Crime Riots in France over police shooting

Reading this it is imo almost close to a matter of self hate (in reference to my comment, "I'm certain that the USA and France suffer from much greater internal divisions than does Russia"). Do you really think that warlord Prigozhin en Wagner and his actions can be compared to anything in the US...

Are you blind to the very subject matter of this entire thread? France is in the early stages of racial civil war, native French versus Banilieue-dwellers. Or do you disagree with Zemmour's diagnosis?

Americans still have the comfort of great spaces. But white flight cannot be sustained indefinitely. Things will undoubtedly heat up next summer. And should the dollar collapse, the country will go straight to hell. There will be none of the quiet solidarity and dignified suffering of the 1930s, when men waited patiently shoulder-to-shoulder in breadlines and soup kitchens.
Didn't Biden say he'd use F-16s against supporters of the 2nd Amendment?

So if Prigozhin in fact launched a real coup, Putin exercised far more restraint than Biden ever would

I have honestly never read Dugin. And I put three question marks to indicate that I was grasping at straws. But you are a very literal-minded man, and I ought to have known better.

Certainly I don't support capitalism or globalism. I advocate autarchy, and have no quarrel with small business or modest disparities between the rich and poor of society. But I would nationalize capital-intensive projects and do away with corporations and stock markets. Does this equate to national bolshevism? Who knows. I'd like to see a return to craft guilds, which implies some patronage by a (relative) moneyed class. However, we haven't many skilled artisans to build beautiful things anymore.

But my personal wish list is beside the point. The current system is headed for collapse. What comes next is anybody's guess.

The most important thing is for the people, the nation, the race, the ethnos to survive.

Yes and you take that Biden soundbite literally?
Claiming that they would need F-16 fighter jets if they truly wanted to take on the American government.

I've known more recent presidents who wholesaled and made similar statements or worse....

Dugin is actual member of the National Bolshevism party ;) So who is fooling who?

Race, ethnos were are you talking about? Certainly in an US context.
Are you blind to the very subject matter of this entire thread? France is in the early stages of racial civil war, native French versus Banilieue-dwellers. Or do you disagree with Zemmour's diagnosis?

Americans still have the comfort of great spaces. But white flight cannot be sustained indefinitely. Things will undoubtedly heat up next summer. And should the dollar collapse, the country will go straight to hell. There will be none of the quiet solidarity and dignified suffering of the 1930s, when men waited patiently shoulder-to-shoulder in breadlines and soup kitchens.

Zemmour is a false instigator. Terrible man.

The French police are racist like the plague. This was the traffic police who shot someone in cold blood in the head during a traffic check.

The French have an accumulation in the banlieus of immigrants and accumulation of integration problems in that area. In my opinion, the French have an integration problem more than in other Western European countries. Other countries in Western Europe also have this, but less so.

Sobriety is in order and not that exalted ethnos stuff, adding fuel to the fire. I don't like such snide behavior. What is ethnos in your case? We are all ashtray breed sir.
This was the traffic police who shot someone in cold blood in the head during a traffic check.

Leading to massive riots, young Muslims parading the streets with contraband firearms to intimidate the native French, and in one case, chopping off a poor Frenchman's hands with a machete. Countless acts of arson, burning the library in Marseilles, billions of euros in damage.

These were not spontaneous riots. They were organized in advance, awaiting only a "triggering event" to launch attacks in every city and town in France.

The French have an accumulation in the banlieus of immigrants and accumulation of integration problems in that area. In my opinion, the French have an integration problem more than in other Western European countries. Other countries in Western Europe also have this, but less so.

As France goes, so Europe will go.

Sobriety is in order and not that exalted ethnos stuff, adding fuel to the fire. I don't like such snide behavior. What is ethnos in your case? We are all ashtray breed sir.

I am an American who happens to want to see Europeans survive in their ancestral lands and continue forward with their unique civilizational destiny. Whether Europeans do so in their current national configurations, as unified empire, or broken into smaller states should be up to them.

"Sobriety is in order" -- No, the immigration policies of the past 50 years have been sheer madness (if not nefarious design) and that was obvious to anyone with eyes from the beginning. You sow the seeds of chaos, war, civilizational breakdown, and then you have the audacity to say, "Sobriety is in order"

Again, mass immigration was imposed from above. Nobody voted for it.

