Politics Should Crimea be an independent country? (Russian-Ukrainian conflict)

This not looking well.
LMAO, My parents and grandfather tell me a different story. Its amazing only serbs believe in this. Im going to tell all Albanians how great Yugoslavia was to us Albanians in kosova.
Ok Ike
Chill out bros!
LMAO, My parents and grandfather tell me a different story. Its amazing only serbs believe in this. Im going to tell all Albanians how great Yugoslavia was to us Albanians in kosova.
Ok Ike

Yeah I know. So does everyone in Yugoslavia say. All that Croats, Serbs, Bosnians and Albanians just rumble about is their civil rights not being respected, while in fact it was irredentists, chauvinists and provokers who were targeted. It was a logical compromise and a small price to pay to have a peace in the region. And sooner we become aware of it and start behaving like we were forced to in Yugoslavia, sooner the tensions will end and region will prosper. As for Albanians in Kosovo, they lived better then Albanians in Albania. The rise of Albanian population in Kosovo during Yugoslavia (1948-1991) speaks for itself:


When one only tries to remember how much money went down there, for Albanian University, hospitals, roads, education, electrification, telephone and TV network, other subventions, etc... One of the major objection of Slovenia and Croatia in the time of fallout was that they are given enormous amount of money to Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia.

In the end only the facts count. Kosovo was receiving huge money for decades, Albanians have taken it and successfully cleansed the whole area off of other nationalities.
Yeah I know. So does everyone in Yugoslavia say. All that Croats, Serbs, Bosnians and Albanians just rumble about is their civil rights not being respected, while in fact it was irredentists, chauvinists and provokers who were targeted. It was a logical compromise and a small price to pay to have a peace in the region. And sooner we become aware of it and start behaving like we were forced to in Yugoslavia, sooner the tensions will end and region will prosper. As for Albanians in Kosovo, they lived better then Albanians in Albania. The rise of Albanian population in Kosovo during Yugoslavia (1948-1991) speaks for itself:


When one only tries to remember how much money went down there, for Albanian University, hospitals, roads, education, electrification, telephone and TV network, other subventions, etc... One of the major objection of Slovenia and Croatia in the time of fallout was that they are given enormous amount of money to Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia.

In the end only the facts count. Kosovo was receiving huge money for decades, Albanians have taken it and successfully cleansed the whole area off of other nationalities.
Albanian had always great majority in Kosovo. If you allowed a referendum during Yugoslavia times, like you liked it in Crimea, they would have separated anyway, and much sooner. I guess you were too busy building Yugoslavia to notice what people really wanted.
Yeah, and I know exactly why they've become majority. Oh, look, there it is again :) A little bit of history repeating. I'm smelling a new war on Kosovo...

Anyways, interesting point of view LeBrok. I guess once Italians or Jews become a majority in Manhattan you'd also advocate it's independence?

P.S. It fascinating how you are constantly trying to degrade Yugoslavia, it's heritage, it's real democratic values and freedoms that people of different nationalities enjoyed in it. I mean it's not surprising for EU supporter, cause EU did it's best to raise hell here, but for you as a Canadian...
Yeah, and I know exactly why they've become majority. Oh, look, there it is again :) A little bit of history repeating. I'm smelling a new war on Kosovo...

Anyways, interesting point of view LeBrok. I guess once Italians or Jews become a majority in Manhattan you'd also advocate it's independence?
Didn't I advocated independence for Crimea? It just shouldn't happen by military intervention of a foreign country.

P.S. It fascinating how you are constantly trying to degrade Yugoslavia, it's heritage, it's real democratic values and freedoms that people of different nationalities enjoyed in it.[/QUOTE] I don't need to. People had spoken and run away from this union when first chance occurred. If it was a beautiful country as you said, why would anyone want to get out? But then intoleran tyrannic people like you decided to keep them in, to show them who is the boss.
Is any country running away from IE? And they can leave anytime they want without a war, unlike in Yugoslavia and Russia.
At least some people had Zeus. What did the others have? I took it personally now.
Others had their own gods too like Thor or Perun. And actually they are gods of thunder too, just a different name.
And the Ancient Greeks, who gave their lights to the Western world, still in darkness at that time, believed in these Gods.
And now they have Christianity without Zeus. It must be dark in Greece without Zeus now?
You can't say your less of a religion-basher than i am a gay-basher. Many people have an archaic view of God, they think he's suppose to make the world all rosy and perfect.
I'm surrounded by religious people in my life, and I'm ok if they pray around me. I just can't stand when they think they are better than anyone else, and radiate their intolerance.
How many Gods are there in all these religions around the world today?
I don't need to. People had spoken and run away from this union when first chance occurred. If it was a beautiful country as you said, why would anyone want to get out?

