Vlach haplogroups & deep ancestry?

your hate against Greeks is obvious in every of your posts,
as your ignorance, and your selective chapters of ''scholars''

I don't have any idea of what are you talking.
Valentinian,Sirmium's Emperor:
The Romanian word for church is biserica and comes from basilica,unlike the Western European Latin countries and Greece,that have terms derived from ecclesia,pointing towards the ecclesiastical organization.
It is very clear that this difference comes from the Romanian political and ecclesiastical autonomy, basilica obviously indicates its military origins,the only Latin text from the Balkans who contains the term comes from Sirmium,"In basilica domini nostri Erenei".
https://books.google.ro/books?id=qS...Q#v=onepage&q=basilica roman military&f=false
Another important fact is that only in Engandine-Romansch, Latin basilica became the only,main,term for church in its all meanings,since Raetia was a border region on the Danube,the military background remains the most reliable explanation.

The popular,Old Romanian, forms basearica,baseareca,come from Latin baseleca(in the types that contain i instead of e,the original vocal is coincidentally found,like the following change,L.bene,R bine),which seems to be present throughout whole Italy, not surprisingly ,since between the two prefectures,Italy and Illyricum there were very intense relations, at least,for certain periods of time.

https://books.google.ro/books?id=pa...#v=onepage&q=baselgia romansch church&f=false


Another important fact is that only in Engandine-Romansch, Latin basilica became the only,main,term for church in its all meanings,since Raetia was a border region on the Danube,the military background remains the most reliable explanation.

The popular,Old Romanian, forms basearica,baseareca,come from Latin baseleca,which seems to be present throughout whole Italy, not surprisingly ,since between the two prefectures,Italy and Illyricum there very intense relations, at least,for certain periods of time.

https://books.google.ro/books?id=pa...#v=onepage&q=baselgia romansch church&f=false

an answer to your post

The Latin word basilica derives from the Greek βασιλικὴ στοά (basilikè stoá),
derives from Mycenean qa-si-re (ΒΑΣΙΛΕ-υς-BASILE-us = king, Rex)


The first meaning of Basilica WAS NOT CHURCH but Royal corridor, royal chamber,
and was the homes of ROMAN Royal courts,
after the Mediolanum 313 AD
the first churches were build in that style so to declare that Jesus was king.
that made basilica synonym to a temple architectural style,
not church, neither clerics,

The Greek word for Temple is ναος and for church is Εκκλησια (Εκ+Κλησις= the call /of faithfull/)

Do not mix architectural style building word with temple word and church word.

that is Basilike architectural style with 3 corridors (3-5-7 max), from Royal Roman court style building


and building,

that is Basilike μετα τρουλου ( a mix of basilike with pantheon)
A basilike with a dome



that is a temple α Naos

and that is Εκκλησια, Ecclesia church, the people gathering, not the building.

and that is κληρος a Greek word meaning Lotto, lottery winner, and hairitage, in Latin Clerici in English Ecclesiastical hair,

thank you
We do not have historical records about arrival of Serbs to Croatia, except a few but it's from Bosnia.

Genetics does not show migration from eastern Hercegovina, because genetic evidence for that does not exist.

Prove this migration path with genetic data, in Montenegro also exist and Croats so it is possible that they also come to Croatia, however as I speak genetic data for that migration does not exist.

Prove this migration with genetic data, till then you talk fairy tales.

If part of Croatian Serbs have R1a subclades similar to Croatian R1a subclades then it is possible that they are same origin. Otherwise then all Croats with that R1a subclades come with Vlachs which is unlikely because it is an haplotype that comes with Croats in the 7th century or in the time of Slavic migration.

You have genetics and prove it.

This is one of proofs that Vlachs are coming to Croatia, give me historical records about arrival of Serbs to Croatia and especially from Eastern Herzegovina.

Vast majority of Serbs from Croatia came from eastern Herzegovina, Raška, northern and western Montenegro.
There is no Serbs from Croatia which originated from Kosovo and southern Serbia, these are fantasies.

Serbian village in Dalmatia - Baljci [video]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baljci[/video]
Village in eastern Herzegovina (near Bileća) - Baljci [video]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baljci,_Bileća[/video]

Serbian village in Dalmatia (near Knin) - Riđane [video]https://sh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riđane[/video]
Village in western Montenegro (near Nikšić) - Riđani [video]https://sh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riđani[/video]

Serbian family Krivošija from village Plavno near Knin in Dalmatia [video]https://www.poreklo.rs/2012/06/04/poreklo-prezimena-selo-plavno-knin/?script=lat[/video]
Serbian tribe Krivošija from Old Herzegovina (modern western Montenegro) [video]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krivošije[/video]

Serbian tribe Macure migrated in 15th century from nothern Montenegro to Dalmatia (Bukovica)
[video]https://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/Ервеник#%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%B C%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0[/video]

Serbian family Rašković from village Žagrović near Knin [video]https://actacroatica.com/hr/surname/Rašković/[/video]
​Raška (Grand Principalityof Serbia) [video]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Principality_of_Serbia[/video]
Penguins, keep walking,if you wanna have some extremely specific discussions,then start another thread.

Vast majority of Serbs from Croatia came from eastern Herzegovina, Raška, northern and western Montenegro.
There is no Serbs from Croatia which originated from Kosovo and southern Serbia, these are fantasies.

Migration of Serbs from eastern Herzegovina, Raška, northern and western Montenegro in written historical records do not exist, if it exists it is for some local group although I do not know data neither for these local groups.

