I know that phenotype studies are not as useful as genetic data but what were those results ?
As sometimes I was imprecise. It concerned detailed Steppic tribes, but not exactly Catacomb nor Yamna. It concerned Alakul of Western Kazakhstan and the distances (metric) between them as a mean and other averaged tribes. In fact, on the top of ties with robust Steppic elements of EHG origin, as Kozincev said, these steppic pop's showed ties with western people; but these ties could concern as well EEF so
it's true that the
eastern 'med' element seems appearing too. And it could be more ancient than the EEF one, surely Chalco or post Chalco in the Steppes. I another tribe of Steppes he found some ties with a Kura-Araxes group, if my memory is good.
data to manipulate with "care".
Alakul, western Kazakhstan : early Catacomb,
Molochnaya (–1.35); Pit Grave, Ingulets (–0.36); early
Catacomb, Verkhne-Tarasovka, Lower Dnieper (0.44);
late Timber Grave, Volga–Ural area (0.54); Kemi-Oba,
Crimea (0.88).Nine-trait set:early Catacomb, Molochnaya
(–1.39); Pit Grave, Ingulets (–0.88); Timber Grave, ground
burials, Ukraine (–0.79), Pit Grave, Kakhovka, Lower
Dnieper (–0.67);
Parkhay II, Turkmenia, Middle and Late
Bronze Age (–0.61);
Tiszapolgar, Hungary, Chalcolithic,
5th–4th millennia BC (No.197) (–0.38); late Timber
Grave, Volga–Ural area (–0.16);
Rössen, eastern France,
Neolithic, 5th millennium BC (No.43) (–0.09);
Amphorae, Germany and Poland,
Early Bronze Age (early
3rd millennium BC) (No.192)(–0.07); Timber Grave,
Ukraine, pooled (–0.03);
Lengyel, Hungary, Neolithic,
5th millennium BC (No.40) (0.07);
Meklenburg, Germany,
Early Bronze Age, 4th–3rd millennia BC (No.107) (0.07);
Aveyron, France, Early Bronze Age, 3rd century BC
(No.99) (0.09);
Unetice, Germany and Czechia, Bronze
Age, 3rd–2nd millennia BC (No.208) (0.09); Linear Band
Pottery, Neolithic, 6th millennium BC (No.14) (0.11); Pit
Grave, Yuzhny Bug (0.20); Veterov, Austria, Bronze Age,
III–II millennia BC (No.205) (0.21).