United Balkan States?


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Eurasian American Mutt
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Would any Balkan countries ever consider uniting under a Federal government? Is there any sense of unity between any of the Balkan countries? Are they all satisfied with their current boundaries? Not that I want to give anyone ideas especially in these crazy times :laughing:

Albania-N.Macedonia-Bulgaria eh?
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Would any Balkan countries ever consider uniting under a Federal government? Is there any sense of unity between any of the Balkan countries? Are they all satisfied with their current boundaries? Not that I want to give anyone ideas especially in these crazy times :laughing:

Albania-N.Macedonia-Bulgaria eh?

Too many myths that have to be given up. I wish it would happen but it won't.
Well I take it the Slavic and Magyar cultures run deeper in Croats Slovenes, Serbs, Romanians and Bulgarians and the Bosnians, Montenegrans, Albanians and N.Macedonians have more of an identity with the ancient Illyric Thracian peoples? Oh well I guess this question is pretty much like throwing Grenades https://www.dropbo*****/s/f12gr8ao00ujz8p/BrightGlassIsopod-max-1mb.gif?dl=0 No Nea Troia anytime soon... :D
Um, no. I'm not sure where you decided on that arbitrary grouping but maybe you need to be more intimately acquainted with the region before making generalizations. Bosnians are rather Slavic actually. Just because they're Muslim doesn't change things. Romania and Bulgaria are similar and have roots in Thracian type east Balkan folks (with Slavic addition), aside from the more Central Euro Transylvanians and the more eastern Moldovans, which is actually kind of its own thing in a way due to its history. And there's a gradual cline from Bulgaria to "North Macedonia"/FYROM and eventually northern Greece. I would put Albania with Montenegro and some of N. Macedonia, maybe Greece too, but not Bosnia and Serbia and Croatia/Slovenia. Well coastal Croatia/Dalmatia is kind of a different cultural vibe (more "Adriatic") from inland Croatia/Slavonia region. And Slovenia is the northern most and has connections to Central Europe/West Slavs even. Serbia has some connections to all of these in a way. Anyway, genetically most of these folks are all kind of jumbled together and there aren't huge differences. Culturally there is also a lot shared, to different degrees, from food and clothing style to music and such. Some of that may have been influenced by common foreign rulers like the Ottomans too.
I'm pretty ignorant, I've never have interacted at length with anyone from that part of the world, and just created this in the hopes that someone from that area could break down the cultural identities somewhat. My only connection is learning that I'm one of those UK peeps with the oddball E-V13 so it caused me to go down the rabbit hole and oh what a rabbit hole it is :D