As for the US, it's a more complicated situation. If the new world could be considered in isolation from events in Europe, I might say that it should be open to populations from throughout the world. But given that ancestral European territory has been compromised, we need to hold our ground where we can.

Mexicans can go back to Mexico, Indians back to sovereign India, and the Chinese back to sovereign China. But if Europe goes under, will European-Americans have anywhere to flee to or shall they meet the fate of a stateless and despised minority?

To answer you ad hominem question, as an American I'm a typical mix of various European ethnicities, including Southern Italian (and in my case that component likely contains some small fraction Punic or Levantine from 2000 to 3000 years ago, or perhaps Saracen admixture from 1000 years ago, and no, it doesn't bother me or make me feel less European).
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Morrissey performing "Notre Dame" on July 2 in Israel

Notre Dame
Notre Dame, we know who tried to kill you
Notre Dame, we know who tried to kill you
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Before investigations, they said:
This is not terrorism!
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Before investigations, they said:
There’s nothing to see here!
Notre Dame, a cold hand just touched me
Notre Dame, a cold hand just touched me
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Before any investigations, they said:
This is not terrorism!
Notre Dame, a cold hand just touched me
Notre Dame, a cold hand just touched me
The progenitor of my family (name) lived in the 17th century as a dyer in the newly developed peat colony. That was modern in every respect, both in business terms (early capitalistic if you want to label it), and pluralism in terms of religious relations. He belonged to the Catholic minority (Third Order of the Franciscans ;) , but it contained nearly every flavor, anabaptist, reformed of any kind.

A great exercise in living in and with difference! It probably wasn't ideal, but it was very formative. It led to a kind of tolerance, a great thing imo.

So to me those things are not decadences. And for me, modernity is not to be spit on, but to be embraced.

Although I'm not sure what a peat colony is--something to do with Dutch whiskey? reclaiming the marshes for agriculture?--I will agree with you that the development of tolerance in this setting was a great civilizational achievement. However, it's an achievement only insofar as it is tolerance of opposing views on certain abstract questions to do with religion and science and the like. This is no virtue if it mutates into acquiescence in the destruction of one's own race, civilization, kin. In the American context, there was much conflict & resentment between the founding stock and the waves of Irish, Germans, South Italians, Slavs, etc, who entered from, say, 1840 to 1940. The Protestant versus Catholic divide was particularly troublesome. But these conflicts were eventually overcome because beneath the national differences were the shared legacy of Western Christendom and pan-European culture, and deeper still, relative genetic similarity.

The commonalities that could unify Europeans in the earlier American context simply do not exist today with respect to non-Europeans newcomers, who are aliens racially and culturally, and often carry deep-seated resentments against us. They will compete against us, they will war against us, and through sheer proximity they will dissolve our identity and, therefore, our powers of memory, solidarity, resistance.
Although I'm not sure what a peat colony is--something to do with Dutch whiskey? reclaiming the marshes for agriculture?--I will agree with you that the development of tolerance in this setting was a great civilizational achievement. However, it's an achievement only insofar as it is tolerance of opposing views on certain abstract questions to do with religion and science and the like. This is no virtue if it mutates into acquiescence in the destruction of one's own race, civilization, kin. In the American context, there was much conflict & resentment between the founding stock and the waves of Irish, Germans, South Italians, Slavs, etc, who entered from, say, 1840 to 1940. The Protestant versus Catholic divide was particularly troublesome. But these conflicts were eventually overcome because beneath the national differences were the shared legacy of Western Christendom and pan-European culture, and deeper still, relative genetic similarity.

The commonalities that could unify Europeans in the earlier American context simply do not exist today with respect to non-Europeans newcomers, who are aliens racially and culturally, and often carry deep-seated resentments against us. They will compete against us, they will war against us, and through sheer proximity they will dissolve our identity and, therefore, our powers of memory, solidarity, resistance.

