Free and independent Kurdistan is coming soon.

In order to become global superpower again they need to operate away from Russia too. Russians want Russia to become "Great" again. Putin delivers, in this case by protecting Russia's friend Assad. Other than that, being in Near East, perhaps he made a deal with Saudis about oil prices?
There is a risk of a deal not solely with Saudis, but perhaps with Erdogan too. This means USA it's let apart.

Putin it's trying hard, and this is pretty clear, but it will coast a lot. If he go like this for a long time, he will lose in the end. USA has a fully tank. The economy in Russia it's going down more and more.
She needs to close an eye due to the refugee crisis

yes, because she wants to be the defender of some wholy principles in her own country
these principles can't work and now she betrays all these principles by making a deal with Erdogan hoping it will save her reputation in Europe
yes, because she wants to be the defender of some wholy principles in her own country
these principles can't work and now she betrays all these principles by making a deal with Erdogan hoping it will save her reputation in Europe

Merkel is not important. The "Merkel Plan" was already published in beginning of October 2015 by the ESI, here is the original document. All the deals with Turkey have been proposed there. The title of the document was probably meant to be just the receiver's address.
We can't trust someone, who call a foreign country "mother Russia" .... That's pretty clear what is his goal. How a good patriot may call another country "mother"!!!!!
I think Goga studied in Russia, and I guess he fell in love with her.
You still go on using this kind of strange term "mother Russia" . Why?
Without Mother Russian Kurds would be in a very bad situation now. Kurdistan and Mother Russia share the same interests.

Kurds and Russians were never enemies of each other in human history and that will also never happen.

So, what you propose to do with the Sunni Kurds? Kill them all. An ethnic cleansing? A new genocide supported by the ayatollahs of Iran? ?
Turkey FIRST and will go down first, then we will see what will happen to our beloved 'Rojhelat', East Kurdistan (Iran). That's something between Mother Russia and Kurdistan.

The U.S. wanted to use 'Islamist'-Daesh Kurds as pawns against Persia an eventually against Russia. And that will NEVER happen. We are not going to fight this war for the U.S.. The real (non-Islamist) Kurds are smarter now and fight only for Kurdish interests.

PKK = Kurdistan. Most Kurds are PKK and are not Islamist Daesh. Maybe only 1% of Kurds are Islamists and enemies of Kurdistan. The real Kurds will clean their own house, when the time is right. PKK = Kurdish people; power to the people!

Kurds know who are their friends and their enemies. Turkey is the best test. Everybody who helps Kurds in their struggle in Northern Kurdistan is Kurdish friend and everybody who's helping Turkey is against Kurdistan.
The U.S. supports Turkey, that's why the U.S can't be Kurdish ally. It's ok, Kurds don't need U.S. support.

The process of liberation of Northern Kurdistan (Turkish occupied) has been started and soon there will be no Turkey. Like there is no Syria and no Iraq, Turkey will be something of the past very soon. Everybody who supports the destruction of Turkey is our dearest friend. Those who are against it are not sincere and are trying to 'use' the Kurds for their own purposes and hidden agenda.

Only those who made PKK can break PKK. PKK is part of Kurdish DNA. If people are against PKK, then they are against Kurdish race.

Kurdistan = PKK. PKK = Kurdistan.

Power to the people!
Merkel is not important. The "Merkel Plan" was already published in beginning of October 2015 by the ESI, here is the original document. All the deals with Turkey have been proposed there. The title of the document was probably meant to be just the receiver's address.

Merkel and most German politicians are afraid, Germany Austria and Netherlands can not support oppenly Turkey or Kurdistan,
they have significant immigrants from there, and they are afraid to lose the balance,
if I remembercorrect, not long time ago, at a city at the North parts of Deutschland, Kurds and turks had fights outside a temen
Merkel and most German politicians are afraid, Germany Austria and Netherlands can not support oppenly Turkey or Kurdistan,
they have significant immigrants from there, and they are afraid to lose the balance,
if I remembercorrect, not long time ago, at a city at the North parts of Deutschland, Kurds and turks had fights outside a temen
Germany and especially the Netherlands are against Northern Kurdistan.

The U.S. sold out Germany (and Europe in general) to Muslims.

Why? Because the U.S. asked Europeans to attack Mother Russia, like WW2. But Europe is tired fighting Russia. The U.S. has been blackmailing Europe with Muslim immigrants. Germany did not do what the U.S. asked Germany to do and no we are seeing the consequences.

I don't know why, but somehow the U.S. thinks that it can defeat 'Mother Russia' with Islam. Like they tried to defeat 'Mother Russia' with Hitler.

Who created Hitler? The U.S and England.
Who created Daesh? The U.S. and England.

