Turkish Dna, Research of Haplogroups C, E, G, I, J, L, N, Q, R and T

In my opinion,LeBrok is abusing his powers.
Is this a forum where free speech is promoted,or a forum where LeBrok and others are dictating to us what to believe and what to not believe?
Sonici had a very good point,why he got banned?
Is very well known that autosomal DNA comes 50% from your mother and 50% from your father.
For example,an East Asian bearing C or another East Asian paternal line,makes a child with a central asian mother.
Now,this child is bearing both East Asian and Central Asian autosomal genetics.
Further,this child is making a child with Caucasian woman.
Now this child got 25% East Asian,25% Central Asian,50% Caucasian.
And so on.
So is actually impossible that even after 100 generations,to not have some autosomal genetics related to your paternal HG.
As for being warrior or not,no one knows if this is related to your father or no,how much is related to education and so on.
Again,I support the free speech on this forum,as long as a person is not using insults towards other persons.
LeBrok threatened to ban me,because what I have posted something on the topic with Crimeea,saying it is "offensive" or something and gave me some kind of penalty.
Even though I have not insulted anyone on this forum.
Just my opinion,are quite few posting on this forum,is not like CNN or BBC or Russia Today,so why not just tell your opinions?
Someone has an opinion on a matter,another one,has another opinion and so on.
Sonici had a very good point,why he got banned?
He was banned for being disrespectful to Eupedia members and for ignoring of moderator warnings.
You seem to be unaware of the fact that most people in Turkey are descended from the people who lived there before the Turkic invasion. The invading Turks only contributed a small part of the DNA. Of course, the Turkish language did come from the Turkic invaders. The original Turks came from what is now Mongolia. They were Caucasoids. Their language belonged to the Altaic branch of Nostratic.
"Noah's Flood and the Nostratic Dispersion"The Nostratic macrofamily of languages was discovered by linguists. It appears that Indo-European, Semitic, Dravidian, Egyptian,
Sumerian, and other language families have a common origin.

Archaeology is now providing us with evidence of a mass dispersal of peoples from the flooded Black Sea around 5600 BC which could explain the origins of Nostratic.
Here are a few quotations from NOAH'S FLOOD, THE NEW SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES ABOUT THE EVENT THAT CHANGED HISTORY, by William Ryan and Walter Pitman. N.Y., Simon and Schuster, 1998.
Page 188: "The ocean bursting through Bosporus in 5600 B.C. so violently cleaved Europe from Anatolia that it would have been several years before anyone dared make passage across."
Page 189 Map "Inferred human migrations west and northwest into Europe in the wake of the Black Sea flood"
The map shows five migrations.
1. Danilo-Hvar from Bosporus, around Greece, and north into Serbia
2. Hamangians from Rumanian coast southwards into Bulgaria and Thrace
3. Vincas along Danube through Belgrade and up to Budapest. Origin of famous Vinca culture with primitive writing.
4. Linear Pottery Farmers (LBK) through Moldavia across central Europe to Paris
5. Proto-Indoeuropeans up the Dnieper River into Russia
"It seemed clear to Vasic that the Vinca had built on the deserted ruins of an older culture. Makers of lovely wattle and daub houses and fine incised pottery, the Vinca appeared abruptly on the plains of Bulgaria within a century and a half after the flood, settling also on river terraces of the southern Hungarian plain and in mountain valleys as far south as the Vardar River in Macedonia. They constructed well-planned permanent villages on leveled ground with parallel rows of houses separated by streets."
Page 190: (Vinca) "They plastered their floors with white clay. But instead of constructing their walls of mud-brick, they built them from split timber planks or hewn posts interwoven with twigs and covered with a thick layer of mud plaster. Archaeologists have uncovered shrines decorated by bucrania, attached to a wall beam as in the shrines of Anatolia.
"Vasic saw no continuity between the Vinca culture and the underlying strata of their predecessors but rather thought the Vinca were outsiders who settled on a previously abandoned site. Their art and pottery were so exceptional and in such contrast to the prior occupants that Vasic mistakenly identified this 'as a center of Aegean civilization in the second millennium B.C.'" It was actually over 3,000 years older than he thought.
"LBK culture....their longhouse building style, never before seen in Europe, these huge timber-framed houses, up to 150 feet in length, were organized into villages founded exclusively on the fertile loess soil blown across Eurasia during the sky-darkening sandstorms of the last Ice Age. THESE DWELLINGS WERE THE LARGEST FREESTANDING BUILDINGS IN THE WORLD FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS (emphasis added)"
Page 191: "A very striking feature of the LBK is the homogeneity in pottery design, stone tools, village plan, house shape, burial practices, and economy over the vast territory into which these people appeared, suggesting that their dispersal was almost instantaneous. Experts specializing in pottery from Belgium can readily recognize shards from Moldavia as if they had been crafted nearby in France. The domesticated plants and animals show practically no variation from village to village across a span of a thousand miles or more. But there is a dramatic cultural gap between the preexisting sparse hunter-gatherer population and the
LBK homesteaders." This is another blow to the theory of Renfrew and Cavalli-Sforza that Indo-European languages spread with neolithic farmers from Turkey. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong direction.

