Immigration sexual harassments by immigrants

I'll admit, I quit reading after a bit. It is a lot of back and forth & all around.

The man is always making a mistake for raping the woman. I was arguing the woman makes mistakes/bad judgement to. EX: Flirting with the wrong men, hanging around the wrong crowds, etc.

Here's a good analogy: Someone walks into an alley at 11:00 PM in a neighborhood "owned" by a gang, and gets his wallet stolen and beat up. He had bad judgement and therefore made a mistake. However, the gangsters who harmed him are of course more wrong and deserve harsher punishment.

Anyways this doesn't have to do with what happened in Germany. Walking in your town on New Year's Day isn't a mistake/bad judgement.

You are saying that a woman deserves to be raped if she flirts with the "wrong people" yet most of these women been assaulted in Europe did absolutely nothing to initiate the assaults.

Or are you going to tell me the 10-year-old girl, a few years ago, in Sweden who was gang raped by immigrants while swimming at the local pool just happened to be in the "wrong area" and at the "wrong time"? These immigrants stormed into the swimming area, beat up the young boys, harassed the women and the twenty "mighty" men had the "fortune" of cornering her. ... that is but one incident. A number of Swedish friends have told me that there are areas where they will never walk at night and a woman walking alone - is pretty much a sitting duck. I believe since Sweden open its borders to these immigrants, years ago, the rape stats have skyrocketed until one city has stats as one woman raped every 5 minutes.

People on the forums are going on about the immigrants now, Sweden has been swallowing this for years. As one friend put it - there are areas which have gone to the dogs, to "hell in a handbasket".

Or how about the Austrian boy just a couple days ago. Raped by some "poor" Iraqi who was sexually frustrated and it was a "sexual emergency". Please, hang him up by the part which is so frustrating & leave him out for the ravens to feast on. If they'd sully their diet so.

Now the thing about the pools. This is an ongoing thing now - Germany has had a number of these issues, of immigrant men trying to force their way into the female area of the public swimming pools [or crapping in the pools, or masturbating in the hot tubs].

I have lived in MANY countries. First as a child and then later as a teenager & adult for my career. I remember one time in Norway, a bunch of us went to a nightclub. Flashy place. When there a huge guy, African - thick off the boat accent, you could barely understand a word coming out of his mouth - happened to arrive with some fellow students. And by huge, I mean huge. 6'6" - wide as a house, 290+lbs, all muscle. He could have taken on the two bouncers at the same time without breaking a sweat. He was a little too "eager" in approaching the women on the floor, however, despite the language barrier he got the hint when the women showed discomfort after been told off once or twice that such behavior isn't okay.

Yet Belgium and other countries have taken to banning recent immigrants from nightclubs because they DO NOT understand or if they understand they do NOT care. Of course, it is hard to understand, from what I have gleaned, when they sell their own women in these refugee camps for the same price as a coffee in the US for favors.

Come one, one positive thing about immigrants. Convince me that you are objective sometimes.

Don't forget addressing this:

You are very annoying - I could answer any number of your oddball questions and comments, with not just stats but having lived there or in knowing people that lived there [I have had the fortune of living not only in Europe but also mid-eastern countries, India, Egypt, Saudi, Qatar] - and for your claim "citizen of the world" you are either incredibly ignorant or incredibly naive.

But let me clear some things up for you.

For you begging epoch for a good thing about immigrants.

Most of these immigrants are just migrant workers - 90% of them are not the refugees from war-torn areas as was originally claimed. 99% of them are nothing more than ill educated, ill qualified rabble that in their home countries are viewed at the very bottom or close enough to the bottom of the totem pole. Because of the open border mentality, doors swinging wide open much like a street corner brothel, they have seen the bleeding cash cow - the land of opportunity to get "better" elsewhere. A number of these "poor" immigrants have actually applied more than once so that they can be moved / housed elsewhere - oftentimes aiming towards the countries with either the biggest related cultural groups or the best benefit system... and oftentimes the two [people from the same nationality & good benefits] go hand in hand.