It's the same thing Americans supported Hitler, American supported Hitler till the last moment. But when Hitler failed in Russia, America started to clean the mess they did in Europe.
Americans supporting Daesh, America is supporting DAESH till the last moment. But now DAESH failed against Russia, America wants to finish Daesh.

The U.S. failed big time. Why, because they are rooting for the weakest link, and that's Islam. The U.S. gambled and the U.S. gambled wrong. Russians together with Kurds are destroying Islam in the Middle East.

You can't defeat Mother Russia with military aggression. That's impossible. Napoleon tried, FAILED. Hitler tried, FAILED. Mother Russia won ALL wars against the Sunni Muslim Ottoman Turks and Persians. Sunni Islam is no match for Mother Russia.

Americans are loosing in the Middle East, and Mother Russia will be the major player in the Middle East. Mother Russia is a superpower and will stay a superpower.

But the U.S. made lot's of money because of these conflicts. It's because of these wars the U.S. economy is not declining. Once these wars are over and once the U.S. is out of the Middle East the economy od the U.S. will go down. There will be a very big depression of the American economy. And that's all because the U.S. supporting Islam, the Arabs and Turks.
Merkel and most German politicians are afraid, Germany Austria and Netherlands can not support oppenly Turkey or Kurdistan.
@ Yetos, I'm disappointed in your country Greece. They should do more to help the Kurds against Turkey. Turkey and Turks are the enemies of Greece and Greek people, like they are the major enemies of Kurds and Kurdistan!
@ Yetos, I'm disappointed in your country Greece. They should do more to help the Kurds against Turkey. Turkey and Turks are the enemies of Greece and Greek people, like they are the major enemies of Kurds and Kurdistan!

my Boy, before that war, it was planed to strugle Greece,
economical crisis, although known from 2002, broke at 2008, co-insidence?
today among Greece and Turkey are NATO forces, and 6th USA fleet,
Greece is strugled,
from the time that Pagkalos surrendered Otsalan, Greece was under strugle for national subjects,
simply, we expect, silently we expect someone to attack us,
TYurkey has significant foreign affairs diplomacy, and Greece has shit, from 1970's and after,
besides 50% of Greeks do not want to support Kurds, cause at 1920's Topal Osman used Kurdish to make the Genocide of Pontic Greeks,
this does not mean that they are enemies of Kurds, simply unwilling,
Do not worry, war soon will pas to balkans,

I am sure you will understand that,
so we need an enemy to unite again,
Goga we are lost inside our country, and goverment and media are bombing us to feel so,
Merkel and most German politicians are afraid, Germany Austria and Netherlands can not support oppenly Turkey or Kurdistan,
they have significant immigrants from there, and they are afraid to lose the balance,
if I remembercorrect, not long time ago, at a city at the North parts of Deutschland, Kurds and turks had fights outside a temen

I just wanted to show Merkel's role. By saying she is not important, I meant that she makes no decisions.
I just wanted to show Merkel's role. By saying she is not important, I meant that she makes no decisions.
I feel sorry that Germany is a colony of America. And I feel sorry that native German people have no power in their own country.

I'm sure there will be a revolution against the American occupation of Germany and against Islam. I'm sure that Germans will defeat Islam in Germany with the help of the Russians.

Mark my words, there will be also a big war in Europe, this is what the U.S. wants, to create chaos in Europe. Mother Russia will liberate Europe from Islamo-fascism!

POWER to the people!
I feel sorry that Germany is a colony of America. And I feel sorry that native German people have no power in their own country.

That's not exactly what I wanted to say. The proposal for Merkel was partly donored by the EU commision. Yet some EU countries were surprised. Go figure... I'll never understand what this thing called EU stands for.
That's not exactly what I wanted to say. The proposal for Merkel was partly donored by the EU commision. Yet some EU countries were surprised. Go figure... I'll never understand what this thing called EU stands for.

me neither,
Before Euro, Ec had a character, a personality,
After Euro seems to want to eat her children
Without Mother Russian Kurds would be in a very bad situation now. Kurdistan and Mother Russia share the same interests.

Kurds and Russians were never enemies of each other in human history and that will also never happen.

Turkey FIRST and will go down first, then we will see what will happen to our beloved 'Rojhelat', East Kurdistan (Iran). That's something between Mother Russia and Kurdistan.

The U.S. wanted to use 'Islamist'-Daesh Kurds as pawns against Persia an eventually against Russia. And that will NEVER happen. We are not going to fight this war for the U.S.. The real (non-Islamist) Kurds are smarter now and fight only for Kurdish interests.

PKK = Kurdistan. Most Kurds are PKK and are not Islamist Daesh. Maybe only 1% of Kurds are Islamists and enemies of Kurdistan. The real Kurds will clean their own house, when the time is right. PKK = Kurdish people; power to the people!