Danilo-Hvar "They crafted a now-famous pot decorated with a sailing ship, depicting masts and rigging dated at about 4000 BC." They imported obsidian from Italy.
Page 194 Map "Inferred human migrations northeast into Asia and southeast into the Levant, Egypt, and Mesopotamia" Going clockwise, the following migrations are shown:
1. Proto-Indoeuropeans up the Dnieper into Russia
2. Proto-Indo-Europeans up the Don into Russia and eastwards to the Urals and south of the Urals and from there to Kazakhstan and western China
3. Ubaids from Georgia eastwards and then southwards to Sumer in Iraq
4. "Semites" from southeastern Black Sea to Halaf and Abu Hureyra in Iraq and Syria. This one is doubtful.
5. From just east of Istanbul we have a migration which branches into
....a. migration to Hacilar, in western Turkey
...b. migration of "Predynastic Egyptians" to Çatal Hüyük and Mersin in Turkey, along the Mediterranean coast past Jericho into Egypt.
It might be more accurate to call the second branch "Proto-Afroasiatic Speakers" . Hacilar and Çatal Hüyük might come from a different branch originating farther west than the Afroasiatic branch.
"The craftsmen who reoccupied Hacilar after its desertion created sophisticated painted pottery, more technologically advanced in style and fabrication than any contemporary pottery found elsewhere in the entire Near East."
Page 196: Caption "The elaborately decorated pottery that appeared in Syria and Mesopotamia in the centuries bracketing the Black Sea flood."
"Others have assigned a northern or Anatolian origin to the [beautiful colored pottery of] Halaf."

"As Moore has pointed out, there was a sizable influx of farming peoples along the coast of Lebanon and in its valleys in the mid sixth millennium B.C. Were these refugees from the flood?
"Egypt had experienced a rapid cultural and economic change during the same period, at the time of the flood. A new flint industry was introduced, epitomized by two-sided flaked tools, which was much more in common with the industry of Çatal Hüyük, Hacilar, and Jericho than with the preceding African designs. In addition, the art of pottery making appeared for the first time in the Nile Valley. Domesticated cereals and animals with direct genetic affinity to Asia were also suddenly adopted, along with the first systematic practice of planting and harvesting in fields watered from the Nile." The similarity of the Egyptian language with the Semitic languages of southwest origin also indicates a common origin.
Page 197: Advanced farmers with a culture similar to the Halafian of Iraq settled along the Rioni River between the Black and Caspian Seas right after the flood.
"Carbon 14 dating places the settling of the Transcaucasus contemporaneously with the beginning of the LBK dispersal, the defense and fall of Hacilar, the arrival of newcomers in the Levant--particularly in the valleys and along the coast of Lebanon and at Tell Ard Tlaili in Palestine--the introduction of Asian domesticates in Egypt, and the flooding of the Black Sea." We are probably dealing with the related Kartvelian, Sumerian, and Elamo-Dravidian language families, which form a cluster within Nostratic and were first spoken in the Caucasus, Turkey, Iraq, and western Iran.
"Except for a few isolated settlements where its margin meets with the foothills of the Zagros Mountains, the land between the great rivers south of Baghdad was unoccupied at the time of the flood." Many Sumerians were represented with blue eyes and Armenoid features, and book The Races of Europe described the Sumerians as largely of the Old Mediterranean Race and identical to ancient Egyptians and skulls in London plague pits. The Old Mediterranean Race is largely extinct today.
Page 200: "Sir Arthur Keith describes the skeletal remains in Woolley's expedition report:
'The southern Mesopotamians...had big, long and narrow heads....Their affinities [were] with the peoples of the Caucasian or European type....We may regard southwestern Asia as their cradleland until evidence leading to a different conclusion comes to light. They were akin to the pre-dynastic people of Egypt.'"