I'll give you an example of such head-in-the-sand response to immigrants. Jihadi John's father was a "refugee", a "poor immigrant". In his home country, Jihadi John's father belonged to a cultural sect that is viewed with all the contempt & more than what Brits show Gypsies - such a sect is viewed as bottom feeders really. There is a term, I am told they would be called, which isn't suitable for polite company but essentially equates them to dogs, and a number of mid-eastern groups don't think dogs fit for entering a human household. Did Jihadi John's father work - no, he lived in a council house in the UK paid for by taxpayers and not only attended radical sessions but burnt the flag. And we all know what "achievement" his son did.

With respect to these immigrants / migrants / "refugees". Most of these people are illiterate in every sense of the word. Most of these countries do not have open educational systems. NOT everyone gets the equal amount of education, if at all, and if you think they do... kindly go visit any of these countries. Five minutes there will peel the wool right off from covering your eyes.

Really how do you think ISIS has expanded so far? Because 90-95% of ISIS followers can NOT sign their own names yet alone read the Qur'an.

Find yourself a REAL Islamic follower, look for someone whose mother or sister or wife ONLY wears the hijab for the burka actually marks the more extreme versions attributed to the non-Islamic Prophet [and he wasn't Islamic, a number of his "teachings" were simply outright Arabic and have little to do with actual Islam - ask a scholar, they'll tell you Islam RELIGION vs Muslim CULTURE is very different in many ways], and ask them. They will tell you that a vast majority of what ISIS is doing, is nothing more than sins as per real Islam. ISIS, and this just cracks me up - got to love European generalization, barely qualify as Muslim and hardly proper jihadi yet every 10th paper is calling them such which of course encourages the just-as-ignorant outsiders to "convert" and join ISIS.

Anderson, the convert arrested in the UK just recently, makes me laugh. He has his pre-teen daughter in a hijab. The original practice was only to start wearing the hijab as a teenager. Wearing a hjiab younger typically marks people of 3rd class society or backwater hicks [really no better than 3rd class socety] - so whomever Anderson trained with would be considered very ill-educated in a number of areas.

Now, as said, I have visited / lived in these countries / this region. Which is why I "love" European / white generalization of the area. Immigrants are good, in degree. There are so many cultural, familial, and societal sects in these regions that clumping them all as refugee - or immigrant - or simply Muslim [or Sikh, Hindu] is akin to smashing open one of those old candy machines and picking up the pieces. It is beyond stupid. From the start these immigrants should have been screened, and thoroughly. Because there are sects / familial / religious / whatever - who will just as happily smile at you, while thinking you, as an infidel, will look nice stuffed by the fireplace and those beliefs have nothing to do with ISIS or radicalism as ignorant Europeans like to believe... it is because they were raised that way for generations.

With respect to cover-overs - everyone is screaming racism about these refugees, which is a little bizarre. If a cop, to use Rotherham, got word of a similar ring by another group he'd have no qualms busting the head of a black or hispanic. Yet for a number of years, not one little peep.

Or how about Sweden's 20+-year-old "children" for example - the guy who murdered the girl at the housing complex; anyone who doesn't suffer blindness or brain damage would know that was no child.

And in that respect, particularly about Muslims, I suggest some of you ... more naive than the others... people research Taqiyya.

My brother works at a major hotel here. Twice in the last two months they have had immigrants run rampage through the lobby. Last month it was 20 men fighting from the front doors all the way back to the valet parking doors [more than a few hundred yards] with knives. Religious issue? Cultural issue? No, a sect issue - one familial sect settling "issues" with another. Just two days ago they had another issue with the same religious background, three guys wanting to jump one man - wasn't a familial issue this time, a societal issue [the man they wanted to jump was of higher cast setting than they were back "home"].

I never said a woman deserves to be raped by hanging around the wrong people. I said a woman can make bad judgement which can lead to rape. Just as, if I chose to move to Syria with an anti-ISIS shirt and get killed I made bad judgement.
I'll admit, I quit reading after a bit. It is a lot of back and forth & all around.

You are saying that a woman deserves to be raped if she flirts with the "wrong people" yet most of these women been assaulted in Europe did absolutely nothing to initiate the assaults.