Unfortunately more with gin (jenever) than with whiskey! ;) From the 17th century, a very large peat area was reclaimed in the Northern Netherlands to extract peat. This made the Dutch Golden Age possible. That was newly cultivated land, new colonies they were called. There are many similarities with the US. I don't want to exaggerate all that. Yes, there was a lot of diversity and yes that led to a certain tolerance, but there was also a lot of internal strife. It was a great exercise in living together in diversity. In many old villages on the higher sandy soils this was much less, and for example everyone was a member of the reformed church. And the mutual relationships were even less business-like. In fact, the modern identity was born in the colonies, through blood, sweat and tears. So nothing morally high, just often with the heads against each other and then discovering that you can also accept each other in mutual worth. Very basic, very simple. Praxis with failures. But of value.

And what etnnos is does not seem to me to be set in stone. I'm not American so it's an outsider's view. But as far as I know, the dominant view of ethnos in the US well over a century ago was clearly WASP. (where the originally Dutch, the Roosevelts, the Vanderbilts, etc., by the grace of God? were apparently also allowed to participate). The groups that you list as ancestors (Irish, Italians) there was reacted about the same by WASP as you now ventilate the views with regard to the Latin Americans, that doesn't make much difference imo. So all those strict walls around that ethnos what does all that say. On balance, this only causes more brains to be smashed or nowadays to be shot in the head during a police check. Count your blessings so to say.
Morrissey performing "Notre Dame" on July 2 in Israel

Notre Dame
Notre Dame, we know who tried to kill you
Notre Dame, we know who tried to kill you
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Before investigations, they said:
This is not terrorism!
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Before investigations, they said:
There’s nothing to see here!
Notre Dame, a cold hand just touched me
Notre Dame, a cold hand just touched me
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Notre Dame, we will not be silent
Before any investigations, they said:
This is not terrorism!
Notre Dame, a cold hand just touched me
Notre Dame, a cold hand just touched me

Perfect illustration, immigrants would have set it on fire, no evidence for it, but another rampage conspiracy theory was born....a reason to hate each other to the bone.

NB some research shows me that the source of this theory came presumably from Russia....;)
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I have come across some preposterous explanations for the riots that sounded more like apologetics. It's the same old, same old: systemic racism, the banlieues as ghettos and slums, French (and European) imperialism, colonialism, social inequality etc. Some even claimed that he was executed for not having a driver's license. These arguments might have been true in the 1960s and 1970s but today they are just out of touch with reality and plain unacceptable. Macron is not a particularly popular man in France. He is a protégé of the banksters, the same type of bland and rootless technocrat you'll find all over the West and who is completely out of touch with the people he was voted to represent. The way he pushed through the raise of the retirement age is more than indicative of these people's deep contempt for democracy and the great unwashed. But there is a difference between the Yellow vests and an Arab Muslim mob that feels empowered enough to riot against the society of the "kafirs." The killing of the young man was only a pretext. I don't know if the policeman acted unprofessionally, if it was an accident or cold murder. That's for the courts to decide and the mob obviously doesn't believe in the state of law. The people live in the fifth generation in France and they still act like they're on the streets of Algiers or Marrakech. Granted, France made many mistakes in how it handled their immigration, how it used them as cheap labour for its post-war industrial demand. There was racism, discrimination and marginalisation. I'm sure that many Maghrebis and other Africans experienced a lot of police brutality decades ago. But this is not an excuse in 2023. They're not rioting because this level of racism and exclusion still exists but because they no longer fear and respect state authority. It's the "I give you a finger and you take the whole hand" effect. Various sources report that the young Algerian man was a petty criminal. I can't verify or deny that either. That is a question that should have been settled in a court of law, too. Unfortunately it never came to that. I wish the cop didn't shoot him but speeding around in a luxury Mercedes without a driver's license and endangering others, the cops who stopped him included, is not an act of bravery or defiance but an act of inexcusable stupidity, even for a 17-year-old. I have seen the videos, the level of purely hate-filled violence and the lootings. What caught my attention immidiately is how systematic the lootings were. Organised crime was at the forefront of these riots. Fuel to the fire was provided, as has been for years, by radical Islamic backyard hatemongers.

