Question what do you look for in the opposite sex?

what does everyone look for in the opposite sex?

  • how they look

    Votes: 19 19.0%
  • money

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • humour

    Votes: 7 7.0%
  • style

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • compassion

    Votes: 16 16.0%
  • romance

    Votes: 8 8.0%
  • fun

    Votes: 9 9.0%
  • intelligience

    Votes: 31 31.0%
  • age

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • weight

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • kids

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • nice feet

    Votes: 4 4.0%

  • Total voters
Feet >.< I hate feet, and belly buttons.. *shudder*

As a person, I'd want them to have depth, and understand what I'm on about (most people, if they get into a real conversation with me get lost very quickly... They just agree cause they don't know what's going on! I like it when people argue with me!!!), who'll have a debate, but who doesn't take themselves too seriously, that's just... wrong... They'd need to be fairly smart, too... My best friend has the perfect qualities of the kinda person I'd look for, although not physically (apart from that he's tall and skinny)... I do really like him that way, but we're stronger as friends anyway, I won't lose him in some stupid way if we stay friends!

Physically: Taller than me, skinny, feminine looking, preferably with nice hair and eyes... A really androgeonous (sp) guy would be vuury nice.
i voted for compasion but if i may add some more, well, intelligence and humour.
I think fun I guess. There are some other things I would look for but he has to be fun. Tee hee. I don't have to worry about that though because my boyfriend is. *blush*
I voted for compassion, mainly because any woman who would be even moderately interested in a loser like me would have to have tons of compassion!
Doc said:
Somebody who doesn't judge me.

Exactly, great expression...
Oh dear, late again... Well I do remember someone mentioning earlobes, *ahem* ears are my favourite body part. They should be clean though, and not too ugly.
I love asian eyes too, with or without surgery.
Anyway I voted (yes, yes... very late) for fun. I would have chosen feet, but I havent seen too many guys with cute feet.
My boyfriend has really beautiful hands though... in hands I prefer delicate and long fingers with nice nails...
So hands and ears, and fun
Honesty, a total lack of game playing. Moderately good looks and mental health. Willingness to give and take in a mature
fashion. An interest in fine art and classical music. She should enjoy swimming often, as I do.
Weight only amounts to ONE PERCENT?? Oh come on... even FEET has TWO PERCENT. That is twice as much!!!

The last time i checked my junk mail, it was still filled with weight loss spam. After the billions of dollars I inherited of course.
I look for a woman whose atmosphere agrees with my stomach, otherwise I get a tummy ache. I tend to go for girls who we start out as friends then close in the bond slowly.
cute face , between 160 and 170cm , not obese , funny , loyal , likes children and dogs , always there for me
intelligience ;)
and humour of course ;)
Agree! It would be a combination of certain characteristics and attributes that draws one to another
I voted for compassion. And by that I mean mutualpsychological, spiritual and physical (sexual) connection & attraction (acceptance/respect) to each other.
For a long term relationship: Personal qualities, share of interests.
Short term: Big ass, nice feet, hourglass body, under 18% of body fat, hair quality.
For a long term relationship: Personal qualities, share of interests.
Short term: Big ass, nice feet, hourglass body, under 18% of body fat, hair quality.

By all means go on some internet dating site and post this along with some picture of you wearing an "eastern barbarian" get up. See how long it is before you get any hits. You'll be old and grey, buddy. Thank God.

This is how genes don't get passed along. See, nowadays you can't just kill her male relatives and bop her over the head and drag her off to your yurt or cart or whatever.
Here's what I look for in the opposite sex: intelligence, integrity, loyalty, compassion, passion, humor, charm if possible but that's secondary. I have to admit that good looks are also important, shallow as that is, preferably of the "stereotypical" southern European looking variety. He doesn't have to look like a movie star, but...

OK, I confess that there are also some trivial things which are and were, sadly, deal breakers. There are no second dates if:

He exhibits food quirks like: I don't eat that, I don't eat anything green, I'm a meat and potatoes man, I live on fast foods, I only eat...No picky, boring eaters please. Points are given if he loves Italian and French food.

He has bad grooming: I never and don't go for men who walk around looking like a basket of dirty laundry. Have some self respect and wear fitted, clean, pressed, reasonably becoming clothes. Get a decent haircut and wash your hair every day. Go to a doctor if you have problem skin...some fruits and green vegetables would probably help a lot. Ditto for problem teeth, and whiten them. Not everybody can be beautiful, but everybody can be well-groomed.

He is totally unfit, i.e. overweight. Control your eating and go to the gym. You don't want to look like some muscle bound dummy, but flab is a total turn off. Conversely, don't tell me you spend every hour you're not working at the gym. The most important muscle you have to exercise is the one between your ears.

He says things like, oh, I haven't spoken to my parents for months, or everybody in my family is divorced. Unless they abused you, there's no excuse for that, and if you don't know what a healthy marriage and family look like you won't know how to create one.

He not only wants to split the bill, he wants to pay only for what he ate, because his entree cost less than yours. In this case, I might even think it's ok to go to the ladies room and just never come back, and let him pay for the whole thing. If he's this stingy with money he's going to be stingy with his affections and everything else as well. Generosity goes with love.

He talks only about himself the whole time.

His head is constantly swiveling to look at every woman that passes by.

He's uninformed about world affairs, or conversely he is doctrinaire about his opinions, whether of the left or the right. No communist leaning socialists and no alt righters need apply.

I'll think of others. :)

The most important attribute, of course, is that he's in love with you.
@Angela, do you have some history with SeanP that made you reply in this way? :)

Because he did not say here anything that would contradict what science is saying (i.e. in very crude way - for short term women prefer muscular men, for long term personal qualities)
@Angela, do you have some history with SeanP that made you reply in this way? :)

Because he did not say here anything that would contradict what science is saying (i.e. in very crude way - for short term women prefer muscular men, for long term personal qualities)

It's precisely the crudity that makes that statement a no no, and I assure you, Arvistro, were someone to express himself in that manner to women he'd be celibate forever. Even if he cleaned it up, it's better not to express yourself quite that baldly to women. It's one thing to say, I'm looking for someone "fit" and healthy. It's another thing to know someone is going to bring a scale with him or a machine to check percent body fat. What kind of nonsense is that?

As to the substance of what you're saying, I don't think it's an either/or scenario. I don't think most women have short term flings with hunks (and not all women did or do that at all, by the way, for any reason; I certainly never did) and then marry fat "nice" guys, not unless they have no other options, or, for the mercenary among women, the man has an absolutely huge bank account. That's not something I ever did or could do, for what it's worth. It smacks of prostitution to me.

Obviously, as my own list pointed out, there are a lot of qualities that I think are important besides looks, and indeed more important than looks, but unless someone is very uninterested in sex, how can appearance be totally unimportant? If you don't have "chemistry", a good sexual partnership, it's very difficult to sustain a long term relationship. Good sex binds you together, and smooths over the inevitable "difficult" moments. Without it, in my opinion, the relationship might last for whatever other reason, but one of you at least is going to be utterly miserable.