But not exactly. because they have close to zero Anatolian (or better Iranian-extra CHG-like) and a bit higher steppe. That's exactly what I think the Balkan Greeks will look like, probably with a bit more steppe even, but hard to tell.
It looks like the stronger Anatolian admixture was more restricted to the area occupied by Minoan related people which came before the Greeks and while the Greeks were already there.
By the way, the Northern Greeks had the Mycenaen civilisation as their centre, we see that Mycenaean-Greek influences goes beyond the border of the Mycenaean states and into the tribal Greek areas of the North. However, the Mycenaean states were clearly not "the Greeks", but just a subset, presumably more influenced and mixed (culturally and genetically, with Minoan-like people).
The actual Mycenaean area was pretty small:
The zone of primary influence being visible on this map, but there were extended influences and likely Greek or at least Greek-related and heavily influenced people in much of Albania, Macedonia and South Eastern Bulgaria.