Politics Should Crimea be an independent country? (Russian-Ukrainian conflict)

Do Donbass Russians have another ethnic or cultural structure then Russian in Russia? I don't think, they cain join Russia.

İn Crimea case, let the Russia take Sivastople and all Crimea reunite with Ukraine again,

In case of independece, Crimea are one step front then Donbass but I don't think independent Crimea can establish as a Tatar State
Why Sebastopol should be part of Russia?
Why Sebastopol should be part of Russia?

My solution is mid point.

1-Sebastopol has very special position and I am not mentioning its military importance for Russia.

2-The ethnic population is clearly Russian (77%), in all Crimea it is 55%. Nearly 20% of Russian in Crimea live in Sebastopol. I think, some of Russians from different part of Crimea will want to go Sebastopol as well, if my plan works. The Result of that Russia won't have any claim on other parts of Crimea where will be Tatar and Ukraine.
Do Donbass Russians have another ethnic or cultural structure then Russian in Russia? I don't think, they cain join Russia.

İn Crimea case, let the Russia take Sivastople and all Crimea reunite with Ukraine again,

In case of independece, Crimea are one step front then Donbass but I don't think independent Crimea can establish as a Tatar State
What about Ukrainians who live in Donbass and don't want to join Russia?
What about Ukrainians who live in Donbass and don't want to join Russia?

Please Check the Russian Language(as a mother tongue) and ethnic russian percentage



As the similar in Crimea and Sebastopol, if there is large Ukraine Supporter, they can be stay with Ukraine

Example North Donbass
The Tatars of Crimea should be set free ...........give them liberty


Free Crimea Tatarestan could be with the situation in 1939, not in current situation. I don't give it a chance. It is just a dream.

Is there any Crimea Tatar refugees camps such as Palestians, I don't think so. Many of them have already adopted new life in their new country.

I see it fanatical such as creating Assyrian State in Middle East or Gypsy state in Balkans.

Each nation shouldn't need to be independent state to feel free.
My solution is mid point.

1-Sebastopol has very special position and I am not mentioning its military importance for Russia.

2-The ethnic population is clearly Russian (77%), in all Crimea it is 55%. Nearly 20% of Russian in Crimea live in Sebastopol. I think, some of Russians from different part of Crimea will want to go Sebastopol as well, if my plan works. The Result of that Russia won't have any claim on other parts of Crimea where will be Tatar and Ukraine.
As I already said. Do we have whether any true census and any true referendum? I really doubt.
Please Check the Russian Language(as a mother tongue) and ethnic russian percentage



As the similar in Crimea and Sebastopol, if there is large Ukraine Supporter, they can be stay with Ukraine

Example North Donbass
I heard some rumours. Putin is bringing in Ukraine the Chechens of cadirov to fight against the Ukrainians. He is giving them lands and properties there.
What is the statement or the position of Turkey about the Ukrainian issues?
What is the statement or the position of Turkey about the Ukrainian issues?

I don't think that Turkey has any position about that case, Turkey dosen't have a chance to think about someone without ownself. You need to have stable domectic enviroment for developing a state in the case of abroad problems.

The process of last election didn't pass like an election, it was like political civil war and now ethnic civil war happened. I don't count enless refugees waves. Crimea is really out of topic.
I don't think that Turkey has any position about that case, Turkey dosen't have a chance to think about someone without ownself. You need to have stable domectic enviroment for developing a state in the case of abroad problems.

The process of last election didn't pass like an election, it was like political civil war and now ethnic civil war happened. I don't count enless refugees waves. Crimea is really out of topic.
Yes, but that situation in Ukraine is not a recently event. It's happening from years backward
Yes, but that situation in Ukraine is not a recently event. It's happening from years backward

Please offer a solution, both sides will agree on it with out no war and gun
Not a top class but still interesting and informative documentary.
Vladimir Putin's Long Shadow

Dutch investigation into flight MH17 is finished. The verdict is in:
THE Dutch Safety Board has confirmed Malaysia Airlines flight 17 was downed by a Russian Buk surface-to-air missile as it flew over eastern Ukraine.

The report found a Russian-made Buk missile had hit the front left of the plane, causing other parts to break off. Experts say both Russian and Ukrainian armies possess these types of missiles.

Pro-russian rebels promptly denied taking part in it:

But weren't they the once proclaiming happily that they had down Ukrainian cargo plain just minutes after the crash of MH17?

When asked about a statement released by Ukrainian rebels just after MH17 crashed saying they had shot down a Ukrainian transport plane, Mr Zakharchenko said it "was probably a fake".

This is not over. Dutch started criminal investigation with goal of bringing guilty party to justice.
Mr Klimkin went on to praise the report, urging a separate Dutch criminal report currently under way to show a chain of command and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Perhaps at the end we will learn who did it.

I'm betting rebels shot down the plain. They have gotten Buk rockets from Putin, together with other equipment, but not a radar technology to recognize planes. On other hand Ukrainians know exactly all the commercial plains in their air space. It is very unlikely they (Ukrainians) thought it was a rebel's plain flying east. They would be more interested in shooting something that enters their airspace from East, but not in reverse. I think at this time the only big airport able to fly big planes was in ruin in Luhansk, and if anything rebels only flew small planes to Russia and back.
Dutch investigation into flight MH17 is finished. The verdict is in:


Pro-russian rebels promptly denied taking part in it:

But weren't they the once proclaiming happily that they had down Ukrainian cargo plain just minutes after the crash of MH17?

This is not over. Dutch started criminal investigation with goal of bringing guilty party to justice.

Perhaps at the end we will learn who did it.

I'm betting rebels shot down the plain. They have gotten Buk rockets from Putin, together with other equipment, but not a radar technology to recognize planes. On other hand Ukrainians know exactly all the commercial plains in their air space. It is very unlikely they (Ukrainians) thought it was a rebel's plain flying east. They would be more interested in shooting something that enters their airspace from East, but not in reverse. I think at this time the only big airport able to fly big planes was in ruin in Luhansk, and if anything rebels only flew small planes to Russia and back.
The investigators also mentioned that buk missile was fired from rebel held territory.
well ti give a funny note in this

Lenin has become Darth vader


and police arrested Jubaka yesterday


all are parts of local elections and a candidate for major

but the arrest was real


all has to do with forbid the local party of UIP to be candidate for the elections,
Crimean Tatar activists blew up main power line from Ukraine to Crimea. They also blocked Ukrainian repair crew to access the site.

This vandalize, if not terrorism, is a sign of protest but is it smart to leave all citizens of Crimea, including thousands of Tatars, without electricity during winter? If anything they made more enemies than friends.
I didn't get it. Crimea is still under the Russian Control, isn't it? Why Ukraine is sending electricity? Why sending crew to repair it.