Immigration sexual harassments by immigrants

I have heard of individual rape stories where males were accused and who proved innocent afterwards. Sometimes women come up with a story just to take revenge on the one they accuse.
But that was certainly not the case in Köln.
You claim far right political parties have been caught faking stories. I would like to know which ones and where you got that info?

Hi bicicleur, see my post above.
Do you have friends with criminal behaviour and do you like them?
Strange. What is the atraction?

Actually he isn't such a close friend. He is a moroccan it's some talk here and there. One incidence I remember, when he left the Fitness Center I am in. He simple took one of the dumbbells home. It seems like it is in their culture. Some kind of "survival instinct" of "get everything you can as long as you are not caught". He has tendencies of a criminal thief despite being good at school and a professional soldier in the "Bundeswehr". This is why I think it is some cultural issues there. A

nd once when I asked a different Moroccan better friend who is completely different in his behave he told me personally "in Maghreb it's like you would be an idiot if you do not steal occasionally something". They don't seem to hold much on this moral that stealing is a very bad behave and criminal.
Goodness gracious, a drunk young man (or not so young man) trying to kiss and touch the breast of a pretty young girl! I've never heard of such a thing. It must be something in their dna as well as their religion, because European descent men have never been known to do such a thing.

It occurs at a higher incidence among Muslim men in Europe than European men. European culture has more respect for women and worse consequences/social reject if you sexually abuse a woman. People aren't just cherry picking the harassment cases where Muslim men are the perpetrators. It's pretty obvious many Muslim men in Europe think, if a woman isn't wearing a berka they should rape her and that they won't get caught if they do.
Dear I rarely claim something I am not quite sure about.

Good! That means you have links or other sources backing your claim that there are many fake reports. Not just a few, many. Please present them.

The reporter literally caught this far right politician at producing stories, He talked about a girl being raped by an immigrant but couldn't tell when and even where this has happened. Later in a letter he admitted that this incidence seems to have never happened but "there are other examples which did".

at 1:10 starting. I have personally seen how far right politicians and supproters were trying to make the father of the drowned Aylan Kurdi guilty for what happened to his family.
They took a single statement out of an whole interview with his sister in canada where she said that the father asked for money to repair his teeth, and made it "The father took the whole family into a risky journey on the Mediterranean just to get new teeth!".

Well as usual they didn't tell more about the background and "the wish for new teeth " sounds so much more luxurious in the hollywood kind of fashion. But in reality the Kurdi family was living in Damaskus where the father was captured by regime Soldiers, tortured 6 month. Part of this torture was to pull out his teeth that since than the father has had hard time to eat anything what wans't mash. They had a shop in Damaskus which the family had to sell tog et the father out of prison for the money. Than they fled to Kobani where the fight against ISIS literally destroyed the whole city. This forced them to flee into Turkey, I don't need to explain the condition of refugee camps in Turkey.
So he saw as last hope to get to his sister in Canada.

So if this guy and his family who have been tortured, lost all their livelihood and had to flee because of political tensions are not considered "refugees" , than I ask you what else is considered a refugee??

Yet I saw with my own EYES how people were making wrong accusations about this man and on top of his mental anguish blame him for the death of his wife and own children.
Whatever they can be happy now and dance in their circles, the man refused to accept the invitation of Canada after being rejected on legal way earlier which forced them to take illigal and dangerous route. He lost his whole family and went back to his homeland.

And you tell me far right supporters and parties do not lie and fake stories?

Dear seriously now I know what I have been witness of in social media.

None of this points to Köln. It basically states that they caught a AfD person on a lie or mistake on a rape. From this you conclude the must be many fake reports?
I am starting to think a number of people think that literally anything is good enough to downplay this, including throwing women under the bus.
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at 1:10 starting. I have personally seen how far right politicians and supproters were trying to make the father of the drowned Aylan Kurdi guilty for what happened to his family.
They took a single statement out of an whole interview with his sister in canada where she said that the father asked for money to repair his teeth, and made it "The father took the whole family into a risky journey on the Mediterranean just to get new teeth!".