Kurds know who are their friends and their enemies. Turkey is the best test. Everybody who helps Kurds in their struggle in Northern Kurdistan is Kurdish friend and everybody who's helping Turkey is against Kurdistan.
The U.S. supports Turkey, that's why the U.S can't be Kurdish ally. It's ok, Kurds don't need U.S. support.

The process of liberation of Northern Kurdistan (Turkish occupied) has been started and soon there will be no Turkey. Like there is no Syria and no Iraq, Turkey will be something of the past very soon. Everybody who supports the destruction of Turkey is our dearest friend. Those who are against it are not sincere and are trying to 'use' the Kurds for their own purposes and hidden agenda.

Only those who made PKK can break PKK. PKK is part of Kurdish DNA. If people are against PKK, then they are against Kurdish race.

Kurdistan = PKK. PKK = Kurdistan.

Power to the people!
Seems your compatriots here in this forum, disagree with you and your view.

You can't destroy a mighty nation as Turks. Nonsense

1- the first Kurdistan should be drawn at the Kurdish areas of today Iraq and Syria.
2- after they became independent, they could try to take the Kurdish areas of Turkey and Iran.

What I said above it's the logical way how Kurds should deal with the situation. Your main goal it's against the turkey and not the independence of Kurds. You care more to destroy the enemy of "mother Russia" and not to have the independence of Kurdistan
Germany and especially the Netherlands are against Northern Kurdistan.

The U.S. sold out Germany (and Europe in general) to Muslims.

Why? Because the U.S. asked Europeans to attack Mother Russia, like WW2. But Europe is tired fighting Russia. The U.S. has been blackmailing Europe with Muslim immigrants. Germany did not do what the U.S. asked Germany to do and no we are seeing the consequences.

I don't know why, but somehow the U.S. thinks that it can defeat 'Mother Russia' with Islam. Like they tried to defeat 'Mother Russia' with Hitler.

Who created Hitler? The U.S and England.
Who created Daesh? The U.S. and England.

It's the same thing Americans supported Hitler, American supported Hitler till the last moment. But when Hitler failed in Russia, America started to clean the mess they did in Europe.
Americans supporting Daesh, America is supporting DAESH till the last moment. But now DAESH failed against Russia, America wants to finish Daesh.

The U.S. failed big time. Why, because they are rooting for the weakest link, and that's Islam. The U.S. gambled and the U.S. gambled wrong. Russians together with Kurds are destroying Islam in the Middle East.

You can't defeat Mother Russia with military aggression. That's impossible. Napoleon tried, FAILED. Hitler tried, FAILED. Mother Russia won ALL wars against the Sunni Muslim Ottoman Turks and Persians. Sunni Islam is no match for Mother Russia.

Americans are loosing in the Middle East, and Mother Russia will be the major player in the Middle East. Mother Russia is a superpower and will stay a superpower.

But the U.S. made lot's of money because of these conflicts. It's because of these wars the U.S. economy is not declining. Once these wars are over and once the U.S. is out of the Middle East the economy od the U.S. will go down. There will be a very big depression of the American economy. And that's all because the U.S. supporting Islam, the Arabs and Turks.
If really USA supported Hitler, there was no more Russia. The air military fleet of Russia during WWII was filled with Britannic- USA warplanes. We still have Russia today , thanks to Americans.
I feel sorry that Germany is a colony of America. And I feel sorry that native German people have no power in their own country.

I'm sure there will be a revolution against the American occupation of Germany and against Islam. I'm sure that Germans will defeat Islam in Germany with the help of the Russians.

Mark my words, there will be also a big war in Europe, this is what the U.S. wants, to create chaos in Europe. Mother Russia will liberate Europe from Islamo-fascism!

POWER to the people!
Definitely you don't have a clue what really is the military power of USA.
Seems your compatriots here in this forum, disagree with you and your view.

You can't destroy a mighty nation as Turks. Nonsense

1- the first Kurdistan should be drawn at the Kurdish areas of today Iraq and Syria.
2- after they became independent, they could try to take the Kurdish areas of Turkey and Iran.

What I said above it's the logical way how Kurds should deal with the situation. Your main goal it's against the turkey and not the independence of Kurds. You care more to destroy the enemy of "mother Russia" and not to have the independence of Kurdistan
He is full of hate. Like IS building Caliphate killing all unbelievers in the area, Goga will build Greater Kurdistan killing all none Kurds and bad Kurds in the area. Same hatred and methods, just different ideology.
Palmyra was taken off Daesh hands. Not a big city, but big cultural significance. I'm sure everybody heard about ISL destruction of well preserved ancient Roman city.

Interestingly, there was a news that Syrian army was helped by Russian airpower. I thought Russians went home, hmmm.


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