Free and independent Kurdistan is coming soon.

" IS likely committing genocide against Yazidi minorityin Iraq: UN

Geneva (AFP) - Islamic State jihadists may have committed genocide in trying to wipe out the Yazidi minority in Iraq, the UN said Thursday in a report laying out a litany of atrocities.

IS "may have committed all three of the mostserious international crimes -- namely war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide," the United Nations human rights office said in a statement.

According to the report, the attacks appeared intended "to destroy the Yazidi as a group," which "strongly suggests" IS is guilty of "genocide" against the Yazidi. "
The guilty ones will pay for it! They will be taken into justice, including Sunni terrorist failed state Turkey, Sunni terrorist Erdogan, Kurdish Sunni Muslims, like tribal leader Barzani and his clan members, and many other so called 'Kurdish' parties in Southern Kurdistan. They all tried to wipe out MY PEOPLE, the Ezdi Kurds.

When the fake corrupt Kurds and Kurdish traitors will be defeated, there will be a free and independent Kurdistan.

Independent Kurdistan will rise in Rojava (Western Kurdistan) and Ezdixan (homeland of the Ezdi Kurds). It will be a start. In those parts of Kurdistan live the REAL Kurds and I'm 200% sure we (the REAL Kurds) will establish an independent Kurdistan!
" Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the human rights situation in Iraq in the light of abuses committed by the so called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and associated groups* "
Never forget that ISLAM committed a genocide against the Ezdi Kurds! Barzani, Sunni Muslim Kurds, Erdogan and Turks, Sunni Arabs and even some Israeli Jews will be STOPPED! They are FINISHED, all of them have Ezdi Kurdish blood at their hands, their days are counted!
Here is another clue that Iraq as we knew it is over. There is no other option for Kurds but to separate. Waiting to long could be fatal. With time Shia Iraq/Iran coalition will manage to clear up most of Northern Iraq off Daesh. When this happens they will concentrate their forces on Kurdish independence issue and Kurd's oil fields. The window of opportunity to become independent is now when stronger powers are concentrated on big IS/Daesh problem, and before Shia Iraq rebuilds and "acquires" back control of "their" Kurdistan.

[h=1]U.S. Gen. Petraeus says Iran, Shiite militias bigger threat to Iraq than Islamic State[/h]
What do you guys think about future of Iraq?

I think it will be totally split in 3 forever. Possibly Shia part with Baghdad will join Iran, or at least will become Iran controlled vassal state, sudo independent. Together they will try to control Sunni part of Iraq. Depending on how much resources they will throw at it and how strong will be the post Daesh resistance of Sunni tribes, Shia might let some parts of Iraq go to become independent Sunni country, a new country on the map. This might take few years to settle.
When it comes to Kurdistan I think it will become independent within a year.

I was pretty much having similar views about Iraq, splitting in 3 independent countries, since Bush Junior invasion, in 2003. I mentioned this on Eupedia in many threads, pointing to this as the only solution for peace in Iraq. This post colonial artificial construct, Iraq, shouldn't exist in first place. My prophecy is about to come true.
What happened to my previous post? I wrote the truth. Why are you censoring me? Never heard of a free speech? After the GENOCIDE of 3 August 2014, Ezdi Kurds deserve and I'm 200% sure will get their own region called Ezdixan. Nobody is protecting the Ezdi Kurds, and therefore we will protect ourselves. We got betrayed by Sunni Muslim Kurds (Barzani clan) for many times in our history. We will never ever going to trust Sunni Muslim Kurds again! This betrayal will be never forgotten and will be never forgiven!

My HERO, the PKK leader Cemil Bayık: Kurds cannot be ruled from Ankara anymore

What do you guys think about future of Iraq?

