Are South Slavs more Balkan Native than Slavic?

It`is useless, believe me. Read what serbian version of Wiki write about History of Albanians:Албанци

Funny because among the "scholars" cited in the article, appart the famous Deretic, there is someone with the surname Terzić, lol.

I do not see what the problem is, if the Serbs live few meters away from Albanians logically they will have Albanian genetics as well. They think it will disappear from genes, Croats also have Albanian genetics, a smaller part of Albanians have Croatian genetic.
If you look at the bodies and figures of Finnish people and of Irish or Orcadian or Icelander people, you will see very easy that there is clear difference between NW and NE people.
NW people got strong beards (maybe 1 in 1000 got fewer beard), NE people got few beard.
Face - NE people are mostly with wide faces or East Nordids.
NW people are some weird paleoAtlantid race or, something between paleoAtlantid and some Keltic Nordid, or even towards Hallstat Nordids.
If you look at the noses - most NW people got narrow noses, most NE people got wider noses.
Yes, there are also dark haired Finns and yes, there are also very light haired Irish or Orcadian people.
But light hair is the rule to Finns and brown hair is the rule to Irish and Orcadian and Icelander people.
This is hilarious. So you are seeking a prove that Serbs came to Dalmatia from Greece? :D When actually in DIA is written that they came to Dalmatia via Greece and Danube. You must not be serious? This is another one in a series of intentional misconceptions that you serve as facts on this forum.

De Administrando Imperio
Now, after the two brothers succeeded their father in the rule of Serbia, one of them, taking one half of the folk, came as the refugee to Heraclius, the emperor of the Romaioi, and the same Emperor Heraclius received him and gave him a region in the theme of Thessalonica to settle in, namely Serblia, which from that time has acquired this denomination.

Then, after some time these same Serbs decided to depart to their own homes, and the emperor sent them off. And so, when they had crossed the Danube River,

Tibor Živković, Serbian historian.
it is worth mentioning that there are two places in the vicinityof Servia, which seem to be named after the Serbs:

(38 kmnortheast from Servia) and
(44 km northwest of Servia)
Traditional historiography stipulates that many Slavs settled in the hinterland of Thessaloniki;
Hilarious. How many people under the age of 50 speak Kajkavian in Zagreb?
I do, many do. Not as many as before the '90. due to the war. A lot of people fled from East and South to Zagreb and it changed the language and culture a bit. But anywhere around Zagreb the Kajkawian dialect is intact. Thanks for asking.

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They aren't.

What do you say? That people in ISO are not experts?

You said: "Serbian dialects are in the middle of the split as the eastern Srbian dialects are transitional to Bulgarian." Most Serbians don't speak Torlakian, they speak the very dialect Standard Croatian is based on.

No. Today, most people in Serbia speak the language that started to be used in Serbian schools in the middle of 19th century. Some fifty years ago, even citizens of Belgrade had problems with grammatical cases (Torlakian, just like Bulgarian and Macedonian, lacks some grammatical cases). Unlike standard Croatian, the standard Serbian language use ekavian "accent" and some other Balkasprachbund features which are evidences of Torlakian substrate.

We don't care about feelings and quite subjective notions of identity, we prefer facts.

I prefer the fact that Croatian standard language is recognized as such by International Organization for Standardization.

They're doing a bad job. Here's what Victor Friedman actually says:

"As a linguistic entity, BLA (Balkanic Linguistic Area) is traditionally associated with four Indo-European groups: Balkan Slavic (BS)---Bulgarian, Macedonian, and the Southeast (Torlak) dialects of former Serbo-Croatian (BCS) (Friedman 2006);
Balkan Romance (BR)---Romanian, Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian (Atanasov 1990, Dyer 1999, Friedman 2001,
Gołąb 1984); Hellenic (Horrocks 1997, Høeg 1925-1926, Mallory & Adams 1997); and Albanian (Friedman 2004)."

I don’t see your point. It was clearly said that, unlike the rest of dialects that he classified as FORMER Serbo-Croatian, Torlakian belongs to the “Balkanic Linguistic Area” together with Bulgarian and Macedonian.

If I remember correctly, it was the Croatian school of linguistics that first identified Torlakian as Štokavian - there is no bias in this. Shared isoglosses are due to intense contacts with Bulgarian, Romance.

You called it “Croatian school of linguistics”. Thank you for not calling it “Serbo-Croatian school of linguistics”. There was more then one school of linguistic in Croatia of which one was pretty much Yugoslavian politically oriented. O tempora, o mores!
For others to understand a background of the issue we were discussing about, here is a short history:

The so called Serbo-Croatian language was formally introduced in Croatia in 1954 on the initiative of Yugoslavian Communist Party. The communists gathered some Croatian and Serbian intellectuals to sign up an agreement which was later called “Novi Sad Agreement”.