Or are you going to tell me the 10-year-old girl, a few years ago, in Sweden who was gang raped by immigrants while swimming at the local pool just happened to be in the "wrong area" and at the "wrong time"? These immigrants stormed into the swimming area, beat up the young boys, harassed the women and the twenty "mighty" men had the "fortune" of cornering her. ... that is but one incident. A number of Swedish friends have told me that there are areas where they will never walk at night and a woman walking alone - is pretty much a sitting duck. I believe since Sweden open its borders to these immigrants, years ago, the rape stats have skyrocketed until one city has stats as one woman raped every 5 minutes.

People on the forums are going on about the immigrants now, Sweden has been swallowing this for years. As one friend put it - there are areas which have gone to the dogs, to "hell in a handbasket".

Or how about the Austrian boy just a couple days ago. Raped by some "poor" Iraqi who was sexually frustrated and it was a "sexual emergency". Please, hang him up by the part which is so frustrating & leave him out for the ravens to feast on. If they'd sully their diet so.

Now the thing about the pools. This is an ongoing thing now - Germany has had a number of these issues, of immigrant men trying to force their way into the female area of the public swimming pools [or crapping in the pools, or masturbating in the hot tubs].

I have lived in MANY countries. First as a child and then later as a teenager & adult for my career. I remember one time in Norway, a bunch of us went to a nightclub. Flashy place. When there a huge guy, African - thick off the boat accent, you could barely understand a word coming out of his mouth - happened to arrive with some fellow students. And by huge, I mean huge. 6'6" - wide as a house, 290+lbs, all muscle. He could have taken on the two bouncers at the same time without breaking a sweat. He was a little too "eager" in approaching the women on the floor, however, despite the language barrier he got the hint when the women showed discomfort after been told off once or twice that such behavior isn't okay.

Yet Belgium and other countries have taken to banning recent immigrants from nightclubs because they DO NOT understand or if they understand they do NOT care. Of course, it is hard to understand, from what I have gleaned, when they sell their own women in these refugee camps for the same price as a coffee in the US for favors.

You are very annoying - I could answer any number of your oddball questions and comments, with not just stats but having lived there or in knowing people that lived there [I have had the fortune of living not only in Europe but also mid-eastern countries, India, Egypt, Saudi, Qatar] - and for your claim "citizen of the world" you are either incredibly ignorant or incredibly naive.

But let me clear some things up for you.

For you begging epoch for a good thing about immigrants.

Most of these immigrants are just migrant workers - 90% of them are not the refugees from war-torn areas as was originally claimed. 99% of them are nothing more than ill educated, ill qualified rabble that in their home countries are viewed at the very bottom or close enough to the bottom of the totem pole. Because of the open border mentality, doors swinging wide open much like a street corner brothel, they have seen the bleeding cash cow - the land of opportunity to get "better" elsewhere. A number of these "poor" immigrants have actually applied more than once so that they can be moved / housed elsewhere - oftentimes aiming towards the countries with either the biggest related cultural groups or the best benefit system... and oftentimes the two [people from the same nationality & good benefits] go hand in hand.

I'll give you an example of such head-in-the-sand response to immigrants. Jihadi John's father was a "refugee", a "poor immigrant". In his home country, Jihadi John's father belonged to a cultural sect that is viewed with all the contempt & more than what Brits show Gypsies - such a sect is viewed as bottom feeders really. There is a term, I am told they would be called, which isn't suitable for polite company but essentially equates them to dogs, and a number of mid-eastern groups don't think dogs fit for entering a human household. Did Jihadi John's father work - no, he lived in a council house in the UK paid for by taxpayers and not only attended radical sessions but burnt the flag. And we all know what "achievement" his son did.

With respect to these immigrants / migrants / "refugees". Most of these people are illiterate in every sense of the word. Most of these countries do not have open educational systems. NOT everyone gets the equal amount of education, if at all, and if you think they do... kindly go visit any of these countries. Five minutes there will peel the wool right off from covering your eyes.

Really how do you think ISIS has expanded so far? Because 90-95% of ISIS followers can NOT sign their own names yet alone read the Qur'an.