Well as usual they didn't tell more about the background and "the wish for new teeth " sounds so much more luxurious in the hollywood kind of fashion. But in reality the Kurdi family was living in Damaskus where the father was captured by regime Soldiers, tortured 6 month. Part of this torture was to pull out his teeth that since than the father has had hard time to eat anything what wans't mash. They had a shop in Damaskus which the family had to sell tog et the father out of prison for the money. Than they fled to Kobani where the fight against ISIS literally destroyed the whole city. This forced them to flee into Turkey, I don't need to explain the condition of refugee camps in Turkey.
So he saw as last hope to get to his sister in Canada.

So if this guy and his family who have been tortured, lost all their livelihood and had to flee because of political tensions are not considered "refugees" , than I ask you what else is considered a refugee??

He lived in Turkey for three years before the boat trip, in a house with a garden. With a job.

Let's leave it at this. He lost his children.

But the picture was shamelessly exploited by the pro-migration gang. "This picture should change Europe". Well, that news paper failed to see that with a zero migration option that kid would have lived. I am deeply disgusted by people wielding such sentiments, as they refuse to examine the blood on their own hands.
Hi bicicleur, see my post above.

This is indeed a fake story. But that is not what I have been talking about.
Women that report assaults that happened in Köln are real. There are allready over 650 by now, and there are other towns in Germany with a few hundred reports.
LeBrok claims that part of these reports were made by Nazi women. That was what I was asking proof for. I find LeBroks claims disgusting.
Actually he isn't such a close friend. He is a moroccan it's some talk here and there. One incidence I remember, when he left the Fitness Center I am in. He simple took one of the dumbbells home. It seems like it is in their culture. Some kind of "survival instinct" of "get everything you can as long as you are not caught". He has tendencies of a criminal thief despite being good at school and a professional soldier in the "Bundeswehr". This is why I think it is some cultural issues there. A

nd once when I asked a different Moroccan better friend who is completely different in his behave he told me personally "in Maghreb it's like you would be an idiot if you do not steal occasionally something". They don't seem to hold much on this moral that stealing is a very bad behave and criminal.

Ok, it would have surprised me if you had close friends like that. It is indeed a mentality which is often atributed to Morrocans. And of course not all Morrocans are like that.
I heard of some Morrocan that it is allowed to steal from Christians and Europeans, but not from Morrocans and Muslims. Strange education this man got.

But you know, it is considered racist if we tell such things.
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Goodness gracious, a drunk young man (or not so young man) trying to kiss and touch the breast of a pretty young girl! I've never heard of such a thing. It must be something in their dna as well as their religion, because European descent men have never been known to do such a thing.

Some of you need to get a grip. I've climbed down a tree from a second story window to get away from grabby, drunk, fraternity brothers, and they were all typical American Euro mutts. Do you think the gropers on crowded subway trains were always Hispanic or black?

I feel as if I've dropped into an alternate universe.

Stop conflating this kind of behavior with actual rape or the kind of semi-ritualized sexual assault behavior that's been described as unfortunately not rare in the Maghreb.

Comments like this cheapen the whole discussion, even more than calling sex between two drunken or drugged out young people rape.

By the way, I presume this wasn't just a female festival. Where were the men? Were they just standing around twiddling their thumbs while a bunch of men surrounded a woman and sexually assaulted her? Were they too drunk themselves? Or was it the case that it happened in a few sporadic, isolated areas?

Get the facts, people.

Somebody send me a PM when there is actual evidence as to the precise nature of the contact, and by whom it was committed. Spare me the "we can't trust the police" comments. This is 2016. How many people must have had cell phones? Where's the video? Where are the pictures? Where is the documentation of more than one rape and a couple of these Maghrebi style attacks?

Until then, I'm out.

