I am one of the rare E-A160/Z16242+ from England, which is currently confined to a single family that traces its earliest-known-Y-ancestors to Felsham, Suffolk
(1327-1570 in all 3 lines, producing 4 immigrant Y-descendants: 2 brothers (one Y-descendant of the younger brother is YF05423 in the YFull tree), one of their Y-first-cousins (YF05422), and one of their Y-second-cousins (YF05421), came to what is now the USA in 1635, 1634, 1645; respectively).
All 3 immigrant lines are E-Z5018+, E-Z16242+, E-L1019+
(Z5018 was covered in my Y-Elite 2.0 test taken in 2015, but was not covered in Big Y test taken in 2013; E-Z5018+ was confirmed by YSEQ).
The only other E-Z16242+ I am aware of at this time are:
1) one anonymous 1000 Genomes kit (HG01107) from Puerto Rico with no stated earliest-known-Y-ancestor location, who is E-Z16242+, E-L1019-,
2) two E-Z16242+, E-L1019- V68 SNP panel kits from Brazil; one of which has a stated earliest-known-Y-ancestor from Portugal.
I am not aware that E-L17 or E-Z16242 have been found in the Balkans at this point, though other E-Z5018 subclades such as E-A2192, E-Z17293, and especially E-S2979 are found in the Balkans. The E-L17 observation is older; the E-Z16242 discovery and observation came after Lacan et al. published in 2011 their finding of ancient E-V13 on the Iberian Peninsula: "Ancient DNA suggests the leading role played by men in the Neolithic dissemination."
Admittedly even now 6 years into NGS-SNP testing it is too soon to say that E-L17 and E-Z16242 will never be found in the Balkans, but until they are, another possible theory has been that E-L17 and/or E-A160/E-Z16242 were brought to the Roman Province of Hispania by E-Z5018 carriers, possibly at a time after the encroachment of the Roman Empire into the Iberian Peninsula from 220 BCE onward.
Regarding the latter possibility, I have been studying for the past three years the 833-page Ph.D. dissertation of the late Prof. Margaret Roxan
(1924-2003; she was an expert authority on Roman military inscriptions): "The Auxilia of the Roman Army Raised in the Iberian Peninsula," and have seen so far: 1) one cavalry unit, Ala I Hispanorum, that has been attested at a number of sites that parallel contemporary sites where E-L17+ has been found so far in Germany and most notably in (Vlach)-Dacia/Romania, 2) two cavalry units: Ala I Hispanorum Asturum and Ala Hispanorum Vettonum, that were attested in Britannia/England before
(A-H-Asturum may have been part of the original invasion in 43 CE), or at the time of
(A-H-Vettonum) the destruction of the Roman retirement colony at Camulodunum; now Colchester, Essex (
about 20 miles south of Felsham, Suffolk) during the Boudican Iceni Revolt of ~60 AD.
(You_Tube video re-enacts the annihilation of the Legio IX Hispana and an attached cavalry unit in the Battle of Camulodunum NW of Colchester, Essex near Great Wratting, Suffolk and Sturmer, Essex):
"Boudica: The Warrior Queen - Full Documentary" (42:09-44:36).