Last name Krivošija in modern Croatia

Krivošija in Croatia is mostly Croats (from the Vinkovci region), Serbs can be equally as well as Macedonians (from Split) very rarely. In the last century, the relatively largest Croatian population with this surname was born in the town of Glina and in the vicinity of Knin.

Last name Riđan in modern Croatia

Croats in Croatia are Croats (from the City of Sveti Ivan Zelina). In the last century, the relatively large number of Croatian inhabitants with this surname were born in the towns of Slavonski Brod and Sveti Ivan Zelina. In Bunjaku in the City of Sveti Ivan Zelina, every tenth inhabitant has last name Riđan.


In Raška we also have Croats and Bosniaks.

Around Niksic (western Montenegro) Croats have been mentioned so we do not know originally origin of these Riđani.

However for now we do not have genetic confirmation that anyone comes from that direction.

an answer to your post
The very most of the basilica churches were actually called ecclesia,with the remainings ,resting ,under the form of some veneration places for the Catholics,so these would be literally 'inactive',it is very clear that their architecture can't be involved in this discussion.

However,both the military background and a more remote position can be claimed as the main reasons for keeping the term in Romanian and Romansch .

M.Pillon is making the same mistake,connecting the churches with basilica stlyle from the Roman-Byzantine forts ,to the Romanian word,yet,we have to consider that the Goths had been accommodated there as well,using Wullfila's term,aiklessjo.

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The very most of the basilica churches were actually called ecclesia,with the remainings ,resting ,under the form of some veneration places for the Catholics,so these would be literally 'inactive',it is very clear that their architecture can't be involved in this discussion.

However,both the military background and a more remote position can be claimed as the main reasons for keeping the term in Romanian and Romansch .

M.Pillon is making the same mistake,connecting the churches with basilica stlyle from the Roman-Byzantine forts ,to the Romanian word,yet,we have to consider that the Goths had been accommodated there as well,using Wullfila's term,aiklessjo.



from IE language

Greek βαινω Latin veni
Greek Βουλομαι Italian Voglio

so if the word Basilica was Latin in origin it should be Vasilica not Basilica

so the word basilica is a loan from Greek to rest IE languages,
considering the qa-si-re-us which in Mycenean turns Basileus Βασιλευς
it is clear that word is Greek,


Qa gives words like CRPOWN King Queenn and Slavic Kralj (qa(si)ra-> Kra)

In Latin consider the word Regem REX etcit should be Regemi-ca or at least QasiRI-ca or consider a pre-Greek form Basiri-ca

so plz man.

all the bellow words
are from Greek origin

Cathedral καθ'εδρα (domain desk/seat)




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By the way,why Constantine has said very nice things for Serdica,"is (it)my Rome"?
Can you say a few words,for the Saint George church,from Serdica?

you are reffering to the 2 Celtic tribes, to some they were one, and the same cause both Serdi and Scordiski means the same,
scattered. Strandzha mountains (Μαχιας Mahias) in Bulgaria also accepted some population of them.
Possible transalpine Gauls in origin, relatives of Galates who moved to minor Asia,

Constantine the Great was a Flavian, by his father
their home was mainly Nis and central balkans,
where legio 4 Flavia Felix was settled,
maybe in Serdica were his favorite troops,
or the most faithfull ones to him.
Looks like Roman army standards to me,it would explain why the Moldavians are considered very virile and their women, domineering,yet,no one can beat the very expressive, extensive and extremely expansive Western Wallachian character,I'm talking here about mainstream, parade,individuals, of Latin stock,with the typical, practical ,sense that Romans had and the need to live in a very concurential environment,given automatically by this incredibly natural,native,intelligence.



Let me detail one of the most interesting Western Wallachian legends,it is about a young man called Domnul de Roua(The Dew Prince,both words coming from Latin), who used to make a long journey for reaching to a beautiful lady, no other than Ler Emperor's daughter,unfortunately their love story was conditioned by the sunrise,who will eventually catch him and transform into a pond,lake,puddle.

The story leads us to another one, much more well-known, namely Aurora's tears,dropped as dew.

Certain earthly considerations can be made,Aurora was known as Ausosa,in Old Latin,clearly both linked to Ausones and their Mater Matuta,a notorious godess from Campania and Volscia,while Ler Imparat is usually identified either as Galerius or Aurelian.


https://books.google.ro/books?id=wz...oECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=aurora tears dew&f=false

In Western Wallachia we usually stay extremely close only to the natural girls,who don't afraid to be extremely proud of their status,with a very loud and melodic voice:


Look,she says nazionale with a schwa at the end,just like in Romanian;when I walked on the street, it was these kind of girls that twisted their heads all the time,my father asked me if I want something for turning 18,I said to him,"buy me the nicest suite and shoes ever","why?",he continues,"because I'm good",I answered,what I can guarantee, Is that the clothes did worth every penny.
Ler(leru-i ler,for instance) is also a very common formula for Christmas carols,it could be related to Roman Lares,if we are adding the Wallachian legend,another influence could have come from Sol Invictus.

https://books.google.ro/books?id=d9...egQIDxAB#v=onepage&q=leru-i ler carol&f=false

https://books.google.ro/books?id=vv...CAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=ler romanian carol&f=false


One of the Ler Emperor's daughter is an aquatic fairy.

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Ler Imparat is named the Emperor of the World,he is gifted with all the moral qualities,another information, is said to come from the east.
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