Are you really doubting the occurrences? Or are you joining the downplay crowd because you are afraid of the consequences? Anyway. Here are some of the "Neo-Nazi lies" your crowd talks about:

I am disgusted by the insinuations, I have to say.

Here are Dutch stats showing that immigrants are over-represented in rape statistics (figure 2). Some claim that this is due to the fact that among migrants there are more youths, and rapists tend to be younger than average, which may skew the figures. But here is a Dutch newspaper article from 20 years ago claiming that 3/4 of the rapes in the four largest Dutch cities are by migrants. Here is a Danish newspaper (BT, don't know what it's worth) article claiming half of rapes in Denmark is by immigrants. Here is a NYT article claiming 85% of the rapes in a large Norwegian town were by migrants (It's hidden in the numbers, but it's there).

The information is scarce and sketchy, so I don't yet want to present it as rock solid proof. I keep trying to find the sources of the figures but I can't seem to find them online. I find that surprising, because it is rather a stubborn rumour. You'd expect some one to debunk it.

If there is a deviation, perhaps the causes you try to put into our mouths indeed are at play. There are signs of a genetic (MAOA gene) link with violent behaviour unevenly distributed among different ethnicities, but these aren't straightforward: The majority of the Taiwanese carry the violent version and I am pretty sure their cities are among the safest in the world for women.

However, my mind tends to go to this: feminist Susan Brownmiller called rape an act of power rather than a crime of lust. In the article (it's from 1975) she states:

It's part and parcel of increasing violence rather than sex, partly because the criminal population is rising and becoming more adventurous. I think writers like Eldridge Cleaver and Franz Fanon, who tried to give rape an ideological justification, didn't help. They tried to justify interracial rape as some sort of political act. It's typical of the left to make a convicted rapist a hero.

That quote reminds me of a another quote, from the very amusing Tom Wolfe piece "Mau-mauing the Flak Catchers" (Read entirely to put the quote into context):

When black people first started using the confrontation tactic, they made a secret discovery. There was an extra dividend to this tactic. There was a creamy dessert. It wasn't just that you registered your protest and showed the white man that you meant business and weakened his resolve to keep up the walls of oppression. It wasn't just that you got poverty money and influence. There was something sweet that happened right there on the spot. You made the white man quake. You brought fear into his face.

Black people began to realize for the first time that the white man, particularly the educated white man, the leadership, had a deep dark Tarzan mumbo jungle voodoo fear of the black man's masculinity. This was a revelation. For two hundred years, wherever black people lived, north or south, mothers had been raising their sons to be meek, to be mild, to check their manhood at the front door in all things that had to do with white people, for fear of incurring the wrath of the Man. The Man was the white man. He was the only man. And now, when you got him up close and growled, this all-powerful superior animal turned out to be terrified. You could read it in his face. He had the same fear in his face as some good-doing boy who has just moved onto the block and his hiding behind his mama and the moving man and the sofa while the bad dudes on the block size him up.

So I consider it an act of aggression. Of contempt for western women. Europe transformed itself in the second part of the 20th century from the worlds overlords to believers in soft powers, the meek and mild men that celebrate diversity. However, if migrants still perceive the Europeans as the worlds overlords, maybe the realization of the fear Tom Wolfe talked about, plus the cultural aspects, as I can't separate the view on women from the treatment of them in vasts parts of the world (Which goes beyond the islam), is causing this.
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Good! That means you have links or other sources backing your claim that there are many fake reports. Not just a few, many. Please present them.

None of this points to Köln. It basically states that they caught a AfD person on a lie or mistake on a rape. From this you conclude the must be many fake reports?
I am starting to think a number of people think that literally anything is good enough to downplay this, including throwing women under the bus.

I see a discussion here is pointless. I have given you two examples, one of them on video showing how the politician was caught lying and you are simply blandishing or denying it.

