Y dna haplogroup T

… is I17962 (773-544 calBCE) Mycenaean or Ancient Greek? … Maybe at the edge of both?
He’s very close to the Mycenaeans.
According to the new study, the Mycenaean-like genetic profile (minority Yamnaya-Minoan substratum) was pervasive in the region including some samples in Bulgaria. Perhaps also in south Italy according to my analysis. Which means it could be an ancestry that spans multiple cultures. Sort of like how modern South Italians and Greeks share genetic similarities but have significant differences in culture (language, religion)
… is I17962 (773-544 calBCE) Mycenaean or Ancient Greek? … Maybe at the edge of both?
He’s very close to the Mycenaeans.


Is his best match, the Olalde sample, the Greek from the trading post in Northeast Spain?
y Ts Southern Arc samples ... S aka Salento, ... me.

we are 9 points apart in our admixture results...................do you remember our STR differences ?.......was it 6 or more ?
@Jovialis ... Thanks :)
@Torzio ... I don't know.
@Angela ... I8215 : 746-415 calBCE - mtDNA HV11 - Girona, Empuries, necropolis Centre de Visitants, Spain.
... with Dodecad Globe 13 I17962 is closer to the Myceneans, ... Olalde I8215 is 4th .

[TABLE="class: distances"]
[TH="align: right"]Distance to:[/TH]
[TH="align: left"]GRC_Kastrouli_Anc:I17962[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #39FF00, align: right"]1.66784292[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #55FF00, align: right"]2.51071703[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #69FF00, align: right"]3.07468698[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #69FF00, align: right"]3.09870941[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #80FF00, align: right"]3.77253231[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #83FF00, align: right"]3.84854518[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #9AFF00, align: right"]4.52581484[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #9EFF00, align: right"]4.65062361[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #9EFF00, align: right"]4.65791799[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #A4FF00, align: right"]4.82399212[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #A8FF00, align: right"]4.95284767[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #AAFF00, align: right"]5.01447904[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #B7FF00, align: right"]5.38526694[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #B9FF00, align: right"]5.44192980[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #BBFF00, align: right"]5.49989091[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #BEFF00, align: right"]5.60134805[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #C0FF00, align: right"]5.65023008[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #C0FF00, align: right"]5.65164578[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #C3FF00, align: right"]5.72441263[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #C3FF00, align: right"]5.73365503[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #CAFF00, align: right"]5.92776518[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #D5FF00, align: right"]6.26365708[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #D7FF00, align: right"]6.31040411[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #E8FF00, align: right"]6.82116559[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EFFF00, align: right"]7.03256710[/TD]
Wow! that is extraordinary!

Would you be able to re-process the modern academic samples in G13 format? I know it is asking for much, but it would be very much appreciated.
Wow! that is extraordinary!

Would you be able to re-process the modern academic samples in G13 format? I know it is asking for much, but it would be very much appreciated.

Yes, … It will be a new project :)
we are 9 points apart in our admixture results...................do you remember our STR differences ?.......was it 6 or more ?

we have a difference of 18 in Y111 ....................about 15%

so we knew each other early iron-age
we have a difference of 18 in Y111 ....................about 15%
so we knew each other early iron-age

You have a memory of steel, … I don't remember much about my time in the Iron-Age., … I should have kept a diary. lol
You have a memory of steel, … I don't remember much about my time in the Iron-Age., … I should have kept a diary. lol

aah memories, ...........hunting Boars and Stags
... not yet available to the public, hopefully the data is OK.
... two y T-S27463* / T1a2b: The diverse genetic origins of a Classical period Greek army

... two modern:

PG731 - Montepulciano SI Southern Tuscany - T (Reitsema_2022)
Pu8 - Apulia - T1a / T-M70 (Raveane_Aneli_Montinaro_2019)
... not yet available to the public, hopefully the data is OK.
... two y T-S27463* / T1a2b: The diverse genetic origins of a Classical period Greek army


in the paper, one is Western Steppe other is Southern Siberia ................even though they are the same branch ..............is this not strange ?
in the paper, one is Western Steppe other is Southern Siberia ................even though they are the same branch ..............is this not strange ?

Both samples show an asterisk * at the end of the y Haplogroup, … It could mean that it’s not a final prediction, but an approximation, I guess.

[TABLE="width: 991"]
[TD]480 BCE battle[/TD]
[TD]y T-S27463*[/TD]
[TD]mt H5+709[/TD]
[TD]780-400 BCE[/TD]
[TD]Sicily, Himera[/TD]
[TD]409 BCE battle[/TD]
[TD]y T-S27463*[/TD]
[TD]mt U1a1a[/TD]
[TD]770-540 calBCE[/TD]
[TD]Sicily, Himera[/TD]
Both samples show an asterisk * at the end of the y Haplogroup, … It could mean that it’s not a final prediction, but an approximation, I guess.

