Politics EU Frontex and Illegal immigration,

I stopped reading after the first paragraph...queste ******** mi fanno impazzire.

They're just transporting the slums from the city to the countryside. Plus, they will be slums full of people who don't speak the language, and, more importantly, many of these people hold social and religious views that date to the 700's, and many of them have shown no indication that they are willing to assimilate and adopt modern attitudes.

This is my very first main concern. These people are not moving to enjoy freedoms of thought or respect for minorities but mainly to get away from violence and terror and economic gains. They still think homosexuals should be killed, women should be at the service of men and consider the West undemocratic for not allowing sharia, polygamy and female genital mutilation.....

It's beyond me where the reason is either in Europe or America.

He is not an Albanian.

He is an Afro Semitic Jewish illegal in Scotland.

You are both retarded.

The teenage penguin lover from Brooklyn and the Golden Dawn goatherd.

You pair should get a room.
They think they're going to reach northern Europe in those rickety things? Through the Straits of Gibraltar? I think their sense of geography is a little off...not to mention their navigation skills.

Do they settle for Italy?

Probably they feel they have more opportunity to be on the continent rather then Islands. Islands are a kind of a prison for them as they are monitored better and its clear their intention not to remain here. Once on the continent they can travel much more freely.
You are both retarded.

The teenage penguin lover from Brooklyn and the Golden Dawn goatherd.

You pair should get a room.

wow the man is not only an albanian under Scottish Flag, but probably also lives in Greece,
he knows Golden Dawn!!!!!!
maybe he lives in a street named Σουλιου
Ok back to Thread,

the last 2 days and the next 2 the weather is fine,
only at 4 May coastguard capture 266 illegal immigrants,
but who knows how many were not caught, or how many drown


seems like more than 1000 will pass this 4 days
Why does a punk in Brooklyn care about immigration to Europe?
wow the man is not only an albanian under Scottish Flag, but probably also lives in Greece,
he knows Golden Dawn!!!!!!
maybe he lives in a street named Σουλιου

That scum Golden Dawn has made the British news too, Mrs Arvanite..

These ones are clearly being relocated from Sicily, because it's impossible to reach Naples by boat.

Why does a punk in Brooklyn care about immigration to Europe?

Do not worry, Afro Semitic Yiddish friend.

We will soon deport you and your Black Brothers to Africa for God's sake.

Only 5,000 resettlement places across Europe are to be offered to refugees under the emergency summit crisis package to be agreed by EU leaders in Brussels on Thursday.

A confidential draft summit statement seen by the Guardian indicates that the vast majority of those who survive the journey and make it to Italy – 150,000 did so last year – will be sent back as irregular migrants under a new rapid-return programme co-ordinated by the EU’s border agency, Frontex. More than 36,000 boat survivors have reached Italy, Malta and Greece so far this year.


Jewllicanus watch yourself!
European Law will not permit the return of refugees to war-torn Libya.
Whoever you are, as far as I'm concerned you're skating very close to the line, Vallicanus.
Other 424 in La Spezia because the CIE of Sicily, Calabria and Apulia are full.

Italian government want the equitable distribution with other UE countries.

L'Italia chiede l'equa distribuzione in Europa
Il sottosegretario alla Difesa, Gioachino Alfano, in una nota, in riferimento allo sbarco di immigrati a Napoli, sottolinea di aver condiviso la linea del Ministro dell'Interno di "proseguire l'attivit? negoziale per riuscire ad avere un'equa distribuzione dei migranti in tutti i territori dei Paesi dell' Unione europea e durante l'emergenza di un' equa distribuzione in tutte le regioni italiane. Il nostro Paese - ha proseguito il sottosegretario - ha il compito etico e morale di seppellire gli sfortunati arrivati morti e di accogliere chi arriva vivo perch? dobbiamo essere per la vita e per la salvaguardia della stessa senza se e senza ma".
Other 424 in La Spezia because the CIE of Sicily, Calabria and Apulia are full.

Italian government want the equitable distribution with other UE countries.

Well, the "altre malattie infettive " must be pretty serious, much more serious than the scabies they found, if they have to wear that kind of protective clothing to process them.

All that skulking around disembarking them tells you just how popular this move is going to be with the Spezzini. Have you been to LaSpezia lately? It's not as if we haven't gotten our fair share.

Added to all of that is the fact that as with the U.S. most of these people have no papers of any kind...how many criminals, how many ISIS members could be among them?

My heart aches for these people....pregnant and nursing mothers, some of them smothered in those ****** black shrouds, children...how horrific is their situation back home that they would brave this kind of perilous journey? Yet, how is this going to end?