Find yourself a REAL Islamic follower, look for someone whose mother or sister or wife ONLY wears the hijab for the burka actually marks the more extreme versions attributed to the non-Islamic Prophet [and he wasn't Islamic, a number of his "teachings" were simply outright Arabic and have little to do with actual Islam - ask a scholar, they'll tell you Islam RELIGION vs Muslim CULTURE is very different in many ways], and ask them. They will tell you that a vast majority of what ISIS is doing, is nothing more than sins as per real Islam. ISIS, and this just cracks me up - got to love European generalization, barely qualify as Muslim and hardly proper jihadi yet every 10th paper is calling them such which of course encourages the just-as-ignorant outsiders to "convert" and join ISIS.

Anderson, the convert arrested in the UK just recently, makes me laugh. He has his pre-teen daughter in a hijab. The original practice was only to start wearing the hijab as a teenager. Wearing a hjiab younger typically marks people of 3rd class society or backwater hicks [really no better than 3rd class socety] - so whomever Anderson trained with would be considered very ill-educated in a number of areas.

Now, as said, I have visited / lived in these countries / this region. Which is why I "love" European / white generalization of the area. Immigrants are good, in degree. There are so many cultural, familial, and societal sects in these regions that clumping them all as refugee - or immigrant - or simply Muslim [or Sikh, Hindu] is akin to smashing open one of those old candy machines and picking up the pieces. It is beyond stupid. From the start these immigrants should have been screened, and thoroughly. Because there are sects / familial / religious / whatever - who will just as happily smile at you, while thinking you, as an infidel, will look nice stuffed by the fireplace and those beliefs have nothing to do with ISIS or radicalism as ignorant Europeans like to believe... it is because they were raised that way for generations.

With respect to cover-overs - everyone is screaming racism about these refugees, which is a little bizarre. If a cop, to use Rotherham, got word of a similar ring by another group he'd have no qualms busting the head of a black or hispanic. Yet for a number of years, not one little peep.

Or how about Sweden's 20+-year-old "children" for example - the guy who murdered the girl at the housing complex; anyone who doesn't suffer blindness or brain damage would know that was no child.

And in that respect, particularly about Muslims, I suggest some of you ... more naive than the others... people research Taqiyya.

My brother works at a major hotel here. Twice in the last two months they have had immigrants run rampage through the lobby. Last month it was 20 men fighting from the front doors all the way back to the valet parking doors [more than a few hundred yards] with knives. Religious issue? Cultural issue? No, a sect issue - one familial sect settling "issues" with another. Just two days ago they had another issue with the same religious background, three guys wanting to jump one man - wasn't a familial issue this time, a societal issue [the man they wanted to jump was of higher cast setting than they were back "home"].
I can see that you love to talk. However how does this pan to the question at hand?
For you begging epoch for a good thing about immigrants.
I'm sure that when you reach deep into your memory you will find good stories about immigrants and refugees.
To help you out:
I can see that you love to talk. However how does this pan to the question at hand?

I'm sure that when you reach deep into your memory you will find good stories about immigrants and refugees.
To help you out:

that is the big lie they were telling us
they said all immigrants are a benefit for Europe, they all are all well educated, eager to integrate and qualified for a job
they were going to pay the pensions of the greying European population
and those critisizing this story, they are racists
and the employers not giving them a job are racists too
what a way to discuss the subject
that is the big lie they were telling us
they said all immigrants are a benefit for Europe, they all are all well educated, eager to integrate and qualified for a job
they were going to pay the pensions of the greying European population
and those critisizing this story, they are racists
and the employers not giving them a job are racists too
what a way to discuss the subject
In Germany there is 15 million people who came there as immigrants! That's 20% of population! And yet percentage of population which work in Germany (73%) is one of the highest in Europe, even higher in Sweden at 74%. It is higher than in many European countries with no immigrants. That's a fact.
This means that immigrants are coming to Germany or Sweden to work, and not to take social assistance and play lazy.

Belgium is an exception from this rule however at 61%. Meaning that either economy is bad and there is shortage of work, or you get the crappy immigrants. ;)
In Germany there is 15 million people who came there as immigrants! That's 20% of population! And yet percentage of population which work in Germany (73%) is one of the highest in Europe, even higher in Sweden at 74%. It is higher than in many European countries with no immigrants. That's a fact.
This means that immigrants are coming to Germany or Sweden to work, and not to take social assistance and play lazy.