I think it will be totally split in 3 forever. Possibly Shia part with Baghdad will join Iran,
Once again, Iraq is huge country, I'm sure it will split in 4 or 5 regions. After the genocide, the Ezdi Kurds, will rule over their ancient ancestral homeland by themselves. They have been living on those land for thousands of years. Sunni Muslims are our enemies, they are trying and already committed many genocides on us, the Ezdi Kurds. We, the Ezdi Kurds, have a right to live on our ancestral homeland and we a right to be ourselves, who we are. After what happened in Shegal in 3 Agugust 2014 we will never forgive Sunni Muslim Kurds in South Kurdistan for that genocide. They betrayed us. It would NEVER happen if Barzani didn't betray us. He sold Shengal to Sunni Muslim Semites (Arabs) and Turks = DAESH. If he will have a chance again he will sell Shengal one more time to Sunni Arabs, Sunni Turks and terrorist Sunni Muslim Kurds. That's why Ezdi Kurds need to look after themselves! We don't trust anybody again! We have to take care of our selves!

Look how happy Sunni Arab and Sunni Kurdish 'citizens' in Shengal are after Ezdi Kurds were betrayed by Barzani and Shengal region was sold out to DAESH by Barzani. How can we ever trust Sunni Muslims again? If they get a chance they will again commit a GENOCIDE on us again. So, never again. And that's why Ezdixan will be established!



I'm telling the truth. Do not censor (delete) my posts!
We always delete racist comments, even though they are your true thoughts or your version of truth.
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Am I lying when I write that Sunni Muslim terrorist suicidal genocidal subhuman DAESH monkeys don't want to evolve, don't want to change? They want to live in accordance to what is written 1000 years ago. They want for ever to stay in the year of 1000 AD because they can't handle the post-modern era. They don't have enough IQ for technology, computers, modern-day philosophy etc. They don't want to change and don't want to evolve. It's much easier for them to stay in the year 1000 AD and to live in accordance of some kind of old dated antique book written by an Arab from a desert! Then, they don't have to think...
I'm, my people are PKK and we will be ALWAYS PKK as long as we do exist! The only Kurds we trust. They saved us from a total GENOCIDE comitted by Sunni Muslim DAESH = Sunni Muslim Turks, Arabs (Sunni Semites) and Sunni Muslim Kurds (Barzani & Peshmerga). PKK = REAL Kurds! PKK fights for liberation of Great Kurdistan, for ALL parts of Kurdistan! It's a PAN-Kurdistan organization.

If you're interested in the current Northern Kurdistan politics and PKK this is a must watch interview (in Turkish, with English subs) with PKK leader Cemil Bayık, very recent! Northen Kuridistan (Bakur) is the biggest and the most important part of Kurdistan with the biggest population of Kurds!

Cemil Bayık: Kurds cannot be ruled from Ankara anymore

I'm, my people are PKK and we will be ALWAYS PKK as long as we do exist! The only Kurds we trust. They saved us from a total GENOCIDE comitted by Sunni Muslim DAESH = Sunni Muslim Turks, Arabs (Sunni Semites) and Sunni Muslim Kurds (Barzani & Peshmerga). PKK = REAL Kurds! PKK fights for liberation of Great Kurdistan, for ALL parts of Kurdistan! It's a PAN-Kurdistan organization.

If you're interested in the current Northern Kurdistan politics and PKK this is a must watch interview (in Turkish, with English subs) with PKK leader Cemil Bayık, very recent! Northen Kuridistan (Bakur) is the biggest and the most important part of Kurdistan with the biggest population of Kurds!

Cemil Bayık: Kurds cannot be ruled from Ankara anymore

So, have you fought?
So, have you fought?
No. I'm fulfilling my duty for Kurdish race my own way. Not with fighting, I'm not a warrior/soldier, I can't fight. I've very close family members who are very high ranked within the party. I hope I will go to my ancestral homeland forever in the near future and can help with rebuilding Kurdistan (society)!
Am I lying when I write that Sunni Muslim terrorist suicidal genocidal subhuman DAESH monkeys don't want to evolve, don't want to change? They want to live in accordance to what is written 1000 years ago. They want for ever to stay in the year of 1000 AD because they can't handle the post-modern era. They don't have enough IQ for technology, computers, modern-day philosophy etc. They don't want to change and don't want to evolve. It's much easier for them to stay in the year 1000 AD and to live in accordance of some kind of old dated antique book written by an Arab from a desert! Then, they don't have to think...
Hating others is not the way of modern world Goga. Your hatred to other races and religions is equal or exceeds the hatred of Daesh propaganda. Seams that your values are exactly like theirs, the only difference is being on other side of a barricade. Have a long look in the mirror.
Hating others is not the way of modern world Goga. Your hatred to other races and religions is equal or exceeds the hatred of Daesh propaganda. Seams that your values are exactly like theirs, the only difference is being on other side of a barricade. Have a long look in the mirror.