Like, for example, someone started a war? Are you really that uninformed about the circumstances? I'm more and more dazzled every day with your missinformations about the topic, yet you constantly strive to impose your opinion.

But then intoleran tyrannic people like you decided to keep them in, to show them who is the boss.
Who did I kept in? Where?

Is any country running away from IE? And they can leave anytime they want without a war, unlike in Yugoslavia and Russia.

1. Their position has nothing to do with the this story of Yugoslavia.
2. They can't leave. They want to, but they can't. You really don't know that?
Oh zee my parents were never allowed to learn Albanian neither my grandfather, nor our history. The ethnic cleansing of Albanians that accured, what a Utopia you are talking about. The hate goes back to centurys Ike, stop with your BS, Kosova(Dardania) was always our land. No more Yugoslavia, even Montenegro wanted no part of it, but that was the U.S doing. BTW I will get back to you when I tell Albanians what you said when I go back this summer.
LoL, do you even know how funny that sounds. OK, when you get back from your friends this summer, we'll open another thread for this.
Now the real Anton is exposed (bared), the conspirator theorist. Even gays can't exist without someone controlling them. Gays have purpose of existence now. Let's do one better, West sends gays east to destroy Russia.


Just example which worries me, software king Bill Gates today engaged in the creating and dissemination of new condoms in Africa. In parallel calls for a reduction of 10-15% of the population on the planet to reduce carbon dioxide.


No need to portray Russians as paranoids, I remember supported by West Dalai Lama of Tibet also said to euronews TV channel that Russians look paranoid towards west from his point of view. If Tibetans would have been "paranoid" like Russians then maybe they would not be a province of China today
International observers (those who were willing to follow the russian invitation) confirmed that even the Tatars started participating in the referendum im the afternoon. Their "leader" has not enough influence it seems.

It is also very interesting to finally get an impression of the opinions from other parts of Ukraine.
It would be naive to think that all Tatars are united, and that there are no pro russian Tatars. However the sentiments of majority of Tatars are well known, and they can't forget a mega injustice done to them by Russians.
KYIV, Ukraine -- Several hundred people marched in Ukraine's capital Sunday to commemorate the brutal deportation 70 years ago of Crimea's entire population of Tatars, while about 20,000 members of the ethnic group rallied in the peninsula's main city.
In both cities, the gatherings were also a protest against Russia's annexation of Crimea, which re-opened old wounds for the Crimean Tatars and raised fears of renewed discrimination under Moscow's rule.
The new Kremlin-backed leaders of Crimea had refused to allow the Tatars to hold their rally on a central square, so they gathered instead near a mosque on the outskirts. The Interfax Ukraine news agency said the crowd whistled in anger when two Russian military helicopters flew low over the gathering.

Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/ukraine...on-of-crimea-s-tatars-1.1827177#ixzz326WiU9So
Like, for example, someone started a war? Are you really that uninformed about the circumstances? I'm more and more dazzled every day with your missinformations about the topic, yet you constantly strive to impose your opinion.

Who did I kept in? Where?
Why Bosnia or Croatia would attack Serbia if they were free to leave?
Why Bosnia or Croatia would attack Serbia if they were free to leave?

They were never free to leave, they had no right to do that. On the other hand, Bosnians and Croats did, but they were pushed to do it the wrong, unconstitutional and illegitimate way by you know whom.
They were never free to leave, they had no right to do that. On the other hand,
Was Yugoslavia a Union or Dictatorship?

Bosnians and Croats did, but they were pushed to do it the wrong, unconstitutional and illegitimate way by you know whom.
The spirit of freedom and self governance?
Was Yugoslavia a Union or Dictatorship?

It was the union, so?

The spirit of freedom and self governance?

You call starting a war a spirit of freedom? Nice job. Hope that your wife and kid vote you off, and you get dumped out of your house. That seems to be democratic enough for you.

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