Updated phylogenetic tree of E-V13

Yes they didn't anlayse beyond e3b1-m78
But still it shows 5% e-m78 in majorcan sample
if you go to the supplements
There are also haplotypes
Maybe you can see if they are e-v13 ( which is very likely)
If you put them in negven predictor
the haplotypes from this paper are only 19 y-str markers but still..;-)

I looked in some e-m123 from this paper
In ibizia for example the 2 e-m123 cases are
valerius are your reading this :smile:)
The e-m123 case from south portugal is according
To negven e-ft81636
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This is a Chueta (Sephardic Jew) subclade from Majorca E-FTA55988

There is a doctoral thesis from the University of the Balearic Islands on the chueta (Jews of Mallorca), there are three lineages that belong to E-M78. Do your research on them and they are E-V13 all of them.
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Both subclades E-V13 are confirmed from the project that I lead.

In the project that I lead, we only investigate E-V13 confirmed by SNP and with samples where its Hg Terminal can be confirmed with tests that have a BAM file at YFull. We are interested in the subclades as up-to-date as possible.
Hi Musashi, nice to met you. My oldest direct male ancestor I've found was born in Acquarica del Capo (today Presicce-Acquarica, after the fusion among two close municipalities) in 2nd half of 16th century, where I live yet. My surname is diffuse in Lower Salento (Barbarano, Castrignano del Capo, Giuliano di Lecce, Alessano, Salve, Presicce, Acquarica del Capo, Ruffano, Gemini, Ugento, Vitigliano), in Campania and in Toscana. Those with my surname from Lower Salento, by the exame of the historical documents, seem to have the same progenitor, but It's not sure. It would be necessary to perform the sample DNA test, at least, on the bearers of the same surname currently living in the municipalities where the oldest presence is attested.
On the YFull there is another man from Lecce with E-BY5026

Hi Musashi, nice to met you. My oldest direct male ancestor I've found was born in Acquarica del Capo (today Presicce-Acquarica, after the fusion among two close municipalities) in 2nd half of 16th century, where I live yet. My surname is diffuse in Lower Salento (Barbarano, Castrignano del Capo, Giuliano di Lecce, Alessano, Salve, Presicce, Acquarica del Capo, Ruffano, Gemini, Ugento, Vitigliano), in Campania and in Toscana. Those with my surname from Lower Salento, by the exame of the historical documents, seem to have the same progenitor, but It's not sure. It would be necessary to perform the sample DNA test, at least, on the bearers of the same surname currently living in the municipalities where the oldest presence is attested.

My surname is actually quite common in Apulia and Campania. I'd like to know more about your origin, it may be connected with mine.
On yfull and Ftdna websites, there are other BY5026 carriers, one from Campania, some other people from Switzerland, and a guy from Ireland.
I fall into FT40236 subclade (only italian members) under BY5026. Probably, it is your subclade too.
My surname is actually quite common in Apulia and Campania. I'd like to know more about your origin, it may be connected with mine.
On yfull and Ftdna websites, there are other BY5026 carriers, one from Campania, some other people from Switzerland, and a guy from Ireland.
I fall into FT40236 subclade (only italian members) under BY5026. Probably, it is your subclade too.
in my YSeq test it did not go beyond BY5026
in my YSeq test it did not go beyond BY5026
This is the only report give me from YSeq:
E1b-V13 Panel
Z5017 G-
Z5018 G-
CTS5856 A+
V13 A+
Y16729 A-
S3003 C-
Z16663 T-
S7461 C+
Z40644 C-
BY5026 A+
Y84162 G-

Most specific position on the YFull YTree is E-BY5026
On the YFull there is another man from Lecce with E-BY5026
This is the only report give me from YSeq:
E1b-V13 Panel
Z5017 G-
Z5018 G-
CTS5856 A+
V13 A+
Y16729 A-
S3003 C-
Z16663 T-
S7461 C+
Z40644 C-
BY5026 A+
Y84162 G-
Most specific position on the YFull YTree is E-BY5026
In the current version of Ytree there is no subclade under BY5026, but this is not true according to the current FTdna tree (whose database is actually larger than YFull one). On the YFull tree, I fall into BY5026 with no other specs, just like you.
This is the only report give me from YSeq:
E1b-V13 Panel
Z5017 G-
Z5018 G-
CTS5856 A+
V13 A+
Y16729 A-
S3003 C-
Z16663 T-
S7461 C+
Z40644 C-
BY5026 A+
Y84162 G-
Most specific position on the YFull YTree is E-BY5026

@Maxximo55 … Have you taken a DNA test with other companies besides Yseq ? … and do you know your mtDNA? … Forza Lecce :)
I have updated and expanded the phylogenetic tree of haplogroup E-V13. I changed the layout to show when each clade developed in time so as to get a better idea of when the regional expansions happened.

Many branches of the tree are still missing. There are few Greek, Italian, French and Iberian samples tested for deep clades and hardly any West Asian ones at all except from the Gulf states.

Click on the tree to get to the page outside the forum and click once more to see it in full screen.