[TABLE="width: 991"]
[TD]480 BCE battle[/TD]
[TD]y T-S27463*[/TD]
[TD]mt H5+709[/TD]
[TD]780-400 BCE[/TD]
[TD]Sicily, Himera[/TD]
[TD]409 BCE battle[/TD]
[TD]y T-S27463*[/TD]
[TD]mt U1a1a[/TD]
[TD]770-540 calBCE[/TD]
[TD]Sicily, Himera[/TD]

do you mean that the 2 samples came via either place and they are not sure

I know there was T in southern Siberia from other papers ...............these look more like they are both from western steppe
post 535 + 551

results below

Distance to: Torziok12b
4.82277928 CL23_Collegno_Italy_Longobard_Kingdom
10.29711610 SZ36_Longobard_Migration_Hungary
13.60258064 R120_Late_Antiquity_Rome
15.05875825 ALB_Mdv:I14622_y-T1a2b1_mt-H11a
17.30128608 I0700_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
18.43716627 VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara
18.84040870 I1108_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
21.86613820 I7224_Himera_409_BCE_Battle_Med
22.17713011 I4055_SE_Iberia_300AD
22.56245332 I3403_Skeleton_Lake_Traveler_Modern
23.18973911 KOB003_Kolin-Staralka_Funnelbeaker_Bohemia
24.61253542 I7218_Himera_480_BCE_Battle_Med
25.41673858 KOB007_Kolin-Staralka_Funnelbeaker_Bohemia
27.57585538 GRC_Kastrouli_Anc:I17962_y-T1a2b1_mt-U8b1b
31.09767515 R850_Ardea_Latin
31.47556195 ANI152_Varna_Golden_King_Eneolithic
31.51982392 R1543_Imperial_Rome
34.91681543 Kars537_LBK_EN_Karsdorf_Germany
35.07276294 TUR_BlackSea_Samsun_Anc_A:I4530_y-T1a2b1a1_mt-U3a2a1
35.19496271 Kar6_I0795_LBK_EN_Karsdorf_Germany
35.28608649 GRC_Marathon_Rom:I7833_y-T1a2b1a_mt-H
35.82466469 TUR_Marmara_İznik_Basilica_RomByz_A:I14799_y-T1a2b1a1_mt-I1
36.99720665 DER031
37.16133071 TUR_Aegean_Muğla_Stratonikeia_Byz:I20143_y-T1a2_mt-J1b3b1
38.27756523 VK17_Viking_Russia_Ladoga

Target: Torziok12b
Distance: 1.0378% / 1.03782676
24.8 ARM_Karashamb_LBA
22.3 KOB003_Kolin-Staralka_Funnelbeaker_Bohemia
18.6 VK17_Viking_Russia_Ladoga
13.0 I0700_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
10.3 KOB007_Kolin-Staralka_Funnelbeaker_Bohemia
4.1 DER031
3.9 I1108_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
3.0 ALB_Mdv

Distance to: Torziok12b
2.24904578 31.20% ARM_Karashamb_LBA:I19345_y-T1a1a1b2b_mt-J1d6 + 68.80% I1108_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
2.51586974 57.80% R120_Late_Antiquity_Rome + 42.20% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara
2.90597506 82.60% CL23_Collegno_Italy_Longobard_Kingdom + 17.40% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara
2.94489342 91.00% CL23_Collegno_Italy_Longobard_Kingdom + 9.00% VK17_Viking_Russia_Ladoga
2.99713097 39.80% GRC_Kastrouli_Anc:I17962_y-T1a2b1_mt-U8b1b + 60.20% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara
3.09967820 57.40% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara + 42.60% I7218_Himera_480_BCE_Battle_Med
3.14825654 65.00% SZ36_Longobard_Migration_Hungary + 35.00% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara
3.38549892 54.40% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara + 45.60% I7224_Himera_409_BCE_Battle_Med
4.13632204 87.20% CL23_Collegno_Italy_Longobard_Kingdom + 12.80% I0700_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
4.62001622 33.80% Kar6_I0795_LBK_EN_Karsdorf_Germany + 66.20% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara
4.66711964 93.80% CL23_Collegno_Italy_Longobard_Kingdom + 6.20% I1108_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
4.82119522 0.40% ARM_Karashamb_LBA:I19345_y-T1a1a1b2b_mt-J1d6 + 99.60% CL23_Collegno_Italy_Longobard_Kingdom
4.89606474 64.60% SZ36_Longobard_Migration_Hungary + 35.40% I0700_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
4.96557340 53.80% ALB_Mdv:I14622_y-T1a2b1_mt-H11a + 46.20% I0700_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
5.02448704 28.80% ARM_Karashamb_LBA:I19345_y-T1a1a1b2b_mt-J1d6 + 71.20% I0700_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
5.17637059 75.00% R120_Late_Antiquity_Rome + 25.00% VK17_Viking_Russia_Ladoga
5.23408596 33.20% TUR_Marmara_İznik_Basilica_RomByz_A:I14799_y-T1a2b1a1_mt-I1 + 66.80% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara
5.54162863 56.20% ALB_Mdv:I14622_y-T1a2b1_mt-H11a + 43.80% I1108_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
5.65336252 55.80% ALB_Mdv:I14622_y-T1a2b1_mt-H11a + 44.20% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara
5.70409037 33.60% TUR_BlackSea_Samsun_Anc_A:I4530_y-T1a2b1a1_mt-U3a2a1 + 66.40% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara
5.74454003 30.80% TUR_Aegean_Muğla_Stratonikeia_Byz:I20143_y-T1a2_mt-J1b3b1 + 69.20% I0700_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
5.82851171 81.60% SZ36_Longobard_Migration_Hungary + 18.40% VK17_Viking_Russia_Ladoga
5.86236854 67.80% SZ36_Longobard_Migration_Hungary + 32.20% I1108_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic
5.95858740 36.00% ANI152_Varna_Golden_King_Eneolithic + 64.00% VK398_Viking_Sweden_Skara
6.02724356 42.80% I3403_Skeleton_Lake_Traveler_Modern + 57.20% I0700_Malak_Preslavets_Balkans_MP_Neolithic