For the sake of God did you even read my previous post? I clearly wrote that the reality is somewhere inbetween, means there are allot of fake stories as well real stories. I don't know what happened in Cologne all I know that here we had over 200 refugees in the city square and non of these things happened. Expect one incidence where a refugee dude threw firecrackers infront of some people. But thats not really something new, even before them. Well I also saw two German guys holding fireworks in their hands instead of bottles people acting as if this was completely new behave as Angela pointed out are just searching for some excuses to justify their stance. The only new thing here was this "gang rape/theft" in Cologne and Hamburg which is more common in the Maghreb states.

I kinda assume you are an AfD supporter? Nevermind I am out of this discussion.
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Why would nearly 600 complaints be filed to Police if the sexual assaults/robbery/violence in Colgne never happened?
I see a discussion with here is pointless. I have given you two examples, one of them on god damn video showing how the politician was caught lying and you are simply blandishing or denying it.

Exactly what does that say about the Köln situation, and especially about the number of declarations given to the police and how many of them are false? Because that is what you stated: there are many fake reports. Because that is what we talk about.

For the sake of God did you even read my previous post? I clearly wrote that the reality is somewhere inbetween, means there are allot of fake stories as well real stories.

Yes. I read that. However, you have absolutely no proof, evidence or anything to be able to say how many, if any are. You basically state that you expect it, then try to downplay the event with that expectation. But there has been no report whatsoever on the subject. None. So, you are already banking in on the expectation. Now, it might be true. Or it might even still be under-reported. The facts is I never saw a shred of evidence om the subject. You don't provide it.

I don't know what happened in Cologne all I know that here we had over 200 refugees in the city square and non of these things happened. Expect one incidence where a refugee dude threw firecrackers infront of some people. But thats not really something new, even before them. Well I also saw two German guys holding fireworks in their hands instead of bottles people acting as if this was completely new behave as Angela pointed out are just searching for some excuses to justify their stance. The only new thing here was this "gang rape/theft" in Cologne and Hamburg which is more common in the Maghreb states.

For some one who doesn't know what happened in Köln you seem to be surprisingly able to tell who did those deeds: Moroccans.

I kinda assume you are an AfD supporter?

I read your statements. The Gypsies are a bunch of criminals. Moroccans are a bunch of criminals. We need to select abroad, in other words the Australian solution. Are you sure you aren't an AfD supporter?

Nevermind I am out of this discussion.

You shouldn't do that. This affects you. Contrary to what you may believe, I understand that.
And the first smear job on a victim is in: like

So, nothing is bad enough to downplay the Cologne story. I can't believe this.

EDIT: Actually you could wait for this to happen.

Das Hetz-Video habe sich rasend schnell im Internet verbreitet und sei sogar auf der Seite des islamistischen Predigers Pierre Vogel gelandet. "Als ich das gesehen habe, musste ich wirklich schlucken und ich hatte Angst. Ich war mir nicht sicher, was passiert, wenn jetzt jemand vor meiner Tür steht", sagt sie. "Was wenn das jemand sieht, der das sofort glaubt oder einen radikalen Hintergrund hat?"
Ok, it would have surprised me if you had close friends like that. It is indeed a mentality which is often atributed to Morrocans. And of course not all Morrocans are like that.
I heard of some Morrocan that it is allowed to steal from Christians and Europeans, but not from Morrocans and Muslims. Strange education this man got.

But you know, it is considered racist if we tell such things.

Mere excuses to justify to other people what and why they do. If it was "just" Christians and Europeans they do this too, it wouldn't happen so frequently in Morocco, a kurdish webfriend of my who is living in Britain told me how the hous of a close relative was robbed by their moroccan neighbor and they knew it but couldn't prove it. Also what many people seem to forget int he cologne incidence many of the victims of sexual harrasment were actually Muslim girls too.