I suppose when I get a Match in S2979 the branch will grow. I have 4 Y700 matches in FTDNA but they have yet to load into YFULL. And don't respond to contact messages.
Hi Salento.
No. I tested Living DNA first, both my mother's brother and myself. My uncle is "R1b-U152" (monophyletic family-surname attested since 1530 only in Montesardo and Alessano, quoted by Tasselli in the book "Antichit? di Leuca" of 1693. And from the parish registers it appears that all bearers of that surname are relatives), my mother "H" and me "E-V13". Afterwards I did YSeq. Not other tests. Same thing I would like to do for my maternal uncle.
Hi Salento.
No. I tested Living DNA first, both my mother's brother and myself. My uncle is "R1b-U152" (monophyletic family-surname attested since 1530 only in Montesardo and Alessano, quoted by Tasselli in the book "Antichit� di Leuca" of 1693. And from the parish registers it appears that all bearers of that surname are relatives), my mother "H" and me "E-V13". Afterwards I did YSeq. Not other tests. Same thing I would like to do for my maternal uncle.

Thanks Maxx, … the only place that my family is from that I am aware of is Lecce and a 5
Km radius…they will say that they have been there forever!

If you are interested in comparing, this site is packed with a variety of my results.
Thanks Maxx, … the only place that my family is from that I am aware of is Lecce and a 5
Km radius…they will say that they have been there forever!

If you are interested in comparing, this site is packed with a variety of my results.

Thanks Salento. I've already read many of your post on this site.
Maciamo, not all E-Z38456 Albanians are under Y92017. We have tested a couple of Z38456 Albanians at YSEQ for Y92017 and they both came out negative. Y92017 seems to be a more recent mutation, and currently shared by the two samples coming from the same region (Mirdita, Albania). So IMO, your tree gives the wrong impression to the average viewer, implying that all Z38456 Albanians are under the more recent Y92017 subclade.

I am S2979>BY6125>BY6113>FT191655 per FTDNA and I have 4 Y700 matches there we are all American Via UK in the 1600's Goode Family. Working backwards I get the impression this branch may have assimilated with Celts and/or Goth moving North with Germanic people and eventually into England with the Anglo-Saxon. Of course this is a working theory like most of E-V13 mystery. I am listed on YFULL as S2979* waiting on matches. We are a new branch on the S2979 limb. Any thoughts??
That BY3880 really got around...eh? Some how I wound up with the Danes... Not sure If the Romans invited my line in to Caledonia to help fight the Picts or if I arrived with the Vikings or much later with the Normans...
That BY3880 really got around...eh? Some how I wound up with the Danes... Not sure If the Romans invited my line in to Caledonia to help fight the Picts or if I arrived with the Vikings or much later with the Normans...

I would say with Roman legions but it looks to me most of British subclades are either some rare E-V13 Z5018/S2979 or older branches, and none from E-V13 Z5017 which from Viminacium paper we could see was widespread among Daco-Thracians.

Since E-V13 is quite few in percentage among British, and if it was totally absent among the more Western Celts/Gauls i suppose some of it came via Anglo-Saxons considering E-V13 is popping out sometimes in Eastern German territory during Middle Age samples.
I would say with Roman legions but it looks to me most of British subclades are either some rare E-V13 Z5018/S2979 or older branches, and none from E-V13 Z5017 which from Viminacium paper we could see was widespread among Daco-Thracians.

Since E-V13 is quite few in percentage among British, and if it was totally absent among the more Western Celts/Gauls i suppose some of it came via Anglo-Saxons considering E-V13 is popping out sometimes in Eastern German territory during Middle Age samples.

I think it was trickling in at a low level into Britain at different times. In some areas, I think it came rather with the Normans and their allies, rather than the Anglo-Saxons, but with those too, as they did with La Tene Celts and in the Roman era.

Once we get more samples from France and the BENELUX, we see more clearly whether some of the British branches came already in the Late Bronze to Iron Age, or with the later people. Some of them are German derived too possibly, I mean German emigrants to Britain.

In some areas of Ireland it looks like there is an increased E-V13 level with Norman settlement, but the data is not good enough for coming to definitive conclusions at this point, because like always, we need the high resolution and ancient DNA samples, to prove the trail. But there was definitely some movement of E-V13 into Britain with the Norman invasion.
We have a new E-L618* root coming from Northern Egypt, and yeah the guy is not a migrant from Libya, it's the opposite, part of his family moved to Libya. They are originally Egyptian in origin.
E-Z17264 -> E-PH1173 guy here and looking to join some groups. My surname is frequent around the Agrigento/Palermo area in Sicily. My line before 1800 is hard to track (online) at the moment but I am certain it's been in Sicily prior to 1300.

I lurked some other threads and a previous member claimed he was quite certain that it was Ancient Greek (Macedo-Ionian according to him) but I am not sure. My own hypothesis is that it's originally either Ancient Greek or Byzantine Greek (high probability), Lombard/Ligurian (low), Aragonese (very low), Norman (very low).

Anyways, I hope this information helps some of you out there.

I am mainly trying to figure out
1. if my subclade has been in Sicily since Magna Graecia times or arrived later.
2. if it is Ancient Greek, was it Macedo-Ionian or Dorian. Which side in the Peloponnesian War?
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