Which country will be next EU member?

After Croatia, which country is closer to join to European Union?

Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Moldova, Azerbaijan or Georgia?


Serbia seems to be on its way to EU membership, which probably doesn't make the Croats very happy. Macedonia isn't going to get into the EU if Greece has anything to say about it. I think most European governments will look at the growing tide of islamization in Turkey and say "maybe some time in the future - very far in the future". And I suspect the Russian bear will growl if Moldova, Azerbaijan or Georgia make a serious effort to join the EU. But it looks like Moldova really wants to join the EU. So do the Georgians, but geography is against them.
Serbia seems to be on its way to EU membership, which probably doesn't make the Croats very happy. Macedonia isn't going to get into the EU if Greece has anything to say about it. I think most European governments will look at the growing tide of islamization in Turkey and say "maybe some time in the future - very far in the future". And I suspect the Russian bear will growl if Moldova, Azerbaijan or Georgia make a serious effort to join the EU. But it looks like Moldova really wants to join the EU. So do the Georgians, but geography is against them.
Serbia can't join the EU without recognizing Kosovo.
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Serbia can't join the EU without recognizing Kosovo.

I don't see why it is related, Serbia is old European country and it deserved to be part of the EU. However there are those in region and beyond who are trying to make it harder Serbia's path to EU. Therefore in Serbia there are groups who think that there is an alternative to the EU, they think that Serbia should be part of the Eurasian block, I hope that in Europe there will no be hurdles and ultimatums which would give the wings supporters of Eurasia, and that Serbia will become the part of EU for several years.
Albanian prime minister said: the minimal time for Albania to get to the EU is 10 years. It means 2023 at the earliest. Has a lot to do economicaly. Serbia could get there in 2020, even though I would have prefered they join Asian union. They will be condicioned to not obstract Kosovo in its EU journey. I doubt Turkey will ever make it. Problem with Turkey is its size, not islam. Has a lot of resistence from germanic countries.
I would also say Serbia is well on its way, even if it will annoy Slovenia and Croatia. I was there recently and they still have a lot of work to do. Great country though, amazing food :)
I hope Serbia stay out, better for them to wait that the federalism looses the brewing conflict inside EU.
I doubt Turkey will ever make it. Problem with Turkey is its size, not islam. Has a lot of resistence from germanic countries.

You may not remember the siege of Vienna but I'll bet many Austrians do.
You may not remember the siege of Vienna but I'll bet many Austrians do.
We remember the siege of Adolf too. But still we want to be with Germany. That is history. Nobody is mad what Ottomans did in 1500. But the size of Turkey scares a lot of people. They can affect a lot of things. They can affect the EU political ballance. That could be a reason if they don't make it. Personally I think Turkey has modernised a lot. Is the only European country with a sizable student body in US from Europe.
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Sorry but turkey isn't a European country; it's located in Western Asia; Turks,Armenians, those people are not Europeans.
Sorry but turkey isn't a European country; it's located in Western Asia; Turks,Armenians, those people are not Europeans.

Thats right and some European countries are too different, Albania would be one. All this will not matter if we end the federal dream. North Europe could maybe work within a confederation.
I don't see why it is related, Serbia is old European country and it deserved to be part of the EU. However there are those in region and beyond who are trying to make it harder Serbia's path to EU. Therefore in Serbia there are groups who think that there is an alternative to the EU, they think that Serbia should be part of the Eurasian block, I hope that in Europe there will no be hurdles and ultimatums which would give the wings supporters of Eurasia, and that Serbia will become the part of EU for several years.

Becoming a new member of the EU is not a merit (although I don't think being and old European country could be interpreted as a merit). EU is group of nation who have approx. the same interest. Europe's interest is peace, and without the reconcilation with the Kosovars, Serbs can't ensure the EU, that there will be peace. Hungary lost 2/3 of its territories in 1920, because we f*cked up our ethnic policies. There are still some guys who are whining about that, but history rolls on and you can't change it. It'd be better for you to forget about Kosovo. Joining the Eurasian block of Russia could be hard to materialize considering your geopolitical situation. You are surrounded by EU states, you don't have a coast any more. You don't have the freedom of movement. I understand the pschychology of the Serbs, 'cause we have nearly the same here, but one should be reasonable and pragmatic.
We remember the siege of Adolf too. But still we want to be with Germany. That is history. Nobody is mad what Ottomans did in 1500. But the size of Turkey scares a lot of people. They can affect a lot of things. They can affect the EU political ballance. That could be a reason if they don't make it. Personally I think Turkey has modernised a lot. Is the only European country with a sizable student body in US from Europe.

The difference is that the Germans have fully embraced democracy, whereas Turkey now has an islamist government that seems to be gradually moving towards creating a theocracy with the support of a slim majority of the Turkish people. Although most of the support for that idea comes from the hinterlands on the Asian side, that seems to give them enough votes to win elections, and the military no longer has the power to interfere. If Turkey had modernized a few decades sooner, it might have gotten into the EU before, but I think that now the internal politics of Turkey is probably an issue in terms of EU membership.
The difference is that the Germans have fully embraced democracy, whereas Turkey now has an islamist government that seems to be gradually moving towards creating a theocracy with the support of a slim majority of the Turkish people. Although most of the support for that idea comes from the hinterlands on the Asian side, that seems to give them enough votes to win elections, and the military no longer has the power to interfere. If Turkey had modernized a few decades sooner, it might have gotten into the EU before, but I think that now the internal politics of Turkey is probably an issue in terms of EU membership.

I agree with Albanopolis! The main reason why Turkey is not in the EU is its size. In a decade Turkey will have a bigger population than Germany. And the good old childless Europe is afraid... If they had been accepted to the EU twenty years ago, the AK Parti won't be in this position. They can't go West, they go East. By the way with Turkey EU could have a major role in the Middle East. Turkey has the connections and the knowledge, western EU has the money. And of course Turkey's EU membership is the last thing US or Russia want, 'cause with Turkey Europe could be a real actor in Weltpolitik.
Becoming a new member of the EU is not a merit (although I don't think being and old European country could be interpreted as a merit). EU is group of nation who have approx. the same interest. Europe's interest is peace, and without the reconcilation with the Kosovars, Serbs can't ensure the EU, that there will be peace. Hungary lost 2/3 of its territories in 1920, because we f*cked up our ethnic policies. There are still some guys who are whining about that, but history rolls on and you can't change it. It'd be better for you to forget about Kosovo. Joining the Eurasian block of Russia could be hard to materialize considering your geopolitical situation. You are surrounded by EU states, you don't have a coast any more. You don't have the freedom of movement. I understand the pschychology of the Serbs, 'cause we have nearly the same here, but one should be reasonable and pragmatic.

But situation is completely different. And you can see for example Cyprus. It is divided country but EU member. Solution has been postponed for a certain period.

There are two sides in Serbia. For European and Eurasian union. And it does not depend so much on external things, but of support of population for one or the other option. If you follow surveys Serbian citizens favor European Union.

Key is economic development. For example, Hungary and Serbia can have very good not only political but economical relations. Hungary and Serbia lie on a key corridor that connects the Northern and Central Europe with the Eastern Mediterranean.