Belgium is an exception from this rule however at 61%. Meaning that either economy is bad and there is shortage of work, or you get the crappy immigrants. ;)

Warnings: Sweden is Headed Toward "a Cliff"...

Assessing Immigrant Integration in Sweden after the May 2013 Riots
In Germany there is 15 million people who came there as immigrants! That's 20% of population! And yet percentage of population which work in Germany (73%) is one of the highest in Europe, even higher in Sweden at 74%. It is higher than in many European countries with no immigrants. That's a fact.
This means that immigrants are coming to Germany or Sweden to work, and not to take social assistance and play lazy.

Belgium is an exception from this rule however at 61%. Meaning that either economy is bad and there is shortage of work, or you get the crappy immigrants. ;)

If that many Germans are at work it is because Germans have good work ethics and their economy is good.
It is not because that many immigrants arrived in Germany.
And - how many times do I have to repeat? - today many immigrants arrive through human trafickers who told them unrealistic stories about Europe, these people don't come to work.

Belgium has been misgoverned by socialist Walloons who were the biggest favourits of immigration without integration. You can see the results in the Brussels suburbs.
Warnings: Sweden is Headed Toward "a Cliff"...

Assessing Immigrant Integration in Sweden after the May 2013 Riots

If that many Germans are at work it is because Germans have good work ethics and their economy is good.
It is not because that many immigrants arrived in Germany.
And - how many times do I have to repeat? - today many immigrants arrive through human trafickers who told them unrealistic stories about Europe, these people don't come to work.
The point was do they work or not? And they do. I can listen to your feelings or I can believe statistics...

Belgium has been misgoverned by socialist Walloons who were the biggest favourits of immigration without integration. You can see the results in the Brussels suburbs.
In Canada there is no integration policy either, and yet all people, immigrants and locals work at same rate, including 1 million muslims. I'm telling you, you got the crappy ones. You need to choose better.
Warnings: Sweden is Headed Toward "a Cliff"...

Assessing Immigrant Integration in Sweden after the May 2013 Riots

I don't get it. This article says that the educational level of the immigrants in Sweden is the same as that of the "natives". So why is the employment rate different? Are they facing job discrimination?

Or is it that the education rate is an average for "all" immigrants, which would factor in the European sourced ones? Is the unemployment rate much higher in certain groups of immigrants?

Of course, a lot of this is impacted by market forces beyond anyone's control, such as increasing automation taking away factory jobs, and the cutting of public sector jobs because of the financial downturns. That gets into a whole discussion as to whether austerity ever really works, but that's for another thread.

So, my question remains...

From your link:
"The explanation is simple: Britain is a country that is unsure about immigration, but loves immigrants. In Sweden, sadly, it’s the other way around. Britons fret about border controls, but we don’t hesitate to hire immigrants when they arrive. In Sweden, immigrants are twice as likely to be unemployed as natives, one of the worst ratios in the developed world. Accepting immigration at such a level, while being unable to integrate it, is the recipe not just for a political crisis but a national identity crisis."

The link upthread says they are as educated as natives. So, again, why are they being hired at a lower rate than in other European countries?

I'll repeat: it makes no sense. To want a reputation as a humanitarian country and therefore take in refugees, but be so averse to them that your people won't hire them is cognitive dissonance on a massive scale.

That doesn't mean I'm in favor of unfettered, unregulated immigration from anywhere, because I'm not. As for the squatting on the streets, what's wrong with your legislative and executive bodies? Authorize the police to round them up for goodness' sakes. Stop complaining and change the laws if necessary.
So, my question remains...

From your link:
"The explanation is simple: Britain is a country that is unsure about immigration, but loves immigrants. In Sweden, sadly, it’s the other way around. Britons fret about border controls, but we don’t hesitate to hire immigrants when they arrive. In Sweden, immigrants are twice as likely to be unemployed as natives, one of the worst ratios in the developed world. Accepting immigration at such a level, while being unable to integrate it, is the recipe not just for a political crisis but a national identity crisis."

