There is a theory this hair may have something to do with partner selection and breeding.
First however, recall the sweaty t-shirt study:
Now the theory regarding pubic hair goes, that around the same time this hair makes an appearance, coincides with the time the Apocrine sweat glands begin working.
Oddly, the time when we cease being able to successfully procreate, coincides with the time this hair starts thinning a little.
So mate selection perhaps? I`m not sure how much I subscribe to this, but at the moment it seems plausible.
Thanks for the link, Hope...interesting articles. I've read about the "attraction to those with slightly different immune systems" before, and it makes some sense I guess, but like a lot of these kinds of studies, the results are based on very small sample sizes. There's also the fact that there are studies which show that people are actually attracted to people related to them, and the accompanying theory that only incest taboos stop that kind of mating. Or perhaps it involves a happy medium, as in related, but not too related?
I have to say that one of the studies they cited goes against my own personal experience..."In 2003, American electrochemical electrical engineer
Libb Thims conducted a study of 83 individuals, based on the findings of the MHC sent attraction studies, wherein, knowing that each MHC profile, per person, is based on one’s average ethnicity, i.e. the latitudes of existence of the ancestors of each individual person, in the sense that each latitude will tend to yield species that survive owing to certain disease susceptibility trait resistances, he polled each person as to what (a) ethnicity they were most sexually-attracted to and (b) their own ethnicity. The results of the study found that people, on average, were least sexually attracted to individuals of their own latitude of ethnicity, something already known from the
Claus Wedekind (1995) study, and “most” sexually-attracted to individuals ±15
° in latitude, above or below their own latitude of ethnicity. [6] This has since been referred to as the
15 degree rule of
mate selection, in regards to physical traits attraction compatibilities." This couldn't be more incorrect in my own case.
All of that said, I think it's suggestive that lack of pubic (and underarm) hair indicates not enough hormones for procreation, whether it's because of pre-pubescence or a diminution of male and female hormones later in life. Visual cues may also not be the only factor. It could also be related to the fact that this is where the "scent" would be strongest.
This all raises the question for me as to why hairlessness in the genital area is currently preferred. It
is a current fad, by the way...just take a look at Victorian pornographic plates some time. (I hasten to add that I saw them in a perfectly respectable academic setting...a university class in Victorian English society and literature.
What I do in the interests of education!) For a more high brow experience, you can look at the nudes of Van Gogh, Modigliani (His Reclining Nudes are some of my all time favorite paintings) or, going back further in time, Titian (The Venus of Urbino), Goya (La Maja Desnuda) and on and on. It's also apparent that the preference for the stick thin, boyish figure is a twentieth century phenomenon.