All this because these people were put in ghettos half a century ago and French colonialism? Germany didn't have these ghettos, yet we've witnessed almost the same level of violence by a mob of Muslim migrants on New Year's Eve. It seems the more are accepted into the country and spoon-fed with all kinds of welfare benefits, the more ungrateful and audacious they get. Every good deed is viewed as weakness and an invitiation to wreak havoc. I'm not that naive to believe that Western countries are havens of benevolence. The West's role in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya was shameful and criminal. France has played a particularly shameful role in turning Libya into a failed state. It never stopped maintaining a colonial relationship to its "former" colonies which is why they've been thrown out of Mali or Burkina Faso. But these people have become used to blaming the West for all their problems, never assuming any responsibility for their own home-made problems, prejudices, feuds and inabilities to create viable societies that reach beyond their own tribes and religious "communities." They bring that mentality to Europe which most people here consider backward and incompatible with out societies. It is also worth mentioning that this tribalism has only been encouraged by postmodern philosophers and ideologues of cultural relativism and multiculturalism which consequently led to the kind of out-of-control identity politics we see today and according to which every little tribe, every sect, every sexual minority within a minority is entitled to its own space and its own version of truth but at the cost of all society, of course.
Hello from Japan,
I was in Tokyo for 3 days, a city that is home to over 14 million people, bigger than Paris or New York City. It is also a city that has very hard to find garbage bins. However the city is clean, it does not smell, everything works well, the people are all respectful, I don't even think I heard anyone use a horn. Everyone I've met is proud of their culture and country. The reason for this is clear, it is homogeneous, the people have an average IQ of 110, and they do not import 3rd world immigrants into their country.
The EU and the USA are quasi-3rd world, and it is thanks to left-wing politicians and voters turning them into dirtbag has been countries.
Hello from Japan,
I was in Tokyo for 3 days, a city that is home to over 14 million people, bigger than Paris or New York City. It is also a city that has very hard to find garbage bins. However the city is clean, it does not smell, everything works well, the people are all respectful, I don't even think I heard anyone use a horn. Everyone I've met is proud of their culture and country. The reason for this is clear, it is homogeneous, the people have an average IQ of 110, and they do not import 3rd world immigrants into their country.
The EU and the USA are quasi-3rd world, and it is thanks to left-wing politicians and voters turning them into dirtbag has been countries.
Junior taught himself Japanese, (one level below University proficiency). He was also very impressed with the respect given teachers, ( and no police in schools)
Hello from Japan,
I was in Tokyo for 3 days, a city that is home to over 14 million people, bigger than Paris or New York City. It is also a city that has very hard to find garbage bins. However the city is clean, it does not smell, everything works well, the people are all respectful, I don't even think I heard anyone use a horn. Everyone I've met is proud of their culture and country. The reason for this is clear, it is homogeneous, the people have an average IQ of 110, and they do not import 3rd world immigrants into their country.
The EU and the USA are quasi-3rd world, and it is thanks to left-wing politicians and voters turning them into dirtbag has been countries.
After days of destruction, Macron blames a familiar bogeyman: video games
This pathetic. If that was true why aren't people doing this in Japan where many people are obsessed with video games?
Zemmour is a false instigator. Terrible man.

The French police are racist like the plague. This was the traffic police who shot someone in cold blood in the head during a traffic check.

The French have an accumulation in the banlieus of immigrants and accumulation of integration problems in that area. In my opinion, the French have an integration problem more than in other Western European countries. Other countries in Western Europe also have this, but less so.

Sobriety is in order and not that exalted ethnos stuff, adding fuel to the fire. I don't like such snide behavior. What is ethnos in your case? We are all ashtray breed sir.

