I got my Living DNA results last week but I find lack of sub-regional detail for Near East slightly disappointing. Wonder when they will improve details for these regions.
Near East 79.2%
- Armenia & Cyprus 27.2%
- North Turkey 24.8%
- Levant 23.3%
- Arabia 3.9%
Europe 18%
- Tuscany 11.9%
- Aegean 4.3% (Calabria, Greece & Greek islands)
- Baltic 1.8%
Asia 2.8%
- Balochistan 2.8%
confusing part is when I look at my MtDNA (HV2a1);
Yemen 44%
Saudi Arabia 20%
Iraq 19%
Ethiopia %14
Calabria 10%
Syria 10%
Kurdish 9%
Daghestan 9%
Iran 8%
Armenia 8%
Pakistan 7%
Turkey 6%
Sicily 5%
Sardinia 5%
Tuscany 5%
Italy 4%
Bulgaria 4%
I am originally from Turkey, I think that the results are slightly more complex than I thought it might be. Especially Italian part, Is 18% Europe is it high or expected levels ? How deep Tuscany and Calabria origin might be?
And would it be wrong to think my father’s side where I pick all the North Turkey, Armenia, Cyprus, and some Tuscany & Aegean ( Greek islands and Southern Italy ) heritage.
But Levant might be coming from mostly my mother’s side? Although Arabia percentage is so small in my autosomal result it was surprising to see so high at MtDNA. Why that might be ?
I am not even sure Balochistan !
Anyone can shed some light to these questions as I am very new to this all.
Near East 79.2%
- Armenia & Cyprus 27.2%
- North Turkey 24.8%
- Levant 23.3%
- Arabia 3.9%
Europe 18%
- Tuscany 11.9%
- Aegean 4.3% (Calabria, Greece & Greek islands)
- Baltic 1.8%
Asia 2.8%
- Balochistan 2.8%
confusing part is when I look at my MtDNA (HV2a1);
Yemen 44%
Saudi Arabia 20%
Iraq 19%
Ethiopia %14
Calabria 10%
Syria 10%
Kurdish 9%
Daghestan 9%
Iran 8%
Armenia 8%
Pakistan 7%
Turkey 6%
Sicily 5%
Sardinia 5%
Tuscany 5%
Italy 4%
Bulgaria 4%
I am originally from Turkey, I think that the results are slightly more complex than I thought it might be. Especially Italian part, Is 18% Europe is it high or expected levels ? How deep Tuscany and Calabria origin might be?
And would it be wrong to think my father’s side where I pick all the North Turkey, Armenia, Cyprus, and some Tuscany & Aegean ( Greek islands and Southern Italy ) heritage.
But Levant might be coming from mostly my mother’s side? Although Arabia percentage is so small in my autosomal result it was surprising to see so high at MtDNA. Why that might be ?
I am not even sure Balochistan !
Anyone can shed some light to these questions as I am very new to this all.