It ended up as a failure, as everything that communists put their hands on.

Already in 1967, the most prominent Croatian intellectuals protested against the agreement as they realized that, in practice, the complete Croatian literature was degraded as “archaic”, only Serbian “version” of the “common language" was promoted as correct, and Croatian teachers were recommended to teach Croatian children from Serbian literature instead of Croatian.

In 1971, after the fall of so called “Croatian spring” movement, many Croatian intellectuals ended up in communistic prisons under the charge o being “nationalists”. Many of them were in prison because of “language issues”.

However, communists learned the lesson so, along with the constitutional changes in 1974, Croatian literary language became an official language in Croatia again (unfortunately not yet in Bosnia).

Yugoslavian communists were still promoting an idea of one Serbo-Croatian language, however (what a hypocrisy!) with two “variants”, so called western and eastern variant. The “western” variant was obviously a euphemism for Croatian standard language.
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De Administrando Imperio

Tibor Živković, Serbian historian.


As i said you are amazing guy. Only twisted mind can claim that Serbs came from Greece, and ask for DNA evidences to support this claim :D So as per you Greece is the country of Serbian origin, right? Even though they settled there for few months or years? Yeah that is for sure enough time for Serbs to make huge genetic impact on that area and for you to get an idea to seek for genetic connection. What is amazing is your persistence to prove all these things coming from your imagination with partial quotation of some documents taken completely out of context. Common, please get serious and stop posting craps that only people having no clue about Balkan history can swallow up.
As i said you are amazing guy. Only twisted mind can claim that Serbs came from Greece, and ask for DNA evidences to support this claim :D So as per you Greece is the country of Serbian origin, right? Even though they settled there for few months or years? Yeah that is for sure enough time for Serbs to make huge genetic impact on that area and for you to get an idea to seek for genetic connection. What is amazing is your persistence to prove all these things coming from your imagination with partial quotation of some documents taken completely out of context. Common, please get serious and stop posting craps that only people having no clue about Balkan history can swallow up.

Why don't you start a thread about the Ethnogenesis of the Serbs, their origine, language, etc. There is not too much information about this important period of your history. I have fail to find a similar thread around in forums including Eupedia. Even the Wiki page about this period of history of your nation is very poor.
I don’t see your point. It was clearly said that, unlike the rest of dialects that he classified as FORMER Serbo-Croatian, Torlakian belongs to the “Balkanic Linguistic Area” together with Bulgarian and Macedonian.

If you don't know what the difference between a sprachbund or linguistic area and genetic descent is there's no point in continuing the discussion. Linguistically Stokavian is closest to Torlakian in that both dialects share a recent common ancestor, there's no way around it. Have fun with your ISO Codes.
Why don't you start a thread about the Ethnogenesis of the Serbs, their origine, language, etc. There is not too much information about this important period of your history. I have fail to find a similar thread around in forums including Eupedia. Even the Wiki page about this period of history of your nation is very poor.

Austrian researchers famously received numerous threats for their research of the history of Albania. Not sure how someone coming from a country like that could have such a sense of cultural superiority. Have some humility.

As i said you are amazing guy. Only twisted mind can claim that Serbs came from Greece, and ask for DNA evidences to support this

I am twisted because I respect historical record who speaks about arrival of Serbs to the Balkans? It's a nice compliment, thanks!

So as per you Greece is the country of Serbian origin, right?

I can not say which country or area is of original Serbian origin because with Sorbs you do not have genetic connections and they are close to Francs at that time (7th century)


It should be known that the Serbs are descended from theunbaptized Serbs, also called ‘white’, who live beyond Turkey, in aregion called by them Boïki, where their neighbor is Francia, as is also Megali Croatia, the unbaptized, also called ‘white’. In this place, then,these Serbs also dwelt from the beginning.

Even though they settled there for few months or years? Yeah that is for sure enough time for Serbs to make huge genetic impact on that area and for you to get an idea to seek for genetic connection.

If there exist a Serbian toponyms and Slavic settlements, then part of these Serbs stayed there that would be logic, and it would be seen in today's genetics of Serbians.

However Serbs are coming as neighbors of White Croats to Balkans, but genetic of Serbs and Croats have the same source of I2a. Their I2a subclades does not show that they come from two areas. Rare historical data locate White Croatia and Croats right in the source of I2a subclades.