Totally disagree with you, this time. The French police is not so racist as you think. Not as in the southern states of the USA. Here we even don't know in this precise case, if it's a racist opinion or just an accumulation of frustration and incapacity underwent by the French police in the quarters which is at play (the lambda citizens are overtired). That said, IT IS NOT AN ERROR IN MY OPINION BUT A FAULT. The only thing we can agree with here.
Concerning integration in France, the public policy is not without responsability. But some ethnies are hard to integrate or assimilate (a ittle differnece here). The ghetto aspect of the quarters is not only the effect of local policies but also the effect of these "new citizens" who, even accepted, tend everytime to agglomerate one to another. Even in "Provinces" if you accept some immigrants in a remote countriside borough, they quickly tend to aggregate themselves again in a bigger town. On whom the whole guilt? 50/50?
Totally disagree with you, this time. The French police is not so racist as you think. Not as in the southern states of the USA. Here we even don't know in this precise case, if it's a racist opinion or just an accumulation of frustration and incapacity underwent by the French police in the quarters which is at play (the lambda citizens are overtired). That said, IT IS NOT AN ERROR IN MY OPINION BUT A FAULT. The only thing we can agree with here.
Concerning integration in France, the public policy is not without responsability. But some ethnies are hard to integrate or assimilate (a ittle differnece here). The ghetto aspect of the quarters is not only the effect of local policies but also the effect of these "new citizens" who, even accepted, tend everytime to agglomerate one to another. Even in "Provinces" if you accept some immigrants in a remote countriside borough, they quickly tend to aggregate themselves again in a bigger town. On whom the whole guilt? 50/50?

There have been 21 fatal police traffic-stop shootings since 2020. Most of the victims were of black or Arab origin.
(Observer 2-7-2023)

21 fatal shootings sounds to me as more
than just an accumulation of frustration and incapacity
c.q. how plausible are 21
in 3 years?
Merzouk was driving a yellow Mercedes when he was approached by the police. The 17-year-old was pulled over because so young and was driving a Mercedes with Polish licence plates in a bus lane. He allegedly drove through a red light to avoid being stopped. Given the circumstances, it was suspected that he was driving a stolen car. A Mercedes is not something a migrant family can afford to buy. He had previously been cited for driving without a licence and for refusing to comply with an order to stop. The French media sensationally reported it as a racially biased act of police brutality and may be responsible for triggering the riots.
Merzouk was driving a yellow Mercedes when he was approached by the police. The 17-year-old was pulled over because so young and was driving a Mercedes with Polish licence plates in a bus lane. He allegedly drove through a red light to avoid being stopped. Given the circumstances, it was suspected that he was driving a stolen car. A Mercedes is not something a migrant family can afford to buy. He had previously been cited for driving without a licence and for refusing to comply with an order to stop. The French media sensationally reported it as a racially biased act of police brutality and may be responsible for triggering the riots.

The media is certainly to blame, as well as the politicians they go to bat for, and the billionaires who own them. They always sensationalize these incidents in the United States.
Merzouk was driving a yellow Mercedes when he was approached by the police. The 17-year-old was pulled over because so young and was driving a Mercedes with Polish licence plates in a bus lane. He allegedly drove through a red light to avoid being stopped. Given the circumstances, it was suspected that he was driving a stolen car. A Mercedes is not something a migrant family can afford to buy. He had previously been cited for driving without a licence and for refusing to comply with an order to stop. The French media sensationally reported it as a racially biased act of police brutality and may be responsible for triggering the riots.

These circumstances Mercedes and Polish license in a bus lane, the suspect of a stolen care etc etc is imo not a license to an immediately kill c.q. extra judicial execution.That's way out off line, at least under the rule of law....(that France is...).


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(Observer 2-7-2023)

21 fatal shootings sounds to me as more c.q. how plausible are 21 in 3 years?

I employed "fault" in the moral sense, not an error!
21 in 3 years? It's the effect of certain "subliminal" authorizations of the authorities + an augmentation of the refusals to comply in circulations checks. I never said it was good. It's a licence to condamn to death without judgement in a state where the death sentance has been cancelled! Please, don't misunderstand me.
Blacks or Arabs in origin? Do you know the percentage of these origins in the concerned quarters or envolved in traffics and delinquency? We can discuss of the possible social causes of this statement, but the "délit de sale gueule" is far to be the dominant factor in the fact that the problems with the police envolve these origins. Maybe I 'll write some opinions about this question, not immediately.
I saw a video where 4 French white cops tried to take the strong side upon a big black (African) manapparently without serious reasons because it seems he didn't oppose to them. There, I'm almost sure it was racism at play. But we cannot make a rule based on that.

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