You don’t even know what I stand for, so no point pretending to know through assumptions and grouping me with other people that attack you.
My personal stance is this: I have 0 personal interest where the ancestors of my E-V13 Z5017 lived during Early Bronze Age, how they called themselves, what language they specifically spoke, and what pottery they favoured over the others.
They were part of a bunch of people that lived in the Balkans together, genetically not far off from each other, and the further you go back the more their languages were similar. Sure, some languages might have sounded better than others, but since we will never know how they sounded no point becoming a fangirl of one.
Besides, we all know Autosomal DNA is far more important and I personally am close to both Illyrians, Logkas samples, Cimmerians, Thracians, Etruscan samples, you name it. Do you really I care if my E-V13 ancestor preferred Gava/Psenichevo/Basarabi vases over Glasinac-Mati style? Lol. Don’t get me started on cremation, tumuli, urnfield, whatever other non-DNA related stuff.
The identities we know of today were fully formed around 700 BC onwards, some sooner some later. If Z5017 is found within Illyricum during antiquity, that’s good enough to call it Illyrian because it would indeed be Illyrian autosomally by the time they found it, if not 2-3 generations later.
Anyway, off-topic as usual dragging us into this kind of flame-wars without us wanting it. History don't start from 700 B.C, and your lineage wouldn't be present into those 700 B.C onward cultures if it wasn't for those Early Bronze Age/Middle Bronze Age/Late Bronze Age cultural complex.