The Opinion Game

Well when they are both readily available why choose? ....but if I could only have one? Money...I can feed my family with that!

Blonde, Brunette, or Red Head?
Brunette, or however it is spelled for a man (brunet?)

Tumble dried or hung outside?
In a perfect world, hung outside! Because in my perfect world, the weather is always - just right! :hihi: (and of course I would have servants to collect it in again...)

Thinking of laundry... steam or electric?

when it comes to work, now or later?
(that's like, as in, work around the house. not job-work. I'm quite dediated to that.)
There are places in my city where we can still drink plain tap water however if it's not available I'd go for bottle distilled water.
money Hahaha
hung outside - i like looking at dried laundry flying with the wind
work later - like you im dedicated to career but to house work? uhhh... what was that again... :p

back to laundry:
When travelling, do you do it yourself or do you go to a laundry service? :-)
Do it yourself.

Are you Ren or Stimpy?
(from the cartoon "Ren & Stimpy") I'm definitely Stmpy.

Ren, I suppose--I'm evil enough, although I'm not really short.

Do you prefer sex or violence in your entertainment?
(movies, video games, saturday afternoons--whatever)

Is it half full or half empty. Think about whether after you have poured the drink and after you drank some. Half Full or Half Empty?
It's both. Half full and half empty are merely two different perspectives on the same state of being--if you were the glass, you would realize the truth.

On that zen-like note:

Balance or extremes?

Would you prefer to chose one side in everything and fight passionately for your chosen ideals, or to remain in the center, at peace, but without the passion such fervor provides?
Speed, no conest.

Strength only improves damage and endurance, speed improves everything--if you know how to use it right.

Invincibility or Immortality?

Would you rather never be able to lose, but eventually die of old age, or never be able to die, but still be able to be beaten?
Dunno either Ren or Stimpy so I'll pass.
Violence - I had fun watching Ichi da Killa.
New Year - I go crazy every time the clock strikes 12 and the date says Jan 01.
Half Empty
Extremes - I believe that neutrality helps the tormentor never the tormented but of course there must always be a balance somewhere.
Speed - Which somehow goes somewhere as I age...
Invincibility - Kinda reminds me of a song: "Who wants to live forever?"

Which is which?

Someone who tells you "I'm your friend" or someone who tells you "Your my friend"?
Someone who tell's me I'm their freind--no one should be telling you who your freinds are, only whether they consider you to be theirs.

Also, I should point out that you are mistaken about neutrality--the tormentor has picked an extreme side too. The neutral person is not helping either of them, he is, by definition, neutral--neither an aid nor a hinderance.

Do you prefer to be misunderstood or understood but disagreed with?
Passion--though serenity can be okay in small doses spread far, faaaaar apart.

Happiness and Weakness or Strength and Hardship?
Happiness and weakness, although I think sometimes you need hardship to reach the place where you are happy (Nietzsche's mountain-climbing analogy)

Wars or Trek?
Wars -- Lighsabers own.

Would you rather use a lighsaber or force powers, assuming you had both?
Force powers. I've never had fencing lessons! (But would giving Darth Vader a hernia by this means be effective?)

Do you prefer Winter or Summer?
