian male lineages and dates from the Paleolithic.

The 18th dynasty (starting in 1570 BCE) follows the period of Indo-European expansion to Europe (4300-2000 BCE), India, Persia and the Middle-East (1700-1500 BCE). The Hittites took over central Anatolia from 1750 BCE, and the Mitanni (of Indo-Iranian origin) ruled Syria from circa 1500 BCE.

Egypt's 18th dynasty inaugurated the New Kingdom after the Second Intermediate Period, when the Hyksos ("foreign rulers") took over power between 1650 and 1570 BCE. It is very possible that the 18th Dynasty was of Hyksos origin, which could be Hittite or of other Indo-European origin. The Hyksos were described as bowmen and cavalrymen wearing the cloaks of many colors associated with the mercenary Mitanni. This strongly suggest an Indo-European origin indeed, as the steppe people were mounted archers, and the Mitanni are of proven IE origin.

*Only three STR results have been officially published : DYS393=13, DYS458=16, GATA-H4=10

N.B. : There is always the possibility that the video did not show the actual results of the Pharaohs, but those of someone of Western European descent from the US, thinking that nobody would look carefully. This would seriously damage the credibility of Discovery Channel though. I would be that they completed made up the video and the images bear no relation to the narrative.
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N.B. : There is always the possibility that the video did not show the actual results of the Pharaohs, but those of someone of Western European descent from the US, thinking that nobody would look carefully. This would seriously damage the credibility of Discovery Channel though. I would be that they completed made up the video and the images bear no relation to the narrative.

This wouldn't surprise me. IMO Discovery Channel is highly overrated.
I believe some Pharaos were blonde or red-haired, it could certainly be of indo-european origin.
They had their chance to publish everything at same time. Why didn't they? Double checking or political correctness not to offend majority of Egyptians of other haplotypes?
This playing down might mean that it was R1b. Time will tell.
If the video shows the actual results of the Pharaohs and their haplogroup is R1b1b2, it is worth to mention that even if R1b1b2 is quite rare in modern Egypt (2% of the population), it is more frequent in NorthWest African where its frequencies are between 7-15% in some regions (Sfax, Tunis, Oran )....
R1b1b2 is estimated to have arisen approximately 4,000 to 8,000 years ago in southwest Asia and to have spread into Europe and North Africa from there.

By the way, the closest match I have found for Tut's haplotype is not with europeans from YHRD but in my haplotypes database with a Tunisian from Gabes. It is known also that some other pharaohs like Sheshonk were of northwest african origin...
This article is very interesting.
Please correct Hyskos to Hyksos.
I didn't really do my homework on this, but from what I can remember from history class, some pharaoh lineages where Greek. I can't remember which ones and I can't check at the moment because I'm at work but could this be why their y-dna is different than the majority of Egyptians?
The Ptolémées (R1a) and the last femal Kleopatra - Julius ( J2)
Ptolemees were for sure a Greek dynasty. The name is also Greek. That I can remember.

I can't remember which other dynasties were Greek though
Question: has there been any verification/falsification of the story regarding Pharao Tutankhamum's Y-Haplogroup?
The source of Y-haplogroup of Tut is here:
The question is: are the pherograms in the video those of Tut? If yes, Tut is R1b.

It sure looked that way to me too. Looking at the labels on the screen during the plotting it looked like they were KV55. Also if I remember correctly there was a letter found from Tut's queen Ankhesenamun, to the King of the Hittites requesting that he send one of his sons to her as a husband since her husband had died. Perphaps this had happened in the past and Tut's actual male line was from an Hittite or Indo-European "Royal Family?"
I also remember that the Hittite prince died along the way to Egypt and Ai or Horemheb became Pharoh.
It sure looked that way to me too. Looking at the labels on the screen during the plotting it looked like they were KV55. Also if I remember correctly there was a letter found from Tut's queen Ankhesenamun, to the King of the Hittites requesting that he send one of his sons to her as a husband since her husband had died. Perphaps this had happened in the past and Tut's actual male line was from an Hittite or Indo-European "Royal Family?"
I also remember that the Hittite prince died along the way to Egypt and Ai or Horemheb became Pharoh.

Well, that story certainly looks plausible. So, with all likelihood, we may be really talking about Ankhenaten here? Wow.

Also, there may be a reason why the detail about Tutankhamun's Y-Haplogroup wasn't published: the chair of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Dr. Zahi Hawass, was personally in charge of the whole DNA analysis, and made sure that only personally-picked Egyptians were chosen to immediately work on the mummies. The issue with Hawass is, he claims that he is so picky because he wants to treat the mummies with respect, in reality he is also somebody who's extremely conservative in his views regarding ancient Egypt and who doesn't like paradigm changes in regard for some things in ancient Egypt. The idea that the pharaos of the 18th dynasty may not have been of native Egyptian descend is something that doesn't quite fit in there. While this may sound a little like conspiracy (which I don't like), it may be a perfectly plausible explanation why nothing serious has been published there... :annoyed:
R1b is found in Egypt this is not a rare haplogroup on that area some central Africans are R1b at high % thats not extraordinary the Pharaohs were R1b as many other Egyptians . No need the Hittites Kings to explain R1b just a reverse back paleolithic migration to Africa long time before the first civilization