Impossible because oldest R-U152 samples was found regions between bohemia , bavaria and alps , this is too older than romans, this clade born in europe central with proto-celtic and italic people , these people later desenvolved celtic and italic languages but was basically same people because both came from same father , so we can assume that a person who came from a subclade italic this person can say he is descendeant from celtic or italic people because have no difference , celtic and italic from alps region are only people with language and a different culture , phenotype for example from these proto celtic and proto italic was probably all almost the same but when these people later who developed italic language migrated to italy they had contact with another ancient tribes coming from south like illyrians for example so their phenotype envolved probably to a dark phenotype, dominant genes, celts who migrated to northwest europe and british isles can mantain their phenotype because they had more contact with recessive genes