The 1993 YEARBOOK OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY compared the anthropological measurements of ancient Egyptians with many modern and ancient peoples. Surprisingly, the closest match of all was to people of Neolithic France! This same Old Mediterranean Race built the earliest megaliths of Europe and the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Sumer, Indus Valley, and Crete.
"In the Sumerian language most of the root words are monosyllabic. However, those having to do with agriculture and crafts are polysyllabic, such as the words for farmer, herdsman, fisherman, plow, furrow, metalworker, blacksmith, carpenter, basketmaker, weaver, leatherworker, potter, mason, and even merchant. These may have indeed been brought to Mesopotamia from the Black Sea melting pot on the journey south and later passed from the Ubaids to their Sumerian successors."
PBS - Scientific American Frontiers | Beneath the Sea | Noah's Flood
http://www.pbs.org/saf/1207/features/noah.htm Changed:6:40 PM on Sunday, May 4, 2003

Black Sea Flood Cultures - Dnieper Donets Boian Baltic
http://www.lexiline.com/lexiline/lexi142.htm Changed:10:15 AM on Friday, June 21, 2002

http://glen-gordon.tripod.com/LANGUAGE/NOSTRATIC/STEPPE/BlackCas6000_v3.gif Changed:9:08 AM on Monday, March 5, 2001

So is actually impossible that even after 100 generations,to not have some autosomal genetics related to your paternal HG.
As for being warrior or not,no one knows if this is related to your father or no,how much is related to education and so on.

You might care to read the following statistical analysis of the likelihood of inheriting genetic material from any one specific ancestor.

Clearly, it is indeed possible that even after only nine generations one inherits no autosomal genetic material from one particular ancestor. So, it's indeed possible that a man might inherit nothing from his ydna ancestor but the ydna itself.

Ed. Of course, in situations where we're not talking about an individual man but about a folk movement of a significant kind, the autosomal material will circulate and be passed around, and might show up in autosomal analyses. It all depends on the number of people, men in this case, who formed part of the new genetic flow.
In my opinion,LeBrok is abusing his powers.
Is this a forum where free speech is promoted,or a forum where LeBrok and others are dictating to us what to believe and what to not believe?
Sonici had a very good point,why he got banned?

Sonici got no point. Spreading unsupported things without even providing any source is not considered "right of free speech" but anywhere else as Trol ling and spamming.

He permanently told me per PM that I am a confused "kurdified" Seljuk and that Kurd is not an ethnicity but some mix of various people who are confused. (Basically what has been told to Kurds by oppressive regimes throughout history).

For him Scythians were Turks, Celtics were Turks, Germanics were Turks, Kurds are Turks, Mal'ta Boy was a Turk. Basically anything is Turk. How the heck does this fit into "freedom of speech"?
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Sonici had a very good point,why he got banned?

I couldn't understand a thing he was trying to say. So, to get back on track - what was his point?
He probably had a lot of points, but only the good ones please :)
Frederic from France, i am a geneticist, i was busy with researching, and came across an article at the following url http : // www . turktoresi.com /viewtopic.php?f=229&t=12267.
I am quite impressed with the contents of the article, it is a very helpful site, i benefited a lot from it during our project.
Anyhow, i dont have much spare time, i just wanted to quickly mention that the user with nickname "TurkmenCopur" in this topic was right with the thesis he or she was defending. Regards to all, and good luck.
Just a quote from Your link

The language of these Sumerians was Turkish, and out of this Turkish language during the years between 2000-1000 BCE new languages and alphabets have occurred.

No comments :laughing:
Pan-Turanists are almost as persistent in pursuing their "genetic Turks" agenda as Pan-Germanists are with their "genetic Germanics" agenda. Basically all Y-DNA HGs found in Turkic-speakers must be "originally Turkic" and all Y-DNA HGs found in Germanic-speakers must be "originally Germanic", according to these two types of nutters. Both also claim to be fathers of speakers of other languages.
I might also add Pan-Slavicists to the list :), Pan-Albanists, Pan-Celtists and to be fair Pan-Baltists too :D