It simply like ISIS they always find and excuse to justify their behave. "I raped, killed them because they are non Muslims." And if they are Muslims just declare them to non real Muslims simple as that.
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Cologne attacks: American woman tells how Syrian refugees rescued her from New Year's Eve sexual assault

An American woman has told how she was rescued from being sexually assaulted on New Year’s Eve in Cologne by a group of Syrian refugees.
Caitlin Duncan, a neuroscience student from Seattle, told the New York Times she had become separated from her boyfriend in the crowded square outside the city’s famous cathedral and main railway station.
She described a man stealing her hat before another “grabbed” her from behind, searching through her pockets and a third man tried to kiss her face and neck.

The 27-year-old escaped and attempted to complain to police but they were busy trying to clear the square and shoved her back into the crowd, where another group of men started groping her and pulling her hair.

“I went into a kind of fighting mode, and kicked and hit and pushed until I got away,” she said. “I was getting really scared.”
That was when she was approached by a group of Syrian refugees offering help.

They formed a protective cordon around Ms Duncan to help her through the crowd, offered to phone her boyfriend and searched for him with her when she could not remember his number.

The couple were eventually reunited inside the railway station, with Ms Duncan crying in relief.
Among the group was Hesham Ahmad Mohammad, a 32-year-old primary school teacher who fled Aleppo and was celebrating New Year’s Eve in Cologne with other Syrian friends who have recently arrived in Germany.

He told the New York Times he was also frightened by the groups committing the attacks, saying they had “lost their minds” on drink and drugs.

“We keep hearing news about refugees all day: ‘They are bad people, they must go back to their home,’ ” he said.
“When I hear that in the news, I am sad. Because we know that there were bad boys and bad people. But the good people, nobody speaks about them.”

Ms Duncan said she and Mr Mohammad are now friends and speak regularly, adding: “In the end it turned out really well.”
Police said asylum seekers were among up to 1,000 drunken men mostly of “Arab of North African origin” responsible for the attacks, sparking a wave of anti-refugee protests and revenge attacks across Germany.

Opinion polls show support for taking in current levels of migrants has declined in the fortnight since the assaults, while Angela Merkel has already vowed to review asylum rules and make it easier to deport foreign criminals.
A total of 751 people have filed 676 criminal complaints relating to the New Year’s Eve in Cologne, including 347 allegations of sexual assault.
The article you could wait for.

There are quite a number of links in this thread where journalists admit to colour the news in order to paint a good picture of immigrants. This is a good example. I have no doubts there were gentlemen among the Syrians. But that independent article is propaganda.
Some of you really have to get better at closely reading and following the logic of other posters. This isn't the corner bar. We're supposed to be rational people here whether we're discussing genetics and history or news stories.

I never questioned that there seem to have been multiple incidents of sexual harassment during these celebrations. There also seems to be little doubt that the majority of the perpetrators were of either North African or Middle Eastern descent. Cultural differences have their part to play in all of this, as does the fact that absolutely no screening of these "refugees" from not only the Middle East but North Africa and Afghanistan was done. There's probably a good chance that criminal elements entered Europe as well as bona fide refugees, not to mention the occasional terrorist.

However, I've yet to see actual data as to the exact number of incidents that are "proven" to have occurred by type of contact and with the geographical origin of the perpetrators, if possible, broken out.

In situations like this people will respond to such reports by highlighting the aspects of the situation which support their own agenda. That does a dis-service to the women who actually suffered these sexual assaults.

My point is and was that these complaints have to be thoroughly and objectively investigated by professional law enforcement people. That's what having a civilized society ruled by law rather than by mob means. If you don't trust your own police, call in people from international agencies. Then, let the chips fall where they may...

Some of this may indeed be the responsibility of some recent immigrants from the Near East. There's without question a different attitude and behavior with regard to women. From the behavior I've seen by Moroccans in Italy and Afghan refugees here I absolutely don't doubt reports of their involvement and the fact that they may have committed the majority of them. However, we need data from objective investigations, not the trading of anecdotes.

However, if you think that this anti-Near Eastern, indeed anti-immigration in general sentiment, and especially as to immigration from more "southern" parts of the world including southern Europe wasn't always there in a lot of people and just bubbling under the surface ready to explode, then you've been kidding yourself.

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