White Croats (Croatian: Bijeli Hrvati, Polish: Biali Chorwaci, Czech: Bílí Chorvati, Ukrainian: Білі хорвати tr. Bili Khorvaty) were a group of Slavic tribes who lived among other West and East Slavic tribes in the area of Bohemia, Lesser Poland, Galicia (north of Carpathian Mountains) and modern-day Western Ukraine.

What is amazing is your persistence to prove all these things coming from your imagination with partial quotation of some documents taken completely out of context.

What was taken completely out of context?

Common, please get serious and stop posting craps that only people having no clue about Balkan history can swallow up.

These are historical facts, they talk about migration of Serbians to the Balkans and we have to respect that.
If you don't know what the difference between a sprachbund or linguistic area and genetic descent is there's no point in continuing the discussion. Linguistically Stokavian is closest to Torlakian in that both dialects share a recent common ancestor, there's no way around it. Have fun with your ISO Codes.

As far as I can see, only some Serbian linguists stand on the positions that Torlakian is genetically "Štokavian":

Most notable Serbian linguists (like Pavle Ivić and Asim Peco) classify Torlakian as an Old-Shtokavian dialect, referring to it as the Prizren-Timok dialect.[8]

Serbian linguist Pavle Ivić, in his textbook of Serbo-Croatian dialectology (1956), treated the "Prizren-Timok dialect zone" as part of the overall Shtokavian zone.[9]
Serbian linguist Aleksandar Belić classified the Prizren-Timok dialect as "fundamentally Serbian", as well as claimed that the Western Bulgarian dialects were Serbian.[10]

Croatian linguist Milan Rešetar classified the "Svrljig dialect" (Torlak) as a different group from Shtokavian.[11]

Bulgarian researchers such as Benyo Tsonev, Gavril Zanetov and Krste Misirkov[12] classified Torlakian as dialect of Bulgarian language. They noted the manner of the articles, the loss of most of the cases, etc. Today Bulgarian linguists (Stoyko Stoykov, Rangel Bozhkov) also classify Torlakian as a "Belogradchik-Tran" dialect of Bulgarian, and claim that it should be classified outside the Shtokavian area. Stoykov further argued that the Torlakian dialects have a grammar that is closer to Bulgarian and that this is indicative of them being originally Bulgarian.[13]

In Macedonian dialectology, the Torlakian varieties spoken in Macedonia (Kumanovo, Kratovo and Kriva Palanka dialect) are classified as part of a northeastern group of Macedonian dialects.[14]

And here is a candy:

The first known literary document influenced by Torlakian[16] dialects is the Manuscript from Temska Monastery from 1762, in which its author, the Monk Kiril Zhivkovich from Pirot, considered his language "simple Bulgarian".[17]
Austrian researchers famously received numerous threats for their research of the history of Albania. Not sure how someone coming from a country like that could have such a sense of cultural superiority. Have some humility.

First, i don't understand what is the problem with my post. Can you explain me what is wrong?
Second, show some respect for the members of this forum and for the readers in general and don't spread disinformation.
Why don't you start a thread about the Ethnogenesis of the Serbs, their origine, language, etc. There is not too much information about this important period of your history. I have fail to find a similar thread around in forums including Eupedia. Even the Wiki page about this period of history of your nation is very poor.

It is easier to use written historical data for Croat's arrival to Balkans than to say what historical data exists and talks about Serbs arrival.
Why don't you start a thread about the Ethnogenesis of the Serbs, their origine, language, etc. There is not too much information about this important period of your history. I have fail to find a similar thread around in forums including Eupedia. Even the Wiki page about this period of history of your nation is very poor.
This is correct, Laberia, you are right in this. Deretic is the greatest source Serbians use for themselves and their neighbors surrounding them. Deretic is one of the main sources of Serbian wikipedia, that is run and edited by Serbian propagandist Boris Malagurski.

Albanian genetics have been debunking Serbian "historians" altogether. What matters is that we are the natives of the Balkans, regardless of what chauvinistic Serbians tell you.
As far as I can see, only some Serbian linguists stand on the positions that Torlakian is genetically "Štokavian":
IIRC Croatian linguists first proposed a Stokavian-Torlakian group. Note however that I never claimed that this group existed, only that the two share a more recent common descent to the exclusion of other BSC dialects.
IIRC Croatian linguists first proposed a Stokavian-Torlakian group. Note however that I never claimed that this group existed, only that the two share a more recent common descent to the exclusion of other BSC dialects.
Hopefully we are not in Yugoslavia any more so everyone, including linguists, could get out of that mental cage. Some people will never be able to do it for different reasons.
Hopefully we are not in Yugoslavia any more so everyone, including linguists, could get out of that mental cage. Some people will never be able to do it for different reasons.

One can see national myths for the falsehoods they are and still not support communism :grin:

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