This is what makes crafting a foreign policy for the Middle East such a nightmare. How do you insure that the people you support won't turn out to be just as bad as the ones you replace?
This is what makes crafting a foreign policy for the Middle East such a nightmare. How do you insure that the people you support won't turn out to be just as bad as the ones you replace?
Amen. You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't.

In general sense, I could support anything that redraws Near Eastern map according to more natural borders like ethnicity or religion. Countries with ethnic borders tend to be more internally peaceful. For lack of "the others" to blame and kill for own misery. This is not the only way to the peace, but much faster than educating the whole nation about tolerance and inclusiveness, coupled with good economic growth. Especially in the age of rampant religious intolerance and hatred there.
Amen. You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't.

In general sense, I could support anything that redraws Near Eastern map according to more natural borders like ethnicity or religion. Countries with ethnic borders tend to be more internally peaceful. For lack of "the others" to blame and kill for own misery. This is not the only way to the peace, but much faster than educating the whole nation about tolerance and inclusiveness, coupled with good economic growth. Especially in the age of rampant religious intolerance and hatred there.

I think that's true, but the result could be that if there are many small, weak states in the region, they're going to be gobbled up by Iran. Weakness invites aggression, especially in that part of the world. We could see, in our lifetimes, a new Persian Empire stretching all the way into the Levant. It remains to be seen how the Sunni Gulf countries are going to react to a large and powerful Shia hegemony over large parts of the Middle East.
This is what makes crafting a foreign policy for the Middle East such a nightmare. How do you insure that the people you support won't turn out to be just as bad as the ones you replace?

Folks are you honestly still listening to what he writes? Do you believe Goga is in anyways representative to for the average Kurd. I mean look what he writes he wants to "destroy" all Muslim Kurds (Basically 80% of the populations). This guy is insane and I have stopped discussing with him.
Folks are you honestly still listening to what he writes? Do you believe Goga is in anyways representative to for the average Kurd. I mean look what he writes he wants to "destroy" all Muslim Kurds (Basically 80% of the populations). This guy is insane and I have stopped discussing with him.
Don't worry Alan, we are experienced and old enough not to judge whole community by one person.
I think that's true, but the result could be that if there are many small, weak states in the region, they're going to be gobbled up by Iran. Weakness invites aggression, especially in that part of the world. We could see, in our lifetimes, a new Persian Empire stretching all the way into the Levant. It remains to be seen how the Sunni Gulf countries are going to react to a large and powerful Shia hegemony over large parts of the Middle East.
Indeed, smaller countries are always vulnerable, that's why Bush was trying to leave Iraq intact, as a counter balance to Iran in the region. Though leaving Iraq intact made a strategic sense, it split in 3 parts anyway, after 10 messy years of trying to hold it together. The natural ethnic and religious differences (natural forcings) turned to be too much to resist.

The better way was to split it in 3, with quarantining protection over them of some coalition of countries, or even just US, against Iranian aggression. The way Kuwait was protected during Desert Storm. Iran was fighting Iraq for 10 with inconclusive ending to the war, coalition defeated Saddam in a week. Iran never was in a position to attack anyone who would have a guaranty of coalition protection. They were not crazy like Saddam, they would never dare.

The Shia part of Iraq, no mater what, would always have pro Iranian tendencies based on same religion. The Sunni country, having some peace and own government, possibly would resist IS forces. In current circumstances they let the IS to encroach into Iraq, as an ally against Shia persecution. Having their own country they wouldn't need IS for support, and maybe fighting them as foreign invaders. Things could have been different. Kurds by now should have been more organized giving them own country and shielded against corruption of Iraqi government.

Surly it was a very tough decision to split it and perhaps have to move some population around. It needed guts, combined with much more work at the beginning, and lots of political motivation. Bush had guts, but unfortunately lots of naive romanticism too. Giving Iraq democracy was supposed to solve all the problems.

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