The link upthread says they are as educated as natives. So, again, why are they being hired at a lower rate than in other European countries?

I'll repeat: it makes no sense. To want a reputation as a humanitarian country and therefore take in refugees, but be so averse to them that your people won't hire them is cognitive dissonance on a massive scale.

That doesn't mean I'm in favor of unfettered, unregulated immigration from anywhere, because I'm not. As for the squatting on the streets, what's wrong with your legislative and executive bodies? Authorize the police to round them up for goodness' sakes. Stop complaining and change the laws if necessary.

You don't have to explain us what to do, we have no say in this. Explain to Angela Merkel and the like.
You don't have to explain us what to do, we have no say in this. Explain to Angela Merkel and the like.

How can it be that the people of Europe have no say in this? Get behind the party of your choice or start a new party, organize through petition drives and demand referendums, stage mass rallies and marches on the legislature. Demand new elections if you're so unhappy. Demand a withdrawal from the E.U. or at least a re-writing of its terms. "Throw the bums out", as we say here, and elect new people.

Are these not functioning democracies?

Honestly, I know I'm probably coming across as rude, and I don't mean to hector you, but I don't understand the passivity I see in the European electorate. Of course,I'm quite aware that you can organize and work for candidates that lose, and it's very demoralizing, but people have to put in the effort. You can't just give up. At the end of the day, we all get the government we deserve.
How can it be that the people of Europe have no say in this? Get behind the party of your choice or start a new party, organize through petition drives and demand referendums, stage mass rallies and marches on the legislature. Demand new elections if you're so unhappy. Demand a withdrawal from the E.U. or at least a re-writing of its terms. "Throw the bums out", as we say here, and elect new people.

Are these not functioning democracies?

Honestly, I know I'm probably coming across as rude, and I don't mean to hector you, but I don't understand the passivity I see in the European electorate. Of course,I'm quite aware that you can organize and work for candidates that lose, and it's very demoralizing, but people have to put in the effort. You can't just give up. At the end of the day, we all get the government we deserve.

we'll see what happens next elections

but then there is the European government
most politicians in the European parliament and government are national politicians who are delegated by the national parties and they go their not to do politics but because they know it will provide them with a super-royal pension
Europe is not governed by the Europeans, it is governed by the UN, human rights watch and other lobbyists
and common sense, it is simply ignored
in the mean time, many refugees convert themselves to Christianity

there would be 3 main reasons :

- there are Christian refugees who couldn't practice their religion openly in their country of origin
- there are Muslims who are dissapointed with Islam the way they have seen it in their country of origin
- there are refugees who think they have a better chance for asylum if they are Christian
in the Swedish city Östersund the police advises women not come out alone any more in the evening

the last 3 weeks there is an outburst of violent assaults on women which the police is unable to handle

it looks like the purpartrators are of non-Swedish origine

it goes without saying that once again the police officer in question got a lot of criticism for telling what is going on

once again women are forced to change their habbits because respect for woman has gone

and this is one of the culprits :

Erdogan says the Ottoman hareems were an excellent school for women
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in the Swedish city Östersund the police advises women not come out alone any more in the evening

the last 3 weeks there is an outburst of violent assaults on women which the police is unable to handle

it looks like the purpartrators are of non-Swedish origine

it goes without saying that once again the police officer in question got a lot of criticism for telling what is going on

once again women are forced to change their habbits because respect for woman has gone

and this is one of the culprits :

Erdogan says the Ottoman hareems were an excellent school for women

Yeah, right. We should all look forward to women just becoming play things and breeding machines again. It always amazes me that these men fail to grasp that if one rich man has 20 women in his hareem, most men will go totally without. Then again, I've never been overly impressed with the reasoning ability and logic of most people.

Have you ever seen the movie "Osama"? It's about the life of an Afghan girl. My daughter and some of her friends and I watched it together. She wanted to run out and join the army in hopes of getting sent there. Believe me, if these men had been in front of me, well, I leave it to your imagination.

The whole movie is now available on youtube with English subtitles.

Ever since I saw it I've been involved with Barbara Bush's foundation to help Afghan women. She does very good work.
Even Australia intervened in Europe's migrant crisis: :grin:


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